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I fell out of the Peng Tree and hit every Challenge on the way down

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If you don't know what this thread is about then Sod Off. You are not welcome here.

If you think you do know what this thread is about, Sod off twice. Mr. Cheeky-types need not apply.

If you still haven't sodded off, as per the above requests, take this opportunity to Sod off.

If you are too impaired in the bean to understand the above instructions, then for goodness sake abide by the following rules: Challenge some other worthless newbie piece of scum like yourself and post humorous AARs here. We hope you lose, as that makes us laugh. Then sod off.

Remember, you suck, and it's probably best you hit the 'back' button on your browser and never come back to this the most holy and vile MBT.

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Originally posted by Noba:

So where is the link in the old thread, you philistinic pillock ? ? ?

Give me half a second you trigger happy gweeb. Rome wasn't built in a day you know.

[ June 10, 2002, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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Originally posted by Persephone:


Joe and Dalem at the annual Trekkie convention.


Ugh. Persephone, methinks Joe and Dalem are just a little too close in this picture.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course.


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If this is the tree, that would make us all monkeys. Monkey see, monkey challenge and heap scorn.

It is my proud duty to report a LOSS to MrSpkr. However, this was not your garden variety "I'd-a-won-if-the-dice-roll-had-just-gone-my-way" loss. You know, the kind where you can posture and bluff in order to assert that you have some shred of dignity left? OH no. My brave Ami's lost to that union-bashing MrSpkr's Über-Senile-Truppen Volksturmenenenenen.

Having achieved a loss of such unarguably demeaning proportions, I have set forth in an attempt to lose to him in even worse fasion for our next foray.

Besides, it's fun trying to beat up old men. Well, fun while you think you've got 'em on the ropes. But damned if they don't usually have a hold-out boot knife to separate your ribs. Gamey bastiges.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

If this is the tree, that would make us all monkeys. Monkey see, monkey challenge and heap scorn.

It is my proud duty to report a LOSS to MrSpkr. However, this was not your garden variety "I'd-a-won-if-the-dice-roll-had-just-gone-my-way" loss. You know, the kind where you can posture and bluff in order to assert that you have some shred of dignity left? OH no. My brave Ami's lost to that union-bashing MrSpkr's Über-Senile-Truppen Volksturmenenenenen.

Having achieved a loss of such unarguably demeaning proportions, I have set forth in an attempt to lose to him in even worse fasion for our next foray.

Besides, it's fun trying to beat up old men. Well, fun while you think you've got 'em on the ropes. But damned if they don't usually have a hold-out boot knife to separate your ribs. Gamey bastiges.

Look for our new children's book on this topic later this evening, if I can be bothered to post some screen shots.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Look for our new children's book on this topic later this evening, if I can be bothered to post some screen shots.


Really, don't bother. Or blather. Why don't you just send the set-up? You got some more old men ready to die? Huh? <big>DO YA PUNK!!</big>

I'm in the mood for some down right un-unionized old man bashing, I can tell you that right now. I've got SCARS caused by your codger cadre, and me and my teenage friends are gonna make grandpa PAY, Daddio. We've made a pact to go WAYYY beyond kicking out walkers, I can tell you that. Really, after some good old H.E. delivered cosmetic surgery, your geriatric germans will look positively middle-aged (after the skin grafts, of course).

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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Look for our new children's book on this topic later this evening, if I can be bothered to post some screen shots.


Really, don't bother. Or blather. Why don't you just send the set-up? You got some more old men ready to die? Huh? <big>DO YA PUNK!!</big>

I'm in the mood for some down right un-unionized old man bashing, I can tell you that right now. I've got SCARS caused by your codger cadre, and me and my teenage friends are gonna make grandpa PAY, Daddio. We've made a pact to go WAYYY beyond kicking out walkers, I can tell you that. Really, after some good old H.E. delivered cosmetic surgery, your geriatric germans will look positively middle-aged (after the skin grafts, of course).</font>

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:


Joe and Dalem at the annual Trekkie convention.


Ugh. Persephone, methinks Joe and Dalem are just a little too close in this picture.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:


Joe and Dalem at the annual Trekkie convention.


Ugh. Persephone, methinks Joe and Dalem are just a little too close in this picture.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course.


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Hirsute Hiram’s Gamey Update

JDMorse He is a vile creature who should be emasculated, vivisected, and then banished to do community service in a geriatric home collecting fecal specimens. Well, he is a lawyer you know and that bad karma has to come around some time. Oh, our PBEM is still the same one I’m also playing against Elvis. I’m defending and holding the moral highground while he is attacking and is doing gamey things that I cannot describe because I would feel so very unclean. Yes, he will win…but will he be able to explain why at the Bema seat? One wonders.

Elvis Think of bad things to do with your infantry and that is Elvis He is doing some naughty things with his infantry like taking out my honorable 88’s from the side and the rear. He feels most comfortable coming from the rear. Sit down Bauhas, you syphilitic sod! Still, he is the consummate host if you are in his neighborhood, so that sort of makes up for the untenable position he has put me in regarding our PBEM. I do despise him though. I hope his computer suddenly reboots if he reads this. Hehe

Croda We already know that he is a mangy mongrel that should be put down. But that has nothing to do with our game. I’m ready when he is.

Speedbump A timid field mouse if there ever was one. After my conscript swarm smacked him around in the first 5 turns, he slowly creeped towards the flags hoping that I wouldn’t hurt him any more. I hear whimpering from his side of the map. I’m thinking about having the other thousand of my conscripts say “Boo” and watch him scurry away.

Slapdragon Still waiting for a turn. I know that real life happens, so I don’t mind. It’s an infantry only battle and he is defending. I’m Axis and sort of attacking. If you could call it “attacking”. It’s more like the Special Olympics shuffle towards the finish line. Even if you win, you’re still retarded.

Fionn Kelly We haven’t started yet. I still need to provide three forms of ID, a blood test, and a valid CM certificate of authenticity. I will probably need to have the PBEM notarized. I kid you, Fionn. Please don’t call me a “bloody, bloomin’ buggerin’ git” This should be interesting as I am participant #10,039 in the Tournament of People who suck vs Fionn.

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Afternoon Monkeys

A report to Sir Mace that Saskatchewan has been laid waste , Farmer Harv's crops burnt his people driven into the wilderness and his flocks are ours . He was of course crushed and left to wander the wastelands to look for his master who has decamped to Denver with all possible haste to take up with a lapdancing hippy chimp trekkie thing .

Other stuff , The ether has finally given up on hanging onto Lurks turn and a reply is on its way

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