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Nordic Wannabee Tourney - finals

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All seconded, of course!

It is very sad that Treeburst took the risk of adding a parallel tournament because there was so much demand, and is now being let down in this way. And mind you, the guys dropping out here were those who were the first to cry "let me in", the ones ending up in section one. To round it all up, I remind you that we already had two replacements in section one.

Speaking of replacements, Sir Ueber General deserves a special mention for doing his very best to keep this going. He had the bad luck of choosing a Nickname too similar to CombatGeneral, at the time the latter was jerking like hell, and I probably treated him in a very arrogant way before I realised my mistake. Sorry for that and keep going, s.u.g..

P.S. I should have insistend to be let into the real Nordics, living on former Danish occupied territory at the time :D

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Thanks, guys. The scenarios are the key to a fun tourney. WineCape has already made tentative arrangements with one well-known scenario designer for the CMBB tournament. We will stay on top of this so we can be sure we have plenty of scenarios for the tourney AND the playoffs.

I have a long list of reliable tourney players now. If everyone on the list wants to play in the CMBB tourney I will need to increase the number of sections or have a second simultaneous CMBB tourney. I haven't decided which way would be best. It might be nice having eight sections in one tourney with two "four section" playoffs, followed by a final showdown between the two top dogs. The main thing is that NOBODY on my list of reliables will be left out.

ALL the scenarios would be designed in advance by people who know what they're doing. The scenario I designed for the Wild Bill playoffs wasn't too well liked, so I'm staying out of the design business as much as I can for the sake of the community. :D

Treeburst155 out.

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I too want to send a thanks to Treeburst for his Nordic Wannabee Tourney. The different scenarios were so enjoyable and different that I found myself not caring about the winning and losing but getting caught in the play. I have met some very nice opponents through the tourney as well, so that is a plus. Thanks again and I hope to compete in the CMBB Tourney.....someday :D

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OK, guys, below is the exact input file that the scoring program will use. Check this over and let me know if there are any mistakes. I think it's good; but you never know.

You will notice there are seven sections for each scenario. The last four are the Nordic Champ results. They are in there to give us a more accurate median score. We have them so we might as well use them.

I wanted to include the two players from Section One who finished all their games, but the scoring program will not allow it because I don't have results for all of their opponents' games. So, you guys will have to judge your performance based on the median scores for the scenarios.

I will post the actual tourney scores tomorrow once people have had a chance to look over the following input file:

