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Invitational Tourney [Part II]

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*sigh* I make a good guess as to where John is going to bring his 20mm armed HT, sit my Greyhound there to knock him out.

The HT drives up, my Greyhound puts a 37mm round through the front of the thing from about 30 meters.... immobolized. ARGH! His 20mm return shot has no problem knocking out my Greyhound however (actually, it's not even knocked out, just abandoned....grr)

Then the obligatory Kettler rocket barrage begins ;)


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As already mentioned, the war against Capitalist is over. (Good timing too, he's now been buried in work. It was a tough one too, much tougher than could be expected from the endscore.

I had 5 PzIV/70's with infantry and two 50mm guns against Dog's 75mm Howitzer carriers, infantry and a whole lot of arty.

In the end I was thrown back bleeding in the left and in the right. My TD's and infantry were out of ammo or dead. But the scraps I had left still managed to stay alive in my wooded Alamo in the middle. And that's where the big flags were.

Fighting with MickOz is extremely ferocious. There's been short range firefight in the small wooded flag area in the middle for about 10 turns non-stop. The losses are horrible. Every time I seem to do well, another bloody flamethrower appears and barbeques my men. The one who runs out of men there will lose. All up to infantry and mine's green.

I also lost two PzIV's to something. Probably a hidden Piat. I've killed two small tanklings. Stuart and M8 Howitzer, I think.


edited to make things better

[ 10-11-2001: Message edited by: Jarmo ]

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Mick is bombing.

TexasToast: This battle is bloody. He still has one Sherman. I managed to kill most of his infantry units that were running in my flank. But overall he is leading, he has a lot more infantry units in the town in the middle.

Dorosh: Killed one more halftrack, so the total is now 6, plus 3 shocked. He probably has 2-3 more. He also has at least one Sherman and one tank killer, hiding behind the hills. The small flag area in the right is controlled by him.

He also has green infantry units, which I have been brutally killing in the middle big flag area, after bombing it with heavy artillery for several turns. Some of his units are fleeing there.

I am attacking in the left small flag area as well, after I bombarded it for several turns with mortars. Looking pretty good. Morale is still 97%, only minimal losses.

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Ben, great minds think alike!

My plan was to race over there, set up in defilade and ambush you from the flank as you made your leisurely way back to your lines. Was I ever surprised when you sped up, closed, and I found myself facing you head-on! Fortunately, I prevailed in the duel.

Yes, I am using rockets on Ben's center. If they annoy you, Ben, blame Treeburst155; he kept asking to see me use them again. It's also cheap entertainment for Kingfish and Jarmo.

I predict lots of action in the next turn.


John Kettler

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As Jarmohas noted, our bloody battle for the two main flags in the centre wooded area is drawing to a close. After pounding his green stuurmtroopen guys with a lot of arty.. I've left it to high quality paras and flamethrowers to keep up the attrition. He's got one or possibly two pesky guns on a hill which I've shelled but not sure to what effect. Perhaps none. They're not a big factor anyway.

He's also stashed a PzIV along the back side of the centre position..presumably to guard that flank but as I have few men over there, it's more of a threat than an active hazard..at least for now. Probably he will move it up at end to contest the flags. I suspect he's got some big arty in reserve to hit the main area so I'm taking care.

Meanwhile, I've surrendered my own small flag on my left to some of his infantry supported by a PzIV and a Hotchkiss after he took out my M8. This is unfortunate as he's pinned some of my guys. The main game though is in those centre woods. My reverse slope piat teams did kill two of his PZIV's to general allied rejoicing.

My other game with the evil Allied Commander, Fuerte is not off to a great start. For one thing, he's got what looks to be a Churchill guarding the bridge approach..and even has guys on my side of the river..who I saw delivered by a number of trucks. That damn tank has already caused grief for one of my squads. Not sure how bad my arty barrage hurt him... I hate bridge scenarios.. they always cause me problems.. and I hate those big fat British tanks even more.

