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would you like to play king of the hill at night with rifles?

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i cant say that i would, but id like to play it out! this one is for all of you out there who played king of the hill as kids (or still do!)

after learning soooo much from my first battle (The crossroads), i have now prepared a second thats ready for testing. i would like to thank those who are testing this one already, but i am still looking for some others who would be willing to test this battle for me?

its an allies night assult on a german fortified hill. its best to play as the allies vs the german AI, but it also makes for a good PBEM (hold off on the PBEM though until its been tested a few times). its 28 turns long and each side has approx. a company of men. small, fast, and fun!

email me here FTOALMA@msn.com or post here! thanks you all!

chad 'harrison' smile.gif

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