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KV-1, What Is It Good For?

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Originally posted by Dirtweasle:

So historically what would happen? The German armor after running into these beast would retreat or by-pass them? Maybe try to lure them into an ambush of 88s?


Don't suppose you bought one did you?

The Panzer-wurfer mine is pretty good too - but a little short ranged and also in short supply in 41 IIRC.

Stuka's are also sometimes effective, but a little inaccurate and 1-shot only.

Another possibility is jsut mobility - attack everything else and run away wherever the KV's are. They're pretty slow and ponderous and if you have tanks on both sides of them you can sometimes play KV-tag using shoot-'n-scoot from behind cover.

Otherwise hope for a gun hit!!

[ December 10, 2002, 06:58 PM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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88s certainly don't seem to have a problem. When I played the Iron Roadblock they killed off the KV-1 really quickly. In fact as far as I can tell the best approach would be just to wait for the 88s to arrive then rush them out (maybe alongside some Pz IIs to act as decoys) and keep everyone else away.

One irritating thing. I did manage to get a whole squad of infantry up to 3m away from the KV-1. They immobilized it quickly enough but even once it was immobilized (and without nearby infantry) they could not kill it over two minutes. Surely with an immobile tank in the open an infantry squad should make short work of it using grenades through the hatches or something?

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:


Don't suppose you bought one did you?

The Panzer-wurfer mine is pretty good too - but a little short ranged and also in short supply in 41 IIRC.

Stuka's are also sometimes effective, but a little inaccurate and 1-shot only.

Another possibility is jsut mobility - attack everything else and run away wherever the KV's are. They're pretty slow and ponderous and if you have tanks on both sides of them you can sometimes play KV-tag using shoot-'n-scoot from behind cover.

Otherwise hope for a gun hit!!

I do have some tank hunter teams with the wurfer-mines near. Can't recall if I bought any Fighterbombers... might have.
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Originally posted by derb:

One irritating thing. I did manage to get a whole squad of infantry up to 3m away from the KV-1. They immobilized it quickly enough but even once it was immobilized (and without nearby infantry) they could not kill it over two minutes. Surely with an immobile tank in the open an infantry squad should make short work of it using grenades through the hatches or something?

Err...well the guys inside the tank are probably not too keen on opening those hatches!!

Basically - 2 minutes is a VERY short time to finally KO one of these things - thereare cases in 41 where it took a lot longer - your guys did good - stop whinging!! smile.gif

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dirtweasle:

So historically what would happen? The German armor after running into these beast would retreat or by-pass them? Maybe try to lure them into an ambush of 88s?


Don't suppose you bought one did you?

The Panzer-wurfer mine is pretty good too - but a little short ranged and also in short supply in 41 IIRC.

Stuka's are also sometimes effective, but a little inaccurate and 1-shot only.</font>

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Hi, new to this forum, but I've been on the recieving end of the KV (1 & 2) in the "Berezina Bridgehead" scenario (I believe that's the name) and they pretty much stopped my careful combined arms advance in its' tracks. I surrounded the KV-1 with a full platoon of Pz-38(t)s and shot the snot out of it, but it still took three turns of six 37mm guns ringing its' bell to finally knock it out. :eek: The KV-2 was in the middle of a field where I couldn't possibly get close enough to hurt it with any 1941 German tank, and thus it was invulnerable to anything I could think of under the circumstances. Heavy artillery concentrations and/or smoke are all I can come up with even now, but I generally need every round of that to soften up infantry and gun positions, so even that's no panacea. However, KVs were a terror in real life, so they should be such in the game too! Keeps things interesting for all involved in 1941-2 scenarios, if nothing else...

Originally posted by Bartokomus:

Just finished a QB (combined arms, human picked forces). The two t34's i had were knocked out pretty quickly from some pretty lucky shooting. i figured oooohhhh crap, that's it for me. he had like 2 Mk IV's, 2 Mk III's, and a couple of PzJaeger's (i think) left. BUT... that ugly KV proceeded to win the day by slowly destroying every single one of his armor pieces. it withstood infantry close assault, numerous flank shots, and just a whole bunch of misery. i could not believe it. every time i thought, "he's dead" he just kept going. it salvaged a draw out of what looked like a Total Loss

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*** spoiler on Iron RoadBlock ***

In Iron RoadBlock, I played both sides.

As the Russians, it is quite easy. Just make sure you have enuff ammos to last the entire engagement.

As the Germans, I had major victory only after I played it several times. What I did to win was to group 3 forces: suppression (guns), distractions (the tanks), knockout (the motorized troops).

It was bloody to say the least, stationary guns pinging at the KV, Panzers II storming towards the KV and getting blasted, the motorized troops (thank gawd for the infantry!) flanking on the right towards the KV. Troops disembarked and finally killed the kv with a puny magnetic mine or grenade (simulated closed quarter fighting).


On a different note, i created a small movie on an anti-KV group comprising of sharpie, hunter and flammer ambushing a KV-1 tank.


(quicktime, 3mb)

[ December 11, 2002, 12:01 AM: Message edited by: laxx ]

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Originally posted by laxx:

On a different note, i created a small movie on an anti-KV group comprising of sharpie, hunter and flammer ambushing a KV-1 tank.

How important is it to actually button up the tank in this situation? I guess that the flamer could hide from the tank commander even if the tank was unbuttoned?!
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Iron roadblock spoiler









I got a total victory, first try :cool: I sent most of my tanks through the scattered trees towards the large, shallow depression. The guns and the remaining 2-3 tanks poured AP/HE fire on the KV, and were supplemented by the reinforcements as they arrived.

With that many shooters the KV was hit almost every second(!) for several turns. This produced a number of gun hits etc, causing the KV to be gun damaged and immobilized by turn 10 or so. It was kept nicely buttoned up, too smile.gif .

Didn't kill it 'till th 88s got there, though.

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I forgot that flammers take out the KV1's too.

As for close assault without satchels or panzerwerfers, historically it didn't work very well. Heck, in the initial encounters the combat engineers used the "approved" amounts of exlosives, stuck the explosives in the tracks of the KV1 and did no damage whatsoever.

I've taken out a KV2 (even more monsterous in '41) by ringing it with PzIVs and blasting away until the KV2 immobilized and bailed. Never got a penetration but it was quite a sight to see the KV being hit about once a second.

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It used snapzpro to capture screen and sound and export it to a movie file. There is an option for mic as well, good for voice overs.

As for sharpshooters, the usage is two fold: produce a hatch down as this limits the view. The second, and more important useage is to disable/kill the Tank Commander. This cause the tank to go in to shock and immobilise for a time period.

Flame Throwers usually take 2 or more squirts to kill the KV tank.

I played around with infantry vs russian tanks and for me, I find the optimised combination to be:

sharpshooter to suppress

tank hunter to disable/kill

flame thrower as a backup


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