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Crouching Seanachai, Hidden PENG CHALLENGE

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Resorts to the age-old infantile 'I can play but you can't, neener, neener ploy

But we still play CM, and we still step on Lizards.


Nay, I will not get into the Mac vs. PC smokescreen that you laid in place of a snappy, biting comeback, mon ami. Your lack of a taunt, even one, of significance, of wit, of diabolical scheming does you no honor here, sir. But, as a bona fide member of the legal community you probably are accustomed to that. You say you still play the game, but are you willing to prove it?

And as for the lizards, have at 'em, the squishy little carcass-eaters.

[ 01-17-2002: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

I'm sorry to see you didn't appreciate my use of those 50 cent words which I had brought with me to use in the most intellectual of threads, the Peng. I thought it was my duty as a CM citizen to bring a modicum of intelligence to my post as I paid the cesspool another visit to say hello to all the bigwigs of the board, like yourself. I remember you were at the door the last time I was here and didn't welcome me with open arms then either. Have I offended the Peng people in some way? Did I spout off too soon? Is there some kind of hazing I need to go through first before I start ribbing the group as a whole?


My God, what a fool I've been! I failed to grasp that you'd merely fallen by for hugs and kisses! I now bitterly regret my boorish reproach of you.

Deadmarsh, my beamish boy, come to my arms! Like two brothers seperated by a common language shall we be from this point forth.

Do not let anything I've said to you or about you poison the glorious rapprochment upon whose edge we stand. Let us leap forward into a brand new future, and plummet to new levels of understanding each other! I profer to you the hand of friendship. The very same hand, in fact, that has flung Asian food at Berli, and made a rude but humorous gesture at Peng!

Folk of the Peng Challenge Thread, gather round! I give you Colonel Deadmarsh: My Friend!

(that last bit said, I'll be interested to see if you make it out with your life)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Moriarty:

You say you still play the game, but are you willing to prove it?


Is this a challenge? IS THIS A CHALLENGE??

What a lame butt statement from Professor Lamebutt at the Chicago Campus of Meetoo U!

Man, I'm a busy Lawyer (THE Lawyer) and you're tossing out some trite ****e to show you can post as much as Bauhaus, who seems to have some posting diaherea problem lately. At least you can flush a stinky toilet, but the Bauhaus droppings just linger here causing permanent stains.

Get a life or a grip, Moriarty, and hopefully NOT on Bauhaus and his thingy.

BTW, Bauhaus has a secret life that he hides from Berli by going home and playing IL-2 on a real computer. I hear Berli spends his evening trying out iCAD version 5.2 drawing strange cubical thingies for fun.

To each his own....

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Is this a challenge? IS THIS A CHALLENGE??

What a lame butt statement from Professor Lamebutt at the Chicago Campus of Meetoo U!

Man, I'm a busy Lawyer (THE Lawyer) and you're tossing out some trite ****e to show you can post as much as Bauhaus, who seems to have some posting diaherea problem lately. At least you can flush a stinky toilet, but the Bauhaus droppings just linger here causing permanent stains.

Get a life or a grip, Moriarty, and hopefully NOT on Bauhaus and his thingy.

BTW, Bauhaus has a secret life that he hides from Berli by going home and playing IL-2 on a real computer. I hear Berli spends his evening trying out iCAD version 5.2 drawing strange cubical thingies for fun.

To each his own....<hr></blockquote>

Wrong college, boy-o. Try Wassamatta U.

And Bauhaus' life ain't so secret. My info is that he can't even keep the air thingy up, as it were.

And as for the challenge, you have a vise-like grip on the obvious. State your terms.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

My God, what a fool I've been! I failed to grasp that you'd merely fallen by for hugs and kisses! I now bitterly regret my boorish reproach of you.

Deadmarsh, my beamish boy, come to my arms! Like two brothers seperated by a common language shall we be from this point forth.

Do not let anything I've said to you or about you poison the glorious rapprochment upon whose edge we stand. Let us leap forward into a brand new future, and plummet to new levels of understanding each other! I profer to you the hand of friendship. The very same hand, in fact, that has flung Asian food at Berli, and made a rude but humorous gesture at Peng!

Folk of the Peng Challenge Thread, gather round! I give you Colonel Deadmarsh: My Friend!

(that last bit said, I'll be interested to see if you make it out with your life)<hr></blockquote>


Does this not have the sound of a certain [shuder]French[/shudder] play we are familiar with?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gates-slut:

Man oh man oh man am I sick of being Gates-slut!

Hurry up and beat chrisl, please, or do somefink, Berlio<hr></blockquote>

I offered the challenge, it was accepted, Goanna made the scenario and sent it to Pillock, AND I HAVEN'T GOTTEN A FILE YET!

