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Wild Bill's Rumblings of War [Part IV], aka RoW

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The Finals scenarios have been sent out. The German players have been provided with the email addresses of their opponents since they start the game. In the case of Flag Rush Hill, both players were sent the same email so look for your Allied opponent's address in the "to" field if you need it.

Hopefully I have managed to send the correct files to players. My fingers are crossed.

The Wild Bill Finals are now underway!!

EDIT: Wreck, the email address I have for you is not working. Everything just bounced back. The address I am using is: leonard@dc.net

Is this address still good?

Treeburst155 out

[ March 22, 2002, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Fellow finalists,

Well I will be the first to throw down the guantlet here. If by some miracle I actually win this horse race, I herebye request that a portion of my winning case of wine be sent to Mike aka Treeburst. The honor of victory may be mine but if any man deserves a drink on the house it is Mike who has put up with a helluva a lot to bring this tourney into reality.

No pressure here to duplicate but I think the CM community should reward initiative.

BTW MIke if you don't drink I think I can scrounge a free pass to my personal porn site. That's right!! If you wan to see uninhibited nude photos of a 220 lbs Native American, my site.."www.freshfacecapt.com" is for you. A porn site like no other.

Again thanks for the memories now let the blood flow freely and let us all die with honor!!!

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Why that's very nice of you, Warren, but entirely unnecessary. I enjoy running these tournaments, and I'm fortunate to have more free time than most in order to do it.

The winner will not actually receive a "case" of wine. He will receive six different bottles of QUALITY South African wines. Apparently, shipping six at a time is the safest way. WineCape has special packing containers for that quantity that are very good at preventing breakage.

Treeburst155 out.

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1st Turn has just been sent to Wreck. WB has done a interesting map as always and gets the feel of the place well. ** EDIT The mail has bounced Wreck where are you??? **

The fact that I have wandered around the site in real life will help me not one jot.

A short battle will ensue and I need to know if we can report the final result openly or do we need to wait until all have done that battle?

On another point can anyone explain why on the 1st results posted I was higher than Redeker and then on the later results as posted by TB I was slightly lower.

It affects things not one iota but it has piqued my interest.

Let battle commence, I guess all the Easter tasks I had lined up, such as repairing fences and sorting the garden out have gone by the by.



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I'd be interested to see the balanced scores of the players from each game. Did the winners score better than others consistently? Well, it's obvious that at least one did. smile.gif

But overall, the end result of the first round seems to be a well separated set of four finalists.

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Originally posted by Holien:

On another point can anyone explain why on the 1st results posted I was higher than Redeker and then on the later results as posted by TB I was slightly lower.

It affects things not one iota but it has piqued my interest.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that High Cost of Real Estate probably had something to do with it. I played Allies in that one and got a 51, but that scenario was so unbalanced that my score was the second highest of the Allies. You got an 88 in that one, which I believe was the best anyone did as Axis. Therefore, our Nabla points would be similar (both of us ahead of the curve) but the in-game points showed you with a 37 point lead.

Like Nabla, I'd also be interested in seeing the "Nabla point" scoring breakdown by game to get a better feel as to what my score in each game translated to.


P.S. I'll try to get you the first turn in our game later today, but the scenario is pretty dang big and I'm still looking at the map.

[ March 23, 2002, 11:16 AM: Message edited by: redeker ]

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Hi KR,

Thxs for the heads up on Wreck I have just tried the e-mail and will wait and see what it brings.

Red Deck thxs for the explanation that does sound like it. Ahhh well there was I thinking I was the second favorite but you are and that means they will all be taking pot shots at you.


I await our game with interest it is a bloody big map and I think old TB has something of a fascination (fetish perhaps?) with large mounds rising up out of the ground.

Hmmm Freud would have a field day with him.


At least the map with Wreck was an easy one to set up. God do I hate WB and his sodding designs...



[ March 23, 2002, 11:31 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]

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Thanks, Kanonier, for Wrecks address. I will get his files off to him within the hour.

So you guys want to see the Nabla scores for each game. I can do that. I'm working on it now.

BTW, don't post your scores to this thread. It might tip the others off as to balance, and possibly affect their play.


