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Since I'm not Peng, How can I be Challenged?


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Ah yes, Sir Speedy's and I have finished our tortured 40 turn battle. In which his gamey use of Wolverines and British crumpets was overturned by my skillful use of PzIIs and Marders.

Don't let him fool you, he had two forests to hide behind, but his inability to get out of the killing fields was a result of the Stugs-o-Death. (BTS the check is on the way)

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Originally posted by Persephone:


One of these things is not like the others,

One of these things just doesn't belong.

Can you tell which thing is not like the others,

By the time I finish my song? ?

The one on the left. He's a rather handsome Devil, while the other two look like my dog's butt
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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by mon petite general:

But know ye, all; I have many more such ditties waiting to be hurled at my pleasure. If I can't have respect, I'll take fear. But if I can't have fear, I'll take disgust.

After your versifying I'm bleeding from the ears again, my liege - will you take the dry cleaning bills for my armor?

And PondScum - What's your game/victory total? Have you played this Noba thingie yet? What is he?
My valiant French forces of running-away have failed to lose twice, my liege. Once in a rather spectacular gutting of OGSF's squire, and a second time using fast whizzy things to make Slapdragon's squire so dizzy that he sat down and cried. The suckers have both taken me on again, along with Berli the unfunny (about to slap me senseless), Goanna the thief (about to slap each other senseless), chrisl the wusl (about to be slapped senseless), and the squire of Seanachai (about to get a turn). But since I've got my fingers in my ears, I can't count how many that is right now.
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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Hm. They all look the same to me. But since it never pays to annoy a lady, I will cease and desist.

Dalem, don't worry about annoying me...the important thing is to annoy all the other pillocks on the thread...especially the Olde Ones. After all, you are the Knight of persiflage.


P.S. You're right, I don't call Berli "Dear"...I call him Berlipoo.</font>

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Originally posted by Noba:

That is, will the Lady wish to take on such an onerous task ?

AussieJeff and Noba, I am honored that you suggested that I take on the position of Deputy Justicar even though the Olde Ones and Joe would be totally against it. I believe I am lacking in all qualities necessary to be in that highly honored position. I decided not to list all of those qualities...let me just say, I do not see any similarities between Joe and I. I certainly hope nobody else here sees any similarities also. But I do feel that I am much more qualified than Croda for the position.


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Originally posted by Persephone:

But I do feel that I am much more qualified than Croda for the position.


At what point do qualifications matter for anyone in here?

I doubt there's one of us qualified to eat a hamburger bun without diligent tutelage from a normal human being.

This group of mouth-breathers shunned qualifications long ago, even before the days when I patrolled the Cess in my trust PT boat.

Our dear Justagrog isn't qualified to hold the position either, dear lady, and I think it's safe to say he'd be insulted by the insinuation that he was.

The only person in this Pool with any qualifications is Hiram, and I mean that in the worst possible way.

[ March 05, 2002, 01:30 PM: Message edited by: Croda ]

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Originally posted by Croda:


At what point do qualifications matter for anyone in here?

Our dear Justagrog isn't qualified to hold the position either, dear lady, and I think it's safe to say he'd be insulted by the insinuation that he was.

Actually, Joe is qualified. The one qualification is the backing of the Olde Ones. Other positions which require qualifications...

<font size="-1">SSN's</font>




You, yourself, are highly qualified for a position within our Mutha Beatiful Thread... Hiram's Pissboy

[ March 05, 2002, 04:10 PM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Originally posted by Marlow:

Butros Butros Berli

I enjoyed that one. Really.

Almost as much as I enjoyed getting a file from the mensch. I wanna kill something. Someone send me a setup. No kinky stuff, just good ol fashioned straightforward killin'. Premade too.

[ March 05, 2002, 04:14 PM: Message edited by: Geier ]

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Originally posted by Persephone:


One of these things is not like the others,

One of these things just doesn't belong.

Can you tell which thing is not like the others,

By the time I finish my song? ?

Numbers 1 & 2 both need a shave while 1 & 3 could do with a haircut.

Numbers 2 & 3 have both tasted crushing defeat at my hand while #1 has skilfully avoided the armies of Stuke on the virtual battlefield.

Golly! Its a tough call isn't it?

I guess #1 is not like the rest in that he is the grubbiest, unshaven, tree hugging, non- Stuka player of the bunch.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Actually, Joe is qualified. The one qualification is the backing of the Olde Ones.

Point of order oh one of endless forehead, I believe that Lorak the MIA alone has the supreme power to scribe thus unto the Holy Cantolope:

”Justicar of the Pool - Joe Shaw”

You MOldy Ones are sort of like the Supreme Soviet to General Secretary Lorak

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Originally posted by Marlow:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Actually, Joe is qualified. The one qualification is the backing of the Olde Ones.

Point of order oh one of endless forehead, I believe that Lorak the MIA alone has the supreme power to scribe thus unto the Holy Cantolope:

”Justicar of the Pool - Joe Shaw”

You MOldy Ones are sort of like the Supreme Soviet to General Secretary Lorak</font>

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Originally posted by Persephone:

I do not see any similarities between Joe and I. I certainly hope nobody else here sees any similarities also.


You and Joe look alike, dress alike, and talk pontificatical alike.

Q. Who wins that comparison?

A. Nobody wins a nuclear war.

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Idjit Yeknod

You blasted idjit ........ I already KNEW that. Now, to boot, you meekly roll on your back and show me a jaundiced belly at the merest hint of a miltary challenge. Feh! Your master, Sir OGSF must be mighty impressed by this lack of fortitude!


[ March 05, 2002, 07:53 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Life still sucks and I am up to my pointy ears in work.

Sadly work is as boring as...well one of Seanachai's post, and makes as much sense as Mensch after a fifth of goldslauger.

I've added the latest pictures from this thread to the site. Not that anyone cares, load knows I don't, or if I did I sure as hell wouldn't admit it.

In other news, well there really isn't any other news.

Oh, and isn't it about time one of you pillocks e-mails Matt about starting a new thread.

Lorak the loathed.

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Spousal unit and I used to play a game called "geek tunes" on long car rides. The object is to sing the geekiest tune one can possibly think of to annoy the other person. I always won the game with this little ditty...

I'm on the

Top of the world

lookin' [basso profundo]Down![/basso profundo]Down on creation

and the only explination I can find

Is the love that I found ever since you've been around

Your love put me at the top of the world!

Now if that doesn't make your tea spew out your gullet I don't know what will. Of course dear Ms. Carpenter should have kept more food down, shouldn't she?

Unless of course we take a little trip to ozzie land and dredge up this smoothe tune... help me sing it now boys!

have you never been mellow

have you never tri-i-i-ed

to feel the comfort from insiiiiiiiide you!

Let's hear it for Olivia Newton John - or at least let's hear it for the fact that SHE HASN"T RECORDED A FRIGGING THING FOR A LONG LONG TIME!!!

eurgh - better get a bucket.


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It brings me great pleasure to inform the members of the 'Pool that Leeo has at long last beaten me in a game of CM. He assaulted a battalion of Heer draftees with two companies of crack Brits and cut through them like a hot knife through butter.

It was truly a sight to behold. Conscript squads are utterly useless against any enemy with loaded weapons. You should have seen all the wet trousers and heard the wailing down in those carefully placed foxholes. It was truly sickening.

Lorak! Take a happy pill or somefink... then mark me down for a loss to Leeo.


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