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For the Record, I Am the PENG CHALLENGE Thread

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Originally posted by chrisl:

Once again revealing your lack of any sort of grasp of geography. You'll note in my profile that I am in Southern California.

So what you're telling me is that the proper mode of speech for you would include phrases like, "Fer shure, fer shure, ya'll." Is that it?

Then again, you're in Akron...

And once again jealosy rears its ugly head.
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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Little blast from the past: My first post in the Peng thread dated 08/24/00

Ahem...I realize that I am not a combat mission titan, but I will do what I can to make this thread grow.


-Work Hard

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Some things never change, do they? Once a git, always a git.
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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Little blast from the past: My first post in the Peng thread dated 08/24/00

Ahem...I realize that I am not a combat mission titan, but I will do what I can to make this thread grow.


-Work Hard

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I mean, even the SIG sucked, how bad is that?

Turns are OUT! Dancing in the streets may now commence. If you think I owe you a turn (and I may, damned ISP) advise and I'll either fix or do somefink ... probably ignore it.


[ July 29, 2002, 12:16 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

DIDN'T hear from Seanachai, not that I'm playing him mind but I did send an email asking several pertinent and impertinent questions and I, by GAWD, expect an answer!


Deepest apologies. Was held incommunicado for several days by agents of our government who had deep and serious questions about the political reliability and patriotism of quite a number of our members here on the Peng Challenge Thread. Attempts to explain to Tom Ridge that many of the people he was most concerned about were, in fact, foreigners and so couldn't really be expected to be either reliable, nor particularly dedicated in a rah-rah! sort of way to anything that George W. might come up with in the way of domestic policy.

Ridge was very nice about things after I explained to him that Peng himself dwells in Pennsylvania, but told me that, regardless of being from the 'Alabama of the North', Mr. Ashcroft currently had US Marshalls out seeking for Peng. Mr. Ashcroft believes that 'Freedom of Speech' does not extend to strange men named Peng, which, he said, sounded altogether too like a foreign name to him.

This evening, when I return to my own apartment, and sit once again before my computer, processing turns, sipping beer, and rubbing the handcuff bruises on my wrists and ankles, I will read and reply to all emails, but most especially our Justicar.

God knows I don't want a new set of boot marks on the ribs.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

DIDN'T hear from Seanachai, not that I'm playing him mind but I did send an email asking several pertinent and impertinent questions and I, by GAWD, expect an answer!


Deepest apologies. Was held incommunicado for several days by agents of our government who had deep and serious questions about the political reliability and patriotism of quite a number of our members here on the Peng Challenge Thread. Attempts to explain to Tom Ridge that many of the people he was most concerned about were, in fact, foreigners and so couldn't really be expected to be either reliable, nor particularly dedicated in a rah-rah! sort of way to anything that George W. might come up with in the way of domestic policy.

Ridge was very nice about things after I explained to him that Peng himself dwells in Pennsylvania, but told me that, regardless of being from the 'Alabama of the North', Mr. Ashcroft currently had US Marshalls out seeking for Peng. Mr. Ashcroft believes that 'Freedom of Speech' does not extend to strange men named Peng, which, he said, sounded altogether too like a foreign name to him.

This evening, when I return to my own apartment, and sit once again before my computer, processing turns, sipping beer, and rubbing the handcuff bruises on my wrists and ankles, I will read and reply to all emails, but most especially our Justicar.

God knows I don't want a new set of boot marks on the ribs.</font>

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Since the Hirsute one was engaging in maudlin reminiscing, I did a little digging of my own. My first post to the MBT(and it will always be there):

posted March 15, 2001 08:22 PM


Okay, Okay,

Here we go,

I guess I've decided (in an Eeyore sort of way) to enter the one true thread (the peng, or whatever the hell that's supposed to mean). Yes, yes, a quick sod-off to the lot of you, but I understand that I'm to specifically challenge an individual. Oh me, oh my. So, here goes;

Eat dung, elvis (lower case "e" intended). May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your groin. You can barely manage the OOmph to give a good "wankers" call occasionally, and I pee in your general direction. Your mother was a gopher, and your uncle smelled of boysenberries.

Does that suffice?


Well, then , Ok, You have not the balls to meet me on the field of battle, and I hereby slap you repeatedly with my leather Field-Glove-O-Love. Were you the real Elvis, you'd at least have the grace to die upon the toilet of infamy, instead of spewing your random drive-by pedestrian insults.

How's that?

