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Bren Tripods Redux

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Originally posted by Andreas:

What? Marcus Aurelius biting Seanachai in the arse? Afraid not, the movie is the poorer for it.

I believe it's in the director's cut. Seanachai had challenged Oliver Reed to a drinking contest, and that was the result. Overmatched like an M5 receiving a 88mm PAK shell up the turret rear.
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Originally posted by Captain Wacky:

A whole lot of sanctimonious bull**** floating around from people trying to sound intellectual.

I challenge you to find ONE non Peng/Antihicess thread that don't follow this pattern :D
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Originally posted by Brian:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />How long before the Board must suffer Nero? Caligula?

Can I take the part of Caligula? I promise to wear a toga every time I enter the forum.


Jim R.</font>

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Originally posted by Andreas:

Having said that, you do realise that Rome happily continued to hang around for another 400-500 years after the dodgy characters you mention (and that is just West Rome, East Rome/Byzantium made it through another 1300-1400 years), most of the time even without taxes, and still a marvel of civilisation? Well do you?!

Oh, certainly, Andreas, History. But I wasn't on about History, now was I? Confronted by sweeping rhetoric and an exercise in prose, your narrow, German educational bias kicks in and starts telling the beads of 'history', brow furrowed, lips twitching to note each divergence from some 'standardized' vision of History, which has naught to do with my own actions.

I can almost hear you: "Are they all in a row, my little ducks of History? Are any out of place, forgotten, or unpleasingly displayed? I shall not forget one, not one, and show that Yankee fool the error, the shameful error, of using facts for impact, rather than to build a house of History! Ah, Mutti, I feel the horrible cords of metaphor choking me as we speak!"

Still, I forgive you, for you but follow your Grog nature, and have forgotten those days when you, too, stood within the 'Pool.

Go, now, and correct the plays of Shakespeare, my troubled German friend, for there, too, will you find innumerable errors in 'History'.

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Originally posted by Captain Wacky:

A whole lot of sanctimonious bull**** floating around from people trying to sound intellectual.

Guilty, besides "Sanctimonious" is my WIFE's middle name while I'm stuck with "Skiver" - leave my girl out of it or prepare to be scudded! tongue.gif

What do we need real life for as long as we can play CM:BO and fight over Bren tripods at "Battlefront?"

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:


Who gives a toss about "game terms"? I don't. I am merely here trying to show how much you have misled this forum with your comments about Donald's father's use of a Bren tripod in Sicily and attempted to create what is known in these debates it seems as a "strawman". I believe I've been successful.

As it appears you are still unable or unwilling to admit your error, and the chorus have started singing to cover your inability to carry a note, I suspect this thread has reached its use by date. I'll leave you to go back to miming the song Slapdragon.

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Oh golly Seanachai, I did not put you down as one of those people who use the term 'artistic licence' as a readymade excuse for total ignorance and oblivious disregard for facts.

Your statement about Shakespeare (apart from the implied arrogance of comparing your drivel to his magnificent writing) is just irrelevant, because the Bard did not have the access to the same sources we have today. If he had, he may well have used less 'artistic licence'.

In closing - your metaphor stinks about as much as your rhyming.

I hope you have a rotten day that will get worse overtime. I already have one - I have to go to West Bromwich for work.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

My hand upon it, Grog Dorosh!

Indeed, it is you budding groglophile.

I, for one WON'T be joining your "Cess Crusade". Leave well enough alone, I say. There is room for all and sundry across the forums to express their unique opinions - be it on Bren Gun Tripods, or ruddy Camera Gun Tripods - who cares - let it ride, man! It's all part of the unravelling universe, ain't it?


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Originally posted by Aunty Jack:

As it appears you are still unable or unwilling to admit your error, and the chorus have started singing to cover your inability to carry a note, I suspect this thread has reached its use by date. I'll leave you to go back to miming the song Slapdragon.

But . . . but . . . WAIT! You never explained what CES is . . . Yes, yes, I know Slapdragon opined that it meant "Complete Equipment Schedule", but we all know what a liar he is -- after all, he's the one that invented {*snigger*} the story about Donald's father's exploits with a Bren Tripod while servicing the King of England or somefink. And he didn't even have the common decency to offer a third explanation/correction after you rejected his first two as "inadequate".

Let me see . . . "CES" could stand for:


  • <U>Cesspool Excremental Services</U> - All you need to know about sewer stoppages for only $19.95 -- and if you act right now, we'll throw in this free gift: a Joe Shaw Hot Air home heater! Order Now!</font>
  • <U>Chemical Emissions Sniffing</U> (I would agree this may cause disorientation and a degradation of infantry performance and firepower.) </font>
  • <U>Commies Eat Snow</U> - or Why the Russian Hordes Don't Really Need to Eat in CMBB</font>
  • <U>Croda's Elementary School</U> - where the ugly and ignorant go to learn the fundamentals, like tying their own shoes.</font>
  • <U>Charles Evicted Steve</U> - Internal turmoil is the REAL reason CMBB has not yet been released!</font>
However, I believe CES really stands for
  • <U>Completely Erroneous Subject</U> - (noun) Just the thing to toss in while making personal attacks so as to appear to be remotely on topic; freq. used by those devoid of intellectual arguments in lieu of the more popular "Throw ****e Like You're a Monkey at the Zoo" tactic. See also Trolling.</font>


[ April 22, 2002, 11:30 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Aunty Jack:

Who gives a toss about "game terms"? I don't.