Your slightly lower score than Redeker means that, on the average, Redeker stayed slightly higher above the median than you did. Although the median is determined by all twelve instances of a scenario, Redeker played different people than you did so that is a factor to consider.

Treeburst155 out.

[ March 23, 2002, 07:48 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Below is the input to the Nabla program for, "We Can't Wait". I've inserted the Nabla score for the Allied players. The Axis Nabla score is always the opposite. The entries marked with asterisks indicate situations where the winner of the game actually scored below the median for his side. The opposite is true for the "loser" of those games. In effect, the "winner" lost and the loser "won". Very interesting.

I will post the other scenarios too. It just takes a little time.

Scenario [ We_Cant_Wait ] medians [ 39.5 60.5 ]

Bertram 19 (-11.2375) Miron 75

Johnson 45 (4.74603) Jukka 55 ********

Pixelmaster 37 (-2.33574) Moore 63

Redeker 67 (14.284) Sowden 32

Holien 54 (11.0439) Kingfish 41

Georges_Mick 30 (-5.80999) Tom 65

Svensson 37 (-2.33574) CapDog 63

vonLucke 37 (1.89392) Kettler 54 *******

TabPub 35 (-1.89392) Zalewski 60

Gaspari 56 (10.8449) Travisano 44

Juha 40 (4.37142) Rohde 51 *********

Enoch 26 (-9.52868) Dickens 74

Some of the results seem odd because the Nabla score is calculated after adjusting for contested VLs. You are looking at the unadjusted CM scores. I've simply inserted the Nabla score.

Notice how Redeker, Holien, Miron, and Gaspari were actually higher above the median than Leonard Dickens in this scenario. Johnson and Juha scored some rather significant victories with their "lost" games.

Treeburst155 out.

[ March 23, 2002, 06:32 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Scenario [ Duel_At_Dompaire ] medians [ 46.5 53.5 ]

Miron 69 (14.4926) Moore 18

Bertram 28 (-11.4259) Jukka 71

Johnson 37 (-7.39934) Sowden 63

Pixelmaster 44 (-0.493188) Redeker 52

Kingfish 47 (0.493188) CapDog 53 *********

Holien 72 (13.7094) Tom 28

Georges_Mick 46 (3.98636) Kettler 44

Svensson 63 (12.6089) vonLucke 27

Zalewski 45 (0.493188) Rohde 51 **********

TabPub 31 (-9.28742) Travisano 64

Gaspari 29 (-11.2375) Dickens 71

Juha 41 (-4.74603) Enoch 59

In this scenario the winner was Warren Miron, followed by Holien, P. Svensson, Jukka-Pekka, and in 5th place was Leonard Dickens.

Note Zalewski's small victory over C. Rohde inspite of his losing score. The same thing happened in Kingfish vs CapitalistDog.

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Scenario [ Sounds_In_Night ] medians [ 57.25 42.75 ]

Redeker 83 [ 13.7705 ] Miron 17

Sowden 52 [ -0.734742 ] Jukka 39 ********

Moore 50 [ -2.11635 ] Bertram 40 ********

Pixelmaster 39 [ -10.1036 ] Johnson 54

vonLucke 53 [ -2.11635 ] Kingfish 43 *******

Kettler 63 [ 6.30994 ] Tom 33

CapDog 37 [ -12.2123 ] Holien 63

Svensson 68 [ 8.65442 ] Georges_Mick 30

Enoch 45 [ -8.91285 ] Zalewski 55

Dickens 87 [ 14.6417 ] Travisano 13

Rohde 58 [ 0.734742 ] TabPub 42

Juha 56 [ 1.66842 ] Gaspari 38

Now Leonard begins to shine. He won this scenario followed by Redeker, Holien, S. Johnson, and T. Zalewski in that order.

