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The Death Clock of the PENG CHALLENGE Thread Tolls for Thee

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Know thyself, and Know FRED!


Welcome, stranger, outerboarder, SSN, and grog, to the Peng Challenge Thread. You have unwittingly stepped through the muck and grime of the outerboards to arrive here, in this damp and steamy place which we call the Mutha Beautiful. In short, the cesspool.

Now, before removing your galoshes, you need to ask yourself a few simple questions, and then try to answer them. Failing to come up with the correct answer will result in you leaving your galoshes on and following your own foot-steps back out the way you came. We in the Peng Challenge Thread will often refer to this as "Sodding Off."

We might say something like "Sod Off!"

Okay, let's get to that list o' questions, shall we?

(If you did not promptly answer "Yessuh!" then please sod off now.)

Do you have the biggest mutha-f'ingest pair this side of Shreveport? (or for Europeans, let's say Constantinople, now Istambul)

(If so, sod off; if not, sod off)

Can you sound off like ya got a pair?

Note how I subtly mentioned my 'pair' without specifically referring to them. You are not this subtle. You are a thick-lipped Neanderthal when it comes to subtlety, double-entendre, and language in general. Do not try to walk the fine line between humour and crudeness. Your flat-footed nature will cause you to stumble. Everytime. Then, next thing you know, you'll be spouting off about your (or worse - someone else's) family jewels and will be shown the Hogwart's Express to Coventry. Better just Sod Off now.

Can you sound off like you have half a brain?

This one is often over-looked (note our latest batch of squires and junior-kaniggets for prime examples.) If you can't spell, use a dictionary. If you don't have a dictionary, Sod Off. But spelling is not all that's important. You must also have something interesting to say. If you have something interesting to say - DON'T SAY IT! Keep your mouth closed and listen, your chance will come (God Forbid.) If you DON'T have something interesting to say, SOD OFF! You are too young/immature/inexperienced/stupid or whatever combination of the above would lead you, as an adult, to have never experienced anything interesting.

Oh, you're not an adult? SOD OFF!

Did you come here to challenge someone specific?

We in the Peng Challenge Thread don't like to see some stumble-bum come prancing in, waving his bo-jangles around and challenging the whole damned thread "I'll take on all y'all!" It is unbecoming sir, so if you can't contain your glee at finding your way in here by reserving your challenge to a single, lesser entity, then please sod off.

Be advised that we have a caste system in place in the Mutha Beautiful. While it is not very rigid, and who is high on the list one day, may find himself thrown to the murk the next, but it exists, and you, yes YOU, rate lower than the lowest member on that list. Do not challenge your superiors, challenge your equals or lessers. Ah, but you just realized that by being the lowest of the low, you have no peers? Well, it's sod off time again!

Oh, you're still here? Fine, just content yourself by challenging a SSN, or at most find a particularly unruly squire. If you don't know who is who, shut the HELL up until you do.

Are you Australian?

We already have a surfeit of Australians. I'm sorry, sod off, mate!

Did you fill out your Profile?

No, not your local Video-Dating service, you GIT (a simple paperwork error is NOT the reason you haven't been scoring hot dates with all those Video-Dating chicks, something more sinister must be up, I'm guessing something along these lines: you're ugly/you stink) - the profile when you signed up to these forums. We need to know where you are from (to steer away) your email address (to block sender) and your interests (for a laugh.)

Are you still here?

Sod off.

Well, if you've honestly read this far and understood at least half of it, I suppose we have no choice but to let you stay. Please do not piddle on the rug. Keep to the corners, listen, learn, and keep your feet out of your mouth, for God's sake!

Now, we may seem like a hard-hearted bunch, but that's really not the case. We want to help you, really we do.

And remember these words of wisdom, they may help you when you're in a jam:

You're always welcome to SOD OFF!

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Know thyself, and Know FRED!

No, Bauhaus, he didn't mean in the biblical sense. For either of them. At least I hope he didn't.


Joe Shaw: Where's my frickin' turn?

jdmorse: Where's my frickin' turn?

stevetherat: Where's my frickin' turn?

Those generic dozens waiting for me to get off my arse and send them a frickin' turn: Sod orf!

Agua Perdido

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I ees taht ereht saw emos dedda selur rof NSS?

loopsseC llits sllems ekil god oop! LP ta tsael uoy dluoc fo dah a fres naelc pu :eek:

annaoG annaoG annaoG UOY GIB DRIB erehw era YOU. UOY Evah neeb yllufthgir desitahc dna degnellahc!

I ma gninigeb ot rednow fi eh si gnirhtag DOS .


[ July 18, 2002, 04:38 PM: Message edited by: Mr_Gonzo_The_Rooster ]

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Originally posted by Mr_Gonzo_The_Rooster:

I ees taht ereht saw emos dedda selur rof NSS?

loopsseC llits sllems ekil god oop! LP ta tsael uoy dluoc fo dah a fres naelc pu :eek:

annaoG annaoG annaoG UOY GIB DRIB erehw era YOU. UOY Evah neeb yllufthgir desitahc dna degnellahc!

I ma gninigeb ot rednow fi eh si gnirhtag DOS .


