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new guy on the forum - hello...

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I just ordered the combo for CMBO & CMBB. I look forward to their arrival and diving into a genre of gaming I freely admit to having no experience in.

I'm posting this message to say hello and to beg for patience. I've wandered in from the world of FPS and RPG's and have never played any type of wargame. The demo and reviews convinced me these are handcrafted products of great depth worth the time to learn and even though I'm sure the learning curve may be rather steep in my case (judging from the disasterous results in playing the CMBO demo a couple times), I hope with some help from you I can progress.

So chances are I'll be hopelessly lost but keenly interested in learning from the many far more experienced players in the BFC forums.

That about covers it. Look forward to the arrival of the games and again, thanks in advance for your patience in answering what will inevitably be a string of newbie type questions.

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Heh. Welcome aboard. Yes, there's depth to these games; you need to use reasonable tactics (especially in CMBB; CMBO has some fixed-in-CMBB weaknesses that make rushing tactics a bit more effective than they should be) or you get punished. Depending on your background, you may also find yourself looking for a reference book on what all the units are and what they're used for, given that there are so many...

You might want to hit the search link and look for a thread called something like "Anthology of useful posts"; that should bring up a nice list of links that at the time were judged to be of special interest to the novice.

Oh, and beware of the Peng threads. ;)

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Welcome easytarget!

If you're coming from the world of FPS and RPGs, remember to keep an open mind an be willing to learn how to play with good tactics and a keen sense of military logic. In my opinion the CM games are for the tactical strategist that enjoys using their minds and tactical skills to overcome their enemy. Check your reactions and impulsive game playing styles at the door ;)

This forum has a wealth of information. My advice is to do a quick search on the forum if you feel like you have a basic question. Chances are, there are several threads on the topic of your interest.

But if you can't find what you're looking for, don't hesitate to ask. Most everyone on thess forums will be happy to help you out. I'm always amazed at the wealth of information and how helpful these members are.

The CMBO forum is a lot quieter these days now that CMBB is out. Keep in mind that the hard core veterans spend most of their time in the CMBB forum.

With either game, you should have no problems getting your questions answered.

...and once your games arrive, say goodbye to all of your other hobbies... smile.gif

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Welcome! With that attitude, you'll find your gaming spurs your appetite for history, which further spurs your interest in wargaming. Look through the Tips & Techniques forum. Don't be put off if someone tells you to do a search because just about everything in the world concerning tactics has been covered at one time or another.

It would probably help you to begin compiling your own player's guide based upon posts in the Tips & Techniques forum. While the manual which ships with the game is hefty, there is a LOT of undocumented modeling in the game and the only way to learn about it is through the playing and reading of others' thoughts on it.

Congratulations. The best entertainment $ I've ever spent, by a long, long ways.

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Thx for the welcome guys. I've been lurking for a couple weeks and know all too well that the first order of business is to do a proper search before asking a question. smile.gif I posted the welcome here because I plan on playing CMBO 1st.

And I probably will look into some resources for tactics and weapons. I just figured the first place to start would be to play, find out just how little I know, look to the manual and the forums for answer, then perhaps turn to outside sources.

Which does lead me to my first question: If you were me, and you had never played either game, would you play CMBO before moving to CMBB? That's the approach I was going to take because I didn't want to let my CMBO experience get diminished by a "premature" exposure to CMBB.

Make sense?

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I think that might be a good idea. Playing CM:BO will at least let you play with American units which may be a little familiar to you. Also, the Allied voices will be speaking English, unless you use the French or Poles. It may help you get your bearings a bit, before diving into CMBB.

I am currently playing both Combat Mission games as PBEM (and wearing out my single CD drive). I hate to completely give up CM:BO, but there's no doubt to me that CMBB is the superior game. Once you get used to the game a bit, and you're ready to try the very best part of the game, send me an e-mail and we'll play by PBEM. There's nothing like playing against another person.

