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Wild Bill's Rumblings of War [Part IV], aka RoW

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Just in case The Baldy One decides that his female server can't take the strain going over the 10th page of the RoW Part III thread, here is the 4th home of our Tourney.

In the words of Treeburst155: "Fight on!"

Good luck,

Charl Theron



“I've got to go to meet God - and explain all those men I killed at Alamein”

--- Field Marshall Viscount Montgomery in 1976.

[ February 15, 2002, 03:20 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by John Kettler:

Since my door hasn't been knocked down by a stampede demanding my presence in the finals, I conclude that AARs or no, I didn't make the cut, either by Section win or by being second overall in the field. I did my best, though.

You may not have made the cut, but your mini-AARs have made good reading for those of us not involved in the tournament. Thankyou!
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Off topic (for the beer drinking combatants :D -- but a Tourney prize nonetheless!) wine note:

I just discovered which 1 bottle (at least!) of wine I will include/forward as the Tourney prize to the RoW winner: A truly magnificent Pinotage, tasted last night, called Rijks Pinotage 2000 will be definitely included as part of the 6-bottle prize for the winner. Though this wine is already sold out.

Well, considering it won ….

 a Veritas Double Gold last year (our highest accolade for a bottled wine) and,

 was among the best 10 Pinotage’s tasted in the ABSA Bank Top 10 Pinotage competition among 117 entered,

 was the overall winner of the Michaelangelo International Wine Awards 2001 by winning the Grand D’Or Medal there,

 as well as winning the South African Young Wine Show Gold Medal in 2000 (for wines about to be bottled and not yet released)

…. this was hardly surprising, when only 400 cases were made. I have 3 bottles left. One has been earmarked for the winner.

To my mind this is the MOST interesting Pinotage I’ve tasted in the last 2/3 years. Served it last night as a blind tasting among some European and American clients and none, not even those that have tasted Pinotage’s before - and liked it - could guess which grape cultivar this was! To be honest, it got me fooled too. [My wife served it actually; I’m not THAT blind! smile.gif ] Couldn’t find the Pinotage label, but here's the Sauvignon Blanc from the same estate. sauv.jpg

It tasted more like a smooth Bordeaux-style blend (Cabernet Sauvignon-Merlot). It was that different from the usual Pinotage grape flavours, but utterly delicious and drinkable now. If the Tourney winner doesn’t like this Pinotage, then I can confidently state that he should stay away from drinking Pinotage as a grape cultivar altogether! ;)

Naturally, we know that beer drinkers don’t experiment with their tastebuds at all, so the above note will be moot anyway for the beer-drinking Tourney winner! smile.gif

Kind regards,

Charl Theron



”The U.S. has broken the second rule of war. That is, don't go fighting with your land army on the mainland of Asia. Rule One is don't march on Moscow. I developed these two rules myself.”

-- Montgomery, British field marshal (1887 - 1976) referring to the Vietnam War.

[ February 15, 2002, 05:21 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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I never told you guys how I was going to handle the AARs. Each full credit AAR will be worth 2.86% of the highest player's score (before his AARs). Half credit AARs will be worth 1.43%.

This means that seven full credit AARs will increase your final tourney score by an amount equal to 20% of the best score.

In all future tourneys I manage this will be the AAR formula. Write a full credit AAR for every game and get 20% of the leader's score added to your own. If there are only five games in a tourney then each AAR would be worth 4% of the leaders' total and so forth.

Treeburst155 out.

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Redeker, You had better. You would not want to slip down the slope. Just reading some of yours again and checking out Wreck's musings.


Well I am having to make do with Casey Jones against Tom and Armoured Ambush with CIKs who is offering me a serious beating.

I am getting lonesome and need another tourney to keep me going. Mind you I could start calling up the souls who have offered me a fight, but I have been holding off from this, in the hope that I get some more action from this tourney.

Winecape that wine sounds very good and could even compete with the beautiful bottles I tasted when over in Adelaide.



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The CMBB tourney is going to be real tough on you guys who excelled in this one. Why? You'll all be in the same section!! :D

The CMBB tourney will consist of four sections of six players. This cuts the number of games each must play down to five. It won't take so long this way which, I think, is a good idea.

If your WBW Rumbling's ranking is between the 25th and 50th percentile you will be in Section 3, and so on. There will be no newbies. Any vacancies will be filled with reliables from the four previous WineCape tournaments.

