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Cannister shot

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I know that cannister (cannister being a shotgun style round for tanks firing hundreds of ballbearings) was more common in the Pacific than the Western front being particularly favoured by the US.

However I remember having some US airborne shredded by cannister at a road block in the squad leader scenario Road to Wiltz (an Ardennes scenario) so the Germans do use it too..so basically was it used in any quantity on the Eastern front ?

Cheers Farnz

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I know for a fact that the M5 Stuarts and M8 Greyhounds used cannister in their 37mm guns. According to "The American Arsenal", the 37mm cannister round has 122 lead balls. The case leaves the barrel and bursts appoximately 100 feet after that. I imagine it could be devastating at close ranges against infantry that doesn't have any cover, but the book doesn't say anything about it's effectiveness.

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