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Well, i finally got an AFV to shoot straight in my fight with Kettler (and actually knock out what they hit) so I at least somewhat avenged my Greyhound.

The rockets (plus other arty) keep falling. Man those things are a pain.... I suspect the meat of the fight will be joined here soon. I did manage to light up some brush with my arty, and watch Kettlers troops scurry away...

My fight with Shandorf is winding down, and the only question now is whether I can flee my guys off the board before he butchers them all... I'm not looking forward to seeing the score in this one, even after it started off fairly promising...

CDIC and I are still stumbling around in the dark looking for contact.


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Yes, my immobilized 250/9 became a victim of the Stealth TD. I kid you not. No sound contact, no gray icon, no nothing. An instant later, there's an M-10 or somesuch, and it trundles up and fires before my 250/9 can stop firing at Ben's platoon HQ which was a real grenade threat, being upslope and close. One shot K-kill! I sent a swarm of bullets at that fatally distracting HQ, managing to cut it a bit.

The other action this turn was on my far left, where a hail of lead directed against an apparent MG seemed to put it to flight, allowing me to advance on several axes.

Treeburst155, you can clamber out of the basement. For now.


John Kettler

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

[QB]Mick hates "big fat British tanks" but he sure likes 'em when he's the Allies. Those Churchhills are nothing, Mick. Just drop a few rockets on them. Mr. Kettler would be glad to teach you how. He's fired hundreds of them!!


Mr Kettler's fondness for rockets is well documented in these pages. I have evolved a cunning plan to defeat this tactic. I won't say much more except to say that it involves a herd of Jersey cattle and some dummy tanks. When I'm done roasting Jarmo in the woods, perhaps my men can turn their attention to John, rockets or otherwise. ;)

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Treeburst155 is so funny!

In my entire CM career to date, not just ongoing, completed, or aborted games in the Invitational, I have used rockets three times, of which two were in the Invitational. Total rocket expenditures to date do not exceed 75


The reaction to their use is historic, for Allied troops hated Nebelwerfers passionately.

The incredible HE load delivered in a short period and bursting above the ground (warhead at back end), the tremendous blast, and the built-in whistle all worked in unholy unity. We need to remember, too, that, these things were employed in mass. A 15 cm. Werferabteilung (3 batteries) could fire 108 rounds (6 rds./launcher x 6 launchers/battery x 3 batteries) in 10 seconds, 648 in 90 seconds. For some reason BTS alloted 25 rds./battery, which is why my numbers may seem wrong.

As for Mick_Oz's idea, I shall apply decoy discrimination techniques. If he wishes to kill me, have Ben Galanti send me a turn! The sooner I complete my game against him, the sooner we can fight.


John Kettler

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Kettler:

If he wishes to kill me, have Ben Galanti send me a turn! The sooner I complete my game against him, the sooner we can fight.


John Kettler[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Eh? I sent my turn to you yesterday... I'll resend though.

My game with Shandorf should officially be wrapped up here, just need another mail or two to get the final score. I don't think I'm going to like it very much when I see it, however...


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Yes, Ben and I finally got our turns sorted out. The result? Support fire pandemonium! His was on my advancing troops on the left, mine on the defenders to the left center rear.

Ben still thinks he's Yahweh, for again we have the burning bush.

We also had the HQ that would not die. Under fire from six different axes, the platoon HQ? near the 250/9 slaying M-10 on my far right flank seemed to repel bullets and was unfazed by a hail of lead. It did displace a bit and eventually ducked from view.

I've taken several measures to continue the advance and discomfit Ben. Time will tell.


John Kettler

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Mick is still bombing me, and I might as well add that killing me. Argh.

Dorosh has several (at least four) M10 tank destroyers. But they have not tried even once to kill my King Tigers. The fight in the big flag area in the middle is somewhat interesting, because he has two M10s and three halftracks (GREEN) there, supporting his GREEN infantry units. I have killed these GREEN halftracks and GREEN infantry units a lot. I have suffered some losses in the middle, but still my morale is about 95%.

