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Does your Peng Challenge Thread Tire Too Easily?

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Originally posted by Marlow:

Personally, I blame you and your lack of dicipline. What the heck good is a Justicar if he won't get out and do a little Justacarring. Time for you to get going with some trials (you know, try them a little before you convict them). Better yet, how about appling some 2X4 justice to the assembled idiots.

It's a thankless life, eh, Joe? Rampage around the Thread preaching fire and brimstone and trying to enforce the Peng Challenge Way, and you're mocked, abused, and derided, with shouts of 'lighten up', 'who died and made you an Olde One', and 'that bugger takes himself too seriously, doesn't he?'.

But let a dozen or so complete lackwits set up on the green like a bunch of Tinkers, and everyone walks around mumbling about the laxity of enforcement and the need for a short, sharp shock. Suddenly sneers of 'why isn't the Justicar shifting this shoddy lot along, then, eh?' abound.

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Game updates:

Berli: is having his butt handed to him by large amounts of commie-made high explosive propelled toward him at a leisurely velocity. And other metal things. We (The Red Horde and us)are slowly and meticulously chewing our way through the map like a giant commie ant swarm. A giant commie ant swarm with Really Big Gunz that is.

Hakko Ichiu: is having his butt handed to him by large amounts of commie-made high explosive propelled toward him at a leisurely velocity. And other metal things. We are slowly and meticulously chewing our way through the map like a moderately large commie ant swarm. A moderately large ant swarm with Really Big Gunz that is. See a trend here?

Moriarty: Is watching his tanks go Clang! and then the crews climb out of them. He's still trying to figure out which command prevents that from happening. He is also watching his troopers getting some nazi-made Die-A-Lot-Now in a factory.

Oh, and I've bought something nice and warm for his missus too. Really. We aim to please.

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I think Mr Joe Shaw realizes, as do you all, in you slow-witted, age encrusted way, that this place can use some additions to the gene pool.

The constant in-breeding that goes on in this Cesspool can only eventually cause the demise of the thread, and the survival of the THREAD is all important in my mind, not the knuckle-draggers who populate it.

Therefore, it is a good thing that folks like me hang around, no matter how dull and lack-witted we may appear to the rest of you. New blood is a good thing, and change is inevitable, get used to it!

I say bring it all on, I pesonally choose to stick around.

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Some time ago, shortly before the now legendary Quest for a New Hard-Drive and the enforced sojourn in CMBB-less Laptopland began, there was talk amongst the Olde Ones about a Squireathon between myself and Malaprop-ski.

Now, on the one hand I object to the concept of being trundled out to 'amuse' a pair of degenerate, priveliged, old-guard farts (as any self-respecting 'coMMunist' would). However, the opportunity to rain death and destruction on the philosopher prince himself (who’s clearly no longer got the money to keep the 1st year undergraduate responsible for his early looonng posts on retainer) is too good to pass up.

So whatever happened to the specially created monstrosity for this Clash of the Titans? The last I heard, Mace was involved, plonking things on a hillside ......... but I suppose this might have been about something else entirely. Wherever it is, whatever state it's in, however many sheep have been placed on the map I say bring it on! What say you Malaprop-ski?

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The scene opens in darkness, with only the odd drip, drip, drip of water drip, drip, dripping into a larger pool of water. Suddenly a dim bulb appears in the distance ... but it's only another SSN and the camera knocks it on its arse and moves on. The scene lightens a bit and ill-fitted stones are seen to line the walls and wall the lines.

Suddenly the camera stops before a door set deep in the ill-fitting stone walls. Upon the door is a brass plaque with the graven words Office of the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread and the smaller graven words "courtesy of Big Al's House of Giggles, Girls and Stenography." The door creaks open with a creak. The camera enters the dimly lit chamber within.

