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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

In happier news, I AM FREE!!!! Owing to his tactical ineptitude, Boo has LOST our match for squireship of young Nidan1, 92-8. He managed to lose FORTY-NINE vehicles while only managing to get, well, ZERO of mine. Therefore, pursuant to the terms of the contest, he is STUCK with young Nidan1.


Do you have a tough time eating soup with that forked tongue of yours? I would imagine so, although you're probably quite good on the harmonica.

MrSpnkr, you prevaricating pantaloon! Why don't you tell the good...er...um...well, tell these yokels WHY I didn't "get" any of your vehicles. Because you didn't HAVE any vehicles! But I did manage to knock out 4 of your aircraft. By the way, didn't you tell me that there were only three planes? Hmmm...I took care of 4 and there were still two up there at games end. That would make 6. Ah, words come out of your mouth twisted like corkscrews, don't they?

Well, in any event, it seems I have a new squire. Time to make his life a Dali-esque nightmare.

Where's that Geek Mental person gone to...

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

The Cess-Avengers


Starring: Seanasteed and Fair Emma Peel

Such a large gun you have there, Seanachai. Do you have a bit of Yeknod in you? Or perhaps it's just a rather spectacular hemmorhoid.</font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

In happier news, I AM FREE!!!! Owing to his tactical ineptitude, Boo has LOST our match for squireship of young Nidan1, 92-8. He managed to lose FORTY-NINE vehicles while only managing to get, well, ZERO of mine. Therefore, pursuant to the terms of the contest, he is STUCK with young Nidan1.


Do you have a tough time eating soup with that forked tongue of yours? I would imagine so, although you're probably quite good on the harmonica.

MrSpnkr, you prevaricating pantaloon! Why don't you tell the good...er...um...well, tell these yokels WHY I didn't "get" any of your vehicles. Because you didn't HAVE any vehicles! But I did manage to knock out 4 of your aircraft. By the way, didn't you tell me that there were only three planes? Hmmm...I took care of 4 and there were still two up there at games end. That would make 6. Ah, words come out of your mouth twisted like corkscrews, don't they?

Well, in any event, it seems I have a new squire. Time to make his life a Dali-esque nightmare.

Where's that Geek Mental person gone to...</font>

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All turns were up and out late last night to all the pillocks who deserved one. Except Seanachai and Agua Perdido who didn't bother to send one.

On a semi-related side note, while the rest of you flaming idjits sent postcards to Seanachai, I will be soaking the labels off of soon-to-be-empty South African wine bottles and sticking them to his car windshield, rear view mirror, license plate, etc.

Which just goes to show most of you tossers are neophytes when it comes to Hate.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Tell your kids to try even harder.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

In happier news, I AM FREE!!!! Owing to his tactical ineptitude, Boo has LOST our match for squireship of young Nidan1, 92-8. He managed to lose FORTY-NINE vehicles while only managing to get, well, ZERO of mine. Therefore, pursuant to the terms of the contest, he is STUCK with young Nidan1.


Do you have a tough time eating soup with that forked tongue of yours? I would imagine so, although you're probably quite good on the harmonica.

MrSpnkr, you prevaricating pantaloon! Why don't you tell the good...er...um...well, tell these yokels WHY I didn't "get" any of your vehicles. Because you didn't HAVE any vehicles! But I did manage to knock out 4 of your aircraft. By the way, didn't you tell me that there were only three planes? Hmmm...I took care of 4 and there were still two up there at games end. That would make 6. Ah, words come out of your mouth twisted like corkscrews, don't they?

Well, in any event, it seems I have a new squire. Time to make his life a Dali-esque nightmare.

Where's that Geek Mental person gone to...</font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Just as a word of warning ... avoid hull down CRACK Stugs if you can't flank them with your T-34s. Also avoid playing AussieJeff ... but then we knew that.


I would have thought that this was obvious. Only an idiot would ... Oh. Sorry Joe.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Originally posted by Nidan1:

I am here to do your evil bidding, as long as it does not require a trip to Ohio.

Keep in mind that we're talking about Boo_Radley here ... it's not so much EVIL bidding ... more like really annoying.

Best of luck ... keep in mind that he's your liege because he LOST ... 'nuff said I think.


Faint praise, yet it thunders in my ears.