TexasToast is still running one 5 man infantry unit in my back. Now he is trying to destroy my infantry gun. Not fun. And he still has one Sherman. Otherwise it seems that also his units in the town are panicking. Good to see that.

[ 10-14-2001: Message edited by: Fuerte ]

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We have more news from the front! Shandorf hammered Ben Galanti 78-22. Congratulations, Shandorf!

Shandorf has been steadily improving his average and is now breathing down the neck of #5 ranked Jarmo. He has six games completed, the most so far.

This was Ben Galanti's first completed game. At this point all active players have completed at least one game. I believe there are eleven of you active including Fionn, who I haven't heard from in awhile. I will update the standings tomorrow.

Treeburst155 out.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

We have more news from the front! Shandorf hammered Ben Galanti 78-22. Congratulations, Shandorf!

Shandorf has been steadily improving his average and is now breathing down the neck of #5 ranked Jarmo. He has six games completed, the most so far.

This was Ben Galanti's first completed game. At this point all active players have completed at least one game. I believe there are eleven of you active including Fionn, who I haven't heard from in awhile. I will update the standings tomorrow.

Treeburst155 out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Grrrr! Yap! Yap!

And it would be prudent to point out that I have 2 games going on with Jarmo and CDIC, who are ranked above me. Oh yeah, baby. As for those games...

The first turns are just coming in on my Dorsch and Jarmo games... But my CDIC game is very interesting.

It looks as if CDIC bought exactly the same kind of units and employed an identical plan of attack. He attacks strong on my left and I am attack strong on his right. The difference in our attacks is that mine goes pretty well and his is taking a beating.

CDIC's uber-Hamsters have run into strong opposition as they crested the hill on my left whereas my British panty-wastes are encountering no resistance on their advance of CDIC's left hill. Excellent... Muahahaha! I should soon have his flank turned and I will roll him up like a Pillsbury Croissant.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Hopefully somebody will stop Shandorf before he gets too close to the top. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

He'll pass me in any time now. Looks like I took a beating from MickOz. More info follows after we have the points...

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The TD? is now positively identified as an M-10. Sadly, it cost me a 250/1 to find out. The LOS went through what I thought was cover. Oops! May have damaged a split squad or similar nearby before receiving the high velocity present in the face. Gave something infantrylike a lead and HE shower on a nearby rise.

My infantry attack continues toward Ben's center and rear, following a preassault pounding which really riled him. What's actually happening in this battle is anyone's guess.


John Kettler

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I think the tourney standings are going to get tougher - Jarmo deserved his win, but like he said it was much closer than the score suggests - i should have gone for the 2 large central flags instead of trying to win the flanks first.

"Waldorf Salad" (JShandorf) has bloodied my nose in the opening few turns, i ran right into a barrage of heavy weapons and a zillion 2 inch mortars - ouch! Not a good start.

Ben Galanti and I are fumbling around in the dark trying to find each other - me thinks he went right and i went left


Ari and i are locked in a stalemate - neither of us want to storm the flags...just yet. I see 2 Archers?? guarding his rear, but he is not yet able to get a good line of sight to any targets. I was surprised to see a Piat spring up from nowhere to smack a hollow charge right down the barrel of my Hummel from 136 meters :eek: After I lost a Hummel to Fuerte on turn one earler in this tourney i promised not to buy another....note to self, listen to what you preach!

My fortunes of war don't look good, after a great start in the tourney I see my average score going down after every battle. But its great fun - i hope to bounce back soon.


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The latest news from the front! MickOZ has defeated Jarmo 59-30. Congratulations, MickOZ!! This moves Mick up to 7th place behind Jarmo. I will be updating the standings page very soon. Right now I'm trying to catch up on the email I could not take care of yesterday due to my email being down.

If you received any mail from me that was just a blank page let me know so I can resend. Thanks!

Treeburst155 out.

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