# Economy_OF_Force

Thumpre 54 Ricochet 31

Massattack 85 Jack_Trap 15

White4 92 a1steaks 8

Cpl_Carrot 79 The_Commissar 21

Kanonier_Reichmann 45 Lopaka 32

Warhammer 51 Wreck 35

Mr_johnson 81 Combined_Arms 19

Scheer 75 Strider 25

Sgt_Kelly 46 ciks 54


Juha_A 70 Ari 30

Topi 81 Fate 19

Heibis 83 vskalex 17

Tuomas 74 Jarmo 26

Sesam 91 Dragoon19 9

DrAlimantado 83 Ugbash 17

tero 66 Torbhen 26

Juha_K 77 Kingfish 23

S_Fredrikson 47 Cogust 46

PasiN 53 Pixie 47

Ali 78 J_Porta 22

Mattias 92 Romeoman 8

# Gotta_Get_Up

Massattack 27 Thumpre 73

Ricochet 47 White4 53

Jack_Trap 43 a1steaks 57

Kanonier_Reichmann 33 Cpl_Carrot 67

The_Commissar 42 Warhammer 58

Lopaka 22 Wreck 78

Scheer 18 Mr_johnson 82

Combined_Arms 23 Sgt_Kelly 77

Strider 15 ciks 85


Topi 37 Juha_A 63

Ari 46 Heibis 54

Fate 60 vskalex 40

Sesam 41 Tuomas 59

Jarmo 10 DrAlimantado 90

Dragoon19 24 Ugbash 76

Juha_K 36 tero 64

Torbhen 34 S_Fredrikson 66

Kingfish 15 Cogust 85

Ali 41 PasiN 59

Pixie 38 Mattias 62

J_Porta 35 Romeoman 65

# The_Aftermath

Thumpre 64 White4 36

a1steaks 53 Massattack 39

Jack_Trap 61 Ricochet 39

Cpl_Carrot 70 Warhammer 30

Wreck 65 Kanonier_Reichmann 35

Lopaka 52 The_Commissar 41

Mr_johnson 76 Sgt_Kelly 24

ciks 57 Scheer 35

Strider 72 Combined_Arms 17


Juha_A 54 Heibis 46

vskalex 20 Topi 62

Fate 38 Ari 62

Tuomas 59 DrAlimantado 41

Ugbash 35 Sesam 65

Dragoon19 25 Jarmo 44

tero 62 S_Fredrikson 38

Cogust 69 Juha_K 23

Kingfish 58 Torbhen 34

PasiN 39 Mattias 61

Romeoman 37 Ali 63

J_Porta 29 Pixie 45

# Enough_Is_Enough

a1steaks 41 Thumpre 59

White4 68 Jack_Trap 32

Massattack 51 Ricochet 49

Wreck 55 Cpl_Carrot 45

Warhammer 55 Lopaka 43

Kanonier_Reichmann 55 The_Commissar 45

ciks 59 Mr_johnson 41

Sgt_Kelly 47 Strider 53

Scheer 38 Combined_Arms 59


vskalex 25 Juha_A 75

Heibis 42 Fate 58

Topi 29 Ari 68

Ugbash 58 Tuomas 42

DrAlimantado 70 Dragoon19 29

Sesam 60 Jarmo 40

Cogust 61 tero 39

S_Fredrikson 84 Kingfish 16

Juha_K 65 Torbhen 35

Romeoman 52 PasiN 47

Mattias 85 J_Porta 15

Ali 61 Pixie 39

# Meeting_Of_Devils

Thumpre 43 Jack_Trap 32

Ricochet 51 a1steaks 49

Massattack 30 White4 70

Cpl_Carrot 58 Lopaka 31

The_Commissar 38 Wreck 51

Kanonier_Reichmann 76 Warhammer 24

Mr_johnson 73 Strider 27

Combined_Arms 34 ciks 54

Scheer 30 Sgt_Kelly 58


Juha_A 41 Fate 47

Ari 60 vskalex 27

Topi 55 Heibis 33

Tuomas 60 Dragoon19 29

Jarmo 70 Ugbash 30

Sesam 57 DrAlimantado 43

tero 39 Kingfish 49

Torbhen 37 Cogust 41

Juha_K 59 S_Fredrikson 41

PasiN 39 J_Porta 50

Pixie 37 Romeoman 38

Ali 50 Mattias 50

Treeburst155 out.

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Economy of Force:

LoL, and I thought I got my butt whupped.. What happened A1Steaks?

Thumpre, I guess I did put that FO in the right spot alright.

Gotta Get Up:

LoL again, looks like I’m champ of getting up and bugging out.

Run away! Run away!

The Aftermath:

Not much happened in this scenario and it looks like it paid off for me, tied with Massattack and 2 points behind the Commissar.

Enough is Enough:

Looks like it wasn’t enough for Thumpre. Good job Alex!

Meeting of the Devils:

At least I took out the German Armored Car with the 50cal jeep. That was a one fun minute.

(Hey Alex, did you get my email with the new scenario setup?)

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OK, since nobody seems to have found fault with the final scores, I will run them through the super-duper Nabla scoring program in a few hours. So, late this evening (GMT -6) you will see how you stacked up in your section, NOT INCLUDING the AAR bonuses.

Below is a list of all the people who turned in AARs, along with the number of AARs they submitted. Please check this list to make sure I have you down for the correct number of AARs. If your name is not on the list I have no AARs on record for you.


Cpl. Carrot-3


Jack Trap-4

Kanonier Reichmann-2



Sgt Kelly-5



Treeburst155 out.

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Just wanted to chime in my "Thanks!" for all the work put in by Nabla, WBW and Treeburst. And thank you to all my opponents for whooping me good.

Good luck to the section 3ers who will represent the finest section in either tourney in the finals!

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Uber General,

AARs were not mandatory. I should have told you about them when I got you started in the tourney. Sorry about that. In any case, none of it matters for you guys in Section One.

BTW, you are eligible for a slot in the upcoming CMBB tourney in case you didn't know.

Treeburst155 out.

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Here are the tourney scores BEFORE adding in the AAR bonuses. You'll notice that ciks had the highest score overall with 7.40 points. This means AARs will be worth 4% of this total, or .296 tourney points. Five AARs would add 5 x .296 or 1.48 points to your tourney score.

I will now add in the AAR points and we will have the final winners for each section. This will be posted sometime in the next couple hours.

At this point I feel the need to mention the three Section One players who were denied this last bit of fun due to the MIA problem in their section. Thank you Redwolf and Mare Ichthys for completing your games in a timely manner, and thank you, Uber General, for your all out efforts to do the same. Your names are in bold font because the section winners will also be in bold font in my next posting. You three deserve the same recognition.

