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Major Patch Needed For CM

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Just purchased the game..Combat Mission Beyond Overlord...played a H2H game with KG_AT_Attack and it was very enjoyable..Playing the Computer is a dfferent story and some of the BUGS are in the H2H online play as well...Point..I shot at a German Commander with a Sherman 105 at least 15 times with the main gun and the worst that happened to him was that he became Panic...he should have be con fety...It seems that the Soldiers in CM are Superman...I also had a 1 man Bazooka walk up and shoot my Lynx after it had Peppered the Bazooka Man with a 20mm and MG...I like the Game and I hope there's a Major Patch for this On The Way..lets Get Real..I paid 45 bucks for a Serious war game not some Childs Game where the Soldiers have Armor Underwear and Defeat Tanks and Armored Vehicles at will...Seph :mad:

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Oh this is going to be good. I am sitting here with my coffee and getting all comforable for what will surely happen next. Now Seph I don't know who you are and I certainly have nothing against you but you shouldn't have said that. Good luck lad. Maybe you won't get beaten up too bad seeing that you're a young fellow . No I guess that won't matter :D

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Hopefully I can explain some stuff to you that you not yet know.

One is that you have to be more descriptive. Where was this commander, in rough, trees, a building? If so he could very much be protected from your fire. If he were say in a foxhole, on a reverse slope and your targeting was not square for all 15 shots then sure. If he was a company commander or battalion commander he may have 6-8 men to start with (that is almost the same as a squad of infantry) and could have lost up to 7 men. He also may have randomly been fanatic.

As for the second instance you have to realize that CMBO is a game of abstraction. Those green open tiles you see are actually filled with brush and undulations as far as the the coding is concerned, it is just not transalated graphically due to current systems (that is the customers computer) most folks (or all folks) own. Also the men do not just walk up as they graphically due (another abstraction) but are actually bobbing and weaving, leap frogging and dodging, and basically picking their way towards your Lynx in this case. Yes you fired you MG at them, but there is cover in those green tiles and even though graphically they look like they are coming right at you, they could actaully be anywhere within the 20 meter? square that they inhabit.

Welcome to the game though, you will find a rich community here with a wealth of knowledge. But do understand that the many abstractions in the game do shock people at first but most get used to it and come to realize that this the closest thing to what really was in WWII, well that is until CMBB comes out :D

What you describe could have really happened in real life. Zooks did get close to German tanks, and men under tank fire held there ground. You will find no weapon is an Uber Weapon and that there are no "tricks" that garner you instant success. This is not an RTS nor a FPS. This is a true simulation of the tactical combat arena of WWII. Enjoy.

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Hi Seph

This game has a rather steep learning curve when it comes to learning the finer and intricate aspects of this game engine. If you find any odd behavoiur, from your point of view, I would suggest to invest some time and do a search on this forum. Throughout the years, more or less every angle has been discussed and very often motivated by BTS. If you cannot find what you look for, just put in a post with the question and an explanation that you have made a search. Most likely you will have a fast and elaborate answer.

And no, there will be no major patch for CM. The last patch was 1.12 (me thinks) and that was a long time ago. Not that there is any room for improvement, but BTS is working on Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin, which hopefully will be out within the near future.

I hope that you enjoy the game.


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welcome to the game. i would suggest reading the forums here and reserving an opinion of the game until you read more and play more. there will be many times when you will have terrible "luck" with some units(as you described in your post), and sometimes the opposite will be true and every time you shoot, you kill. no, the game is not a perfect simulation of actual battle, but it's the closest yet(until cmbb that is). the important thing to remember is that if you use good tactics, you'll reduce the effects of luck in the game tremendously. anyway, keep trying. you will find the game very rewarding once you get the feel of it.

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I only can say that in the life you never must base your opinion in a sinlge experience.

I would say that you should play several games, and read carefully the manual (or make a search in this nice forum) to understand all the game mechanism.

And what the others said, remember that a lot of things are yet an abstraction, where you see open ground, should be grass and minor cover like rocks or little variation on the terrain.

Just that smile.gif

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Hi Seph,

this game has a dedicated following, as you will shortly see.

Mainly because it´s the best friggin tactical wargame in town. Sure, it has it´s faults, but the situations you decribed, seems not totally out of whack for me. Maybe your Sherman 105 doesnt have clear LOS to his target ? Or the commander was dugged in ?

And the zook maybe under the command of a bonus HQ giving him a morale and firepower boost. Think also that it´s not only one man with a zook, it´s a team.

I really hope you learn to use ( and love ) this game. :rolleyes:

[ June 22, 2002, 08:21 AM: Message edited by: Scheer ]

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Psst, hey kid. Looky here Seph, now we got this lil community here see, and they all know each other pretty well and have done labled everyone into some category or other. Now, a feller comes parading in here tossing round bar stools and all the patrons look up and take a second to size up the saturation see. So way I figure it, ya got about three more posts till the bottles start flying and as you'll see, about five posts after that till someone turns out the lights. Then is when it gets real interestin. :D

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Play more. Don't jump to conclusions just yet.