I don't know about anyone else, but I can't be arsed to get a mirror, or attempt to read this obvious crap backwards. What are you trying to prove Gone-with-the-wind? Just sod off ok? In fact better than that.......SOD OFF!

You got it yet....SOD FECKING OFF!!

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Originally posted by Mr_Gonzo_The_Rooster:

I ees taht ereht saw emos dedda selur rof NSS?

loopsseC llits sllems ekil god oop! LP ta tsael uoy dluoc fo dah a fres naelc pu

annaoG annaoG annaoG UOY GIB DRIB erehw era YOU. UOY Evah neeb yllufthgir desitahc dna degnellahc!

I ma gninigeb ot rednow fi eh si gnirhtag DOS .


Yep. There went about eight hours of his life he'll never get back.

We must all rejoice.

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athkatla you will always be a serf, as i pass you by I will not even look your way. You will also be gathering sod and scum unitl you learn to speak, rather than spit!

Do not even lay your glove on the ground at my feet and enjoy Soveling manure for a Knight for the rest of your Cesspool life! So as what is said in the MBT SOD OFF! :D


athkatla from this time foward always address me as Mr Gonzo

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Originally posted by Mr_Gonzo_The_Rooster:

athkatla you will always be a serf, as i pass you by I will not even look your way. You will also be gathering sod and scum unitl you learn to speak, rather than spit!

Do not even lay your glove on the ground at my feet and enjoy Soveling manure for a Knight for the rest of your Cesspool life! So as what is said in the MBT SOD OFF! :D


athkatla from this time foward always address me as Mr Gonzo

Hmmm, let me think........err, no I don't think so!
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Yep. There went about eight hours of his life he'll never get back.

We must all rejoice.

All that time and his posts still suck. I wonder whether he spent most of it in Creative Development ("Hmmm? What can I post that will make me look clever and likable?"), Concept Design ("Should I write the entire sentence backwards, starting with that little dot at the end, or should I just reverse the letters in each individual word?"), Construction ("Okay, there are only two 'n's in 'beginning', right?"), or Implementation ("Which button do I push again mommy?")?

Sod that for a lark, he probably just sold the entire process to the lowest bidder. Anyone seen GB around here lately?


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Since I plan on continue to be a fixture here in the MBT-Cesspool. Will you Please Clean my BOOTS. Afterall you are

Serf To The Entire Cesspool

Potential Squire to My Brave Sir "4 Legged" Knight, YEKNODATHON

Mr Gonzo to athkatla

Rooster to the Rest of the Cesspool

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Originally posted by Mr_Gonzo_The_Rooster:


Since I plan on continue to be a fixture here in the MBT-Cesspool. Will you Please Clean my BOOTS. Afterall you are

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Serf To The Entire Cesspool

Potential Squire to My Brave Sir "4 Legged" Knight, YEKNODATHON

Mr Gonzo to athkatla

Rooster to the Rest of the Cesspool</font>

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Master Hiram Sedai ,

Yes we have match our skills on the Battlefield and I remember losing, and winning...

I have a target and already playing and have completed a second target.

As for the Serf I will not Let up, and for you I would not bother to play against since your skils on the field of play can no longer challenge me.


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These latest, shall I say, "exchanges" have really shown the difference between an SSN and a Serf of the Pool. Much to the latter's advantage (and its hard for me to admit that in athy's case)

No I take it back. It's just an optical illusion. Gonz the Rooster would make even the average SSN look good by comparison, so its sheer inverted negative proximity as comprises athy's putative precocious prowess.

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Or, you wait about five minutes and I’m sure the Justicar might knight you.


Yes! Way to go Hiram! Nailed two bird-brains with one stone. Keep it up and I'll be your bestest friend.

[ July 18, 2002, 06:41 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

These latest, shall I say, "exchanges" have really shown the difference between an SSN and a Serf of the Pool. Much to the latter's advantage (and its hard for me to admit that in athy's case)

No I take it back. It's just an optical illusion. Gonz the Rooster would make even the average SSN look good by comparison, so its sheer inverted negative proximity as comprises athy's putative precocious prowess.

Ahhh, I see your tactic MP3Player, you think your support for me will result in me taking it easy on you in our present wander-around-a-battlefield-seeing-nowt-and-bumping-into-each-other scenario. Wrong, I shall play with you (in a warlike way, of course) before crushing you beneath the feet of my uber troops and their buxom floosies!

Ok so I edited it twice....umm, 3 times.....Sod Off!

[ July 18, 2002, 07:10 PM: Message edited by: athkatla ]

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

...Or, you wait about five minutes and I'm sure the Justicar might knight you. They do that sort of thing these days to any infant that can string along a couple of mutterings...

I resemble that remark! Of course, how else could a worthless Canuckianite get in here and be knighted also.

In other news, there is none. BFC FIX OR DO SUMFINK!!

As for the rest of you, and you know who you are, you know what to do, don't you?

Bite me.

No, not there...I still need that to sleep.


Sir Harv

Former squire to Sir Joe Shaw & 2<sup>nd</sup> Juniorest Kaniggit of the MBT.

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

For once I was hopeful that the title of the thread might be accurate, but alas (_)

Oh, I'm sorry Yakov's Fiddle, but the death clock tolled for you long, long ago. Buh-bye~!

[ July 18, 2002, 08:03 PM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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