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Hi all,

I don't put my email "out there" in public very much yet I'm aware from friends that a lot of people would like it in order to challenge me. I also am aware that my inbox is like a huge big black hole ( infamous among my friends) in which messages can get lost with ease. On top of that there's a whole host of old challenges which I never got around to replying to way back when.

So, I figured that the best way to overcome the bermuda triangle that is my inbox AND give everyone a fair shot at me was to make a post to the forum inviting challenges.

I can manage to juggle about 6 PBEMs or so at a time in the foreseeable future. One is reserved for my arch nemesis and all round Scion of Pure Evil who goes by the name of Bil Hardenberger ;) . ( And just to make you all jealous... Yeah, we ARE having fun PBEMing CM:BB against eachother ). Two more must be reserved for playing games within The Group which leaves me 3 slots free for challenges.

Apart from 2 games I've currently arranged with challengers ( and which are in the process of setup etc) here is a list of the people (in order) who have challenged me in the past and whom I am offering to PBEM. People who had to put up with me dropping out of games due to RL work demands come first, then Pengers I know ( and, of course, detest ;) ) and then challengers in chronological order.

Two Games in Setup ( tardy setup to be fair since the World Cup is on and I'm having WAY too many late nights/early mornings )

a) Skelley

B) Gwilym.

1. Mike Meinecke

2. Charl Theron

3. Titan.

4. Eben Bratcher. (Had to drop out of games with Titan and Eben)

5. Harv

6. Kingfish.

7. Hiram ( because he challenged me in The Pool and, as an honorary Knight I must defend my "honour" ;) )

8. Mr Spkr ( Since I DID, after all, promise to whip his scrawny butt after dropping out of the invitational )

9. Elvis. (Fourth time lucky? ;) )

10. Cyberfox

11. von Shrad (aka Stuka?)

12. Juju ( Did you want a rematch. Your email detailing ur new insights as of 23-3-01 was unclear re: this)

13. Joe Private.

14. Marlow.

15. Richard Valle ( I amn't sure if I finished the rematch after my "demonstration defence". Let me know).

16. Broken! ( Assuming you stay in the Titans Tourney I'll consider our match there as fulfilling this challenge Gus.)

17. MantaRay (Your email (and most of the others from about 14 down came while I wasn't checking that email address so I never replied ( until now). Apologies re: the tardiness. ) )

18. Terence Nelan ( I stipulate there shall be NO churches on our map you darned arsonist you ;) . Wouldn't want u scandalising your wife with more Pagan church burnings now would we? )

19. Wolfcub

20. Patrick Lucero (Juju, give him an elbow and tell him about the thread will you?)

21. KiwiJoe

22. Terence McLaughlin

23. John Morse ( Aka, species legalis vulturis ).

P.s. If your challenge isn't here then it got lost in the black hole which masquerades as my mail programme. I know I've lost at least 15 or 20 which should be here. Anyways, just post here and I'll add you to the list.

What I propose is as follows:

1. Could everyone on the list above please post here to confirm whether or not they still wish to play. If you post here there'll be a record of your post and answer and it can't possibly get lost on the way or whatever ( thank God for BBSes).

2. I won't get through all the games by the time CM:BB comes out so once it comes out we'll switch to CM:BB for PBEM.

3. I don't play "unlimited" games since I'm just sick of running into hordes of KTs, elite SMG squads and loads of airplanes and FlaK vehicles. I am, however, fine with any of the other rules ( Infantry only, recon, Short 75, Long 75). Since I'm "banning" unlimited games I'll give people the option of deciding which rules to use.

4. Preferably no MEs ( it all just degenerates into flag rushes etc etc). I will play them on occasion but I've seen far too many of them degenerate into very unsportsmanlike squabbles ( people refusing to advance beyond their setup zone forcing me to come and conduct a deliberate attack. Needless to say those people don't ever get a rematch.