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Yes, it helps to be able to understand what your soldiers are saying... ;)

CMBO may also be a bit easier to get into. It's a bit more forgiving of aggressive tactics (some have claimed that it's more fun due to that *shrug*), and it deals with a shorter segment of the war. In particular, this means that you don't run into certain problems like you do on the East Front (e.g. early-war Germans facing a KV-1 with PzIIIs, Russians facing Panthers w/ older T-34s, etc). Also, the Allied infantry on the West Front tends to have actual PIATs and bazookas, rather than just PTRS/PTRDs anti-tank rifles or Molotovs, so they're more robust against vehicles.

If you have a favorite post-Normandy west-front battle, there's probably a better chance of being able to download a scenario for it since CMBO has been out for that much longer.

Sooner or later, 'tho, you'll want to go east...

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DaveH is right. Playing the AI is a lot fun, no question about it. But it's nothing compared to playing a human opponent over IP or PBEM. Soon you'll find yourself juggling several games at once.

As far as which to play first....yes, CMBO might be a good choice. Just remember that the infantry model was re-worked in CMBB so some tactics that work well in CMBO, no longer work in CMBB. For the most part, however, I think most of the tactical skills you will learn and use in CMBO will be transferrable to CMBB.

Have fun.

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Thx for the additional replies. I'm guessing that playing the AI at first will be the best way to familiarize myself with the game. At this juncture I'd hate to inflict my total ineptitude on a human. Down the road though, I'm definitely going to be all over IP. Nothing beats a human oppoenent.

As for the name, it's funny, but you know over time the nic literally becomes who you are on-line. In the other gaming communities I've been a part of I've known people literally for years and years and I've no idea what their real name is or what they look like. So who they are to me is totally dictated by their nic and how they behave using that nic. Interesting. I've been using this one for right at 20 years. At this point, it has a life of its own. smile.gif

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Welcome Easytarget.

I've had CMBO less than a year, and love it so much I'm one of the freaks who hasn't bothered with CMBB yet. Someday, but why rush through all the CMBO fun, right? That would be like swallowing a steak whole just to get to the cheesecake.

Play the AI a couple times to get used to commands and tactics. Don't expect much of the AI when it's on the attack, but it'll do a very decent job on the defense.

Then jump into PBEMs. Lots of fun.

Put me on your CMBO playlist, and I'll walk you through a PBEM and answer all your questions as we go. Unless you start beating me, then I would have to crush you.

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Hey it's not that different at all, lemme help, here's a few examples:

1.88Flak= Artic Warfare Magnum -sniper rifle

say: "base camp"

3.Pak 50mm= camp behind some crate or so and shoot to ass as they walk by.

4.Arty= Yuor mage -kills infantry or atleast causes confusion (read:pinned)

5.SMG-squads= Berzerks

--Allways remember--

Not a single chart...unit can handle every situation use their strenghs together and often exploring the weaknesses of enemy leads to victory -this is called combined arms over here.

IMHO said SpaceHamster :D

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Originally posted by Alsatian:

[QB]Welcome Easytarget.

I've had CMBO less than a year, and love it so much I'm one of the freaks who hasn't bothered with CMBB yet. Someday, but why rush through all the CMBO fun, right? That would be like swallowing a steak whole just to get to the cheesecake.

Play the AI a couple times to get used to commands and tactics. Don't expect much of the AI when it's on the attack, but it'll do a very decent job on the defense.


Welcome Easy Target,

Ditto on Alsatians comments! I've been playing CMBO for about 6 months and I seem to be amazed and awed by some new combat event in every battle (wtg Battlefront for detail). Don't forget to ask the grognards on this BBS any questions about the game; their quick response and depth of knowledge about the game and WW2 will astound you!

See you on the battlefield,


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amazingly i ordered the combo pack just this last thursday and got a pleasant and speedy surprise (nice work there battlefront) in the mail today when they showed up - definitely some hefty manuals - yikes

i'll be loading up cmbo tonight and get busy providing the AI with an ample supply of incomprehensible tactics shortly smile.gif

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