PILLOCK! Send the bloody file or forfit Peng's [shudder]good[/shudder] name! I give you until high noon tomorrow (EST)

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>completely out of things nice to say about XP<hr></blockquote>

You never did.

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Persephone, at's a bonny wee picture ye foond, boot mah wee span'l as oot o' kickin' distance. At's therefore technically incorrect an' therefore obviously a fake.

The watery-eyed tossers' Ah'm currently slaughteratin' ain tha noble an' CPU taxin' gam o' CM can put a lighted match batween their teeth, bend doon an' farrrt...

Ah' spaint tha last evein' or two upgradin' mah stankin' PC to a Pentium 4 1.7GHz beasty wi' 256MB DDR RAM. Noo ye'll feel tha wrath an' power o' mah poxy grrreat bag PROCESSOR!!!!

Ah cudnae menshun mah loathin' an' palpable hatred o' each an' every stankin' wun o' ye wath-oot voidin' mah strong an' desirable body thru aivery orrifice at wunce...sae Ah widnae menshun at. Boot knoo tha Ah'm thankin' at, ye misty vapourrrs fraim a bauhaus codpiece!

Whahay tha Scots!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

BTW, Bauhaus has a secret life that he hides from Berli by going home and playing IL-2 on a real computer. I hear Berli spends his evening trying out iCAD version 5.2 drawing strange cubical thingies for fun.

To each his own....<hr></blockquote>

It's not secret, Berli knows, he just doesn't approve. I still consider my MAC to be the real computer, the PC just helps with the gaming thing. My 400 mghrtz G3 iMac is still faster at most things than my 1.3 gigahertz AMD. And the Mac doesn't have a stinking Windows memory leak. Alas, I have to play on the PC. I have been posting way too much lately. That must change.

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Originally posted by Paramecium bursaria:

Your mind-games are too subtle for me. <hr></blockquote>

Too subtle, eh? Try this one.

Stick your index finger up your nose to the third joint and wiggle it.

Don’t feel nothin?

I thought so.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

It is all yours<hr></blockquote>

I think I will claim the SSN creature known as PondScum as my squire. Hmm.

Yes, that is what I am going to do, yup.

So PondScum, attend to thy finishing of thy required SSN duties and challenges, aye, and thence commence to do squire-like things. With yourself. Because that is then what you will thine be. To me. At that point.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda:

I am beating the everloving crap out of dalem

Just thought I'd throw that out there.<hr></blockquote>

Just thought I'd throw out the fact that I have 2 platoons of Shermans (and two other thingies) attacking uphill in Damp ground against, so far, a Panther, a Nashorn (that should have been an easy kill for me, nuts!), a JagdPzIV, and some other frikkin' thing I haven't IDed yet.

Don't make me pull a PeterNZ and start knocking houses down to get at you.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

My God, what a fool I've been! I failed to grasp that you'd merely fallen by for hugs and kisses! I now bitterly regret my boorish reproach of you.

Deadmarsh, my beamish boy, come to my arms! Like two brothers seperated by a common language shall we be from this point forth.

Do not let anything I've said to you or about you poison the glorious rapprochment upon whose edge we stand. Let us leap forward into a brand new future, and plummet to new levels of understanding each other! I profer to you the hand of friendship. The very same hand, in fact, that has flung Asian food at Berli, and made a rude but humorous gesture at Peng!

Folk of the Peng Challenge Thread, gather round! I give you Colonel Deadmarsh: My Friend!

(that last bit said, I'll be interested to see if you make it out with your life)<hr></blockquote>

I can feel the love.. tongue.gif Now, when will my offical Peng badge arrive in the mail?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Should arrive in 2 days... it will be the ticking package<hr></blockquote>

Careful, last time Berli sent anyone a Peng badge they had to close a congressional building for six months and hose off all the postmen.

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I am proud to announce a new, and different CM contest. Never before seen in civilized times. Hakku Atchoo will be travelling down to Slapdragonland in Columbia South Carolina with a rusty pitted.357 magnum revolver hidden in some crevice or other of his car, to face the ruling champion of the world Slapdragon, with his his .40 Glock service pistol, in a contest of marksmanship and skill. No, we will not be shooting at each other, but at paper targets, while I attempt to teach the man from North Carolina how to hit something larger than a barn at two meters.

At the end of the day, I will challenge to gonaff to a single six shot string into a 3x5 card at 10 meters slow fire. Winner to bask in triumph before the gods of cordite and salt peter, looser to slink away manhood forever damaged.

Now, I am not above taking bets on this little affair. Remember that I have tremers palsy in my hands, an extreme drinking condition, take a medication usually reserved for calming gorillas, and now days do not get much sleep. Lets start the odds at three to one, in Hakku's favor, shall we?

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