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Does your Peng Challenge Thread Tire Too Easily?

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ROIGHT! Listen up then lads, this here is the Peng Challenge Thread also known as the Mother Beautiful Thread (MBT for short), the CessPool or just the Cess.

If you don’t know that, it’s because you are an SSN (Scum Sucking Noobie, that is).

Now, as an SSN, you only have one thing to do. SOD OFF! That’s our little way of telling you to hit the road, take a hike, hie thee hence and git stoofed.

WHAT? Still here are ye? Well, aren’t you the cheeky one. If you plan on staying around, here are the rules.

Read them. Learn them. Live them.

(XLV) Challenge someone! That’s why it’s called “The Peng Challenge Thread” . No, you may not challenge a Kanigget or an Olde One. Nor may you challenge a squire. You can only challenge an SSN such as yourself. If you fail to do so, you can SOD OFF!

(ibid.) Challenge with wit, panache and hatred. Use what wit you have not as a cudgel, but rather as a rapier. If so, you can accrue many points that can be used later in our gift shoppe. If you have no wit, you can SOD OFF!

(ipso facto) Act as if you have a pair, but don’t go on about YOUR pair. It’s embarrassing for everybody. Also, kindly leave your prejudices and racism at the door. if you can’t do that...wait for it...you can SOD OFF!

(ltd) SSN's MUST have a valid e-mail address and their general location in their profile. Why? Because we say so, that's why and if you don't like it, you can (drum roll please) SOD OFF!

(abba dabba do) If you have any questions, please feel free to SOD OFF!

( Ha! Weren’t expecting that one were you? Idjit!)

[ November 12, 2002, 02:47 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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I have some other prejudices with your premature withdrawel. For instance, about wit:

My wit is like that guy with the humungous hammer in the Conan movie. How do you expect me to wield that mo-fo like a rapier??

And how do you thread tire? Is that a skater term? You are a git. It sucks, do over.

[ November 12, 2002, 02:30 PM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:


I have some other prejudices with your premature withdrawel. For instance, about wit:

My wit is like that guy with the humungous hammer in the Conan movie. How do you expect me to wield that mo-fo like a hammer??

And how do you thread tire? Is that a skater term? You are a git. It sucks, do over.

And why don't you go chase yourself?
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I need you {IF you have the time}, to pick a peng member who has the CMBB patch to test a new evilness I made. It has things that explode, things that scream, and from the few people who tested it, claim it is EXTREMELY evil. So, pick one of the nogs, pummel him/her/it/sheep and let me know whatcha think.

As for the rest of you....New Rune Evilnesses once the patch is released. [No, not THAT patch, she is fine with Berli].

You may begin your gnashing of teeth...


Army of the Porcupine

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You forgot the part about having a general location and an email address ... also the part forbidding anyone with pretensions of grandeur ... like calling yourself an SS_Oberherrgeneraluber ... or something.


p.s. Also we can't forget the CessPool Rule of 76.

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Originally posted by Jo Xia:

p.s. Also we can't forget the CessPool Rule of 76.

Pish. He doesn't even pass the CessPool rule of 37.

And Jo, since you are keeper of MBT tradition, what in the name of Fred were you doing trolling in the General forum? One would expect more from the self-appointed defender of the Peng Challenge thread

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(fifth} TAUNT ME but GOOD you idjit!! "I would be pleased to send a long a setup" is NOT a feckin' TAUNT! Gimme some SPITE and VENOM, lad!!!! Like ya got a PAIR!!!!!
Dear AJ,

To be honest, I have always liked Australians. The blokes I have met are plain spoken with little time to be bothered with bullsh@@ in their lives or handing it out to others. Plus the fact that many Australian woman find American males desirable. As one sweet Australian lass said to me “Australian men would rather fight then fu@@”.

{firstly} Who the HELL do you belong too? Can't be too careful these days ya know. Stranger danger and all that...
Actually no one Sir. I have never been good at joining and posses very little ability (as I am sure everyone here has noticed) to sling bullsh@@. If I may be so bold as to say to a Knigget “If you would care to DO-A-SEARCH you will find that I am an old timer to the MBT . You will also find my picture on Sir Lorak’s page and posts to the MBT in the archives. It is interseting to note that you seem to have taken the title of "Gamiest Bastage" away from Meeks however. I also miss Mr. Dave Aitken as he was always good for a brutal loss and was exellent at providing a gamey excuse.

Sod off now and SOUND OFF PROPER!
I also have never been very good at “Sounding off like I have a pair” as I possess little talent for bullsh@@ and am not a Marine. If I am pissed-off I have been known to on occasion. I usually however remain on the quieter side and prefer to settle matters, shall we say emm…out of court?

I also prefer smaller Quick battles (500-700) as they lend themselves nicely to PBEM and balance.

I remain doing my best not to sit on my pair, when at my computer,


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Originally posted by rune:


I need you {IF you have the time}, to pick a peng member who has the CMBB patch to test a new evilness I made. It has things that explode, things that scream, and from the few people who tested it, claim it is EXTREMELY evil. So, pick one of the nogs, pummel him/her/it/sheep and let me know whatcha think.

