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Lord of the Rings

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There is no way this thread is still alive, better get in while I still can.

"Mind" was good, maybe even very good at times, although it was 2+ hours that seemed like 3 1/2 hours.

LOTR was 3 hours that seemed like 15 minutes, and even though it had been years since I had read the books, I thought about this movie for weeks after seeing it.

Maybe we can all agree on this: Thank God that Moulin Rouge didn't win.

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LotR is my new all-time favorite movie, however, I gotta say, Moulin Rouge was hilarious and we even bought it on DVD. It was also one of the best (and only) musicals to come out in, oh like 50 years or something. Nothing like Ewen Macgregor pouring his heart out.

BTW that comic was funny.


I loved that scene with Legolas and the arrow!!

[ March 26, 2002, 07:06 PM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Isn't this the second time Halle Berry has won a major award and then made a bunch of racist and exclusive remarks?

The fact that Denzel Washington and Halle Berry are black shouldn't be a news item. It wouldn't be in Canada or other more enlightened parts of the world.

If black actors have demonstrably deserved Academy Awards in the past but were deprived of them due to their race, then that is wrong, but so would awarding trophies based solely on the consideration of race. (I do realize the real issue is not having decent roles in the first place, in which to achieve recognition for.)

As long as Berry keeps spewing garbage about paving the way for blacks and other nonsense, it will only ensure that people of colour remain marginalized.

[ March 26, 2002, 07:56 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Ha, Go Larry!

"...and the award for the most "Hi Moms!" every in an OT thread goes to....Lord of the Rings!"

Michael Dorosch, I sympathize with you. I wonder what one would find if one did a comparitive analysis on the finalists and their race vs. who won. I wonder if there were any african american leading ladies who were widely considered to have been worthy of the award who didn't get it. I mean, what door is being opened? Perhaps this will inspire a new generation of Oscar hopefuls???

Hi Mom! I'll see you for brunch on Easter sunday!

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Isn't this the second time Halle Berry has won a major award and then made a bunch of racist and exclusive remarks?

The fact that Denzel Washington and Halle Berry are black shouldn't be a news item. It wouldn't be in Canada or other more enlightened parts of the world.

If black actors have demonstrably deserved Academy Awards in the past but were deprived of them due to their race, then that is wrong, but so would awarding trophies based solely on the consideration of race. (I do realize the real issue is not having decent roles in the first place, in which to achieve recognition for.)

As long as Berry keeps spewing garbage about paving the way for blacks and other nonsense, it will only ensure that people of colour remain marginalized.

Sometimes I wonder whether all these "specialty" awards shows are really good for minorities. Why do we need a Latin Grammies or their like? What kind of message does that send, that minorities can't compete on a level field with everyone else? I think if minorities want to become more integrated into society, it would be better if they not segregate themselves with those sorts of events. I think true diversity would come faster if it were not force-fed down peoples throats through the media, political correctness, etc. Stop being "African-American" or Asian American and just be American.

My 2c

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Doesn't the fact that Halle Berry won an oscar as the first minority prove that minorities CAN compete in an industry overwhelmingly non-minority?

I don't understand how it is not a milestone? Would the first black president be a milestone? Or woman president? Sure that is a much larger milestone, but they are both milestones, none-the-less?

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Heh heh...

In future years/decades, when the "minorities" overtake Whites in numbers...will there be a "White Grammys?"

P.S. I think Madmatt likes LOTR too much for us to hear the jingle of those keys!

[ March 26, 2002, 08:37 PM: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]

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Hi Mom...anticipating this going to general forum.

LOTR was a great movie and it did win several awards Sunday which is an accomplishment when considering how fantasy and sci-fi movies generally fare at the Oscars.

The sad fact is that this past weeks award show has brought into the light a dirty truth that politics is dominating the award rather than merit. Given the subjective matter of opinion over what is 'best', the Oscars are now shown to be as crooked as figure skating judges.

Now the best actor and actress performances may have been good enough to win, but Halley Berry herself inferred the victory was due partly to the color of her skin. Regardless of the merit of her award, she has raised the question of whether it was truly deserved or if it was an affirmative action. Are there to be quotas in the future for the number of minorities that must recieve awards? This sounds silly, but I thought her speech was an overblown and inelegant example of inappropriate crassness that left the impression that skin color should be a consideration in the award.

