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The peng challenge: escape from Stalingrad?


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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Joe, your email is definitely messed up, and that pleases me immensely. I guess you didn't get that letter from Roxy either, eh?

How I plan to crush Joe's Germans in "Yelnia Square" if he is ever able to receive files:

The great Russian Intifada will begin with enfilading fire on his defilade positions. Once he's been sufficiently fileted, his defilade should deflate demonstrably. Once I've deduced this deflated defilade, I will direct my derelicts to infiltrate his defilade before he can deliver fileting enfilading fire himself. To allow this would give Joe an inflated ego even though fileting troops, not in defilade, with enfilading fire is elementary.

Having attained his former defilade positions, I will then deliver devastating doses of direct fire designed to demolish dozens of Deutsch dogs before they can attain their next defilade position. Repeat as needed and you have a dead and dismembered delinquent destined for dishonorable decomposition.

Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight Moriarty, Defender of Lost Causes.

Just Die!!!


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Originally posted by BARBELLA:

Come on, you know you want to, just say these four little words "I need a hug" i won't reject you, promise i won't.

Just give me back my frillies and all will be forgiven.

Are you sure your not Seanachai's imaginary sista?? All that huggy stuff is vaguely reminiscent.......


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Barbarrosa (whatever), this isn't about any one single individual entity ... hmmm ... but rather the CessPool as a hole! If we don't safeguard the traditions of the MBT they could be lost forever and we could end up LIKE AUSTRALIA! Not on MY watch!

Extremism in Defense of the CessPool is no Vice!



You once owed and still owe me a turn, you un-vigilant Just-a-caricature.... tap, tap..

Sir Flamin' AJ

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

You once owed and still owe me a turn, you un-vigilant Just-a-caricature.... tap, tap..

Sir Flamin' AJ

Who's that tap, tap, tapping at my chamber door? Oh ... only Aussie Jeff, thought it might be another of those blasted ravens again, had the shotgun ready this time by GAWD!

As to your turn, I believe I explained my issues with my ISP and if not who really cares since you're Australian after all.

Naytheless I shall resend this very moment. Kindly inform me of the arrival of my turn even if you find yourself unable to recall the procedure for actually opening and playing it.


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Originally posted by Treeburst155:


It's education time for you. Ladies Of The Pool do not play CM. Since you claim not to be a man, and you don't play CM, you HAVE to be a Lady Of The Pool.

If you choose to discard this very real position of honor, you mock the one and only virtue of The Mutha Beautiful Thread. That is, the way we treat women. I think this would be a crime worthy of Coventry. You're lucky I'm not running this vile domain.

Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight Moriarty, Defender of Lost Causes.

Treeburst, you are mistaken...Ladies of the pool can play CM if they wish to. Kitty plays CM and I am presently kicking the ÜberGnome's arse in CM. All that is left of his little gnome soldiers are their little red pointy hats.

Ladies can do whatever pleases them in the MBT. The rules are for the rest of you pillocks.


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Originally posted by Persephone:

Ladies can do whatever pleases them in the MBT. The rules are for the rest of you pillocks.


You're right, I forgot. "Ladies Rule!!".

I also forgot you are responsible for all Berlichtingen's victories. Obviously this means Ladies of the Pool do play CM, at least on occasion.

Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight Moriarty, Defender of Lost Causes

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

The same can, btw, be said of all my CMBO games currently in progress. I show that I have no turns outstanding and no replies from any of you.

Joe, according to me, I sent you #015 on 8/24. I'll resend it now, just in case you try to pull this whole "I've never received a turn from anyone ever... in fact I know nothing about CM and have never completed a game because you lot never send me any turns" thing on me too.


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Originally posted by dalem:

Just read another couple of posts by The Mighty Fred 176. I believe I am finding a little bit of the hate I have sought....

About time, you festering pile of rubbish. I don't believe I can stand another day of watching you aimlessly wander about town in your little white frock, passing out flowers, passing out leaflets, and just plain passing out.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

The same can, btw, be said of all my CMBO games currently in progress. I show that I have no turns outstanding and no replies from any of you.

Joe, according to me, I sent you #015 on 8/24. I'll resend it now, just in case you try to pull this whole "I've never received a turn from anyone ever... in fact I know nothing about CM and have never completed a game because you lot never send me any turns" thing on me too.


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Inquiring minds want to know.

Of course none of them are around here, mind you...

Ergo, your pillock-minded self!

You really stepped in it this time Boo-bella.... ahh, I just love it when you crack up...


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Lawyer just called me a pimple on the outerboards! (And by outer, I mean, like, past friggin' PLUTO outer) I demand justice, I demand his slow, painful, and immenently entertaining demise. I believe I shall leave his maggot infested (due to profession, not decay) corpse lying prostate in the endless fields of the Ukraine. The crows, spying this corpulent gelatinous cube, will fly on, disgusted that something so foul should be slain in their lands.

The hyenas (are there hyenas in the Ukraine?) will laugh and jibber to themselves as they refuse this reeking carrion. The jackals will choose to battle the wolfpack for the six-week old dead horse (from the Russian Cavalry of course) rather than risk disease and death by sampling his infested flesh.

No, this mass of putresence will sit and rot in the heat of the days, and many years hence, when my courageous troops are tramping back through the Ukraine, on their way homes, they will pause in the field in which his body rotted away and wonder why there is a crop-circle a hundred yards wide in which nothing will grow. In the center of this crop-circle, they will find a grinning skull, and they will smash it with the butts of their rifles.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Anybody out there care to translate this into English for me?

