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MasterGoodWaffle's Thread of Cheery Ale

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Now now MG - I hardly think that it's apprpriate to play someone at a scenario you've designed!! That's hte sort of thing that goes on in the Peng thread - bunch of gamey bastiches that they are.

Instead I think the 2 of you should "test" one of my own completely unbalanced efforts!!

You wanna be Russians or Germans in Dec 1941??!! smile.gif

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

Now now MG - I hardly think that it's apprpriate to play someone at a scenario you've designed!! That's hte sort of thing that goes on in the Peng thread - bunch of gamey bastiches that they are.

Instead I think the 2 of you should "test" one of my own completely unbalanced efforts!!

You wanna be Russians or Germans in Dec 1941??!! smile.gif

That's what I said, but he wanted to anyway. To make it as fair as possible I let him choose the side and I didn't modify the file (the last mod date is Dec 7th)

And why would I want to play an UNbalanced scenario scumbag!?? Make me a good, balanced, well-thought-out scenario on a nice looking map for attack/defend and I'll kick somebody's sorry-assed-dick in it anytime!! :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

And why would I want to play an UNbalanced scenario scumbag!??

Because if you're going to throw TNT (or HE) about the place it's good to be able to do so in peace - or at least without having to worry too much about being shot back at.

Make me a good, balanced, well-thought-out scenario on a nice looking map for attack/defend and I'll kick somebody's sorry-assed-dick in it anytime!! :mad: :mad:

Deal - a possibly well balanced scenario is on it's way to you as we speak - pick a victim!

[ December 10, 2002, 08:57 PM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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Originally posted by Thermopylae:

Most odd since you haven't sent me anything you lackwit!

Edited to state the following (again) I am at timothy.Hodge@usma.edu therefore any other adress you are speaking wiht is not me...

Alright Maggots LISTEN UP!! :mad: From now on when you scumbag-wannabe's send me an email and want to challenge my tactical genius INCLUDE YOUR GAME NAME!!!! :mad: Otherwsie it's a crapshoot as to who I am playing!! ARARARGARGGRAGRAGRARG!!! :mad: :mad: Who the hell is Mike Rohr!?? That's who I'm playing!! Thermoplae, I'll get a scenario to you as soon as Abbot gets it to me. He's making it for us.


Dismissed! :mad: :mad:

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MG, I shall hear the lamenting of your women folk as their men cut down like wheat before the scythe! I Shall become a god of death, bestriding the world of mortal men, casting down the pathetic soviet soldiers who would dare defy men! And at the heart of you shall remain, utterly alone, your forces broken and scattered to the winds, your closest friends dead, your family in chains, your home afire. Then you shall know the meaning of terror for a mere moment, before you are utterly obliterated and erased from this Earth.


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Originally posted by Thermopylae:

MG, I shall hear the lamenting of your women folk as their men cut down like wheat before the scythe! I Shall become a god of death, bestriding the world of mortal men, casting down the pathetic soviet soldiers who would dare defy men! And at the heart of you shall remain, utterly alone, your forces broken and scattered to the winds, your closest friends dead, your family in chains, your home afire. Then you shall know the meaning of terror for a mere moment, before you are utterly obliterated and erased from this Earth.

Gaaa! That even freaks me out and I'm nowhere near MasterGuzzleAle's battlefield!
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pff. pathetic thermo!! :mad: , doesn't scare me a bit!!! :mad: :mad:

I'm gonna reign so much hot, fiery,furious,bitter,angry, MOLTEN TNT down on the top of your dumb!, weak!, hopeless! and pathetic kraut grunts's skulls their god damned eyeballs will pop up somewhere in CHIIIIIIINNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! :mad: :mad:

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Their eyebealls will appear in china alright, seated neatly int heir heads as they will march across the steppe, having killed everything Russian that ever stood in their way. Though I suspect by the time that happens, you'll have gone insane from smelling thew bloated corpses of your men that have been piled like driftwood around you.

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

pff. pathetic thermo!! :mad: , doesn't scare me a bit!!! :mad: :mad:

I'm gonna reign so much hot, fiery,furious,bitter,angry, MOLTEN TNT down on the top of your dumb!, weak!, hopeless! and pathetic kraut grunts's skulls their god damned eyeballs will pop up somewhere in CHIIIIIIINNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! :mad: :mad:

I think we have discovered the ultimate anti-troll weapon, imagine if he was let loose from this thread to chase off a troll? :D
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Listen Up Maggots!! :mad: Here's a summary of what the hell is going on with my TNT-Chucking. My fight with Portabella is nearing completion, it's benn a hard-fought battle and many a bloody, TNT-soaked body is strewn about the battlefield. Right now I must admit he has the odds in his favor. We're on turn 26 I believe. That bastage will pay if I am forced to casually stroll off the battlefeild and allow many of his soldiers to live with their wounds!!! :mad:

My fight with Hortlund is going fairly well in my favor right now. I destroyed two halftracks and 'm working on a PIII that's bogged down. I haven't suffered a loss yet! :mad:

Mike Rohr, whomever that is, hasn't emailed me back since having problems opening the custom scenario I sent him!! Gaaragragragr!!! :mad:

Thermoplae has yet to feel the wrathe of my angry TNT! Abbott!! Atteeeeeeention!!! :mad: Where's my scenario maggot?!! Make sure there's plenty of hot and bitter TNT in there! :mad: Make sure you slap and kick my TNT around some before you deploy it. Scratch it's eyes with razor blades and stuff to get it good and angry! :mad: The TNT you gave me in the Portabella scenario was kind of timid. It lacked FUUUURRY soldier!! :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

My fight with Hortlund is going fairly well in my favor right now. I destroyed two halftracks and 'm working on a PIII that's bogged down. I haven't suffered a loss yet! :mad:

muahahahahaAHAHAHA <-- evil laughter

My cunning plan to lure him into a false sense of security by letting him destroy all my armor is working like clockwork.

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Still trying to get this file sent to me to work. I have v1.01. GRRR! Wait, that GRR felt good! Oh my God! I must regain control, or else my mind may very well SNAP and I will be forced to live my life....for ze thrill. (canned music in background fades)

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