5. We auto-generate our own maps for the games. That way no-one gets screwed by a blatantly biased map. The way this normally works is that one of us will generate three maps and the other will then choose one of those 3 maps to play on. THEN the person who generated the maps chooses whether to attack or defend ( this ensures that the guy choosing the map won't pick a biased one since if he chooses one in which defence is impossible his opponent will simply opt to be the attacker ;) ) and the other guy gets to pick which side he wants ( thus avoiding the whole German attacker on a perfect attacking map syndrome which some people try to rig). A trusted third party does the force purchases and saves the game for us.

6. I would appreciate if the neutral 3rd party be given the password for both sides of the game so that, IF the game would make a good AAR, that possibility is open to us. I've been burned in the past by people agreeing to an AAR, me spending mucho time putting one together as we play only for them to refuse to give me the password once the game was over ( even though they had previously agreed to do so prior to beginning play).

7. Kingfish suggested this ( and I think it is a pretty fun idea actually ) so blame HIM for it ;) . He suggested that after the game my opponents or I post the parameters for the game ( date, who was the attacker and defender, who played as the Allies etc) and what the final score was. Here's hoping he learns to regret that decision seeing as he's one of the first challengers :~)

8. When I lose I get an automatic rematch where I get to choose the parameters ;~). Vengeance and all that! ;~)

9. I would also appreciate if people would let me know if their aim is to rack up a win OR if their aim is just to learn. The reason for this is that I play differently if the game is just intended as a learning experience... I won't be as rough etc and won't try to end it as quickly ( since a bit of extra play time helps people extract more lessons IMO) and decisively. Sadly enough a couple of people in the past figured they'd up their chances of a win if they told me they wanted to learn and then min-maxed everything and came into the game ueber-competitively. I will take a "dim" view of this. I LOVE a good challenge and a tough game but there's no need to be sneaky about it.

10. IF you want a debrief could you please state so publicly in your post re-affirming the challenge? Again, in the past I've had problems with people privately asking for debriefs and then, when they get them, going to this forum and publicly whining about me levelling with them and denying they had ever asked for debriefs. I am only too happy to do debriefs if people feel it helps them but I deserve a bit of protection from some of the less savoury forum members too.

I know it is a pretty long list but most of it is pretty basic when you get down to it... It either relates to telling me what kind of game you want, setting some parameters for the game and/or making sure there are no misunderstandings going into the game. All of which helps ensure a smooth playing experience IMO.

I'll give 3 days for everyone on the above list to reply. If they haven't replied by then I'll assume they don't want a game and edit the list accordingly. (Of course if they happen to be on holidays or something and therefore miss this they can just post and I'll add them back in.)

P.s Obviously I don't have to accept ALL challenges ;~). I just will probably accept 99.5% of them.

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Guest PondScum

Fionn, I'd like to be on the list at #24 (or lower, if you're counting wwb :D ). I'm up for a little instruction and the challenge of writing an AAR to match yours.

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Oh you aren't so lucky man ;) . No, we're PBEMing CM:BB this coming weekend. Ok, I hadn't let you know that... yet.., but I figured the surprise'd be good for you ;) .


Ah you're a Penger ;) . That means you get to jump the queue a little. The sooner I whip you damned Pengers the better for the world ;) . Looks to me like the last Penger is at #9 so that makes you #10.

Seriously though, well bargained and done. FWIW I recently saw a very interesting documentary about where you work. Kudos, I hear they do some good work.

" And in truth I'm interested in anything as long as it's fast and I can make it go faster."

Ah, you must LOVE Australian women then ;~)

Steve, aka MrScrawnyButt...

You're on ;~)

P.s To non-Pengers. Sorry about slotting Pengers near the top but as an Honorary Knight of the Pool ;~) I've got to honour the Pool's capricious ways ;~) . Seriously though I expect non-takers will mean that no-one will find themselves pushed too far back at all.

P.p.s. Yes, I DO use a LOT of smileys ;~). Damn, used more than the max number of smileys in this post. Steve and Charles must be in league with Peng to limit smiley usage on the forum ;~)

[ June 05, 2002, 09:33 PM: Message edited by: Fionn ]

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Upon motion of the Chair, it has been decided that you shall pay for that remark. Prepare to meet your maker, courtesy of the Legislature of Doom™.