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Scenario [ Resolve_At_Ranville ] medians [ 45 55 ]

Miron 53 [ 9.03943 ] Johnson 38

Jukka 85 [ 16.1672 ] Pixelmaster 15

Moore 21 [ -13.3248 ] Redeker 79

Sowden 46 [ 0.972997 ] Bertram 54 *******

Kingfish 65 [ 13.3248 ] Georges_Mick 27

Tom 50 [ 7.39934 ] Svensson 41

CapDog 39 [ -0.972997 ] vonLucke 51

Kettler 42 [ -2.76557 ] Holien 58

Zalewski 37 [ -3.18374 ] Gaspari 54

Travisano 35 [ -4.74603 ] Juha 56

Rohde 18 [ -14.0636 ] Enoch 82

Dickens 84 [ 16.0533 ] TabPub 16

Jukka-Pekka won this one, followed by Leonard Dickens, Enoch, Redeker, and Miron. Again, near the median is a "loser" who won.

[ March 23, 2002, 06:49 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Scenario [ Real_Guts ] medians [ 50 50 ]

Jukka 32 [ -6.7897 ] Miron 49

Moore 13 [ -15.1386 ] Johnson 78

Sowden 66 [ 10.6403 ] Pixelmaster 34

Redeker 70 [ 12.1296 ] Bertram 30

Tom 31 [ -11.7874 ] Kingfish 69

CapDog 75 [ 13.5847 ] Georges_Mick 25

Kettler 26 [ -13.3248 ] Svensson 74

vonLucke 61 [ 8.25319 ] Holien 39

Travisano 27 [ -11.4259 ] Zalewski 63

Rohde 37 [ -5.80999 ] Gaspari 51

Dickens 71 [ 12.4535 ] Juha 29

Enoch 57 [ 5.80999 ] TabPub 43

Scot Johnson takes the honors in this one, with CapitalistDog, P. Svensson, L. Dickens, and Greg Redeker lining up behind him in that order. We didn't have any winning "losers" in this scenario.

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Scenario [ High_Cost ] medians [ 40.25 59.75 ]

Sowden 33 [ -3.78982 ] Miron 61

Moore 34 [ 1.208 ] Jukka 51 ********

Redeker 51 [ 8.11573 ] Johnson 49

Pixelmaster 32 [ -6.63197 ] Bertram 68

Kettler 37 [ 0.248289 ] Kingfish 56 ********

CapDog 46 [ 4.92951 ] Tom 54 ***********

vonLucke 59 [ 11.6989 ] Georges_Mick 41

Svensson 12 [ -14.3372 ] Holien 88

Zalewski 24 [ -10.7433 ] Dickens 76

Rohde 36 [ 2.55213 ] Travisano 50 *********

Enoch 31 [ -5.28898 ] Gaspari 63

Juha 40 [ -0.248289 ] TabPub 60

We have lots of winning "losers" here due to scenario imbalance.

Holien takes the gold in this one, with von Lucke, Dickens, Redeker, and Gaspari lining up behind.

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

The winner will not actually receive a "case" of wine. He will receive six different bottles of QUALITY South African wines. Apparently, shipping six at a time is the safest way. WineCape has special packing containers for that quantity that are very good at preventing breakage.

We can correct this matter. I will send 12 bottles instead of 6 bottles originally promised of South African vino (no plonk!) to the winner via postage, packaged in a special styrofoam box. Postage on me.

This was/is such a succesfull Tourney that I have decided to up the Litreage of South African sunshine in a bottle smile.gif

Good luck to all the finalists; hopefully the winner will still be in one mental piece to collect 'em bottles at the post office ;)


Charl Theron



"Oh, we could give it a try. I'll bring the wine, you bring your scarred psyche."

-- Chase in Batman Forever (1995)

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Scenario [ Crisis_At_Kommerscheidt ] medians [ 58.5 41.5 ]

Miron 84 [ 13.7094 ] Pixelmaster 16

Jukka 58 [ 2.33574 ] Redeker 36

Moore 60 [ 1.43979 ] Sowden 40

Bertram 37 [ -9.7634 ] Johnson 48

Kingfish 56 [ -2.33574 ] Svensson 44 ********

Tom 65 [ 5.46504 ] vonLucke 35

CapDog 50 [ -4.74603 ] Kettler 44 *********

Holien 81 [ 12.9071 ] Georges_Mick 19

Zalewski 40 [ -9.28742 ] Juha 49

Travisano 54 [ -1.43979 ] Enoch 40 **********

Rohde 26 [ -15.1386 ] Dickens 74

TabPub 62 [ 6.14558 ] Gaspari 30

Leonard Dickens comes out on top for the second time with Kommerscheidt. Notice he has never been out of the top five, where the rest of you shared those honors for the most part. Coming in behind Leonard we have Miron, Holien, Johnson, and Zalewski in that order.

