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The Invitational Is Over!! Ari Maenpaa is the Champ!

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Congratulations, Ari!! WineCape will be in touch soon to discuss shipment of your prize, I'm sure.

Here are the final results. There are two unfinished games, but all players are mathematically eliminated at this point.

Ari Maenpaa.....514.... 8.......64.25

Jarmo.......... 509.... 9...... 56.56

Jshandorf...... 508.... 9...... 56.44

Texas Toast.... 470.... 9...... 52.22

Ben Galanti.... 458.... 9...... 50.89

CapDog......... 446.... 9...... 49.56

MickOZ......... 414.... 9...... 46.00

Fuerte......... 342.... 9...... 38.00

John Kettler....205.... 7...... 29.29

M. Dorosh.......115.... 8...... 14.38

Whew! I'm glad that one is over. :D

Treeburst155 out.

[ June 11, 2002, 12:27 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Congrats to all that finished the tourney with their sanity smile.gif Especially to the winner Ari. Well done.

Was there not supposed to be a nomination for the most sporting player? or something like that.

Most of all, thanks to Treeburst for hanging in there through thick and thin to see it through to the conclusion. A truly marvellous effort. Last but not least, thanks to Winecape our sponsor.

Despite early setbacks it turned out to be a lot of fun, the guys that played it through to the end were a good bunch.


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Mike, I guess you can finally change your sig, hey?

Sorry I wasn't able to keep up with the standings towards the end. I have the table saved on my hard drive if you want it; otherwise I've gone ahead and "recovered" my server space. Guess I'll be needing some room for those B&T AARs.

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It is only fitting that your web page for The Invitational was seldom up to date. It fit with the whole personality of the tournament. :D

I learned lots from the tourney though.

CapDog is right. There was supposed to be a Sportsmanship award voted on by all the players. Nobody was allowed to vote for themselves. I forgot all about it. The award was $50 if I'm not mistaken. I wonder if we could round up the finishers to get that vote. I think M. Dorosh is the most deserving.

He played, he won, those opponents dropped out nullifying his victories, and he did not gripe. He played some more, lost every time, and still he did not gripe. He spent time on the webpage, which he dutifully failed to promptly update, all in keeping with the spirit of the tourney. :D

I vote M. Dorosh for the Sportsmanship Award.

Treeburst155 out.

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Congratulations to the Fighting Finn, Ari Maenpaa, whose dominance is so great that he's declared the winner before I even have a chance to fight him. Talk about being marginalized and having one's efforts rendered moot!

Treeburst155, I second the nomination of Michael Dorosh for Sportsmanship. I, on the other hand, clearly am the man for colorful, anguished laments on the abuse to which I've been subjected, by foes and Lady Luck alike. The field has been dramatically truncated to be sure, but I battle on!


John Kettler

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

CapDog is right. There was supposed to be a Sportsmanship award voted on by all the players. Nobody was allowed to vote for themselves. I forgot all about it. The award was $50 if I'm not mistaken. I wonder if we could round up the finishers to get that vote. I think M. Dorosh is the most deserving.

He played, he won, those opponents dropped out nullifying his victories, and he did not gripe. He played some more, lost every time, and still he did not gripe. He spent time on the webpage, which he dutifully failed to promptly update, all in keeping with the spirit of the tourney. :D

I vote M. Dorosh for the Sportsmanship Award.

Treeburst155 out.

And I second that too, Mr. Dorosh was a true Gentleman throughout, well deserved Michael.


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Thank You "comrades in arms"!

My biggest thanks to Treeburst155 and WineCape for making this tournament to happen. And even more for inviting me to participate. I have enjoyed every game and learnt tons of new things.

I didn’t write much about my games during the tournament, but here are short summaries in chronological order as I remember them. Feel free to comment.

Shandorf – (Map ?) a blind map game. As a newbie I picked a KT, but luckily for me the ground condition was to be dry and weather clear. Jeff kept his forces back and let me occupy most VLs. Fortunately my troops had enough staying power and thus needed never to retreat. Jeff’s playing taught me how surprisingly painful those 2 inch mortars can be.

Fuerte – (Map P) a bitter night fight. This one was very close to turn to a total disaster. Fuerte had picked Badgers and merrily flamed my hapless fusiliers. I had couple of Panthers for the fear of Churchills and had to use them very aggressively to kill the Badgers. It succeeded although his PIATs took their toll at the end.

Texastoast – (Map B) another night fight. This time I had night fighting lessons from the previous game freshly in mind. Helped a lot. Still amazing how extremely costly it is to fight in the dark. Masses of dead troops on both sides.

Capitalist Dog – (Map S) very tough match in dawn. CDIC’s rushing SMG squads cut down the defending infantry and posed a deadly threat on my flank, but fortunately I could tie them down with combined fire from tanks and mortars. Also his Hummel vaporized one of his own infantry platoons in a nasty friendly fire accident. Eased the pressure a lot ;) Special thanks for sportsmanlike unit purchases.