Aunty Jack, perhaps you need to simply review the purpose of this forum: to discuss CM.

Please, when you get a moment, read some of the previous posts and reply to them. When you get caught up replying to them, we can continue this attempt to make me admit fault.

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Someone said:

"And to the "Rambo"-technique of firing from the hip: Lol!

I once saw a sergeant trying to fire a 20 round burst from the hip. The recoil actually knocked him off his feet! And where the bullets hit only god knows..."

A M60 fired from the hip is quite stable and comes nowhere near knocking me off my feet (i'm no more than 75kg). You're not going to reliably hit anything man-sized beyond 30 meters or so...but it's darn fun and really impressive looking in low-light conditions like dusk or dawn! It is correct to conclude that 'rambo firing' has miniscule tactical utility, but you can definitely get hits on man-sized things that are within 30 meters are so when firing from the hip. Disclaimer: Other models of LMG may not behave like this, I only have experience firing M60 in this fashion.


(experience comes from duty with Eagle Troop 2/3 ACR 87-90)

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It is also possible - though not encouraged - to do this with the C9. After a bit of practice you can get surprisingly accurate, especially with tracer to assist correction. Much easier than doing it with a Steyr.

And its lots of fun :D

Edit: goosed the UBB

[ April 22, 2002, 08:12 PM: Message edited by: JonS ]

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Originally posted by JonS:

It is also possible - though not encouraged - to do this with the C9. After a bit of practice you can get surprisingly accurate, especially with tracer to assist correction. {i]Much easier than doing it with a Steyr.

And its lots of fun :D

The Canadian C9 (Minimi) you mean? That's a bit of a surprising reference coming from you, which makes me think we are talking about different things.

I've fired the MG34 from the hip, and I'm 5'5"/130 pounds.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

The Canadian C9 (Minimi) you mean? That's a bit of a surprising reference coming from you, which makes me think we are talking about different things.

Maybe - do yours look like this?


A recruit fires the C9 Light support Weapon during Regular Force Basic Recruit Course 311 Exercise Final Chance.



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Originally posted by Aunty Jack:

...and the chorus have started singing to cover your inability to carry a note, .

We are poor little lambs, that have lost our way, bah, bah, bah!

Seriously, Aunty Jack, if you want to spew bile all over Slapdragon, just pop into the Cesspool now and then. You can hate him to your hearts content, and most of the regulars won't even look up from their pints.

I mean, this desire to despise and expose him for cause is just daft.

Hate him the way we do, for himself.

Then the Grog threads can get back to having a purpose.

'Strawman' arguments? Bugger, we're starting to see a pattern of 'Strawman Chorus and Dance Line' threads!

Time was when a Grog thread was simply incomprehensible to one of my limited intelligence. I used to read them, eyes as wide as a child's, for the Brave New World of esoteric knowlege they opened before me. Now they're completely comprehensible, but dull, stupid, and irritating. For every post that attempts to sort out some sort of truth, there's two more trying to get the knife in.

Believe me, I'd never have come in on some of those threads as I have on this one if I thought any good, however limited, would come of it. But this...whatever Mr. Kettler's original intent, this is just an excuse for the same dogs to have another slash on the same rusting signpost.

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Originally posted by JonS:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

The Canadian C9 (Minimi) you mean? That's a bit of a surprising reference coming from you, which makes me think we are talking about different things.

Maybe - do yours look like this?


A recruit fires the C9 Light support Weapon during Regular Force Basic Recruit Course 311 Exercise Final Chance.



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Yeah, I've fired the C9 from the hip too, it's great fun, much more so than argueing about bren gun tripods :D . Unfortunately for some reason they wouldn't let me wear the Rambo bandana, I had to keep my helmet on, nattered something about safety....

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Originally posted by Roborat:

Yeah, I've fired the C9 from the hip too, it's great fun, much more so than argueing about bren gun tripods :D . Unfortunately for some reason they wouldn't let me wear the Rambo bandana, I had to keep my helmet on, nattered something about safety....

I wasn't going to mention this but I've fired Brens (.303in and 7.62mm), M60 GPMGs, L2a1s, L1a1s, F1 SMGs and F88s from the prone, hip and shoulder. All were quite easy to use and control. Admittedly, accurracy was a bit of a bitch beyond 25-100 metres from the hip but it was achievable, particularly with the fully-automatic weapons (as long as you're prepared to waste rounds "walking" them into the target).

Part of our SOPs was to fire our rifles/MGs from the hip upon first contact as that was where we carried them when patrolling (not at the shoulder as the Poms do). We're also taught to turn the body, keeping the muzzle aligned with the eyes as we scan our alloted arcs as we walk.

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