I will do something for the tourney newbies if SuperTed doesn't continue with his tourneys. Reliability is critical with this scoring system.

Anyway, back to the fact all you uber commanders will be in the same section. Naturally, only one of you will move on to the finals. It will be VERY challenging for you guys that way, and entertaining for me. I'm looking forward to three months of the top dogs tearing into each other at Kursk and Stalingrad. Hehehe...it's gonna be good!

The competition in the other sections should be fierce too since players' skill levels will be roughly equal. Then, when we get to the finals I will be cheering on the Section 4 winner to take the prize!! :D

A side benefit to organizing the sections by apparent skill (based on the WB tourney) is that we add a ladder element to the WineCape tourneys. There will be recognition of prior performance just by what section you are in. A guy could place second in section four, but his tourney score may be high enough to move him into section two for the next tourney, an accomplishment by itself. BTW, I see no reason not to continue holding tourneys for this group one after another indefinitely. I suppose I should see how our sponsor, WineCape, feels about this first. tongue.gif WineCape, how big did you say your wine cellar is?

New topic. Nabla has come up with a scheme for the playoffs that does not require ultra-balanced scenarios. You can read about it on the last page or two of the Nordic Championship thread. I'm tempted to do it for this tourney. I will talk it over with the finalists when they are known. Three games to go.

Treeburst155 out.

[ February 16, 2002, 03:22 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Bumped back to page 1. Still anticipating seeing where I finished in the final standings.

Treebrust, just for laughs is there anyway you can run the scoring program with the games completed so far to see where people stand? Realizing of course that things will change when the final two scenerios are completed and all AARs are handed in.

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Pix and I are on turn 29 or 30 of Sounds in the Night. Unfortunately he was having some email problems IIRC and our previous good rate of progress has slowed considerably. But only 2 or so exchanges to go...

In the game, the infantry stalemate was (hopefully) broken by a sudden mechanized German thrust two turns ago, and now I'm trying to stop his reaction. Awesome action as my HTs raced through the village, ran into his hidden truck which he had put in the center of the road as a block (although I swear I had LOS in that area), shot it, pushed it off the road, and continued...

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OK, mPisi and Pixelmaster are almost through. We need to hear from Andrej and/or TabPub on their battle for Kommerscheidt. I'll email them for a status report. If you still have some AARs you want to write it's time to get real serious about doing it. All AARs will be due 24 hours after the last game result comes in. I will post here when the 24 hour countdown begins.

I could generate some bogus results now by throwing in average scores for the two unfinished games, but the race for the highest second place finish appears to be very close and could easily be affected by these last two games due to a change in the median. Remember, the highest second place finisher goes to the finals with the section winners.

Treeburst155 out.

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Just finished up, Axis minor victory in Sounds in the Night, 54-39. Would have been a bit bigger but my two squads of gentlemen sat and stared at the evil enemy vehicle who came back to the certain area for 40 seconds at 19m without using cheese or crackers, grrrr... 17,042 German casualties, 666 US casualties, wow. I should have pushed harder, I did have a few unruffled platoons left, and his left flank had collapsed. Another 5 turns would have finished him (yeah, right smile.gif )

Edit: sheesh...

[ February 22, 2002, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: mPisi ]

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Remember, the highest second place finisher goes to the finals with the section winners.

Treeburst155 out.

Sure, sure. But when are you going to post the "loser's bracket"? This is a double elimination tourney, right? All of us who squandered armor and pointlessly sacrificed squads of infantry still have a way to work our ways back into the finals, right? ;)
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In spite of brain death and the Winter Olympics I will finish my AAR. The old rule of thumb that the last 20% takes 80% of the effort seems to be holding true. Also, I think that certain posters here need to remember scenario security to preserve the proper atmosphere of terror for those who follow in our trailblazing path.


John Kettler

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I think I'm going to finish in the lower middle of my section (say, about 5th). I wonder if other lower-middlists would like to create their own informal tourney--not anything structured, but we could just play a few PBEMs against our established peers.

Anyway, if anyone wants a game against a fellow lower-middle-ist (or whatever/whoever) my email address is in the profile.

I'm halfway through my last AAR. Almost there, Treeburst.

[Correction: Final AAR is finished! Thanks Treeburst, WBW, WineCape, Nabla, my worthy opponents et al for a great tourney! And thanks to the guy who dropped out in the first week and let me in on the action!]

[ February 22, 2002, 12:38 PM: Message edited by: CombinedArms ]

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