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For the Record, I Am the PENG CHALLENGE Thread

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

What's this about rules? We have rules here? Listen, every "rule" you need to live by and prosper within the MBT is contained in Peng's Soliloquy and I will NOT change that post one iota.

Look at Mrspkr: he wants me to edit that quote, take out all the foul language, smoothe it down a bit and feed it to the SSN's like pap, or like milk from the teat of OGSF's wee span'l. This I will not do!

Sigh. It's like talking to Microsoft's Legal Department, isn't it? Simply posting Peng's seminal work after a brief and abbreviated posting of the rules would have been a better approach, don't you think? Also, since Peng did not choose to post it in the Peng Challenge Thread (quite rightly, in fact), I think a simple 'link' to the text, with a little text from you about 'go here for a look at the finest traditions' sort of thing, would have been better all round. You might want to consider doing this, as the placement most certainly looks like we wish to conduct a vilification of SFC. I do, personally, but I'll do it on the General Forum, where he spends most of his time being annoying and daft. In general, his posts on the Combat Mission Forum are on topic, and shorn of at least some of the gibberish he indulges in elsewhere.

He is just a pinched old librarian from Small Town, USA, saying he fears for our children, when what he really fears is the new ideas these words generate. They will not change! There will be no censorship!

I feel the need to address this rather lard-headed calumny. America's Librarians have been amongst the foremost, most active, and diligent defenders of Freedom of Speech, and have steadfastly resisted attempts to ban books, restrict access to information, and compile 'lists' for Government and Law Enforcement officials of what patrons are reading.

To state otherwise labels you as a cloth-headed git. To state that they should behave otherwise, of course, labels you as SFC.

[ July 25, 2002, 10:41 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

All right. I see that some of you may have a point. Can we have a show of hands?

Here ya go. Both hands even. Pay no notice that not all of my fingers are raised, just the two center ones.

And let me add that you've really gone round the bend with this one. I'd not be surprised if you were required to wear sack cloth and ashes, smear offal in your hair and beat yourself with birch branches.

You know, a typical Thursday.

I coulda been the champ!!!

It's "I coulda been a contender."


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[HomerSimpsonMode] Ummmmm ... Oshkosh! [/HomerSimpsonMode]

Panzer Leader ... I rest my case. Fix or do somefink!

As to the rest of you clowns, and I'm not talking about your wholesome, red button nose, floppy shoes, flower in the hat good old American circus clowns or even American (though I'm told there are also Canadian) Rodeo clowns but those evil, depraved clowns such as are featured regularly in the pages of: Clowns N' Babes.com!

I have all my turns out unless they're not. If I'm missing a turn due to my stupid ISP and/or Computer and/or operator of same I've sent a message requesting the same. If you haven't heard from me ... YOU OWE ME A TURN!

A brief recap:

Hakko Ichiu ... not a clue, don't even remember the bloody scenario but it's likely he's losing because ... well, because!

Agua Perdido, my, my, my, who would have thought that a simple 40 some odd turn scenario would stretch out OVER A WHOLE YEAR! And to make matters worse I think I may be losing due to a shortage of warm bodies and/or tanks! It is to weep.

Mace and I are still bumbling about avoiding contact in one of Andreas finest ... which is to say WORST of course.

Marlow has been sent his setup but has refused to respond. His right to do so is unchallenged ... HE is not ... unchallenged that is ... in more ways than one actually.

Moriarty is as dead as his name suggests, I think. This is another one that I'm a bit foggy on but I mean hell, IT'S MORIARTY!

MrSpkr is thrilled to death that his minefield managed to kill three guys! I guess that if you're an attorney in Texas these days it's as close to having a life as you can get.

Noba has managed to ascertain the likely outcome of a White Scout Car vs. Lynx matchup ... he had the White Scout Car.

OGSF was whining about my SP gun and complaining that he didn't have any tanks. This was amply refuted when I spotted his HMC ... of course then my Panther showed up so ...

Papa Khann is losing ... badly too. My valiant Free French have executed a brilliant opposed river crossing without smoke or indirect fire and now have him pinned down in a withering crossfire. It's not as bad as Jabos! ... but close.


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Change the first post...the outer board has no place in this....this....cesspool. We must maintain some resemblence of ....errr....hmmmm... something or other.

Buzzy, oh Buzzy...I have left you alone too long. * Boot * I have not seen a posting from you * Boot * in quite some time. Whom are you * Boot * playing at the moment?

