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Nordic Wannabee Tourney - finals

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Wow! Interesting results. Depite my winning the scenario Economy of Force I still managed to accrue minus 12 or so points. YIKES! And I blame it all on losing my Churchill's gun from the very first shot fired in anger at it. My game winning unit became toothless from the virtual beginning. :mad:

I shall console my wounded pride with the game highest score in Meeting of Devils... although it could be argued that this particular scenario has the highest "luck" factor of all of them. :(

While I have the opportunity I would like to thank Treeburst & Nabla for making the whole tournament possible and for their tireless effort throughout. An extremely enjoyable and well organised tournament which I benefitted from immensely. Mind you, I have to agree with the previous poster that Wreck's continual long winded narratives that accompanied each game file really stretched my reading limits every time. ;)


Jim R.

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Some of us are long winded. Some aren't. Especially when playing I fall in the second category because I do not want to give anything away.

Treeburst: playoffs good! Seems to me it should be easy enough to determine a winner out of section 1 (offhand I suspect redwolf), and then we can play along with the Nordic champs, or we can do something else. WIth section one it seems reasonable to me to just set the scores for unfinished games to the average, for the purpose of computing the section winners.

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Playoffs good. What were Mare's and Sir Ueber General's results as far as they played?

I wonder why we shouldn't have cross-playoffs between Wannabees and real Nordics (now that we know their weakness in handling unbalanced defences smile.gif )


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Originally posted by Wreck:

Seems to me it should be easy enough to determine a winner out of section 1 (offhand I suspect redwolf), and then we can play along with the Nordic champs...

It would be nice if you could arrange this.
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Well, looking over the scoresheet it does appear Redwolf did better than Mare Ichthys. I'd have to calculate it out to be sure however. I will do this in the same manner as I did for Redwolf later this evening when I get time.

Uber General just misses out since his games were not completed. I guess this is the big problem I have. He tried so hard to get them done. He was also a replacement, thereby helping me and the tourney out by jumping in. Oh well, I guess one casualty due to drop-outs is better than four finalists missing out on their playoff, eh?

I will post later with Mare Ichthys' score. We shall move on to the finals as originally planned!

Treeburst155 out.

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That was easier than I thought. Mare Ichthys ended up well below the median due to two rather big losses (in relation to the median).

The official Section One winner is: REDWOLF !!

Congratulations, Redwolf!

Thank you again, Uber General for making it possible for Redwolf and Mare Ichthys to finish all their games. You are a tourney vet in good standing should you wish to play in another. I've taken steps to prevent drop-outs in future tourneys. We won't let this happen again.

Treeburst155 out.

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Wow..I just squeaked by Ricochet! Definetely interested in continuing with a play-off of some sorts. Congrats to all my section 2 opponents, all were great guys, very prompt and responsive with the turns, and I had a blast trading the taunts, propaganda, and comments back and forth!

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Yes, White4, you are a finalist. Nabla and I are testing the scenarios now. It may be another week or so. We want to get them right!


I signed you up for the CMBB tourney. You are the last one for the main event. Anybody else will have to be on a waiting list. Some will probably have to bow out by the time it starts.

An overflow tourney will be held for all the backups who don't get moved to the main event.

Treeburst155 out.

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Uber General,

You just have the most rotten luck and timing. I really feel bad about it. Really I do.

You are number two on the waiting list for the next tourney. Chances are very good that you will get in BEFORE it starts as it may be awhile and Real Life will no doubt force some to bow out.

If your bad luck prevails, and you don't gain entrance to the main event, you will play in an exact duplicate overflow tourney, along with your fellow tourney vets who signed on too late.

This overflow tourney will have a prize sponsored by me. So, even with the worst of luck, you will have a tourney with a nice prize to play in that will consist of RELIABLEparticipants.

So hang in there, Sir Uber General. You'll have plenty of tourney games to play in the near future. Enjoy the short break. BTW, check the, "To All WineCape Tourney Vets" thread. That is where all the news for the upcoming tourney(s)will be posted, so check it frequently since you are now #2 on the waiting list.

Treeburst155 out.

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Yes ciks, we will have a proper playoff as originally planned. Redwolf clearly had the best score in Section One. Nabla and I are testing the scenarios now. We want to get them right so it may be a week yet. Stay tuned to this thread or the Nordic Champ thread for updates, etc..

Treeburst155 out.

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Nabla's two scenarios are looking good to me. I think they are ready. I've sent him two scenarios of mine that he will evaluate when he gets the chance. I think his are better, but mine are decent too IMO. Nabla will be making the final decision on what we use. Be patient. It won't be long.

Remember, the German player will get the scenario file, his briefings(both general and Axis), and a password. At the same time, the Allied player will be sent his briefings and password. The German player will start the game.

Treeburst155 out.

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In the mean time, what's the plan on the publication of the AAR's ?

I'd be glad to grant the world insight into the stupidities that landed me well down the pecking order, but I don't feel like retyping it all in the thread on the scenario board.

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I can start a thread in the scenarios forum, and post the AARs there for all to read. Any screen shots I couldn't do though. It would just be the text. I will do this when I get time. Right now, this third scenario for the finals is causing us some trouble. I need to spend some time on it.

Treeburst155 out.

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The finals will begin in about five hours. Well, two-thirds of the finals anyway. We're still working on one of the scenarios. It will be ready shortly. In the meantime, we'll get this ball rolling again.

If you are the Allied player you will receive only your briefings and a password for each game. If you are Germans you will receive all this plus the .cmb saved game file. The German player will start the PBEM game with this file. As previously mentioned, you can expect files in about five hours. Good Luck, Gentlemen!!

Treeburst155 out.

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Got the "Fluid" setup file from White4. The map is bigger than i expected, but that's ok, only setup will take a little longer (White4, do you copy?).

There's one funny thing on the map thou. The "Mountain of Water" in the harbour...

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I already sent the setup, but I noticed the water-bump too and it is not going to be a problem. Or anyway, the chance of it affecting the scenario in any way at all is slim, and the chance of the effect being more than miniscule is also slim.

So don't worry bout it!

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