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Gamey use of onboard arty for indirect fire

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This is definitely gamey, but isn't too gamey, and can be useful. The favorite tactic is for taking out ATGs with tanks safely. You stay just out of LOS and area fire 1m away from it. The other gamey tactic, which is less reliable, but really cool, occurs if you want to shoot an artillery piece at a target beyond an intervening hill. What you do is area target the gun at a point on the hill as far behind the crest on the other side as possible and directly in line w/the target. The shell makes use of the shell-flying-over-ridgeline phenomenon and has a chance of landing on target. I actually pulled this off with a 150 against an 85 Flak once, but it's very rare. My reaction? :D :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :D

Any gamey tactics with guns that I've missed?

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I have encountered two problems with shooting 1m away from a target. To do this you must use area fire.

In CMBO, anyway, if your unit is plotted to use area fire:

1) It won't react to other threats that appear during the turn.

2) It uses up ammo for the entire turn even if the 'target' is destroyed on the first shot.

Trade off ..... Toad

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Tigrii: "You stay just out of LOS and area fire 1m away"

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. What you missed saying is that you can have the peek-a-boo guy do his thing just enough to suppress the enemy, and your other HE asset comes out from hiding as soon as it's safe, strolls right out there and shoots straight on at a suppressed target. Wheeee!! smile.gif

redwolf: "If you want fancy stuff with immobilized vehicles, start pushing them into useful positions. Takes a bit of practice."

WHAT??? "pushing them" how?!? I've never been able to push anybody, (although the AI can), not for love or money. What besides a "bit of practice" is your secret?

Louie The Toad: "In CMBO, anyway, if your unit is plotted to use area fire:

1) It won't react to other threats that appear during the turn.

2) It uses up ammo for the entire turn even if the 'target' is destroyed on the first shot."

#1, CMBB, absolutely. A unit will not disobey an Area Fire command unless it's one second away from getting blown out of the sky. Perversely enough, it's the opposite for a *smoke* area fire command- the units get bored with that one, and look for anything else interesting to shoot at- your troops depending on that smoke may notice the difference. Steve picked the best word describing the normal area fire, (although he misspelled it at the time smile.gif ), when he called it 'rigid'.

#2, CMBB, almost, but not quite. A pioneer ordered to area fire a building will quit, (thank gawd), if he manages to blow it to smithereens before he uses up all his charges. Otherwise, yes- wads are completely shot in other cases; flamethrowers are hopeless. *Maybe* they would quit if told to area fire a "peasant shack" and they got it flamin' hot, but most bldgs take the whole gas tank. Hmmm need a test.


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I didn't experiment in CMBB yet, but in CMBO: a vehicle of the same weight class as an immobile one can push the latter. It is a reasonably predictable movement 45 degrees away from the pushing point. It takes some practice to predict where exactly it will end up after one push, so giving it multiple pushes per turn takes a bit of practice.

Of course, if the vehicle wasimmbolized because of bad ground conditions then the pusher may break down, too.

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Originally posted by redwolf:

I didn't experiment in CMBB yet, but in CMBO

What's "CMBO"? ;)

vehicle of the same weight class as an immobile one can push the latter.
Same weight class? How about same exact vehicle type. I got down there in view six, X8 or whatever, lining those turkeys up exactly to the pixel... No way, Jose- the one just drives merrily right *through* the other like it's a ghost.

I was then told that vehicles are modelled as *mathematical points*, which also explains why they provide no cover, (dammit), and so I haven't tried it since, but... if you can make it happen in CMBB please come back and brief us. smile.gif


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My pbem opponent Capt. Spaulding pushed a German mortar halftrack that had been immobilized by area fire on a reverse slope to the crest, so it could fire. He used a halftrack. (Gave me the opportunity to knock it out for good). I recently pushed a bogged halftrack back to operational using a PZlV.

Are you using the MOVE command?

Not minding the bog...... Toad

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Maybe your vehicles seem to be passing through each other because you have them displayed at larger than realistic size.

Normally, a tank or other unit set to area-fire a building will stop firing when the building collapses. The area-fire line remains, but the unit stops using ammo.

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