There are times your tank will seem ineffective, there are times you will think your tank is too effective. Sounds realistic to me.

There are times the enemy will be wearing iron underwear, there are times the enemy will be wearing flamable underwear.

In other words, there is no mathematical calculation table somewhere that will give you the exact results for every weapon shooting at every target in every type of terrain. Its variable, dependant on weapon capabilities, terrain, crew quality, combat status, weather conditions, and just good or bad luck.

It makes the whole situation fluid and exciting. Good tactics will tilt things in your favor. Four squads shooting at a single iron underwear squad at close range in the open is still going to kill it, no matter how thick the iron underwear the enemy unit is wearing.

Welcome to the greatest tactical WWII game of all time. Drop all conceptions from previous gaming experience. Play smart tactics and CM will reward your play with realistic results that will make even you happy.

PS: And almost forgot. Please understand the importance of infantry. CM is dear to many because ifantry finally gets its fair attention and is something one must have in a battle. Armor vehicles are cool and I love them, but infantry is the required element. They are not just targets for tanks. Keep those zooks away with covering infantry. Tanks don't do so well against enemy infantry that get close. When enemy infantry get close to your tank, make sure there is friendly infantry close by. If not, put that sucker in reverse and get the heck out of there.

[ June 22, 2002, 10:53 AM: Message edited by: kump ]

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Originally posted by lcm1947:

Oh this is going to be good. I am sitting here with my coffee and getting all comforable for what will surely happen next. Now Seph I don't know who you are and I certainly have nothing against you but you shouldn't have said that. Good luck lad. Maybe you won't get beaten up too bad seeing that you're a young fellow . No I guess that won't matter :D

:D . Sure Seph does himwelf wear the Armour Underwear he talked about. If not, his posting tactics were a bit rash, perhaps. :cool:
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Tanks just are not that instantly deadly. A real life example, occouring yesterday happened in israel. An israeli tank fired 2 shells into a crowded market place. It was unclear if these were 105mm or 120mm shells, but definitely big enough to put a hurt on the crowd. The signficant crowd, standing about on terrain that CMBO would consider "paved" with 0% cover, suffered 13 casualties from both shells.


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I am certainly impressed with the self control of most of the members here that have replied to Seph's um, query. I salute and applaud you.


Seph, I hope that you are taking their advice to heart. Don't forget that CMBB will be a whole lot better than CMBO and it will be out --sometime this year.


It is obvious that Seph doesn't know much about the game, but with practice, I believe it is possible that he will shortly.

Yet, on the other hand, he will be in the same boat as the rest of us once CMBB comes out. It seems that we're all going to have to revisit Sgt. Learning-curve to one extent or the other.

;) Speaking of CMBB... Hey! Its the 22nd already! ;)

Where is it, by golly? ;)

[ June 22, 2002, 12:44 PM: Message edited by: Le Tondu ]

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A lot of you will jump on the new guy for bringing this up for the 230th time but he does have a point.

Why would an HQ unit readily lose troops under fire except for the very last überdude?

Sole survivors in CM are ridiculously hard to kill, and when controlled by the AI have a tendency to keep running back into the fight - Regardless of whether they are in woods, foxholes or what have you.

Yes, there'll be no more patches for CM, but that's one of the few things that do need to be looked at.

Btw - I don't think AT teams are included in this as my bazooka teams seldom ever get a second shot.


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Originally posted by redwolf:

Well, infantry *is* pretty robust in CMBO and even more so hard to supress since the morale effect doesn't really extent to all units in a shooter's path.

But is it realistic? Who can tell?

Compare it to actual infantry casualty statistics. CM is actually deadlier for infantry than the real life battles it attempts to portray. JasonC discussed this in a couple of recent threads - some of it is tied to the willingness of CM players to throw their troops into action out of proportion to their real life counterparts' willingness to do so, but I thought that while MGs are undermodelled, other small arms are very well modelled in CM - few bullets on the modern battlefield find their mark.
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originally posted by austrian strategist:-Sure Seph does himwelf wear the Armour Underwear he talked about. If not, his posting tactics were a bit rash, perhaps.---


let it be known all over the kingdom that i hitlers underpants is the only one allowed to wear armored underpants.the right has been handed down to me through countless generations of underpants...may the lords of peng forgive u!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by Seph:

I shot at a German Commander with a Sherman 105 at least 15 times with the main gun and the worst that happened to him was that he became Panic...

Get Real..I paid 45 bucks for a Serious war game not some Childs Game where the Soldiers have Armor Underwear and Defeat Tanks and Armored Vehicles at will...Seph :mad:

Well Steph:

Might I suggest if you don't care for the how the German Commander survived his ordel, you should pass on CMBB. I for one look forward to the umber Finn Commander who I understand walks through snow and ice in his underwear and takes Reds out at at ratio of 10:1. ;)

As for $45 bucks, (looks left, looks right, doesn't see M, M, K, S or C) I'd pay ***** that for CMBB. :D

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