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Invitational Tourney [Part II]

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Ben is now "Chinese" Galanti, on account of his hordes of American infantry, which seem to be everywhere.

His boys coming up the left edge of the board didn't care for the mortar fire I dropped on them and retreated to cover. Minutes earlier, they'd clashed with my guys head on and got shot from the flank. I hope some are in bad shape.

There's another cluster hunkered down in the center left. This bunch shot up my assault but took a lot of lumps from my base of fire, my reverse slope guys when his advanced and the newly captured VL, which is under .50 cal. fire from the front right and mortar fire from somewhere.

The big news, though, is that I sent a 250/9 whipping across a gap (survived) to get behind his M-10 which is stalking my rampaging Stu. Would you believe it came around the base of the ridgeline as what appears to be an entire platoon of infantry decided to advance toward my right rear? Fire has been exchanged, and next turn will be truly thrilling.

I hold both VLs solidly, but the discovery of a large force deep in my rear is not what I'd call a welcome development. Better, though, to find out about it now than to have it suddenly appear late in the game. Returning the favor, I intend to thoroughly disrupt his rear area and devour infantry and support weapons wholesale.

That's all I have for now.


John Kettler

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It was an exciting turn! Direct fire duel at 86 meters, resulting in mutual kill. His casualties are unknown. I lost the whole crew because of a storm of lead and grenades after leaving my dead HT. Both Stu beasties advanced, one on either flank. Ben mortared the hill again.

The following turn was horrendous. He sent a strong force up the forward VL hill and proceeded to devour my infantry there, though some survivors remain. Meanwhile, I practically boxed the compass with fires aimed at the assault force and enfiladed

another infantry herd which was advancing on the center left. This caused a great deal of excitement and a veritable stampede for cover. I also fought a lively action to my right rear with a platoon or so of infantry, an action which continues. Looks like I killed the platoon HQ there.

The upcoming turn should be even nastier.


John Kettler

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Am exhausted but shall try to summarize developments.since I last posted in my almost done battle against Ben. Have issued orders for Turn 23 of 25.

I have one Stu on the left flank. Last turn it pumped a bunch of rounds into scattered trees on the back slope of a low set of hills where a bunch of American squads had gone to ground. The previous turn it inflicted some damage during a herd migration to center right, but it's chief accomplishment was to eliminate an MG? on the move.

The one on the far right advanced behind the hill Ben had recaptured and pounded the Americans there with punishing direct fire treebursts while they were under infantry and MG fire from all over the place. One squad died, another's cut up, and an apparent third has gone to ground in a rubbled hut.

That's the good news.

The bad news is that the Stu blowing up the hill is under bazooka fire from dead astern, there is even more American infantry, also under fire, to the left of the hill, and there is a substantial attack in progress on my right rear against my hill. The resulting pattern of inbound and outbound fire looks like one of those laser intrusion alarm ray displays from "Entrapment." There is also an apparent MG and mortar combo set up on my far right

just in front of my hill and blazing away.

Ben's hill is currently contested. He no doubt plans to reinforce the dazed survivors there, but I plan to stop him. I really hope my Stu behind the hill survives the bazooka fire, since being shot at simultaneously from front, side and rear must be bad for morale.

The tactical situation is exceedingly complex, the pressures terrific, and luck will also be a factor

in these critical last turns.


John Kettler

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I seem to be doing pretty well against Shandorf.

Our infantry is in the stalingrad, blasting away. Doesn't seem very bloody yet, with no close combat. Just shooting from one heavy building to another won't cause much casualties. I guess I'll resort to supporting fire by tanks.

JS didn't pull back his tanks and regrets it now. My AT gun killed one and is about to kill another. Meanwhile, my Churchill advanced to a position I thought didn't have LOS to Shandorfs tanks. Well I miscalculated and the Churchill had to face a Jagdpanther.

Easy to guess how that went... the panther missed it's first shot and was then killed by the Churchill!

Now there's still the "PanzerIV?" left (probably a King TIger) and my AT will take it's chances against it.

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Well, I survived the first two bazooka shots and plotted to get on the other side of a small ridge.

Plotted until I got a bazooka round in my six! Dead StuH on contact. Crew bailed but is personal target of freshly set up .50.

The hilltop VL remains contested after the American occupants, blasted by everything including the kitchen sink (rifles to 105 DF HE), fled downslope to the right of the VL and went to ground.

Meanwhile, I have a hot fight going to my right rear flank as Ben tries to storm my VL. He's still advancing, but he's taken some lumps and is down to a few functioning squads. Am defending from my hilltop, supplemented by some remnants of an earlier formation.

My remaining Stu is making tracks across the front of several American formations, causing Ben to fret over what I might do with it. I'm pouring everything I have on every target I can reach, with particular attention to some live infantry to the left of the contested VL.

I eagerly/anxiously await the Turn 24 movie from Ben. Where is it, please?


John Kettler

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by John Kettler:

I eagerly/anxiously await the Turn 24 movie from Ben. Where is it, please?


John Kettler<hr></blockquote>

I sent it about 10 minutes after your post ;)

Only one more turn, the score on this one is going to be tight, I think.

CDIC and I finally stumbled into each other in the woods and the dark. Some infantry fire at about 40 meters is all we have so far. Well, that and he's lobbing HE around the place.

Feurte and I should be starting up as soon as Treeburst gets back.

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Jeff Shandof has played a blinder - the result should be in soon, we faced each other with an all ifantry force - i must report that Jeff has successfuly out manoevered me, out smarted me and out gunned me in every part of the battlefield. This is turning out to be my heaviest ever defeat since playing Combat Mission - well done Jeff. He did it with Brit infantry and 2 inch mortars too !! This will really hurt my average score.

