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Invitational Tourney [Part II]

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My email is up!!

Evidently Mick is hurting for turns from his opponents. He writes:

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>twas another day off and poor Aussie Mick..

Was wasting his day feeling lonesome and sick...

No grunts to shoot at, no tanks to pot...

The files were outgoing.. the incoming were not...

All of his squads and all of his men

Were frozen in cyber-space until god knows when..

His opponents muttered something about crap ISP's...

Or time zones or sweethearts or pruning their trees,

Mick's family was heartless, they sneered at his pout,

"Get a life you sad mongrel and take the rubbish out!"

But Mick's thoughts had drifted, he was back on the field..

the arty was booming and his men wouldn't yield..

The hell with opponents, he'd just had enough..

It was time to do battle and that AI could be rough!<hr></blockquote>

Treeburst155 out.

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I lost a hard drive about 24 hours ago. Any email sent to me since then was lost. I'm up and running again with no data loss (daily backup) other than the last few emails I received. I saw them, but did not get around to reading them before the catastrophe. So, if you've written in the last 24 hours you need to resend. Thanks!!

Treeburst155 out.

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I have not been shunning you. Rather, after consulting with Treeburst155 in his official capacity here and in Rumblings, he suggested I temporarily stand down here, in order to concentrate on getting my eight Section II games done in Rumblings, which has a much shorter deadline.

In that affray I have completed games vs. Kingfish,

CDIC and Holien and have games in progress against Tom (halfway through), Von Lucke (close to halfway)

and Peter Svensson (barely begun). That makes six of the mandatory eight, after which the section winner will face the other section winners. My deadline's coming up, and so are the holidays.

I might be able to squeeze a game in here, but the time crunch on the other end is a firebreathing dragon which will devour me if I'm not careful.

Why not contact Treeburst155 yourself and see what he thinks? I'm not trying to jam up you or anyone else here, but I can only do so much at a time.


John Kettler

[ 11-25-2001: Message edited by: John Kettler ]</p>

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More major computer problems here! Apparently my hard drive troubles were only the beginning, and maybe the result of, a failing motherboard. My machine is totally whacked, and crashes every twenty minutes. I've tried everything. Soooo,

I'll be offline for a few days replacing motherboards, hard drives, sound cards, whatever it takes. I have all the latest mail sent to me, anything you send now will be safely waiting for me in cyber-space.

I'll meet up with yall later this week.

Treeburst155 out.

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Your problems may have been caused by, or at least aggravated by, a recent X class solar flare which was followed Saturday by a severe geomagnetic storm (pegged the upper scale). My iMac was almost impossible to boot properly, and I couldn't get online for many hours. I got an instant error message every time I tried to connect via Netscape.

I called my ISP, and we checked the line and trouble calls there. Clean. They thought I had a serious modem problem. Today, the solar storm is gone, and we're down to an M class flare. Guess what? My computer works fine.

I should also tell you that the Japanese have run lab tests in which granite blocks were crushed to mimic crustal movement. The resulting scattered frequency piezoelectric emissions were found to upset all kinds of electronic functions, especially computers. They even made quartz watches run backwards. Before the Seattle quake there were many reports, especially from PC users in the Pacific Northwest, of computer problems ranging from windows and programs opening and closing by themselves, to computers switching on, down through hard drive failures and outright PC losses. I myself had boot problems and serious Internet access problems in the days right before the Seattle quake. All problems cleared after it hit. There are indications that the planet is presently under great seismic strain, so that may be part of your woes.

Hang in there, for there's no stress like cyber stress. Hope this helps.


John Kettler

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I hope people don't mind a few hardware tips:

1) Buy good harddrives. The cheap Western Digital harddrives have broken error correction. That means, the drive works fine all along, even under heavy load. But once you have a bad cable, or a connector isn't fitted properly, or you rearrange cables, or you get external distortions by new devices in the computer (video card, TV card, whatever), data is being corrupted on transmission. That is no problem whatsoever, since IDE has error correction, usually that is. With the cheap WD IDE drives, you get broken error correction, that means once you get errors that are "soft" error on proper harddrives, you get serious data corruption on these WD drives. All that while the drives works fine, even under heaviest load, while there are no external or cable issues. Touch the cable and be doomed.

