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CMMOS problem - sdkfz 250/251s

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I screwed up - BIG TIME! Instead of concentrating and using mod-manager to install 1 mod at a time I've hit 'full install' and it did.

Took me ages to fix the litlle bits I've tinkered with to get it the way I liked. All fixed now (I think) EXCEPT when I use CMMOS to switch between textures on the above it does it OK except for the front and rear end of the vehicles :mad: To be able to switch textures on those I have to go to the batch files (which luckily I kept) and do them all manually. Something must have gone wrong when I re-installed the BMPs I suspect.

I have installed the high/lo res patches again (last on the mod manager list) and suspect it might be something to do with a rule set that I've got corrupted. Any pointers??? :confused:

I think the application is excellent and it WAS working fine. Not sure whether it's better to do a re-install of CMMOS or what? It's almost as if its missing out bits of what it's supposed to do. Maybe this is responsible for my odly coloured arms on GJs too?

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Normally you would get a response on something like this from Gordon, but he's away on a trip and may not see this message for a while.

A dirty little secret about CMMOS many people don't realize. If something goes wrong with a RuleSet, you don't have to re-install all of CMMOS. If I thought something had become corrupted in the instructions, if I were in your shoes I would remove RuleSet004 from CMMOS and put it in a safe, neutral place. Then I would get my hands on the latest version 004 and manually insert it into CMMOS.

By the way, one thing that can cause the problem that you're describing is not shutting down the Combat Mission program while you're switching textures in CMMOS. I've done that myself once or twice.

The other thing that you might want to do is to take a look at the textures that are refusing to change (the fronts and backs of the halftracks) and see what kind of extensions the bmp files have. If they look like CMMOS extensions, take a look in the textfile in RuleSet004 that gives the change instruction (I can't remember if it's an advanced rule or a regular rule)and see if there is any similarity.

Another very useful thing to do, probably the first thing you should do, actually, is to hit all the buttons you are trying to make the change with, and then go take a look at the last couple of entries in the CMMOS log file. That file can be found in GEM Software Productions/CMMOS and is very useful when something is wrong but you're not sure what the problem is.

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Originally posted by Apache:

I screwed up - BIG TIME! Instead of concentrating and using mod-manager to install 1 mod at a time I've hit 'full install' and it did.

Took me ages to fix the litlle bits I've tinkered with to get it the way I liked. All fixed now (I think) EXCEPT when I use CMMOS to switch between textures on the above it does it OK except for the front and rear end of the vehicles :mad: To be able to switch textures on those I have to go to the batch files (which luckily I kept) and do them all manually. Something must have gone wrong when I re-installed the BMPs I suspect.

I have installed the high/lo res patches again (last on the mod manager list) and suspect it might be something to do with a rule set that I've got corrupted. Any pointers??? :confused:

I think the application is excellent and it WAS working fine. Not sure whether it's better to do a re-install of CMMOS or what? It's almost as if its missing out bits of what it's supposed to do. Maybe this is responsible for my odly coloured arms on GJs too?


The 250/251 problem is most likely that the CMMOS version of those mods isn't installed (Fernando originally released those mods as a batch file version, and you've probably got that installed).

Run CMMOS, e-mail a copy of the file CMMOSLog.txt to me (gordonemolek@earthlink.net) and we'll get you straightened out. As there's no Allied uniform RuleSet yet, your GI arm problem is due to the order that mods are listed in CM Mod Manager.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Gordon, Thanks for offer, been away for ages. I know 3.02 is due for release soon. Will I be better wiating for that. I'm pretty sure it is the batch versions that are in my Mod Manager. I'm sure they used to work though, probably mistaken.

I sorted the uniform bit out. I created my own indivdual uniform sets so I could have SS in camo and Heer in gray etc. I left out one of the bmps from the FJs/Heer so that what ever the heer was set to, that's what the right arm would be (if you get what I mean). I could still copy you the log though (if I could remember where to find it). I've got so many apps installed unless I use them regularly it gets a bit faded.

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Kind of a related question for Phillipe and/or Gordon - - - As you suggested before and above - I have been checking out my LOG File in CMMOS Folder and I have found that ALOT of the CMMOS BMP's I downloaded - are listed in LOG as "NO MATCH" and of course are not presented to me as a viable option in my CMMOS Utility.