Notice John Kettler's significant win over CapitalistDog. John scored only 44 points, but contested a VL too. After the point split John ended up almost 5 tourney points above the median.

There you have it, guys. A breakdown of the results in tourney points. Man, I enjoyed that. Now I'm off to do my honey-do projects.

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Well,well.....our benefactor has DOUBLED the prize! IIRC, this puts the retail value of the prize in the neighborhood of $400. Thanks, WineCape!

If the winner's wife/girlfriend is a wine drinker, the winner may get away with doubling his CM time for the next year or so. smile.gif

Treeburst155 out.

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Originally posted by WineCape:

I will send 12 bottles instead of 6 bottles originally promised of South African vino (no plonk!) to the winner via postage, packaged in a special styrofoam box. Postage on me.

This was/is such a succesfull Tourney that I have decided to up the Litreage of South African sunshine in a bottle smile.gif

Three cheers for Winecape! smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif
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Originally posted by WineCape:


I think all of them tourney rascals here are beer drinkers in disguise. tongue.gif

FWIW, some of us do appreciate the product of the vintner's toil. If pressed, I can rustle up some Mondavi or Sattui from my "cellar" (wine rack at the bottom of the pantry). Some of the Mondavi was laid down ten years ago. :cool:

Of course, since I live in Chico, I'm also quite partial to Sierra Nevada Pale Ale... :D

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Setups have been sent/returned to Warren and Holien.

Gentlemen, start your engines... :D

Treeburst, thanks for posting all the Nabla scores. It was nice to de-mystify the formula (which I still don't quite understand :confused: ) by seeing actual results.

[ March 24, 2002, 02:12 AM: Message edited by: redeker ]

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Hi all,

It has been some time since I visited the board. Treeburst, thanks for the breakdown of the score's, quite a job, and very enlighting to see where I lack smile.gif .

It hurts, for while I might like beer, I love wine. Not to mention the dent in my ego.

Got one question of my fellow RoWers: I thought the scenario "we can't wait" an excercise in futility for the Allied side (and my score reflects this perfectly). But then the planes that might come along never did materialize, so I was seriously outgunned (my opponent humbled my tanks crews by driving a TD right into the view of 2 Shermans and a M10, and killing all three of them, while the shells bounced of his armor).

Did the other Allies get those planes? And if they did not, did they make any headway?

Never got any planes in Dompaire to, do I do something wrong? Should I have promised some of the wine to the airforce?

Nb.: I realized reading the post in the scenario that I should have posted there. Going to take time to read that entire thread.


[ March 24, 2002, 03:28 AM: Message edited by: Bertram ]

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Scoring summarized:

1) Compare scores of all players playing the same side in the scenario and

determine the median.

2) Determine each player's distance in points , either plus or minus, from the

median. (CM score - median = distance from median)

3) Plug this number into Nabla's formula and out comes your tourney score for

that scenario.

4) Determine your average tourney score for all the scenarios.

5) The highest final score in each section win that section and move on to the

playoff series.

There ya have it. In case you are mathematically inclined here is the formula:

(d) represents your distance from the median. (d) can be positive or negative.

(sgn) This represents the sign of (d). In place of (sgn) you will put either

a "+" or a "-" into the formula.

(a) This is the variable that determines the shape of the curve. To use the

formula you need to substitute .055 for "a".

(e) This is an interesting number equal to approximately 2.718. Like "pi" it

has interesting mathematical properties which is the only reason it is used,

according to Nabla. Scientific calculators have an "e" key on them.

Now the formula: (sgn)(1/a)*(1-e to the power of (-a*|d|))

The main thing to understand is that consistent strong play is what you should

strive for without getting caught up in the desire for overwhelming victories.

If you see a golden opportunity for a Major victory you might go for it; but don't

take big risks to achieve it.

The other thing to know is NEVER surrender. Withdraw from the map and let the

computer surrender for you. Every point does count and allowing your guys to

be captured by surrendering hurts your score a lot. Get 'em off the map!

Treeburst155 out.

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