Damn Serfs....never can find a good one. * Boot *


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Sir Joe Shaw! I blame you for the suffering being heaped upon me. If you had done your duty and resurrected the MBT at the proper time and place, and with a proper set of rules, than I would not have felt it was my duty to bring the new Mutha Beautiful into existence.

You, sir, have wounded me to the core, and all because of your namby-pamby "I dinna wanna post so much. Persephone was getting mad."

I demand satisfaction! I demand a Set-Up! And nothing Shavian either, but a real man's battle. One where we must clean the blood from beneath our fingenails when it's said and done. One where the flowers will bloom in abundance over our fallen boys.

Yes, I will change the opening post. But I will expect a Set-Up too, and I will not forget this, Joe, oh no, I will never forget.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

Sigh. It's like talking to Microsoft's Legal Department, isn't it?

I've seen Microsoft's Legal Department*. I've DEALT with Microsoft's Legal Department**. And Panzer Leader, sir, is no Microsoft Legal Department.

Granted, he is a git of the first order, and a whining crybaby when proved wrong, but he doesn't sue your country out of existence when riled.

* Yes, they let them out sometimes. On a leash. Muzzled. With animal control teams on standby.

** Trying to get them to file patents is like pulling teeth. Thankfully, these days we've swapped roles, and I'M the one with the pliers.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Sir Joe Shaw! I blame you for the suffering being heaped upon me. If you had done your duty and resurrected the MBT at the proper time and place, and with a proper set of rules, than I would not have felt it was my duty to bring the new Mutha Beautiful into existence.

You, sir, have wounded me to the core, and all because of your namby-pamby "I dinna wanna post so much. Persephone was getting mad."

I demand satisfaction! I demand a Set-Up! And nothing Shavian either, but a real man's battle. One where we must clean the blood from beneath our fingenails when it's said and done. One where the flowers will bloom in abundance over our fallen boys.

Yes, I will change the opening post. But I will expect a Set-Up too, and I will not forget this, Joe, oh no, I will never forget.

Blame me do you, blame me do you ...{is there an echo in here?}! I'll see your challenge and raise you! But I'm tired of the huge bloody scroll 'till your fingers fall off and miss half your troops because you got bored and said to hell with it battles.

I require something smallish and shortish, shortish so that I don't have to suffer the pain of actually corresponding with this idiot for a moment longer than necessary. Who has a mini-battle for the Justicar then ... {rolls into a fetal ball to avoid the trampling herd anxious to stick it to him with some abomination of a battle that would make Jabo! look fair and balanced}.


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Ok Joe, I'm calling it. I like shortish (after all, less than 2 months to CMBB!!) and I like smallish (women, that is) so I will see your challenge. One more thing: Make it a Der Kessel (or sometthing of equal value), out by the flagpole, 3:30 today.

Panzer Leader I have to admit that I admire someone who can do something well, some ONE thing better than anyone else, and you sir are able, far more able than anyone I know, to exploit previously untapped reservoirs of stupidity.

What part of:

Who has a mini-battle for the

Justicar then?

did you take to mean that I would create such a thing? I have no time to molly coddle idiots like you. Someone can send me a battle or not, but if one is not forthcoming then you're out of luck boyo!


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

It was lovely, too. Less than 30 seconds into turn one and a Wespe is converted into a scenic monument, replete with plaque, on top of a hill.

Some 800+ meters, and the Wespe even got off the first shot.

Pigeons were already settling on it as the turn ended, and I could clearly hear the curses of the surviving crew as they dodged away from the vehicle, zig-zagging between workmen moving in to erect park benches nearby. It's anticipated that the scenic overlook will eventually be named 'Seanachai's Victory'.

SomeNachos, if it isn't too much trouble, maybe you could take a break from your labor of the day?

By "labor of the day" I of course refer to writing your acceptance speech, all the while skipping merrily to and fro before your bedroom mirror, proudly adorned in your new "tails". (Incidentally, award recipients at gala events normally refer to tuxedos as "tails". Not that pair of squirrel butts you've stapled to the seat of your overalls.)

Because if you could see fit to pause in your fantasy about being appointed chief military adviser to the president of France, then maybe you'd have time to SEND ME THE NEXT FREAKING TURN, you git.



Reposted this here. I think the other thread was supposed to be locked but unfortunately for all of us Pantless Leader was out of his cage again (Was it my turn to watch him? If so, sorry folks).

By the way, Pantless, according to me, the last turn I received from you was at 9:43 am on 7/21. I sent you a turn back, at 12:20 pm that same day.