Btw. CDIC, could you send me your password? I would like to test how often my PIAT can score that miraculous first round hit against your Hummel. I can’t let the computer recalculate that turn without your password.

MickOZ – (Map H) a day fight along wooded road. I got an upper hand in infantry engagements, but Mick’s Cromwells kept killing my armor. In fact he gave me an extremely harsh lesson in armored warfare. Fortunately my infantry remained strong enough to compensate for the horrendous tank losses. A draw.

Dorosh – (Map O) my only fight in snow. Once I saw the map, a certain plan developed in my mind almost instantly. And then in the actual game everything went according to the plan. Not even once did luck betray me. On the other hand Michael had it the hard way. He deserves the Sportsmanship award, no doubt.

Jarmo – (Map A) a crushing defeat. This was a hard map for me to begin with. I just couldn’t find a satisfying force composition and finally, for the fear of Churchills, picked too much armor. And then Jarmo’s airborne division steamrolled me from the map :(

Galanti – (Map C) another fight on wooded heights. I decided to make good use of the lessons learned in the previous game. This time MY airborne division forced Ben’s troops out of the map.

Kettler – I’m still ready to meet you on the battlefield, if it suits to you and Treeburst155. But I can understand if other tourneys delay or even prevent that from happening.



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Congratulations Ari on your fine run of games, and thanks to all who participated, I enjoyed all of the match-ups. Big thanks also to Treeburst155 and Winecape for organizing and managing this monstrosity.

I also support Dorosh for Sportsman of the Year, for perserverance and good humor in the face of unbelievable adversity. smile.gif


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Yeah, I remember that KT with the stealth armor! Dag-nabbit!

Congrats, Ari. And I think Micheal Dorosh did a good job considering I wooped his butt. ;) He groaned and moaned like a real trooper.

Anyway, I missed second by ONE FRIGGIN POINT! ARGH!

Well, considering it only took like 9 months to finish I am amazed at the satying power of some of you.



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Good grief,

Our first tourney Mike, the monster, the infamous tantrum throwing ego bashing Invitational has ended! Now above participants can all sig their posts with “I was an Invitationalist right to the end” :D

Congrats Ari!

Send me your address details at WineCape@global.co.za]WineCape@global.co.za and I will reply with your wine price* in kind.

My vote (if I have any) for the $50.00 Sportmanship Award goes to Michael.

* [Edited: the word "price" to "prize"; it might be misconstrued! smile.gif ]


Charl Theron



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[ June 12, 2002, 07:05 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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The Sportsmanship Award of the infamous Invitational Tourney goes to Michael Dorosh by an apparently unanimous vote! Congratulations, Michael! You have just won $50 US!

Send me your snail mail address please. When I get that we will discuss via email the best way to pull off this international transfer of funds.

Are you married? I hope so, because you can now tell your wife you need to play CM more because there's money in it. You will soon be able to prove that fact! :D

Treeburst155 out.

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

The Sportsmanship Award of the infamous Invitational Tourney goes to Michael Dorosh by an apparently unanimous vote! Congratulations, Michael! You have just won $50 US!

Send me your snail mail address please. When I get that we will discuss via email the best way to pull off this international transfer of funds.

Are you married? I hope so, because you can now tell your wife you need to play CM more because there's money in it. You will soon be able to prove that fact! :D

Treeburst155 out.

For 50 bucks American (about 2000 dollars Canadian) I can afford that Russian bride I have been dreaming of. If Svetlana disapproves of my CM time, its back on the boat with her.

I suppose a true sportsman would shrug off the Sportsman's Award, and in all honesty, it was a thrill just to be invited into the Invitational. I learned a lot; so far in 2002 my PBEM record is 16 games completed with 9 wins and 3 Draws. So I am getting there; much of what I learned came from guys like Ari...and my own (numerous) mistakes.

Of course, a few Yankee dollars would go a long way for me right now; I had a car accident during a freak snow storm a few weeks ago and my deductible is 500 bucks. That is not the relevant part; I finally got around to ordering the two last remaining books on the Grossdeutschland Division that I do not have, appropriately enough with money I don't have. They will go a long way to improving the content on the first website on the world wide web devoted to Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin, so the prize will be reinvested back into the CM community.

Thanks for the kind words, and again, for inviting me into the community of top rated players. Lord knows I didn't belong there, but I am thinking my performance in ROW will definitely have improved over my Invite performance. All hail mighty NABLA.

Email to follow.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I learned a lot; so far in 2002 my PBEM record is 16 games completed with 9 wins and 3 Draws.


Grog Dorosh, I beat you like a gong that was being beaten with the dead baby harp seal that you are, that I had already clubbed into a better world; with that baby harp seal having been beaten into usefulness with the leg I sawed off your silly Canadian frame by wrenching off your lower jaw and using it like a saw to sever your limb that resides in the house that Peng built.

Be sure to mention your loss to me while you're swanking it with all your Invitational 'Uber' friends.

Mind, he was quite a good sport during our game.

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