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sneaking tanks around a corner

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How do I carefully turn a corner with a tank? A previous post mentioned using three waypoints, kind of like a three point turn in dad's old stationwagon. I'm guessing that the AI pauses at each waypoint to evaluate the next instruction, which, if an enemy is spotted, would probably be 'reverse'. Suggestions on improving the lifespan of my armoured vehicles would be appreciated.

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Dear Gillfish,

Have an infantry unit of some kind, half squad, loose HQ, mortar or AT team, or (although some call it gamey} surviving crew, peek around the corner first. Or if a 2 story building, have someone look out the upstairs window.

Then worry about how to drive around the corner.

Or, depending upon what you see, you may not want to.

Surprise Reduction ..... Toad

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Or, if you have room, plot a reverse order away from the building so the tank is presenting more of its frontal aspect as it approaches the corner. It's hard to imagine, and I can't describe it any better than that. If you're curious, email me and I'll send you a MSPaint map of what I mean.


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Doug beat me to it. I was going to mention the 'reverse out of cover' method too, to keep the enemy from getting a clean shot to your side.

To better picture what I'm talking about imagine a 'parallel parking' maneuver. The tank stops just short of the corner, pivots til he's parallel to the crossroad, then backs into crossroad keeping his front to the enemy at all times.

This works best with a Panther or Churchill --something that can take a hit to the front. If you're in a tinfoil M10 TD you can round the corner any way you want. You'll be holed regardless.

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I think what Gillfish (?) was talking about is instead of the reverse thing to treat the corener as two 45' angles instead of a single 90' angle.

You really need to send some kind of infantry unit to peak first, and better yet clear the surrounding area for AT teams. Does'nt matter what tank you have if you're in a built up area and make turns around corners, expect to get a Zook/Piat/P-Fuast in the side once you turn the corner.

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Yeah, I tend to use that 3-point-turn type "thingy" myself, but knowing what's on the other side is always a good idea, so if you've got the manpower, scout ahead:

Imagine you are travelling along a street with a row of buildings on either side and are coming to a T junction and want to turn left.

First get your tank travelling the street on the opposite side of the turn (i.e. Far right hand side of the road).

Next, turn early into the last left hand building so you're still in cover. Now reverse back as far as you can (or need to). This is the vulnerable bit, so you might want to cover your approach with a salvo of smoke, or better still pound any suspected enemy locations with some well timed (and well placed - careful now!) mortar or artillery fire. It may at least keep the heads down of any Anti-tank teams.

You can then go forward in your new direction (fingers crossed), so if anything is around that corner it will only be able to get a low profile/front armour shot on you.

[ March 26, 2002, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: Bloodshot ]

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Thanks for all the replies. I was indeed talking about breaking a turn into two 45' angles, but the 'reverse out of cover' method seems safer. It presents the gun and armor to the enemy quicker than the two 45' degree turns. On the negative side, it's a more complex maneuver and may take longer (I can just imagine my crew backing up into a building and getting stuck).

Accompanying infantry is, of course, always a great idea.

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