ROIGHT, then! It's time to find out which one of you layabouts will be my SENIOR squire and which one will be the junior. Duties are almost the same, i.e. light housework, detailing of the BooMobile, rinsing out the chainmail, acting as a reliable alibi, designated driver...the usual stuff. But the junior has to sleep in the litter box.

So, I need the two squires to attend me, which will be a cute trick if that gadabout Lurker is off lurking again, and also that Weeks Rental person said he had a likely scenario. If he's scarpered off, I imagine something from [shudder] Ker Dessel will have to suffice.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

<font size=-1>But the junior has to sleep in the litter box.</font>

Should we ask where the SENIOR squire has to sleep? No, no, we probably don't want to know, do we? At least until Persephone produces some hideous three-in-a-bed-with-nightcaps-on picture...
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No, I'm not too far off, distance-wise at least.

So what exactly are Nidan1 and I fighting over? Is this a "who loves Boo the most" thing, *booting* rights, or is it more about who sleeps over the stables and who sleeps under them? I like to understand my motivation before going into these things. Not that I need a reason to grind anyone under my iron-shod boot, but it can make a difference.

An alternative would be to have some twisted mind make a map and let us buy the gamiest, weasliest forces we can. That way the victor would be the cunningest, bastigest, and of course the gamiest squire, and therefore deserve such honor as the House of Croda affords.

Yes, I kept a straight face while typing that, but just barely.

Merely an impudent suggestion from a cheeky errant squire, m'lord.


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This is ridiculous! Boo gets two squires and I get none! I demand a recount!

And to think it is only because Berli is too bull-headed to ever admit he's wrong. Sheesh! That's it, now I'm irate.

Berlich<big>T</big>ingen, I have had it just about up to _ (no) - (hmm, no) ^ (ahh yes) HERE with you. For one thing, you're smug. Yes that's right, you are like a high school girl who gets the team QB to go out on a date, then you go and get all pregnant and the QB (a stand-up guy) marries you, and WTF you go and ROB A BANK to pay your damn diaper bill!

Yep that's you only, (uh) Steve G. is the quarterback, and (hmm) instead of pregnant, it was like you tricked him into thinking you were ALL THAT about like battles and Germans and stuff. The bank, well, that could be um, Stalingrad? (no, that was some stand-up work there) uh, The MBT! Yeah that's right, you're trying to enslave the MBT to your own twisted evil, bidding. Time to call you out, bub.

Sheesh, what a GYP!(jip? jyp? Gip? eh fork it) I think it's time to call you out, Squirrely Berli for the fraud you are! Let us meet on the field of battle, where gunpowder will be the truth-serum for all your lies!

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

That way the victor would be the cunningest, bastigest, and of course the gamiest squire, and therefore deserve such honor as the House of Croda affords.

Geeesh, the imbiciles the let in these days. If you had been properly tutored by your Kanigget (a clue, "proper tutoring" does NOT involve pickles and vaseline, no matter what Boo tells you), you would be well enough versed in the lore of the MBT to know that there is no House Crawdad. Croda was not spawned from the muck of the Cess as a full fledged Kanigget (well, the spawned from the muck part is probably right), but rather squired under the infamous jdmorse, sometimes sleezebag lawyer to the Pool.

So, my addle-brained Squirel, you are in fact part of the ignobel House of Morse whether you like it or not.

Obviously the intellegence of the squires these days is drastically undermodeled.

And another thing, isn't it the Rent-a-car's job to keep stuff like this sorted out? Falling down on the job again Jo Xia?

[ November 21, 2002, 12:59 PM: Message edited by: Marlow ]

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Originally posted by Marlow:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lurkur:

That way the victor would be the cunningest, bastigest, and of course the gamiest squire, and therefore deserve such honor as the House of Croda affords.

Geeesh, the imbiciles the let in these days. If you had been properly tutored by your Kanigget, you would be well enough versed in the lore of the MBT to know that there is no House Crawdad. Croda was not spawned from the muck of the Cess as a full fledged Kanigget (well, the spawned from the muck part is probably right), but rather squired under the infamous jdmorse, sometimes sleezebag lawyer to the Pool.

So, my addle-brained Squirel, you are in fact part of the ignobel House of Morse whether you like it or not.

Obviously the intellegence of the squires these days is drastically undermodeled.