Parameters - attack, as many points as we deem necessary given the map size.

Short 75 rules are fine, but I get 8" artillery and unlimited airpower. Okay, that point MAY be negotiable.

I would not mind an AAR or a debrief. I intend to do this as a learning experience. Hell, if there weren't so many people in this damn line, I'd insist on two scenarios - first defending, then attacking.

If you want to bump me down for a bit, that would be fine - I have a pretty full plate for the next 5-6 weeks while I finish up a tournament, kick the odd yankee and aussie around, and whup on on the Redsylvanian scum.


[ June 05, 2002, 09:58 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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one can never have too much fionn. i'll play ya, put me on the list. *slips 20 into hand* yeah, number 6 sounds good smile.gif

its going to be sad when you loose to a SSN like me fionn. you will have to go "away" again for another 6 months.

Learning match btw. i'll teach you what beat ya tongue.gif

[ June 05, 2002, 10:14 PM: Message edited by: Patgod ]

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Dear Fionn,

I am still interested of course. My goal now is to win not learn. I learned a lot already and I would like to see how much. In the spirit of the cesspool (lowercase intentional)...you are dog droppings and should be scraped off the bootom of my worn out shoes (how am I doing?)..you have been away so long you are probably only a shadow of your former self and even that may be saying too much (I'm on a roll)...you should be and soon will be begging ME for a game (wrapping it all up now)...and you are a gamey bastard (now I went too far but I am trying to give a cesspool like challenge after all).

If you ask nicely I may even give you an exception to my no turn numbering rule....maybe not though since it seems I will be needing to follow several of your rules I may ask you to accept one of mine.



(That sounded like a pretty good challenge to me...how bout you?)

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Hey Fionn, no challege here as I unfortunatly have no time to even play the AI :( however I would like to just say thanks for a game a year or so ago. I see a few posts like Michaels and I just wanna tell everyone who feels that way that Fionn is actually a really good guy who does tell you what you do wrong and doesnt rub it in your face and helps you. He was my first PBEM game and obviously he beat me into a mess, but he also helped me learn to play the game which in turn led to better games against other people. So dont hate on Fionn...hes not a "self promotor" or anything, we do all his promoting for him lol thanks Fionn.

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Lars said:

I'm with Dorosh on this one. There has been too much Fionn (Fionn who?) posts lately on the CM forum.


My challenge to you is to refrain from using the messageboard for long winded, self important posts like this one, and to conduct your PBEM life via email, or at the very least in the opponents section, where it belongs.

Are you up to the challenge?

Hmmm what is the point again? For a forum that fully supports (or is ashamed of I never quite know the answer :D ) an ongoing thread (beast?) that challenges a man named PENG you sure seem negative guys.

Fionn when I clear my schedule I would love a game but it is some time off and anyway I want your schedule to be clear for the...uhm...other proposed "venture" eh?

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wO0T!! #5!! I'll be chalked up on the unladder for a big loss in no time!! If you're listening Lorak you can probably just mark it down now and I'll confirm it later. ;)

Better put me down for a learning experience with your Short 75 rules. Someplace where I defend would be preferable, but we can hash that stuff out when the time comes. I'd give my password to wwb, but he might sober up someday and forget where he put it, so we might have to find someone else.


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I love it when you idiots make my job easier. Nice to get all the updates in one location.

ok. Thats a loss for:


I'll go ahead and record them shortly. That way there is no need for you shame yourselves in public later.

Lorak the loathed

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Hi Fionn,

I am surprised that you still remember our plans to PBEM quite some time ago. I would relish the opportunity for a battle. Debriefs are great, learning is my goal. I am way down on your list at number 22 (Terence McLaughlan) but i can wait until you are ready. Attack or defend, no matter to me. To save the trouble of choosing maps/sides and 3rd parties why not just send me a setup of whatever takes your fancy, you choose scenario or attack / defend / ME and sides. Can't be fairer than that can I ?