Try clicking on that thingie called the "Inbox". Or if you must camouflage your ignorance, fall back on the 'ol Joe Shaw line... "this internet thing is all confused and stuff"... and ask me to resend it.

[ July 25, 2002, 03:19 PM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I dated a "Molly Coddle" once. Told me she'd been born outside of wedlock. Mighty pretty country around there.

Let me guess, Boo-Boo. In your language, "mighty pretty" means she could walk using only her hind legs?


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I dated a "Molly Coddle" once. Told me she'd been born outside of wedlock. Mighty pretty country around there.

Let me guess, Boo-Boo. In your language, "mighty pretty" means she could walk using only her hind legs?


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Originally posted by Lars:

Papa, you simpleton, Boo said the country was pretty, not Molly.

I mean really, Boo dating a pretty girl?

Well, unless she was blind. Or drunk. Or in a wheelchair.

Or blind drunk in a wheelchair, which would explain why she couldn't get away.

Although it pains me in so many ways to say this, I have to agree with Lard on one point. Poo-Poo Ka-ka, you have the brain of a four year old child and I'll bet he was glad to get rid of it.

And as for you, Loam, for that comment, expect a set-up. It's been a long time since I've done battle with a nordic-based life form (the last time was when I mud wrestled a large Norwegian woman named "Ursula the Unquenchable". I still wake up screaming.).

As I am sending out surrenders to three individuals this evening, i shall be able to devote much thought to your demise. So have a care!

p.s. I will take pity on your pointy little head. I won't tell my lovely and charming wife, "She Who Must Be Obeyed"® what you said. Otherwise your miserable life would be cut mercifully short.

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Originally posted by PondScum:

I've seen Microsoft's Legal Department*. I've DEALT with Microsoft's Legal Department**. And Panzer Leader, sir, is no Microsoft Legal Department.

I didn't say he was like the Microsoft Legal Department, I said talking to him was like talking to them.

In other words: neither listens to what you have to say, dismisses what they didn't listen to with foolish arrogance, counters what you said with abuse and threats based on what they thought you might have said, since they didn't actually listen to you, and finally tells you that you simply don't have enough real power to ever make them pay any attention to you.

Except that Panzer Leader is still accessible and subject to the will of his betters.

Get the Brick...

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Boo, you simpleton {I think I'll be starting every post this way from now on, it just works}, please back up a page and note my post.

Oh, all right, I'll spell it out for you.

I'm going to be gone till probably Wednesday.

You're welcome to send the setup though. Take your time and make it a good one.

Since until Wednesday will probably not be enough given your limited mental capacity, I'll understand if the file is late and will look for it on Thursday.

And if you show my previous post to your no doubt lovely and charming wife, I expect the light bulb will go off over her head and she will take the pledge and swear off drinking forevermore.

Do you really want that?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

{snipped} I have to agree with Lard

{snipped}Poo-Poo Ka-ka

And as for you, Loam, {snipped}

Now THIS is why the Shavian House follows a strict protocol of properly spelling the names of CessPool members. No doubt Boo_Radley is still slapping his thighs with delight over his ever so clever mangling of names. We who have to try to decypher the results of his tongue clenched and twisted, fore fingers strained to maintain tension, sweat beaded brow efforts on the keyboard are left, at best, with heads shaking in pity and at worst with minds left puzzled at the intent.

Now surely we can all understand Lard for Lars (golly, we've never seen THAT one before) or Poo-Poo Ka-ka for Papa Khann (admittedly we've never seen that choice ... and I pray we may never see it again) and, while uninspired and tiresome, they do serve to identify. But Loam ...

I do not now nor have I ever insisted upon proper spelling, but let this serve as a caution to those who would mangle names willy-nilly ... at least TRY to make some sense! There's precious little hope for Boo_Radley of course, but YOU can do better ... hell, one of Mace's sheep could do better.


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Originally posted by Doug Beman:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Originally posted by AussieJeff:


Hello! I've recently lost several dozen of my IQ points; somebody spiked my Fosters, I guess. Anyway, my life is so utterly empty and devoid of all that is joyful (I am even beginning to envy Mace his woolly dalliances) that I thought I'd try to stir up some trouble in the 'pool between the good and honorable DjB and the rather malodorous rat, in the guise of responding to one of DjB's well-written jabs.

Sir AJ the Flamer

Very well, yon ki-nigget. I accept the challenge you've made on the behalf of the pestilent one. Wouldst thou be willing to provide a battle going beyond typical QB silliness?


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