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Will better AI placement of forts and minefields be in patch?

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There does seem to be a distinct lack of logic in AI fortification use. Bunkers are often put in strange locations with poor fields of fire. Even worse is the placement of trenches. They are often scattered randomly across the map. In one instance the AI was given 6 trenches and instead placing them across its front, the AI formed 2-trench tile rows, set back-to-back 3 deep, forming a strange box of trenches. Then the AI placed just one squad in this cluster of trenches. Needless to say, I just went around it.

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Originally posted by Subvet:

Rule #1 doesn't help much in a quick battle. And rule #2 is that the AI isn't very good on the attack. I'm guessing it would be easier to fix rule #1 than rule #2.

Rule #1a: Dont play QBs vs the AI. It needs a little help to be a good opponent.


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Originally posted by Warren Peace:

Maybe its just wishful thinking, but I don't think it would be that difficult for the AI to have at least some logic in its placement of fortifications.

I don't remember it being quite so inept in CMBO, but I may be mistaking.


Oh, it surely was the same in CMBO...try a handful of NO fog of war battles, and watch how the AI sets up...pretty funny, but not too bad given what it's really doing (complex! terrain analysis!).
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Originally posted by Warren Peace:

The AI does a lousy job of setting up bunkers and minefields. In one game it set up a MG bunker so it was adjacent to a house. Its field of fire was the living room!

yah, but i would love to see the look on their faces when the owners get home. talk about having a built-in security system! lol..
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Originally posted by Lars:

It's a QB. If you didn't like the AI setup, roll the dice again.

Unfortunately, with fortifications, minefields, entrenchments, etc., that's pretty much a guarantee.

This was a good one: AI set up a roadblock (actually on the road, which was good), but it was something like 40m from the AI's side of the map --- with two anti-tank minefields in the road between it's own map edge and the roadblock! Hello, I'm attacking from the opposite direction! How hard is that to code?

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Von Lucke, that is the point I was making when I brought this subject up before as well. I don't think people are asking for a perfectly constructed defensive fortress here. I realize that having pillboxes set up with the best lines of fire is probably asking quite a bit as well. All I am asking as that some basic common sense is used. If the opposing force is coming from the west and the AI is defending the objectives in the east then it shouldn't be that hard to have the AI set up the barbed wire and mines inbetween.

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Originally posted by jonp:


I bet none of you who are saying things like

"how hard is that to code" have ever done a lick

of code.

Trust me, coding is not a simple process for large



Uh, gee, I believe that's what the ? indicates.

But yes, I would think that something like "If player side = West, then mines / roadblocks should be within X meters of the West edge of AI setup zone" is easier to code then the addition of an entirely new vehicle or feature to the game.

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Originally posted by jonp:

I bet none of you who are saying things like

"how hard is that to code" have ever done a lick

of code.

I haven't done programming since the days of BASIC, so that is why I'm asking the question here. Is there a programmer out there that would like to answer it? How difficult would it be to put some basic logic in the AI to have it set up barbed wire/mines between the opposing forces and the objectives? How long would it take to add this to the game?
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Look guys..

We don't call the AI "Mom" for nothing.

Anyone here try and play catch, chess, checkers, poker or arm wrestle Mom?

She is going to pretend to give you a good game but at the end of the day she is going to let you win.

Bunker and obstacle placement is like asking your mother to dress you...good freakin luck mate!!!

Hell most of you slack jawed basement virgin grogs can't put together a decent obstacle plan yourselves..let alone poor ol Ma.

For Cripes sake..she is always there and when you get your sweet peach-fuzz ass kicked by some guy named "UBERPANZERGEEK" and you can always run home and Mom will be there to say "It's OK why don't you play me and you will feel better."

Sheesh..that's gratitude for ya.

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