A man is seated at a well worn desk covered with papers and computer charts. A well worn PC sits atop the desk like a warlock's familiar. The camera zooms in on the mans face. It is a handsome, some might say VERY handsome face. Atop the high forehead (a sign of intelligence) is a distinguished head of salt and pepper hair, testament to wisdom but knowledge and compassion as well. The compassion is mirrored in the sky blue eyes, but is tempered by the dark rings beneath them, testament to long hours and much worry in the service of the CessPool.

The mouth is set in firm pose, the chin stubbornly cast in a mold that rejects all attempts to weaken the soul of the CessPool. Stern resolve is writ large in every feature ... then ... from the corner of one eye ... a single tear begins a journey down a careworn cheek.


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Originally posted by Nidan1:

I think Mr Joe Shaw realizes, as do you all, in you slow-witted, age encrusted way, that this place can use some additions to the gene pool.

Perhaps ... but I'd prefer the additions to come from other than the SHALLOW end of the pool.

The constant in-breeding that goes on in this Cesspool can only eventually cause the demise of the thread, and the survival of the THREAD is all important in my mind, not the knuckle-draggers who populate it.
Yes, it's true that the MBT has barely survived these YEARS that it's been in existence.

Therefore, it is a good thing that folks like me hang around, no matter how dull and lack-witted we may appear to the rest of you. New blood is a good thing, and change is inevitable, get used to it!
Dull and lack-witted, yes, but what of your BAD qualities? If change is needed I suggest you find the changing station and take care of it then.

I say bring it all on, I pesonally choose to stick around.


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Originally posted by Nestor:

Some time ago, shortly before the now legendary Quest for a New Hard-Drive and the enforced sojourn in CMBB-less Laptopland began, there was talk amongst the Olde Ones about a Squireathon between myself and Malaprop-ski.

Now, on the one hand I object to the concept of being trundled out to 'amuse' a pair of degenerate, priveliged, old-guard farts (as any self-respecting 'coMMunist' would). However, the opportunity to rain death and destruction on the philosopher prince himself (who’s clearly no longer got the money to keep the 1st year undergraduate responsible for his early looonng posts on retainer) is too good to pass up.

So whatever happened to the specially created monstrosity for this Clash of the Titans? The last I heard, Mace was involved, plonking things on a hillside ......... but I suppose this might have been about something else entirely. Wherever it is, whatever state it's in, however many sheep have been placed on the map I say bring it on! What say you Malaprop-ski?

AHA! Now I know why Mace sent me that file a while ago...

I know that sounds like I just ignored it, but I live in a world where strange people, some almost as strange as Mace randomly send me strange things for no reason at all. I usually shrug, and put it in the 'strange things' file.

I will pull it out tonight, do what is needful, and send it on.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Stern resolve is writ large in every feature ... then ... from the corner of one eye ... a single tear begins a journey down a careworn cheek.

Oooooh, kinda like that Indian in the "Don't Litter" campaign from the 70's.

What a metaphor, Joe's saying SSN's are garbage!

Very deep.

I always giggled about that one as I tossed my empty out the window.

Can I throw Nidan1 at Joe?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Stern resolve is writ large in every feature ... then ... from the corner of one eye ... a single tear begins a journey down a careworn cheek.


Awww, shoot! Ah rally ay-em sowry abah't mah heartless anna-ha-layshun o' yow-er poo-wer lil' Rooskie taynks Mistuh Joo-sticar!

Ah rally did'n know thay-et Mistuh Berli wood own-lay gay-ev yah TWANTY er soh ah thay-em EMMThurtahFower tay-enks tah dook et aht with muh po-wer TOO lil' Stoo-gees.

Et sho-wer es uh Lown-leeee Cun-treee out thay-er ay-en thuh boonee-docks, ain't et, Suh??

Ah'm sho-wer ya'll wah'l gayt bay-ter aht thuh gay-em wearth thuh paysage o' tahhmmmm.

Bay-est ah luck ol' buddy ay-en thuh ruh-may-nen terns.



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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:


Where are all the Ladies hiding?

Pssssst......Dalem.......I'm over here!


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Stern resolve is writ large in every feature ... then ... from the corner of one eye ... a single tear begins a journey down a careworn cheek.


