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"Killing" tanks...

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Hey all,

I was wondering what was the most affective way of destroying a tanks...if you do not have bazooka, or/and rocket launcher or/and any other "heavy" units.

Can it be destroyed, by a unit of riflesmen with granades for example, if you are to close to the tank?

Thanks in advance..

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If the unit has demo charges, rifle grenades or panzerfausts, you can sometimes kill a tank by getting real close (from the side only with just rifle grenades). If you don't, forget about it. It is not remotely worth the losses you will take, and almost always unarmed infantry will come out the loser. Killing tanks needs special tank-killing devices. Otherwise, stay out of sight so they don't kill you. Grenades aren't going to do a blessed thing.

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Just a few options:





(5)regroup and swarm the tanks, one at a time(I think that oughta scare the crew, once made a KT crew abandon after being surrounded by a company or a platoon[i forgot], but I yhink my 240mm spotter had something to do with it. :D

and (6) write to general eisenhower, president truman or whoever that one of your troops just had all his 3 brothers killed and his the only son left to his poor mother and hope the rescue team arrives on time. :D

oh yeah, maybe you could spread a rumor around that theres a bank in the your battle area and that it contains a lot of gold bars, and maybe, just maybe, you'd get reinforcements :D

forgive me, Idont know what I'm typing, I'm sleepy =)

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It should be noted, just for accuracy, that infantry with no special AT weaponry (i.e., just small arms and grenades) always has a *very small* chance of killing an AFV if they can get close enough. I think this is supposed to model the chance that someone in the squad will pull a Rambo, climb up on the tank and manage to stuff a grenade into a vision slit or something. I've seen it happen once, and that was just a Pz IV. I wouldn't reccommend using this tactic, though - It'll probably just get a whole bunch of your infantry units broken and/or killed.

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I've seen it happen more than a few times. smile.gif

Maybe I've been lucky, but . . .

The only way your men are going to take out a tank using their grenades (and guts), is when the tank does not know they are there. In other words, pick your spots to ambush the tank. HIDE in Woods, or buildings and stay hidden. Then you really have to be lucky lucky lucky.

If, at the start of the next turn, the tank is within range (hopefully less than 20m) actually TARGET the tank with your rifle squad. It helps if you have a leader with a +2 combat bonus (obviously), but it's worked for me.

My favourite example of this was in First Clash at Cambes. I hid a platoon of Germans in the woods, along a tree lined road. They were my far right flank security. Then I promptly forgot about them because the action started heating up in another location.

About 20 turns later, I'm watching my turn and I keep hearing these KLANG penetration noises. I rewatch and rewatch the turn, looking for the tanks that are getting hit, but finding nothing. (It's a big map.) smile.gif

Finally, I check out my far right flank and see a buttoned/immobilized sherman, sitting on the road next to my flank security platoon. HuH?

When I look at the turn again, this sherman rolls up. The commander and driver are both shot to pieces in the infantry ambush. The tank MUST be in a shocked state. A Panzerfaust misses the tank. Then, grenades start flying out of the tree line. All over the tank. (I imagine at least 8 of my men climbing all over the thing.)

First the tracks get blown off. The tank still is not responding. Then eventually, after what seems like 15 grenades, KLANG!! The thing is KO'd.

What happens as the crew emerges, I'll decline to describe. (yuck)

Anyways. You gotta be lucky, but it can be done. (With grenades that is.)


(Oh, also . . . it helps if the A.I. is the tank commander, as he tends to advance without friendly infantry support. smile.gif )

[ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: Gpig ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by JasonC:

If the unit has demo charges, rifle grenades or panzerfausts, you can sometimes kill a tank by getting real close (from the side only with just rifle grenades). If you don't, forget about it. It is not remotely worth the losses you will take, and almost always unarmed infantry will come out the loser. Killing tanks needs special tank-killing devices. Otherwise, stay out of sight so they don't kill you. Grenades aren't going to do a blessed thing.<hr></blockquote>

Good advice. Just so you know. I have killed a German Uber tank with an headquarters unit with grenades. (from the front) so, it can be done but the odds are so great of doing any damage that it is not worth it.

[ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: Commander ]</p>

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If you want to try Infantry Close Assault vs. a Tank, it will greatly help if you

1) use a smoke screen to allow your Infs to get close enough

2) button up the Tank first, preferably not with the same troops you'll close assault with.

Failure to do so may result in the Tank becoming Enraged, and it will then joyfully then demostrate how it is Armored & Dangerous.

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In a recent PBEM game a pair of Jagdpanzer IV were smashing my poor US Infantry. As a last resort, I ordered one of my only two "not panicked" platoons to run right to the jagd (it was buttoned). Once they were at only 1 m. of the tank (they seemed "inside" the tank smile.gif ) started to throw grenades. After the second grenade, I heard a "crangl" sound and the Jagd was inmobilized.

Well, it wasn't destroyed, but an inmobilized Jagdpanzer is not very dangerous (unless you are in front of him ;) ).

BTW, the gammon bombs using by the US Airborne units are very effective if used from a top floor. In the "Ramelle - Saving Private Ryan" scenario I could destroy a Tiger this manner.

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That's exactly what I am trying to do...but the bloody tanks keep moving around...so you see 3 squads of men running behind a tank...which is funny, but annoying at the end.

I really need those bomb-arrows that Rambo used!!

Or shoes with +2 on the speed factor on my squads!!

Anyway...thanks for your replies everyone!!

p.s: I'm going to give you informed if my squads get close to the tanks...and at the end they destroy the tanks or they die...

Take care everyone!

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more than once i have had a markIV in close terrain. my vanilla amis ran out threw a few grenades and more often than not, they will immobilize the sucker. this works best when its buttoned (easy against the AI, they will never unbutton) and not facing your men when they rush it. by the time it rotates around, you can usually get it immobilized. in one case, a grenade then started a fire in the same hex (must of been a WP grenade!) and the crew immediatly abandoned the tank! does someone smell something burning?

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Hey guys...

The infantry running very close to the tanks, and try to destroy them WORK! Maybe they will not be destroyed completly, but they will be...or imobilized, or lose their canon :)

But...i still think that a Rambo in the scene would be very much appreciated! :D

I promised that i'm going to tell you what happened with my battle...i lost :( but I damaged those bloody tanks!!! :rolleyes:


Take care everyone!

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Hey, this sounds like a really intense turn. I wouldn't mind seeing something like that. Any chance of you posting it for a download some time/somewhere?

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gpig:

[QB]I've seen it happen more than a few times. smile.gif

When I look at the turn again, this sherman rolls up. The commander and driver are both shot to pieces in the infantry ambush. The tank MUST be in a shocked state. A Panzerfaust misses the tank. Then, grenades start flying out of the tree line. All over the tank. (I imagine at least 8 of my men climbing all over the thing.)

First the tracks get blown off. The tank still is not responding. Then eventually, after what seems like 15 grenades, KLANG!! The thing is KO'd.

What happens as the crew emerges, I'll decline to describe. (yuck)


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