Ben Galanti and i have finally made contact after about 12 turns of chasing shadows in the dark - its going to get nasty real quick.

I have not had a turn from Ari for a few days, but we are in a kind of Mexican Stand off, neither of us wish to storm the dominant hill with the flags for fear of arty and indirect HE fire. Who's nerve will crack first?


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Yes folks, it's true. The Ambassador of Peng has viciously seized 3rd place from CapitalistDog! Congratulations, Shandorf!! May you Die-A-Lot now!! Only Ari Maenpaa hangs in close to Fionn, although there is still plenty of time for others to climb.

Rumor has it that Ari is stalking Fionn throughout Ireland as we speak. Where is Fionn? Is he hiding in ambush, or is he just hiding? Only time will tell.

The standings page has been updated.

Treeburs155 out.

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The loss of that StuH probably cost me the win. Had it been alive, there would've been no protected rear approach to the VL for the vital squads which took the VL, though I did have one area I could see (left rear top corner) ambushed by the surviving StuH. Naturally, it saw no one. I did manage to repel the attempt to take my VL, though, while failing in an effort to get a regrouped squad up the front of Ben's hill.

He was bemoaning the loss of his 35-rounds-left 4.2" FO but doesn't realize that very early in the game he got my 50 round 75mm FO before so much as one round could be delivered by the team. Grr.

The real shocks were seeing how much infantry he had left and seeing as many as three HMG-42s jammed at once and staying that way when they were most needed, thus depriving me of pinning and turning power late in the game.

I really wish I'd started the Invitational with results more like this one than the horrible hammerings I took again and again early on. My morale would've been better and my average, too.

Five games played to brutal finishes and still no victory! Sigh. Oh well. At least it wasn't a loss.

Treeburst155, please directly post the standings on this thread. Unless there's been a change, I probably still can't read them. I'd like to see whether I managed to get off the bottom of the list. Do you realize Ben scored more points in his first game than I did in two?


John Kettler

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by John Kettler:

Treeburst155, please directly post the standings on this thread. Unless there's been a change, I probably still can't read them. I'd like to see whether I managed to get off the bottom of the list. Regards,

John Kettler<hr></blockquote>

Yes, I am now firmly on the bottom of the list. Time we danced. Email me at madorosh@home.com with your preferences. I have no preference as to side or rules, let me know yours via email and we can get a map from Mike.

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Well, this was actually my second fight. I've already been thrashed by the steadily rising Shandorf...

I did have a lot of infantry left, but several fairly intact platoons had been neutered due to loss of HQs. That, and a StuH rumbling around unopposed would have been tricky to deal with.

I'm looking to pick up one more game now. First come, first serve basis, so someone drop me an e-mail please.

John, as for the scores, I've had some trouble too with the pages. I don't know what problem you are having specifically, but I know I have to replace the spaces between the words in the page name with a "%20" (without the quotes) for it to work on my browser.


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Yes, my email appears to have gone out yesterday.

Mick, I have M. Dorosh's purchases. You should have my latest turn. My email appears to be working now.

John, try using Ben Galanti's method to access the standings. If it doesn't work for you I will post them here. Give it a try first.

I have contacted the inactive players to verify their withdrawal. All have indeed withdrawn except maybe Fionn. I'm writing to him now.

Treeburst155 out.

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Stalingrad is a bad place for infantry. Seems Shandorf has more men, and of better quality. But I have a couple of Cromwells and Churchills around to provide support.

After failing to kill Shandorfs Panther I smoked it and rushed my tanks into the village. Too bad he also used the smoke to relocate the Panther and has now a good LOS to my (soon to be dead) tank.

Until now the fighting in the village has gone not too well for me (not a disaster by any means), but I hope to turn tables with plenty of 95mm HE.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Jarmo:

Stalingrad is a bad place for infantry. Seems Shandorf has more men, and of better quality. But I have a couple of Cromwells and Churchills around to provide support.

After failing to kill Shandorfs Panther I smoked it and rushed my tanks into the village. Too bad he also used the smoke to relocate the Panther and has now a good LOS to my (soon to be dead) tank.

Until now the fighting in the village has gone not too well for me (not a disaster by any means), but I hope to turn tables with plenty of 95mm HE.<hr></blockquote>

Yes, the luck bastard killed my two other tanks. The 57mm tungsten round wasn't so much luck as a "**** happens" thing but the 95mm Hollow charge KOing my Jadgpanther at 800 meters was so insanely lucky.

Hopefully I can out manuver him infantry wise and atleast pull a draw out of this one.

As for my Dorosh game... Treeburst has yet to post the results but I won 97-3. That should improve my average. ;)


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Shandorf, you might not want to read this before before seeing the new file.

I think it was Napoleon who said something like "The most important quality of a commander is luck!". Anyway, my Cromwell 95 not only managed to retreat from the sights of the hull-down Panther 500 meters away, dodging the shot Panther flinged, but also knocked the cat out with a single shot. That's the second hopeless duel I've won in this fight. :D

Shandorfs schreck tried to harm my Churchill, but I can't be hit or hurt!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Jarmo:

Shandorf, you might not want to read this before before seeing the new file.

I think it was Napoleon who said something like "The most important quality of a commander is luck!". Anyway, my Cromwell 95 not only managed to retreat from the sights of the hull-down Panther 500 meters away, dodging the shot Panther flinged, but also knocked the cat out with a single shot. That's the second hopeless duel I've won in this fight. :D

Shandorfs schreck tried to harm my Churchill, but I can't be hit or hurt!<hr></blockquote>

How can one puny man be so lucky?

Must be some kind of evil voodoo magic.



[ 11-02-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]</p>

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