Since Oscars are voted on by The Academy and not the general public, it must be concluded that these voters have been acting in a racist manner up to this past years voting. The general public has been voting with their feet and dollars for black actors and has made many of them millionaire stars. The hollywood types that vote have practiced the racism if they have not given a deserved award but they are always preaching to the unwashed masses on how terrible they are on this and every other issue.

Denzel may have done a good job, but since the opinion has been expressed that this is not even his best work let alone the best performance of the year. OTOH, the movie that otherwise swept the major awards ignored the major performance that made the film what it was. Politics over Crowes boorishness of late and sentiment that Denzel deserved it after being slighted earlier surely seem to have been factored into the vote.

The test of time is likely to show that 'Beautiful Mind' is going to prove to be a lasting performance of great note for Russell Crowe that justifies the Oscar he won last year. Training Day has not generated anything of the sort and now perhaps the good performance is going to be tainted by the race politics that raise questions. LOTR is going to stand as an entertaining movie with long legs worthy of repeated viewing when one is not playing the latest incarnation of CM.


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Doesn't the fact that Halle Berry won an oscar as the first minority prove that minorities CAN compete in an industry overwhelmingly non-minority?

I don't understand how it is not a milestone? Would the first black president be a milestone? Or woman president? Sure that is a much larger milestone, but they are both milestones, none-the-less?

Because everytime you stop and say "hey, look, a black guy did 'x'", you raise the question "why is it a big deal that a black guy did 'x"?" As if to imply that there is something genetic in the makeup of coloured people that makes them somehow less than human.

I wasn't aware skin pigmentation directly effected an actor's talent.

It's putting racial minorities in the same league as mentally handicapped people, or other "disadvantaged" classes. If you want to live in world where everyone is treated equally regardless of class, colour, creed, sex or physical ability, then practice it 100 percent or don't practice it at all.

Who was the first Albertan Member of Parliament, Panzerman? Or, for you Americans, who was the first Supreme Court judge from the state of South Dakota?

And why on earth should it matter?

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The silly, puerile Academy of left-wing morons has once again ignored the run-away best seller to esconce movies as interesting as reading the average case book for entertainment. The viewers have spoken. Why can't the overwelming success at the box office be given some credit by the movie elite? P.S. Denzel and Hallie deserved thier awards but the best picture was LOR!!
Let's see... there was some last-minute talk about not awarding "A Beautiful Mind" the Best Picture Oscar, since the movie omitted the fact the lead character was gay and probably anti-semetic. If ABM was not given the award, you would probably have complained that the "left-wing morons" let political correctness rule the day.

So... ABM wins: it's the left-wing's fault. ABM doesn't win: it's the left-wing's fault. Either way, the right-wing cranks get to squawk about it.

Another thing... prior to these awards, no black actress has ever received the Best Actress award. IIRC, a black lady won Best Supporting Actress for the role of the "mammy" in Gone With The Wind. As for men, I think Sidney Potier was the only black man to win Best Actor. So this night was a pretty big deal for black folks. Can't you be happy for them?


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I agree with Michael Dorosh and Captain Wackey on everything they have said so far. Why should it matter that blacks won the best actor/actress awards? The awards went to who deserved them, not to what specific demographic lacked in those awards. "Oh, I think I'll vote for Denzel because he is black and there aren't enough black oscar holders." What a bunch of childish crap. The fact that H. Berry spewed off the racial remarks cheapend what was obiviously an important moment for both her and minority actors everywhere. The fact is she souldn't have made the remarks ro begin with. By doing so, she has just seperated minorities even further from the majority (whites) by putting them in a seperate class. It's counterproductive. :rolleyes:

Sorry, I know my spelling sucks. ;)

[ March 26, 2002, 09:48 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]

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the proper award acceptance speach is:

"thank you all so much, enjoy the rest of the night."

award show lasts 2-3 hours, everyone is happy. my ass hurts less from waiting for best picture, the people who didnt win are more happy(more time for debauchery after the show).

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