And another thing, isn't it the Rent-a-car's job to keep stuff like this sorted out? Falling down on the job again Jo Xia?</font>

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

<font size=-1>This is ridiculous! Boo gets two squires and I get none! I demand a recount!</font>

"Squires"? I thought they were "yarbles". Shome mishtake, shurely?
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Well, that's the first time I've ever heard of this. Is this true or just some leftist revisionist history? Did my liege think that I could not bear the trauma of knowing the true origins of our line?

Of course, the choices of lineage being either Croda or a lawyer, either way we're screwed.


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Berlich<big>T</big>ingen, I have had it just about up to _ (no) - (hmm, no) ^ (ahh yes) HERE with you. For one thing, you're smug. Yes that's right, you are like a high school girl who gets the team QB to go out on a date, then you go and get all pregnant and the QB (a stand-up guy) marries you, and WTF you go and ROB A BANK to pay your damn diaper bill!

PL, this is the most surrealistically incoherent thing I've seen since Mensch last shook a box of his pubic clippings onto a sheet of paper and saw words.

I like it and I think it is in the best traditions of the MBT, so keep it up. Just don't overdo it.

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Originally posted by Marlow:

Geeesh, the imbiciles the let in these days. If you had been properly tutored by your Kanigget (a clue, "proper tutoring" does NOT involve pickles and vaseline, no matter what Boo tells you), you would be well enough versed in the lore of the MBT to know that there is no House Crawdad. Croda was not spawned from the muck of the Cess as a full fledged Kanigget (well, the spawned from the muck part is probably right), but rather squired under the infamous jdmorse, sometimes sleezebag lawyer to the Pool.

So, my addle-brained Squirel, you are in fact part of the ignobel House of Morse whether you like it or not.

Now, see? This is what I'm going on about. This (if it's true, and after all it IS coming from Marlow) is all news to me.

I was taken as squire by my dreadfull liege, Croda and one month later, he had me made a kanigget right before he went off and had himself a pair of twin Crodettes. Never taught me a whit of history. How rude is that?

CRODA! I blame you CRODA! Come on, Nardo, shoot me too. Shoot me too, Nardo. Er...wait. Different movie.

The house of Morse? Descended from a gulp! lawyer?

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Seanachai welcome back from your "vacation." I hope the meds work. Any how, kind sir and loser to me, I have the bloody game in my grasps and it is installed on my bloody PC. Send me a set up so you may continue to lose to me.

And Joe, same to you, except that I can't beat you because you always choose unbalanced scenarios and then forget to send turns when you are losing. So Sir Windbag of the Cesspool make sure the set up you send me is balanced and fair so all of my excuses are mute.

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Berlich<big>T</big>ingen, I have had it just about up to _ (no) - (hmm, no) ^ (ahh yes) HERE with you. For one thing, you're smug. Yes that's right, you are like a high school girl who gets the team QB to go out on a date, then you go and get all pregnant and the QB (a stand-up guy) marries you, and WTF you go and ROB A BANK to pay your damn diaper bill!

PL, this is the most surrealistically incoherent thing I've seen since Mensch last shook a box of his pubic clippings onto a sheet of paper and saw words.


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Well, shoot!

If there's some confusion maybe we can dump the Croda Stigma altogether and pick us a new House. Records get lost. Memories fade. They buy and sell Hapsburg titles, don't they?

I like the sound of "House Ginger " (ably played by Tina Louise on Gilligan's island) Another good choice would be Audrey Hepburn, who in addition to being perfect in every way was a survivor of the battle of Arnhem.


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Originally posted by Lurkur:

Well, shoot!

If there's some confusion maybe we can dump the Croda Stigma altogether and pick us a new House. Records get lost. Memories fade. They buy and sell Hapsburg titles, don't they?

I like the sound of "House Ginger " (ably played by Tina Louise on Gilligan's island) Another good choice would be Audrey Hepburn, who in addition to being perfect in every way was a survivor of the battle of Arnhem.


I'm staying out of all this lineage mumbo-jumbo. I'm not sleeping in any litter box either. Give us a true and devilish field of battle, and between Lurker and I, a decision will be battled out, as to who is junior or senior.

I would think with all the pomposity and hot air that overwhelms this Cesspool , that some twit would have the available grey matter to devise a suitable contest.

Maybe then , I am expecting too much from the collective lackwits of this MBT.

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