Does this just mean that they are not presently a part of any of the RuleSets I have installed? Because I have installed EVERYTHING along that line that I could FIND at CMHQ??

A Suggestion - It would be NICE over at "our" CMHQ - IF EVERYTHING CMMOS Related, The Program/patches, Instructions, and ALL Downloads etc. were in ONE Place. BUT it's not the place of a non-com to be entering into discussion.

Have a Happy Little WAR! PFC Dogface tongue.gif

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Originally posted by cyberized:

Kind of a related question for Phillipe and/or Gordon - - - As you suggested before and above - I have been checking out my LOG File in CMMOS Folder and I have found that ALOT of the CMMOS BMP's I downloaded - are listed in LOG as "NO MATCH" and of course are not presented to me as a viable option in my CMMOS Utility.

Does this just mean that they are not presently a part of any of the RuleSets I have installed? Because I have installed EVERYTHING along that line that I could FIND at CMHQ??

Have a Happy Little WAR! PFC Dogface tongue.gif

I was hoping Gordon would get to this before I did...

Not sure how to answer this. I'm afraid I'll need some specifics. Pick one texture that you're having trouble with, tell me if it's showing up disabled in the CMMOS control panel (unlikely if you've got a log entry, but lets be thorough about this), tell me what change you do or don't see after you hit the apply button (Quick battles with only one vehicle selected are a good way to test things, save after you've got your guinea-pig), then look in the log file and tell me exactly what it says. Then re-install the bmps you downloaded one more time just to make sure. Another (slightly risky -- requires a very steady hand and don't change anything) thing that you can try is to manually inspect the contents of you CMBO/BMP folder and look in the general area of the texture that you are having trouble with. What do you see ? Is the bmp there ? Damaged perhaps? Did a space creep onto the end of a file extension (nearly invisible to humans, but the program will read the empty space) ?

And maybe by then Gordon will have noticed this thread and give a coherent answer.

I'm not sure it's appropriate in this case, but in general, remember, there should never be any folders inside your CMBO/BMP folder. If there are, neither the game nor CMMOS will be able to read their contents.

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You may have been using the old batch versions of the BMPs with the "unofficial" RuleSets that have now been imported into the "official" RuleSets that will be part of CMMOS v3.02. You'll need to make sure that you have the appropriate CMMOS mods installed for the halftracks or you'll still have the same sort of problems. CMMOS v3.02 should be released any day now, so you might want to sit tight.


All BMPs must be installed (either manually or by CM Mod Manager) into the CM:BO BMP folder, and not in any sub-folders or elsewhere. If you send me (gordonemolek@earthlink.net) a copy of CMMOSLog.txt from the CMMOS install folder, I'll diagnose the problem for you.


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GORDON - thanks for the attempt to decipher what is going on by reviewing my LOG File - BUT - have now 3 TIMES tried to send EMail and ATTachment to you at that EXACT EMail Address - to NO Avail - it gets kicked back to me everytime. Something is KAW-KAW!

Maybe the next Version will straighten out my present one.

Carry ON! Michael :confused:

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Originally posted by cyberized:

GORDON - thanks for the attempt to decipher what is going on by reviewing my LOG File - BUT - have now 3 TIMES tried to send EMail and ATTachment to you at that EXACT EMail Address - to NO Avail - it gets kicked back to me everytime. Something is KAW-KAW!

Maybe the next Version will straighten out my present one.

Carry ON! Michael :confused:

Take a long, slow, very slow, careful look at Gordon's e-mail address. If you copied it wrong, or did something too fast, or weren't paying enough attention, of course your e-mail wasn't going to get to him. I cannot speak with absolute authority, but I haven't heard anyone in the CMMOS cabal complaining about not being able to get through to him.

Doing things too quickly without paying enough attention is the number one cause of things going wrong in CMMOS.

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SORRY - that was NOT the case! When I had failed attempts trying to use my EMail Program and typing his address IT was NOT because of typos (I double and triple checked) It must have been due to my ISP or Incredimail Program or something BECAUSE - I finally tried the LINK to him right on his Message to me here - AND - WALA - he has done his BEST working with me over the weekend to sort thing out. He is a Very GOOD Soldier and I am PROUD to have him on OUR Side - that is God's Side (of Course).

Carry On Soldier! ;)

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