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Wild Bill's Rumblings of War [Part IV], aka RoW

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Originally posted by Holien:

Hi TB it is slightly in favour of the Germans. You have to really do a number with what you get as the Allies.

The Allies can certainly win, but have to have their armour handled in a different manner.

After giving the scenario more thought I can see how I would have improved my preformance and it would have involved me using a similar approach to that in Dompaire.

The sheer amount of flags on the hill top does create a flag rush situation and I will explain more when they have finished their game.


OK I think the best way to settle this is to play again from different sides. If you've got the time I've got the...well you know the rest.

[ April 19, 2002, 08:33 AM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]

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Hi Capt,

Send me the turn. Send me the turn!!! Of our final game.

Once we get that out the way I will take you up on the offer as it will be fun.

I presume I get the Germans and you get the Allies.

Of course I will lose and get egg on my face, but I still maintain the Allies have the edge.


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Originally posted by Holien:

Hi Capt,

Send me the turn. Send me the turn!!! Of our final game.

Once we get that out the way I will take you up on the offer as it will be fun.

I presume I get the Germans and you get the Allies.

Of course I will lose and get egg on my face, but I still maintain the Allies have the edge.


Ah your mad!! I will send one this aft, sorry but I am Mr Mom this week (after pulling double shifts Mon/Tues) and those two little pit vipers are sucking the life out of me.

I should be able to keep up a better pace this weekend.

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Be aware I know what I type and it might be that I am after some Friday afternoon comedy.

So would you like a 5 minute or 20 minute argument?



P.s. Please don't teach those vipers how to play as you are bad enough without more of your gene pool playing.

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A bumpdate on my last game. It's now turn 20 or 21 (don't recall offhand), and the flag rush, such as it was, has happened.

The past few turns saw me losing my last hellcat (to a schreck, oops). But I killed Warren's last two PzIVs (one with a rifle grenade!), and got one of his JpzIVs. So his armor is now just three JpzIVs, which are all located in the center of his starting zone. They dominate a few thin lines of sight, and with my last hellcat out I don't have any immediate threat to run behind them. But I control (by unopposed Sherman LOS) most of the map, including Warren's side of the hill.

Warren seems to have gotten perhaps two or three platoons on the hill. However, because I have won the tank battle cleanly, and I still have a zillion rounds of 105mm arty, these guys had (and/or have), no real chance. Four halftracks were KOed out at the base of the hill, and the infantry routed by 105mm, tank, MG, and mortar fire. The next few turns should see them ending as hamburger.

Warren is currently shifting his own 105mm to ... somewhere, probably the hill. But he has only 80 or so rounds left, in my estimation, and my tanks can hold the flags on their own just fine. So I don't think he can prevent me from claiming them all. He can, certainly, hurt my infantry, and that's probably what's about to happen. I expect it, of course, and will run in terror accordingly, as I have throughout the game. smile.gif

It is possible Warren will make another rush in a few turns with the jagdpanzers, but I doubt it. He knows more or less where my tanks are, and they have lots of decent lines of sight on the approaches to the hill.

Rather I expect the last few turns to be a low intensity conflict, point optimizing affair. Right now I have inflicted perhaps 3000 or so points in damage to him, and he has done perhaps 1500 to me. So my victory stands to be (3000+2700):1500, or 79% to 21%. That means that Warren gains in standing if he can do 100 points in damage to me for every 26 points he takes, i.e. he gains with an almost 4:1 loss ratio! So now it pays for me to be very, very cautious, although never being so cautious as to lose a flag.

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It was not a flag rush by me as my men had been sat there for most of the time.

Unlike Mr drive my 1/2 tracks up the hill on the last turn..... (How they survied all the arty hitting was beyond me...)


I admit I ran them (my men) over the brow to try and clear your guys running up the hill.

That was of course to no avail.... As the flags remained disputed and I think that is what dear old Wreck boy is alluding too?

The game was won or lost in the tank battle before this, as it appears to have been in Wrecks game.



[ April 23, 2002, 12:30 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]

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Redeker: I think it is very likely that it would be safe for you and Holien to start talking now. But, I also think that it is at least possible (albeit very unlikely) that Warren might turn the game around, at least enough to cause the score to possibly be near whatever you guys got.

For instance if he manages to get a JpzIV onto the hill at the end and thus all flags are neutral, the score would be 66:34; if he managed to get all the flags for himself (admittedly very improbable), it would be 42:58.

Given that, for Warren or I to know anything about the outcome of your game makes for problems. Even knowing there was a late rush gives me information -- it means your game ended up pretty close. And that info may yet prompt a rush from Warren figuring "all or nothing". smile.gif But I will be ready. smile.gif Just a bit longer and we can talk.

Of course Warren and I can talk all we want, because your game is done and therefore we absolutely cannot influence it. And similarly Holien and Warren can talk about their game, if they want. Sadly the silence must fall mainly on you, the most diligent player among us!

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If you want an update on our final game I can say I am awaiting a turn from Warren. I guess he is pulling double shifts again and it will be a few days before we continue?

The game is on turn 25 (ish).

Warren has pulled off some good ambushes and I have taken a lot of infantry losses.

Two tanks have bogged and the others are still in action, well they were the last time I looked.

Warren is still in with a chance but I feel I might have the slight edge. The next few turns will see how it falls.

I have one last big pocket of resistence (that I am aware of) to clear and it will depend on how well they stand their ground.

Warren of course might have a different take on the game.

Not one of my better games, which sums up the performance on the other games as well.


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And are we close enough to the end of Rumblings of War I to pop any corks?


Charl Theron



The picnic was delicious, the wine was excellent, remind me to send the Cardinal a note.