You may not get a response from MantaRay, due to some personal problems he dissapeared for a long period, i doubt he is back in the CM circulation any more - in any case i have not heard from him for over 6 months.

Regards from Shanghai,


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I'll take a number like the rest. I meant to email you back one time for a challenge and never got around to doing it.

Short-75 or Panther-76 rules are okay by me. I'd prefer to do a meeting but suggest the BADCO end game randomizer to prevent flag rushes which we all hate.

Having a 3rd party set it up is fine by me. Lemme know when you have an open slot.

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I'll have to pass on my game. I'm far too busy with CM to play CM. LOL!

If I may, I'd like to donate my slot to one of the Cesspooligans. The MBT will probably have dozens of hilarious posts about the game.

Also, it would not be wise to actually attempt to teach a Cesspuddlican any tactics. They might be banned from the MBT if they inadvertantly absorbed some tactical know-how. Play to win quickly and decisively! Nothing short of merciless mayhem should be the lot of the malodorous misfits milling in the murky muck!

Treeburst155 out.

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1. Charl Theron

2. Titan.

3. Eben Bratcher.

4. Harv (Confirmed)

5. Kingfish.

6. Hiram

7. Mr Spkr

8. Elvis. ( Confirmed with extra turn numbering ;)

9. Pondscum (Confirmed)

10. Cyberfox

11. von Shrad

12. Juju

13. Joe Private.

14. Marlow.

15. Richard Valle

16. Terence Nelan

17. Wolfcub

18. Patrick Lucero

19. KiwiJoe

20. Terence McLaughlin (Confirmed)

21. John Morse

22. Patgod (Confirmed)

23 Colonel_Deadmarsh ( Confirmed)

Patgod and Elvis ;) . LOL!!! Thanks for the learning match Patgod. I look forward to learning much from you ;) . Elvis, not only will I number the turn files. I even plan to number the emails we exchange so THERE! ;)

LC-. Thanks for the comments. I appreciate them.

CDIC ;) . I see all, know all and remember all. Well, to be honest, I have bad eyesight, know lots of useless trivia and have the memory of the mythical "forgetful professor" but the first way of saying it sounds way more intimidating IMO ;)

Lorak. LOL! Good one ;)

Hope I haven't missed anyone. Thanks guys.

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Well I'd like a piece of you Fionn - maybe a leg and a little breast. We did almost start a game a long, long time ago when there were still snakes in Ireland. Maybe you could slot me in down the bottom of the list somewhere. Although I want to learn I also want to see you at your most feral so don't be gentle with me smile.gif



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Fionn... Fionn... Where have I heard that name before...

Ahh, right. The guy who lost his uber-Panther to a Jabo in that glorious Alpha AAR. Oh, how you disappointed me with that one...

I would like an instructional match, complete with de briefs. Whether you wear Hanes or Jockey does not matter to me, just make sure they are the clean white ones your mother would not be embarassed to see you wearing.

I believe I would like to attack, so that I can claim to have had you on the defensive for at least the first 8 seconds of our match (command delays and all). Yes, I am indeed of the Cesspool, but keep me toward the bottom of the list. Hopefully this match will be played in CM:BB.

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Mister Fionn Kelly,

I hereby accept your challenge-response to my challenge request. Here are my parameters if we are to play.

1. No blarney stone will be harmed, rubbed, and/or kissed.

2. No references to Michael Flatly, River Dance, and Lord of the Dance.

3. I wish to play for the purpose of learning and winning. Since there is little chance of me winning, I shall attempt to learn.

4. Since I am currently playing an "All Infantry" QB against a Mister SlapDragon, I would kindly request a 1000 PT Assault, Combined Arms QB with regular forces.

I'll continue my requests via email.

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Originally posted by Fionn:


20. Patrick Lucero (Juju, give him an elbow and tell him about the thread will you?)


I'm not Juju, but I informed Pat about the challenge. He changed his email recently with all the resulting Fog of Mail.


[ June 06, 2002, 10:27 AM: Message edited by: tools4fools ]

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