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The peng challenge: escape from Stalingrad?


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem:

Just read another couple of posts by The Mighty Fred 176. I believe I am finding a little bit of the hate I have sought....

Mon petite general, to feed your hate you might wish to try this thread as well.

And best of luck with that whole David Carradine "wandering master in search of hatred" act.

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[And as night throttles the last sigh of daylight something grey and heavy is huddled over a brand-spanking-new 19in 0.24mm AG pitch Trinitron monitor with a slight but nonetheless extremely annoying flicker in the top right corner while listening to the crisp boom and crack from another brand-spanking-new 5.1 sound system with sub-woofer. The stable is shaking.

And as the camera swoops across the vast, featureless stretch of parched Steppe grassland there is a dreadful silence. The camera sweeps one way, then another and back again and then zooms in to the desolate, spindly and wholely inadequate clump of scattered trees offering a gnat's hindlegs potential for sneaking, crawling, hiding or skulking.

There is more dreadful silence.

And with a slow and mournful movements:

1x something

lots x plinky things

reasonable amount of lesser plinky things

not a lot of interesting things

few big things

few things that rattle

... are carefully crammed into the shrivelled grove].


Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock

[ September 04, 2002, 05:49 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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I received #2, and sent you #3. I also just resent #3. Don't try to weasel out of this by blaming your email. Just surrender with honor... and quit your salacious salivating over Barbella!

Okay pal, did you actually SEND it or did you just THINK about sending it? And if the former, to which address did you send it? I'm at jrshaw@attbi.com as you should well know by now but considering that you are ... well, YOU, I feel it necessary to cover all the bases.

The above is because ... I AIN'T GOT IT and I think my ISP is messing with my head again.

The same can, btw, be said of all my CMBO games currently in progress. I show that I have no turns outstanding and no replies from any of you. And after all the money I'm spending on AT&T Cable TV, Internet and telephone service too.


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Joe, refile your turn. It never got here.

Yeknod, CEASE AND DESIST on providing such detailed scenario information without something like, oh, say, A SPOILER WARNING:

















so idiots like Lars won't have yet one more excuse as to why they are losing.


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Yeknodathon O' The Glen:

the desolate, spindly and wholely inadequate clump of scattered trees

Someone needs to turn his trees up to EXTREME.
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Joe, your email is definitely messed up, and that pleases me immensely. I guess you didn't get that letter from Roxy either, eh?

How I plan to crush Joe's Germans in "Yelnia Square" if he is ever able to receive files:

The great Russian Intifada will begin with enfilading fire on his defilade positions. Once he's been sufficiently fileted, his defilade should deflate demonstrably. Once I've deduced this deflated defilade, I will direct my derelicts to infiltrate his defilade before he can deliver fileting enfilading fire himself. To allow this would give Joe an inflated ego even though fileting troops, not in defilade, with enfilading fire is elementary.

Having attained his former defilade positions, I will then deliver devastating doses of direct fire designed to demolish dozens of Deutsch dogs before they can attain their next defilade position. Repeat as needed and you have a dead and dismembered delinquent destined for dishonorable decomposition.

Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight Moriarty, Defender of Lost Causes.

[ September 04, 2002, 06:12 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

...so idiots like Lars won't have yet one more excuse as to why they are losing.


Oh, please! As if Lars ever did need any excuse for losing!

Though, mind, I did appreciate his whine once that there were an awful lot of trees in a QB that'd been selected for 'heavy forest' (or whatever it's called). All those tanks, wasted.


[ September 04, 2002, 06:10 PM: Message edited by: Iskander ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Mace you are a complete and utter imbecile ... oh sorry, didn't mean to start my post in the same manner as your office greets you every day. The RULES are an established and hallowed part of the CessPool and I shall continue to berate those who do not FOLLOW THE TRADITIONS of the MBT. In your case it's doubly easy since you're such an idiot.

As to this Barbarella ... thing! Are we to grant the special and coveted status of Lady of the Pool to anything that wanders in claiming that privilege? Berli says "Yes, give them the benefit of the doubt." And what then if the poster turns out, as Mace turned out, to be a pillock of the first water? If a poster can't make it on their own merits then all they have to do is dress in something frilly, call themselves LULU and ... VOILA (or perhaps Viola, though I don't care for the string section as a rule) they are automatically granted the status equal to that of Squire. No testing, no quests, no judgement by their peers, is this to be allowed?

And what of those who labored so long and hard to master the intriacies of the MBT? Is not their effort cheapened by this laissez faire approach to membership in this, the most coveted of communities? I SAY IT IS.

Some would say "They can be anything they like in the CessPool, it's not up to us to judge them." Aye, true enough in it's way, but NOT when it's done at the expense of the BASE purpose of the CessPool and that is the TAUNT, the gibe, the posturing. No the Ladies of the CessPool are granted a special status that is protected and preserved, as it should be. But now anyone can join and be granted automatic privileges and be allowed to forego all rites of passage.

It's all Treeburst155s fault of course ... and with luck I'll be able to deflect attention from his likely win in our game to this issue ... it's a plan.


I see you didn't take my advice about those "Happy Pills".

*shakes head*

There's no need to get your Calvins in a twist Joe, i have no wish to be a Lady of the Pool, the very thought of being typecast as such fills me with about as much excitement as becoming wife #7 to you, or would that be 8?

As for dressing in frills, *reels back in horror*

I knew someone had been rooting through my underwear drawer, am i to assume you've been skipping your bedtime milk and bromide?

Get a grip man, it's not too late to reach out and ask for help. Come on, you know you want to, just say these four little words "I need a hug" i won't reject you, promise i won't.

Just give me back my frillies and all will be forgiven.

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Hi Booberry,

Roxy: I'm not only the dominant one, I'm The Dominatrix. Ask Treeburst. He'll tell you as soon as I take the gag off.

Come see me some time, Boo-boo. I'll show you how to whip some behinds. Then we can play CMBB.

Roxanne, The Dominatrix of Castle Moriarty

Now I know true fear.
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Barbarrosa (whatever), this isn't about any one single individual entity ... hmmm ... but rather the CessPool as a hole! If we don't safeguard the traditions of the MBT they could be lost forever and we could end up LIKE AUSTRALIA! Not on MY watch!

Extremism in Defense of the CessPool is no Vice!



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It's education time for you. Ladies Of The Pool do not play CM. Since you claim not to be a man, and you don't play CM, you HAVE to be a Lady Of The Pool.

If you choose to discard this very real position of honor, you mock the one and only virtue of The Mutha Beautiful Thread. That is, the way we treat women. I think this would be a crime worthy of Coventry. You're lucky I'm not running this vile domain.

Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight Moriarty, Defender of Lost Causes.

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