Not enough, you say?


Elvis, you couldn't process a turn in less than a fortnight, even if your favorite dog were the soup-de-jour of all the Vietnamese restaurants in San Francisco!

Does that work? Should I be more specific?

Elvis, you are but a zit on the arse of the largest prostitute in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Does that work? Have I challenged you personally enough? No?

OK, I guess I must continue. You, sir elvis (of the infected pelvis), are not worth the stick it takes to scrape the dog-doo from my shoes. I spit-at-thee, I spit-at-thee, I spit-at-thee.

Ok, I'm spent. If there is anything at all glandular that keeps your legs from rubbing together, you will send a set-up my way, so that I may prove that Elvis is, indeed, dead and rotting.

So, all the rest of you,



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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Little blast from the past: My first post in the Peng thread dated 08/24/00

Ahem...I realize that I am not a combat mission titan, but I will do what I can to make this thread grow.


-Work Hard

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Oh dear...(snort)...Oh me oh my...(giggle)...I never realized...(guffaw)...

I was so worried about my first post in the MBT being lame...(chortle)...had I known the bar was set THIS low, I could've stood at the other end of the room, pegged tangelos at my keyboard, posted whatever the outcome was and be considered to be the thread's next F. P. Adams.

Oh, Hiram, you are such a sweet little nimrod.

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Little blast from the past: My first post in the Peng thread dated 08/24/00

Ahem...I realize that I am not a combat mission titan, but I will do what I can to make this thread grow.


-Work Hard

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Here's my first post on the MBT (And I was afraid).

posted November 20, 2001 02:59 PM

I humbly present this gift for the Cesspools enjoyment.


Mrs. Berli

(I'm really not evil)

[ 11-20-2001: Message edited by: Patch ]


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

This evening, when I return to my own apartment, and sit once again before my computer, processing turns, sipping beer, and rubbing the handcuff bruises on my wrists and ankles, I will read and reply to all emails, but most especially our Justicar.

God knows I don't want a new set of boot marks on the ribs.

ÛberGnome, you can tell us the truth...You spent your weekend hanging out with Hanns at the bondage club. {Snicker, Snicker}


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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Little blast from the past: My first post in the Peng thread dated 08/24/00

Ahem...I realize that I am not a combat mission titan, but I will do what I can to make this thread grow.


-Work Hard

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Mine was better. Yours was weak and ineffectual, like your attempts at stimulating the opposite sex. You were as nothing until Croda came along and raised you up from the dust. Imagine that, it took the likes of a Croda for you to reach minimally acceptable standards. I don't know about you, but that would make me feel terrible.

[ July 29, 2002, 06:15 PM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Little blast from the past: My first post in the Peng thread dated 08/24/00

Ahem...I realize that I am not a combat mission titan, but I will do what I can to make this thread grow.


-Work Hard

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Mine was better. Yours was weak and ineffectual, like your attempts at stimulating the opposite sex. You were as nothing until Croda came along and raised you up from the dust. Imagine that, it took the likes of a Croda for you to reach minimally acceptable standards. I don't know about you, but that would make me feel terrible.</font>
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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Since I have yet to receive a turn from the bottom dwelling, excrement munching, lice infested vermin known as Croda, I challenge you to a game of mediocre proportions.

What offends me is not your mere existance, which can be written off as blind chance or Nature on a crank bender, nor your mewlings and kissy noises. What really sours the milk of the Universal Teat at which I feed is the fact that you think the paltry little feeling you have toward that which is named Croda is sufficient to be called hate.

Next to the poisonous revulsion that I harbor for it, your "hate" is as a gooey mash note clutched to an as-yet-fully-formed and besweatered bosom in the bright halls of some Hollywood Junior High School. The safety scissors of your loathing for it drown in a brown blur of rusty scalpels raining down as if from a giant sharps spill from the Dumpster of the Gods. Your "hate" is a still-warm Tollhouse cookie that you thoughtfully much while my oil drum full of spattering bile is heating over the fire of my disgust.

So for that reason alone I accept your challenge, and I will take your ears and show them to my earless dog before throwing them into the dust, showing him what a kind master I am to refrain from draping him with the shame that accompanies any piece of your physical form.

I await a setup from you, the littlest of Croda haters.

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Doug Beman:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Doug Beman, i'm afraid i've bungled our Pbem match, can you send a new setup? I'm new to Pbem games. redface.gif

No worries. It's on its way to you 7:24 EST.


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