As always, any post from Ozzi Osborne Jeff is a gunny sack full of non sequitors. Maybe you should just speak in Ebonics from now on. How about we have our first lesson? Todays word is Omlette. Let's use it in a sentence:

"I should just bust you in the head for what you said, but omlette this one slide."

Boo, I told you before that AJ was abandoned at birth and raised by Aborigines (not that there's anything wrong with that). You've got to use the buzzes and clicks that he is accustomed to.


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Lawyer just called me a pimple on the outerboards! (And by outer, I mean, like, past friggin' PLUTO outer) I demand justice

Fine - we'll give 'im a medal then, as long as it stops your bleating.

Y'know I reckon ewe must fancy Macey a bit - you're bleating like a sheep, your thinking is woolly when you bother to exhibit any (I think the last time was Thursday week-ago) and you follow everyone else pretty much like one. All the signs point to a dangerous liaision with a pair of wool shears might be heading your way soon!

Don't suppose you're being thrashed by him in a game as well are you?

Never really got over roxy being a boy, and Treebum trying to be a girl huh?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You know lads, it's terrible when you need to come up with something clever in order to keep the MBT on page one where it belongs and the muse deserts you. I'm frankly at a loss what to do.


Ah thought o' sumthan....

"Joe, ye're a pillock."

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Joe, Ah thought o' sumthan....

"Joe, ye're a pillock."

HA! And your pantie-wasted Pixeltruppen are deader than a dingo's donger according to MY stats. Don't bother opening the last file I sent either, ya haggis-munching, poodle-licking dog's bollock. I shall let the results speak for themselves - thus:

A MAJOR FRICKIN' VICTORY has been wrought by my brave and skillfully commanded green conscripts over the cowardly UnterKraut hordes feebly misled by some crazed Scotsman/woman dressed in a hotpink tartan kilt with thigh high split and stilletto hob-nailed boots.

Driving that sorry lot clean orf th' map with my fleet of Rent-A-Tanks was sorta UPLIFTING. Like when ya' manage to exterminate a plague of rats. More like mice in this instance..

... and LO!! .... the SCORE!!


Note the VILLAGE PILLAGE and the wastelands of FOGS defensive line beyond!! Let Seanachai wonder at the wonderful Desert Pale Pack colorscheme herein..


Sigh ......... it was all <U>TOO EASY!!!</U>

NEXT PLEASE! {those of you pillocks wishing to receive a like <U>ass-whuppin'</U> please form up behind tha' fat, heerrry Scoot. Tha' poorrr bastarrrd as loovin' tha' rrrreet thrrrrashin' hae as geetin' frrrom haes betterrrrr. Aye, tha's ME Jimmy!!}

Sir Flamin' AJ

Brilliant CMBO HobKnOb

[ September 05, 2002, 04:25 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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The dark-light, dark-light shuttering of cherry-tops spills over the landscape, alerting householders that 'the Rules' are being enforced. The tall, painfully young looking, and buzz-cut officer approaches the driver's side window, which effortlessly glides down...in a slow, jerky, even spastic way.

Officer Good evening, sir. Do you know how fast you were going, sir?

Seanachai I was, Officer, doing no more than 25 mph.

Officer Yes, sir. But you were driving through a playground, sir.

Seanachai Indeed. But, as it is well after midnight, and no children are present, I don't think that the normal '20 mph when children are present' applies.

Officer Well, no sir, perhaps not. On the other hand, it's usually considered bad form to jump the curb and drive through a playground at 2 AM.

Seanachai You would know better than I, Officer. I was merely taking this convenient and unpopulated short-cut so as to get around that mess at the intersection.

Officer Back there where someone ran into the traffic signal and knocked it across the lanes?

Seanachai Yes.

Officer Sir, what happened to the front of your car?

period of silent consideration

Seanachai Pronghorn Antelope.

Officer What?

Seanachai Pronghorn Antelope. These beasts, Officer, have it in for me. Unprovoked, they often charge my car. They can do considerable body damage.

Officer You're trying to tell me you hit a Pronghorn antelope, rather than that you just knocked down that stoplight?

Seanachai Of course.

Officer And you expect me to believe that there's a Pronghorn antelope wandering around South Minneapolis?

Seanachai Of course not, Officer. I've just come from the Minnesota Zoo in Apple Valley. There are...or, well, rather, there were a number of them there. Vicious beasts.

A quick examination of the crumpled bumper reveals fur, blood, but no signs of a traffic light's metallic yellow paint.

Officer Oh my god, you did hit some kind of animal! Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to get out of the car!

Seanachai Er, Officer, you don't, perchance, happen to know 'Lars', do you?

Officer You know my cousin Lars?!!

Frankly, lads and lasses, jail might have been preferable to a recitation of Lars' cousin's reminiscing about 'good times, good times'. But, while no charges were filed, 48 hours in the tank are nothing to be sneered at. Especially since I met another half dozen of Lars's cousins there...

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Anybody out there care to translate this into English for me?

As always, any post from Ozzi Osborne Jeff is a gunny sack full of non sequitors.

BURN "BOO THE HERETIC"!! I fear that Boo-boo has been associating with the notorious and not-to-be-trusted "<SMALL><SMALL>Gunny Bunny<BIG><BIG>" {unbolded and shrunk out of loathing}. Thus his obvious and sly reference to the "<SMALL><SMALL>Gunny<BIG><BIG> sack" (eeewww - whatever he means by THAT!)

Where's the Justacar and his trusty pool full of lithe and lissome Stenographers to mete out JUSTICE when you NEED them??


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