Lucky I say this. I clicked on this thread accidentally (normally isn't worth the effort of reading). Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time, and those who are in the Peng Thread (Mace and... well, just Mace) don't have the patch
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

For anyone who ever wondered what Berli might look like dressed up in Frank Gorshin's old Riddler costume...

{edited because I'm not as STUPID as Boo_Radley}

Yeah, I know I'll pay, but it was worth it.

Boy ... are you DUMB!


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

My wit is like that guy with the humungous hammer in the Conan movie. How do you expect me to wield that mo-fo like a rapier??

In that case, it's not "wit". It's more akin to a "clown-like sense of the physical". Banana peels, seltzer bottle, big floppy shoes.
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

For anyone who ever wondered what I might look like dressed up in Frank Gorshin's old Riddler costume...

Ah, the Boo - ble headed doll.

I was thinking of taunting you right properly into a contest, but you apparently are right tightly into a costume at the moment.

Silly git.

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Originally posted by Abbott:

To be honest, I have always liked Australians. The blokes I have met are plain spoken with little time to be bothered with bullsh@@ in their lives or handing it out to others. Plus the fact that many Australian woman find American males desirable. As one sweet Australian lass said to me “Australian men would rather fight then fu@@”.

Unfortunately, she couldn't spell....

Actually no one Sir. I have never been good at joining and posses very little ability (as I am sure everyone here has noticed) to sling bullsh@@. If I may be so bold as to say to a Knigget “If you would care to DO-A-SEARCH you will find that I am an old timer to the MBT . You will also find my picture on Sir Lorak’s page and posts to the MBT in the archives. It is interseting to note that you seem to have taken the title of "Gamiest Bastage" away from Meeks however. I also miss Mr. Dave Aitken as he was always good for a brutal loss and was exellent at providing a gamey excuse.
Oh Dear! A "floater". Neither twixt or 'tween eh? Hmmm. I wonder what the penalty is for toying with your ilk?

I also have never been very good at “Sounding off like I have a pair” as I possess little talent for bullsh@@ and am not a Marine. If I am pissed-off I have been known to on occasion. I usually however remain on the quieter side and prefer to settle matters, shall we say emm…out of court?
Well, that WOULD explain your lack of ownership. Even Panzer Leader who has NO YARBLES can at least SOUND like he has some. Not very convincingly though I must admit.

I also prefer smaller Quick battles (500-700) as they lend themselves nicely to PBEM and balance.
Christ on a crutch! Would you prefer milk in your teas too Sir? How a bout an after dinner mint to go? Would you like a tip? Balance? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU RAVING ABOUT, MAN! Chaos and UN-BALANCE is what makes the world SPIN doncherknow!

I remain doing my best not to sit on my pair, when at my computer,


Well, at least you admit you HAVE a pair, which as has been oft stated is NOT one of Panzer Leader's strong points, so you score 1/2 a point there. Now let me add up your assessment card ... hmm .... 1/10 for BILE, .03/10 for VENOM, 2/10 for a PAIR, -3/10 for PREFERENCES, -7.16 for LACK OF OWNERSHIP.

Lemme see ...... that makes 15.222/100. Gawd, lad. That's just a tick above FAIL! But I'll say this for me - I'm a FAIR bastard who would NEVER take advantage of a poor lost soul such as yourself. I just happen to be short of a weakminded playtester (I'm full up with "pathetic" "dumb-assed" "losers" right now), so batten down your hatch and PREPARE TO MEET THY DOOM at my tactiley superior hands!

Sir Flamin' AJ

He Of The Caring Touche

[ November 12, 2002, 06:52 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

For anyone who ever wondered what I might look like dressed up in Frank Gorshin's old Riddler costume...












. BooRidd.jpg?bc5cP.9A8507H6e4

He doesnt look anything like the riddler, more like a cross between a tele-tubby and the re-incarnation of Jeffrey Dahlmer.
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Originally posted by Abbott:

Dearest AJ

To be honest, I have always liked Australians.

{disgustingly polite blather]

Yours lovingly,


Some rage, some taunt, but our Abbott prefers to offer the verbal handjob when out for a QB.

Nice change of pace from the sheep, I'm sure, though no doubt the wool burns and violent struggle will be missed, but really, shouldn't you be in that other challenge thread with posts like that?

Now where was that burly bear thing again...oh...slipped off page one I see. Never would have guessed...

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Bo Derek's allowed to start threads now too?? Well why not I suppose - I mean it's jsut a formula to be repeated ad nauseaum.....excuse me - I jsut had to barf a little....and if Pansy Leerer has been allowed to for a few months then standards have obviously slipped far enough.

Now let's see....Lardo - where are you you pulsimonious penguin??

didn't I thrash your little botty once upon a time? IIRC it was at Crodaburg where you utterly failed to use all the defences god (and Croda) could fit into 1 CM game?

And seeing as all your current opponents are so embarrased playing that they've stopped sending their turns back I thought I'd help you out here.

There's nothing like a good hard game, but I only play you for the easy win so that's not really relevant.

I'm not that proud - heck - Australia's only 1200 miles over my left shoulder.

So send me a set up and let's give y'ass another good tannin' boyo!

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