And now the scores BEFORE AARs are added in:

Section 2

Ricochet........... 4.10

White4............. 3.35

Thumpre............ 2.78

Jack_Trap......... -2.08

Massattack........ -3.05

a1steaks.......... -5.57

Section 3

Wreck............... 5.92

Cpl_Carrot.......... 4.23

The_Commissar....... 0.38

Kanonier_Reichmann.. -1.61

Lopaka............. -1.86

Warhammer.......... -8.04

Section 4

ciks................ 7.40

Mr_johnson.......... 6.62

Strider............ -1.25

Sgt_Kelly........... -3.52

Combined_Arms....... -4.25

Scheer.............. -7.02

Treeburst155 out.

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And here we have the final winners! The AARs paid off for White4, allowing him to ease ahead of Ricochet. Congratulations to the winners!!

I will be posting tourney scores for individual scenarios as time permits over the next few days. This way you can see who did the best in a particular scenario. I'm also in the process of doing this for the Nordic Champ tourney so be patient. It takes a little time to put together.

Section 2

White4.......... 4.830

Ricochet........... 4.100

Thumpre............ 2.780

Jack_Trap......... -0.896

Massattack........ -2.754

a1steaks.......... -5.570

Section 3

Wreck............. 7.400

Cpl_Carrot.......... 5.118

The_Commissar....... 0.380

Kanonier_Reichmann.. -1.018

Lopaka............. -1.268

Warhammer.......... -6.856

Section 4

ciks............. 8.880

Mr_johnson.......... 6.620

Strider............ -1.250

Sgt_Kelly........... -2.040

Combined_Arms....... -4.250

Scheer.............. -7.020

Treeburst155 out.

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You get guaranteed entry into the "easiest" section of my next tourney should you choose to participate. Somebody has to lose. Guys who do so gracefully, such as yourself, are a good example for the rest of us. You may have lost the tourney, but your attitude toward losing makes you a winner in my book.

Having said that, you'll get no T-shirt for that disgraceful performance! :D It's not a bad idea though for future tourneys. I'll have to think about that.

Treeburst155 out.

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Congrats to Wreck. May you go on and show the others what how great Section III is. Congrats to the other winners and thank you to all the peolpe who took part, made maps and organised the the whole thing. My sincere thanks to all.

Now Wreck I request a rematch. This time I won't be put off by those lengthy responses you made to my emails. :D

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Wow! Looks like i have the highest after-AAR score of both Nordic Tourneys (closest to follow is Cogust with 8.57 and no AARs)!!!

Never thought this could happen. Looking at the raw scores i thought Mr.Johnson will take the lead in our group...

Nevertheless, thanks to my opponents in Section4 for making me think hard every turn. And of course biiiiig thank-you to the organizers (do you, guys, actually have fun doing this for us?)

Now, can i add the "Nordic Wannabe Tourney Finalist" or "NWT Regular Season Winner" badge to my signature? :D

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Hello everyone!

First, congratulations to the winners. The finals will probably start next week. I planned to get all the scenarios for the finals ready this week, but I'm just having too much fun playtesting them. For example, yesterday, while playing x against the AI, I couldn't believe it when a y, right out of the blue, z both my u and v, even after w! :D

At this point I'd like to thank WBW for his first round scenarios, and all first round participants. I hope you had fun.

As you've probably noticed, a new thread has been started in the scenario forum about the first round scenarios. I've just posted a message in that thread, containing a link via which you can download my first round scenarios (The Aftermath, Gotta Get Up, Economy of Forces).

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Uber General and All,

I thought I made it clear (but I probably didn't) that due to MIAs there would be no way to score Section One, and there would be no playoffs because I need to have an even number of people for the Nabla playoff scoring/scheduling system to work.

In order to have a playoff we would need to let Redwolf, Uber General, and Mare Ichthys from Section One have their own separate playoff first. This I decided against because I have no good scenarios AND it would be a lot of work I didn't plan on.

What we could do is give the three section winners and the three orphaned Section One players access to the finals scenarios. I would even secure them for you guys. This way the six of you could play each other and at least enjoy the latest, never before seen, twisted work of Nabla at the same time as all the Nordic Champ finalists. You six would have to arrange your own games and there would be no final champion (unless you decided on one amongst yourselves); but at least you would get to play the scenarios you earned by winning your sections.

How does that sound? I think that's a great way to reward the section winners and the Section One survivors.

Treeburst155 out.

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