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Does anybody know how Rommel died?

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I have heard many versions of Rommels death during the past years, till i finally rode Desmond Young´s Rommel book. He talked to Rommel´s Wife and son (Manfred Rommel) to write it. After his car was bombed by 2 RAF fighter-bombers in France he was badly injured. In fact he litteraly flew 20 meters from his car when the driver shocked a tree. He was unconsiouss for some days till he revived in a Hospital (doctors said we would not survive). But after some weeks Rommel started to miracously heal from his wounds against all odds, and decided, against the advice of his doctor to go back home with her wife and son.

He sent many letters after the allies broke from normandy beaches telling Hitler that resistance was futile, and that it would be better to negotiate any kind of peace with the allies before Germany lies in ashes. This "derrotist" behaviour made Hitler to start looking Rommel with bad eyes. Also he argued Hitler many times about the barbaric behaviour of the SS troops with French citizens (he would later know also the behaviour of this troops on the Eastern Front). It must be noted that Rommel hated the Nazi´s, although German war propaganda showed him as a Nazi Fanatic, a person moved by the Nazi belief.

It seems that while Rommel was at his home, a document of a "Complot" against Hitler was found and Rommel´s name was there as the person that would replace Hitler, since the Allies respected him and also he was a hero for the german people. In fact Rommel talked with this people but he never knew he was proposed to succed Hitler, neither that they would kill Hitler instead of arrest him. The fact is that the 13th of October Rommel´s wife recieved a phone call that General Burgdorf would arrive the other day to have a conversatin with Rommel. The other day at Twelve o clock Burgdorf arrived with General Maisel and Commander Ehrenberger in a green car drove by a SS. Maisel and Burgdorf went to a room with Rommel while the other waited at the door. After 20 minutes Both Generals went out of the room, not Rommel. He went directly to his wife´s room. There was a rare and terrbile expression in his face tells Rommel´s wife. She asked him ¿What happened? ¿ Do you fill sick? and he said"... in a quarter of hour i will be dead...they suspect i took part in the assasination attempt against Hitler. It seems that my name was in a list made by Groedler where i was considered as future president of the Reich... i never saw Groedler..They say Von Stupnagel, General Speidel and Coronel Von Hofacker denounced me...it´s the same method they always use.... i told them that i didnt believe, that this must be a lie......The Fuhrer makes me choose between poison or being judged for the Tribunal of the Volks. They had taken the poison. They said it will act in 3 seconds". Mrs Rommel asked him to choose the Tribunal but Rommel said " No, of course, i would not fear to be judged publically, because i am in condition of defending all my acts. But is Worthless, i am sure that even choosing that i would be dead before arriving Berlin". 25 minutes later a phone call was recieved at Rommels house telling that Rommel died due to a Brain...."Dont know the other word in english".

Well hope u all liked this history lesson.

Just for the record.....in Rommels funeral, Hitler (as his last ironical joke to Rommel)sent a Waffen SS company to present respects to Rommel, not to mention he was burried enveloped in a Nazi flag.

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Rommel choosed the Poison instead of the Tribunal, because he knew that after a Tribunal his family would be pursued by the Nazi-Judgement.

The Reason for the Choice between Poison or Tribunal (shooting) was that he was suggestet to be a leader in a Anti-Hitler Conspiracy of the Generals that wantet to offer American and British troops the surrender and therefor prevent Germany to be overrun by the Soviets (which they by far feared more then the US&UK Boys).

Bo Evidence was found after his death that he did ever where involved by in this Conspiracy.

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Before it gets moved, I want to say how much I have always respected Rommel. The leader who was a leader in a party he did not agree with, but he went along with it because of his duty to his country. I have always respected that, and his love for his family and desire to protect them for harassment/death (by taking the poision).

Chad Harrison

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