-- Porthos in "The Three Musketeers" (1993)

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I think we are close and I know who will be getting the wine...


I have about 10 turns left with Warren. He posted that he will not be available til Sunday so I guess our game will be complete during the course of the next week.

The end game is in play and I am hoping to restore some honour to my score compared to a couple of games already posted.

I would guess Wreck is in the same spot as no post has been made about his last few turns.


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In my game with Warren it is about turn 22 or 23. As I predicted before I drove him off his side of the hill with much loss. I am now maneuvering to make sure that he cannot steal a flag at the last minute with his two remaining JpzIVs. His arty, as predicted, is now hitting the hill, and I plan on running away. Also as predicted. smile.gif

Regarding the wine it looks like one of two things is going to happen. One is I win all three games; then the wine would be mine, mine ALL MINE! But I think there is also potential for me to lose the Berg, in which case I think we would have a three way tie for first. I asked Treeburst earlier about tie breaking, and he has a scheme, but I cannot say for sure what would happen.

I am hoping Holien fights hard and beats Warren (worse than Redeker beat me), in which case Holien and I win the Berg and I win the wine. smile.gif Go Holien!

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Hmmm well I did not know that Redecker beat you.

And if that is not a bit of mis-information then that shines a new light on it.

Anyway you know what I think as does Redecker.

I could have thrown my game with Warren but I think he will agree I am fighting hard to try and win at least one point.

In doing so I am opening the door for you, but as I mentioned a long time ago you won the wine in the main tourney as the points clearly show.

Just buy me a beer when I get over there next or you ever make it to the UK. I mean a real beer as well, none of that nancy Lager you lot drink.



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Looking back in the thread, to see how Nabla figured out how to deal with three-way ties, I noticed an unanswered question about splitting points for contested VLs. Yes, these will be split, and for the same reasons. A 40-40 score is the same as a 50-50 score. This way players don't benefit from an agreement to divide the VLs among themselves in the final turns to boost their scores above what they would be if the VLs were contested. This was a rather important issue that Jukka-Pekka brought to our attention.

EDIT: Ties and 3-way ties from Nabla:

Here's a suggestion for handling ties. First use the result of the match between the players under consideration as a deciding factor. That is, if players A and B have a tie, then see how the battle in which A and B have played on the same side has ended. The player who has done better wins.

This is still not a foolproof way because we might for example have a tie between three players A-C. The previous rule would not help if A has won B, B has won C and C has won A (in the sense that one has done better when playing on the same side of the same scenario). In such a case I suggest that we sum up the raw point differences of these games. That is, if for example the CM score differences are A-B +2, B-C +10, C-A +4, we get A -2, B +8, C -6, and B is the winner."

Treeburst155 out.

[ April 26, 2002, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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America is great because it is large, and being large we contain multitudes. And that includes multitudes of beers. We got English beer, German beer, and even American beer here. When you get over to Baltimore, let me know, and you will have some very nice beer. We also have crappy beer for sale here, but that's just part of our greatness and charm.

BTW: as to whether or not Redeker scored higher than me, I ain't tellin'. I was using "beat" only in the sense of "did damage to". Now, go beat Warren some more.

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Originally posted by Wreck:

I am hoping Holien fights hard and beats Warren (worse than Redeker beat me), in which case Holien and I win the Berg and I win the wine. smile.gif Go Holien!

Must... keep... fog... of... war... alive...

AARRRGH!! [scuffle] My score vs. Wreck was... [thwack] NOOOOO!!! [thunk] In my game with Holien, I... [bam] [thud] [CLICK]

Gentlemen, a muzzle has been applied to my alter-ego... for now. ;)

Warren - think TCP/IP. Tell your wife that you'll be finished with "that damn tournament" faster, and will be able to pay more attention to other matters with it behind you.

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Just so we all understand since there is a possible 3-way tie. The difference in the scores of the applicable games will be figured AFTER the adjustment for contested VLs.

Here are the scores for Ranger Challenge. The scores in parentheses are the adjusted scores. The Allies are ALWAYS listed on the left.

Wreck 56(63) Holien 30(37)

Greg 35(49) Warren 37(51)

Treeburst155 out.

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If they get Sam Adams in Baltimore then that will do nicely.

I popped around their brewery at Boston and had quite a few beers...


Just keeping those stero types rolling.

I shall ensure that London does not have any fog when you come over.


As for dealing with a tie I just don't think we need to worry about that. But then I could be wrong...


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Latest Update,

After a very quiet weekend I have just got my latest video from Warren.

The war could well be over by Christmas.

A rather large section of his force have decided that the Hersey Bars on offer were better than the rations they were eating.

I am now trying to persuade the remaining chaps to do the same thing.

I know the consequences of my actions so I can only apologise to Warren and Redeker.



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Latest Update.

Infact no persuasion was needed and the very next turn the rest of the brave men threw up their hands and walked my way.

Chocolate bars all round.

I will now e-mail the final screen to our gracious host TB and the most generous Winecape so that he can mail the wine to X.


As if we did not know who that was.

Well done and may they (the bottles) impress the lady of your dreams.



[ April 30, 2002, 05:58 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]

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Sorry lads but I tried my best in the Berg but a few simple screw ups have probably thrown the tourney in Wrecks favour.

No matter I had a hell of a time playing and learned more about tactics here than Staff College.

I hope to see all three of these clowns in the RoW II Tourney so we can crush Kiwi Joe together :D

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Well, it's not a huge surprise ending...

I don't think that there will be any complaints about the fairness of the outcome - especially from Section III.

So can we talk about Der Berg yet???

[ April 30, 2002, 07:46 PM: Message edited by: redeker ]

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