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Chambois: Wild Bill - great job!


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Wild Bill,

Great job with Chambois!! Playing it as the Polish 1st Armored (against German AI with +1 experience) was one of the closest fought battles I've ever experienced.

My Polish tankers couldn't seem to hit the broad side of a barn, and kept losing gun duels to the Panzers (you get to see why the Brits called em "Ronsons"), but the balance of different forces (infantry, spotters, etc) was JUST right to allow me to use combined arms and squeak out a win by a nose.

I won't go into more detail so that others can experience this great scenario fresh without spoilers, but if you haven't played this one yet - it's highly recommended. Just be prepared for the Poles to have to pay a stiff price to exact their revenge against 2nd Panzer.

Just outstanding work, and one of the best gaming experiences in a long time. Keep up the good work!!

Chris Johnson

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You are very kind and encouraging, fellas. You give me motivation to work at it just a little harder.

I'm delighted the scenario proved to be so challenging and so much fun, Chris. Thanks to all of you for the good word. It is much appreciated.

And we have more coming. I'm not through yet biggrin.gif


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Guest MikeToth

Hi Uncle Bill,

I played that one also, as the "Polish Boys"

and it was a lot of fun, keep cranking them out there fella........

Junior Scenario Designer/Oracle Senior Developer


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WB- I want to add my thanks to that others. I have enjoyed the others that come before it on the "list" you see when looking at the CD scenarios. I did get my bu** kicked though on Chambois. I went in with a very frontal assault similar to some others I have done as the Americans. Definitely looks like a more sneaky and pincer type attack is warranted.



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Spoilers below for Chambois.....

Chambois was one of the first scenarios I played. Playing as the Poles, I did a lousy job of deploying my tanks. However, I caught the Germans all bunched up, and turned it into a real Hexenkessel. My tanks managed to get in some licks before getting knocked out, and I got an AT gun and some infantry into a good blocking position to deny the exit (and discovered in the process that moving "Fast" keeps HT's alive longer). Still, I lost all of my tanks. There was one Panther that I just couldn't kill. It played cat-and-mouse with me. I swear the thing was reading my mind. Every time I would plan out a flanking movement with my few remaining tanks, it would anticipate this and have its front towards my flanker. "Clunk" goes another Ronson. I tried sneaking 'zooks through the woods -- it detected and destroyed them. All this while buttoned. After it took out my last tank, it started counter-attacking one of my infantry platoons, which broke and ran. I felt like joining them. Mercifully, the scenario time ran out.

It said I'd won a major victory. Looking over my burning tanks and shattered troops, it didn't feel like one. I'm scared to try this as the Germans. I've played a lot of the scenarios and gobs of QB's, but this one has really stuck with me. I've never quite recovered from the feeling of moral failure at getting so many of my guys killed through my own blunders. There's not many games that can do that to you. Keep it coming. smile.gif

-- Mike Zeares

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Yeah, this one was one of mah fustest ones....lordy what a blood fest...I won tactical that time. Just replayed it the other day and still only a minor victory...

*sigh* darn Ronsons!

btw...hiya WBW smile.gif


unca pathy will show ya the path,

if only he could find it himself!

[This message has been edited by pathfinder (edited 09-24-2000).]

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Chambois SMALL SPOILER......

This is a question for you tank experts out there. I just finished this scenario as the Germans. Granted, I gave the AI a 50% force bonus, but geez those MKIV's die fast! I checked out the info screen and saw to my shock that the MKIV has even less armor protection than the Sherman! Why did the Germans keep producing this German version of the "Ronson"? Why didn't they at least increase its armor protection? I think the MKIV has to be the worst main battle tank in CM.