Awww, shoot! Ah rally ay-em sowry abah't mah heartless anna-ha-layshun o' yow-er poo-wer lil' Rooskie taynks Mistuh Joo-sticar!

Ah rally did'n know thay-et Mistuh Berli wood own-lay gay-ev yah TWANTY er soh ah thay-em EMMThurtahFower tay-enks tah dook et aht with muh po-wer TOO lil' Stoo-gees.

Et sho-wer es uh Lown-leeee Cun-treee out thay-er ay-en thuh boonee-docks, ain't et, Suh??

Ah'm sho-wer ya'll wah'l gayt bay-ter aht thuh gay-em wearth thuh paysage o' tahhmmmm.

Bay-est ah luck ol' buddy ay-en thuh ruh-may-nen terns.



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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Stern resolve is writ large in every feature ... then ... from the corner of one eye ... a single tear begins a journey down a careworn cheek.


Awww, shoot! Ah rally ay-em sowry abah't mah heartless anna-ha-layshun o' yow-er poo-wer lil' Rooskie taynks Mistuh Joo-sticar!

Ah rally did'n know thay-et Mistuh Berli wood own-lay gay-ev yah TWANTY er soh ah thay-em EMMThurtahFower tay-enks tah dook et aht with muh po-wer TOO lil' Stoo-gees.

Et sho-wer es uh Lown-leeee Cun-treee out thay-er ay-en thuh boonee-docks, ain't et, Suh??

Ah'm sho-wer ya'll wah'l gayt bay-ter aht thuh gay-em wearth thuh paysage o' tahhmmmm.

Bay-est ah luck ol' buddy ay-en thuh ruh-may-nen terns.



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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

I see you require the services of a QUALIFIED 'MERKUN TRANSLATOR.

Pretty sad when the Merkin's (note the spelling boyo) bon't even recognise the written form of their own language!!

Signs of an empire in decline & fall I'd say.

Look for other things that may indicate all is not well - inbreeding (tick), paranoia (tick), lead pipes and drinking vessels (pass), too many Germanic immigrants (tick from a long time ago).

Let me elucidate you then...


Official Berli Backer

EEewwwww.....No, No!!

Never ever let a Berli Backer elucidate upon you!! You know exactly where they've been!

Next you'll be hanging out with Lardo in the bushes wondering where all the female foxies are!!

Mind you you're probably wondernig anyway, but it's soooo much worse as a picture with Lardo and ordure included.

[ November 13, 2002, 07:46 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Awww, shoot! Ah rally ay-em sowry...


You've been warned time and again not to do accents! My Gawd, you have enough trouble just making yourself understood with that garbled Odztralian dialect. You'd be far more understandable if you would just limit yourself to your normal, hoots, clicks and the occasional baying at the moon.


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

<font size=-1>Am i the only one here who thinks it's strange that "The Count" from Sesemea Street seems to have trouble speaking fluent english, yet is flawless in speaking english numbers, and shows signs that there is no celing to how high he can count, in english?


Probably an idiot savant. That's like being AussieJeff, but with at least one useful skill.
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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Awww, shoot! Ah rally ay-em sowry abah't mah heartless anna-ha-layshun o' yow-er poo-wer lil' Rooskie taynks Mistuh Joo-sticar!

Ah rally did'n know thay-et Mistuh Berli wood own-lay gay-ev yah TWANTY er soh ah thay-em EMMThurtahFower tay-enks tah dook et aht with muh po-wer TOO lil' Stoo-gees.

Et sho-wer es uh Lown-leeee Cun-treee out thay-er ay-en thuh boonee-docks, ain't et, Suh??

Ah'm sho-wer ya'll wah'l gayt bay-ter aht thuh gay-em wearth thuh paysage o' tahhmmmm.

Bay-est ah luck ol' buddy ay-en thuh ruh-may-nen terns.



I present ***drum roll***

Aussie Jeff


'Nuff said.

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