2) Always get memory with ECC. I know it is expensive and people claim it isn't worth. It *is* worth it. As with the WD drives, it may not be worth it in the usual case of a properly non-changing computer. But in the typical home machine that gets upgraded, rebuilt etc you often have a semi-fitting placement into the RAM slot or other devices that distort signals. And then it is worth it, because memory errors ruin your harddrive contents like 37mm flak decimate Greyhound companies.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Jarmo:

Almost over with Shandorf, but progress is slooow.

I'm expecting a major victory.

I think I could handle another game.

Is anyone who has yet to fight me availlable?<hr></blockquote>

Blame the computer... it should have auto-surrendered days ago.

I will get another turn out to you tonight.


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Happy to report my fight against Shandorf is over.

My win with a score of 92 - 8!

I believe I used up all the luck in the world... :D

Seriously, Shandorf did only one mistake and that was sticking

around for too long after the fight had been lost. Although,

he could have pulled it off with luck. Even after all his armour

was gone, things hung in balance for a few turns with him

pushing forward with infantry. But did I already mention that all

the luck in the world was mine. :rolleyes:

I'm bad.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Jarmo:

Happy to report my fight against Shandorf is over.

My win with a score of 92 - 8!

I believe I used up all the luck in the world... :D

Seriously, Shandorf did only one mistake and that was sticking

around for too long after the fight had been lost. Although,

he could have pulled it off with luck. Even after all his armour

was gone, things hung in balance for a few turns with him

pushing forward with infantry. But did I already mention that all

the luck in the world was mine. :rolleyes:

I'm bad.<hr></blockquote>

Retreating when I should have wouldn't have change the score unfortunately. There were too many flags for you to control.

That battle really sucked and especially those Church VIIs you bought. Fricken 3 of them. Bastard.

Oh well.. Good game. I suppose an ass whoopin' was coming my way with all I was giving out.


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STOP PRESS: It has come to my attention that one of the wines that I'm putting up for the winner here has just won the BEST RED BLEND Trophy in the World, the Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtessa de Lalande prize at the London International Wine & Spirit Competition, one of the 2 biggest wine competitions in the World! This wine is the Vergelegen 1998.


Did I say at http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=019427 that this is one mean winemaker? ;) A read-up on the estate can also be found at the above link.

Enjoy your battles!

Charl Theron



A bottle of good wine, like a good act, shines ever in the retrospect.

-- Robert L. Stevenson, Scottish writer (1850 - 1894)

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Good question, Fuerte. WineCape will be along to answer it, I'm sure.

I've been doing a load of tourney work today and I thought this might be a good time to update everyone on the games they have yet to complete. Some of these may already be started.

Michael Dorosh:

Ari Maenpaa

John Kettler


Ben Galanti

Ari Maenpaa:

Michael Dorosh


John Kettler


Ben Galanti


John Kettler

Ben Galanti




Ari Maenpaa

John Kettler

Ben Galanti


Texas Toast

Ben Galanti

John Kettler:

Michael Dorosh

Ari Maenpaa



Texas Toast


Michael Dorosh

Ari Maenpaa

Ben Galanti

Texas Toast:


John Kettler

Ben Galanti

Ben Galanti

Michael Dorosh

Ari Maenpaa





Texas Toast

There is no hurry on these games. I just want everyone to know where they stand. As you can see from the standings page we have a fairly good race going for the "World's #1 Red Blend" plus five more fine wines. Some of you may not remember, but WineCape put up some of his BEST wines for this tourney's winner. It would appear the London International Wine and Spirit judges agree with him on what is "best". Have fun!

Treeburst155 out.

[ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>

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