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re: StugIII commander Definitely agree. I am glad to see one of those tinderboxes come up on my Sherms sights. :P I just replayed Chambois to a Major Allied Victory. Like 19 Echo, the victory felt hollow. On the losses side, I had barely less than the Axis. However, I did hold all the flag points. I also had the Exit nicely guarded. I did lose all my tanks. And, uhm, have to admit I replayed a crucial part where my Piat squad knocked out the last Panzer. Gee, guys, it only took 3 Alt-A sessions! wink.gif I felt compelled due to the fact that at 80 meters, top floor of the building, the dunce only fired one shot in a turn. While being under command and with no return fire! Sheesh. I do take my helmet off to Lt Owoc, the arty spotter. My only veteran proved his mettle by pinning troops, trucks, and tank with some pretty nicely aimed arty! I also had a gutsy rifle squad that took out an annoying Halftrack while they were out of command range. Lastly, the Axis had a fanatic Platoon Leader squad that attacked a light building near a flag point. They sent my HQ off in panic and then fought my guarding rifle squad. Against overwhelming odds, they took back the building and flag point. At the last I swore I heard either rifle butts swooshing or maybe knife blades? Could that be possible? Those last sounds took out my remaining rifle squad.

Oh, my helmet off to Wild Bill Wilder, too!



[This message has been edited by Emthon (edited 09-27-2000).]

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I have posted a similar note earlier, but I thought it might fit better in this thread.

When I was playing “Chambois” as the Germans, I encountered some disappointing AI.

I positioned my tanks in all the streets leaving out of town, while I let my troop carrying trucks make their way to the “exit-zone”. After some rounds I still hadn’t seen any of the Polish troops, so I forwarded a Kübelwagen to see if they were awake. They were (behind the hill), and I am currently writing a letter to the deceased driver’s family.

However, the Poles (AI) decided to attack. The first Sherman went OVER the hill, and – BANG! One down. The AI then keeps sending them OVER the hill, and my forces keeps on knocking them out. They knocked out five Shermans in one round at the most! I’ve posted a few pictures from this tank-buster-feast at my CM-page (http://cm.snorrewsteen.com/).

Now, if I was to play this scenario against a human player, he would most likely A: Send out a few scouts to do at least some recon, B: NEVER send his Shermans over the top, where they are just sitting ducks, and C: change tactics when his ninth Sherman blew up at the exact same spot.

Has anyone else experiences the same in this scenario?

I think I'd better go home and re-play the scenario from the Polish side wink.gif

Best regards,

The Adder


"The Germans are such a cruel and inhuman race; they have no word for fluffy"

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Although normally I'd agree with you on the Stug, in a hot-seat game of Chambois my one Stug did all the hard work, taking out four Shermans and a couple of light vehicles. It was hit once, but the shot ricocheted. In the one case my opponent didn't know what had killed his Sherman till the end of the game.

On the other hand, I agree that Panzer IVs are really wimpy.

I'd like to add my thanks to Wild Bill for all the great scenarios. Keep up the good work.

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The Adder: I would guess that WBW would say that CM's tacAI does best when defending. The Poles are considered the attackers and would tend not to do well. So, yes, you should try playing it as the Poles. You probably will be in for more of a "treat"!



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Rifle butts and bayonets! Gotta love it!

In hindsight, I think yes, this should be played from the Polish side more than the German one.

Trying to work with the nebulous AI is a pain sometimes. It's predictable but unpredictable. Waypoints would be such a help set up for the computer to guide units in another way besides "over the hill."

I had a Stuart commander simliar to your Stug III boss. In Desobry, he squeezed his little tank between two houses on the outskirts of the town and proved to be a brutal surprise for the oncoming German armor. Finally a PzIV commander figured it out, flanked the poor Stuart, and fried it.

It was a sad moment for me. frown.gif

Thanks Michael and Emthon and all of those who offer kind words of encouragement. It is an incentive to try even harder!


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


[This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 09-27-2000).]

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  • 4 months later...

Just finished this scenerio. Total allied victory! I had both Fireflies left and one Sherman V. My plan was pretty simple: Fast move all tanks to cover behind hills then fast move over the top at the same time. Leading with Sherman V's, Fireflies parked on high ground to the rear. When they crested the hills the fireworks began! I sent a Bren Carrier up the far right flank and lo and behold what did he discover? Lots of trucks, a Kublewagen, and an MG-42 position. All taken out by this little Bren. The real hero though was a Firefly with 1 PzIV, 1 Panther, 5 halftracks, and 16 infantry casualties. Ah-ROO!

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