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***Rumblings Of War II: The Boots & Tracks Brawl***

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The winners of Tourney I and Tourney II will each receive six different bottles of WineCape's fine South African wines, postage paid to their doorstep.
Small correction here gentlemen. Some states in the USA, see specifically www.wineinstitute.org - click on "WINELAW" and then "DIRECT WINE SHIPMENTS" - as well as Scandinavian countries (Sweden and Norway in particular) are very difficult in sending wines door-to-door, i.e. doorstep. These goverments like to keep tabs on who drinks wine and therefor hate it when people order wines directly, thereby circumventing customs.

Therefor, I'll post the wines. This means a slow transit time of 12 weeks - with wine this is of no consequence ;) - to the closest Post Office of the address of the winner. I'll mark the 6-bottle wine box as a "GIFT" and write my personal details on the box. Even so, you might still, depending whether the postmaster had his morning coffee or not, be liable for import duties. The USA import duties are neglible - a few USA cents per wine litre. Uber-Finns might pay more import duties for their uberness when they receive the vino though ...


Charl Theron



In water one sees one's own face; but in wine one beholds the heart of another.

-- French proverb

[ May 02, 2002, 04:39 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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I've watched your amazing work with the previous tourneys and read the threads with great interest. You almost have me ready to send the "I'm a new guy" email, but one question first: How big (roughly) will the scenarios be? My aging machine starts to struggle over 1500 points (defender), and becomes nearly unplayable over 2000, and I don't want to start the process only to end up with something I can't play.



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Hey Pilgrim!

Better update your machine, brother, because these scenarios ROCK!!!!! However, you can bet that any I am involved in will be bigger than 1000 points.

Maybe not toooooo much bigger, but bigger nonetheless.



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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

1) Points for contested VL's will be split.

I don't think that is a mathematically precise description of what is happening.

If you have a score of 25:37, will we make it 32:68 or 44:56?

The difference is that you either project the existing score to 100 (first solution), or you truely divide the neutral flags (second solution). In the first solution, the stronger player gets a bigger chuck of the neutral flag, corrosponding to the rest of the current score. In the second solution is weaker player gets a percentage of the neutral flag that is bigger than the percentage of other victory points he earned.

If there is any question, I'd say the first solution is better, since the second will encourage flag rushes and we don't use endgame randomizers. On the other hand, the veterans here should know how to guard their flags, shouldn't they?

[ May 02, 2002, 10:15 AM: Message edited by: redwolf ]

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Very interesting, Redwolf; but I don't understand how you come up with the projected figures. You're almost doubling the second player's score while adding just over 1/4 to the first player. This hardly seems right to me.

The points not awarded to either player because of contested or totally unoccupied VLs will simply be split between the players. If there are 29 unclaimed VPs then each player will get 14.5 points added to his score.

EDIT: OK, I get it now. In your projection method we would be assuming that the stronger player would continue to exert the same level of dominance over the game and likely capture a higher percentage of the unclaimed VPs. This is a big assumption I think, especially with fairly close scores like in your example.

Treeburst155 out.

[ May 02, 2002, 02:00 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

The points not awarded to either player because of contested or totally unoccupied VLs will simply be split between the players. If there are 29 unclaimed VPs then each player will get 14.5 points added to his score.

OK, thanks, so its the second of my options.

I didn't seem to express the first opion well, so here a second try:

If you have a score of 25:50, you have 25 points unaccounted for, so each player would get 12.5 in your calc, that makes 37.5:62.5

In the first option (and in the normal CMBO way of determining "total, major, tacical" etc victory) this is not what is happening. There you have a 1:2 win, and it stays 1:2 after projection, so the score will be 33.3:66.6 (projecting 1:2 to 100).

In your way, the win ratio is changed. The original ratio in the CMBO sense was 1:2, and it gets down to 1.666 after your adjustment.


Both ways have pros and cons, there is no better or worse, just different implications on what play style is rewarded and what punished. Your way is punishing the winner for not getting all flags and/or not guarding them properly. The CMBO way punishes the loser for his losses while flags stay neutral.

It's matter of taste.

Your way makes going for the flags more important, while the CMBO way makes knockout points more important as long as objectives are contested.

In any way, please make absolutely sure the Nabla program does it the way you said, just so that noone complains later.

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I'm positive the Nabla program simply splits the unclaimed points between the players.

I realize the point ratio changes with modified scores. However, since level of victory as defined in CM is of little meaning to us it is no problem. A "Tactical Loss" could still be a victory as far as the relation to the median is concerned.

Your relation to the median is what really determines your degree of victory or loss in a tourney game, not the winner/loser point ratio. IOW, you are not striving for a "level of victory".

This modification of the scores does affect tactics somewhat. That is why players need to know about the splitting of contested/unoccupied VLs.

Treeburst155 out.

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Tourney vets have about 33 hours to claim a slot before I start filling Tourney III with eager newbies who have provided phone numbers and have endured my lecture about drop-outs.


If you are on the player list (first post of thread, updated daily), and do not have an asterisk by your name, you need to send me a confirmation email. You have until May 15 to do this. If I don't hear from you by then you will be removed from the list.

Subject: your forum username

Body: type in your email address

Treeburst155 out.

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:


Email me and I will send you my lecture on tourney dropouts, the time committment involved, etc.. If you still want in after reading that tirade, just follow the instructions also contained in the letter. :D

Treeburst155 out.


I was on the original "in" list and sent you my email confirming a desire to be in. Haven't yet received a reply w/lecture, etc. I'm guessing I shouldn't worry about this, but you might just explain when tourney vets who have confirmed interest should expect a message from you.

Thanks for all you do! ;);)

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Tourney vets who are on the list, and have sent in confirmation emails are ready to go. They have nothing more to do but wait for the tourney to start. They will not be subjected to my lecture on dropouts.

Anyone who is on the list, but does not have an asterisk by their name needs to send the little confirmation email to finalize their entry. This is to help me keep things organized, establish an up-to-date address book, give me forum names to associate with email address, and to be sure everybody wants to play in another CMBO tourney. The original sign up was for the CMBB tourney.

Tourney vets who are not yet on the list have through May 3rd to post here to reserve a slot. After that date, there is no guaranteed slot for vets. They will also need to send the confirmation email.

Newbies need to email me so I can reply with my tirade against dropouts. The letter also contains further instructions for newbies.

I know the process is a bit involved, but switching from a CMBB tourney to a CMBO tourney caused this, along with my special handling of newbies.

Rest assured, if you see your name on the list (page one of thread) WITH an asterisk you are good to go.

Treeburst155 out.

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I still need confirmation of desire to play in this CMBO tourney from the following people who originally signed up for the CMBB tourney:

Jarmo, mPisi, JeffWilders, John Kettler, Pixelmaster, a1steaks, Wreck, Tuomas, StugIII, MrSpkr, ciks, Fangorn, mike8g, Bertram, Tero , Stefan Hendrikson, Torbhen, Mr. Johnson, Kiwi Joe, Kanonier, von Lucke, John Jelinek.

To confirm, send an email. Subject: your forum username, body: type in your email address

This is important to me for organizational purposes. The deadline for this confirmation email is May 15. After that date, you will be removed from the list!


TOURNEY VETS who are not yet on the list (first post to thread) have only until midnight tonight (GMT -5) to post here to receive a guaranteed slot. After that there are no guarantees you will get in. If you do post here, you will also need to send the confirmation email described above.


Newbies will be added to the list on May 4th. I have eleven newbies ready to go, and three more in the screening process.

John Jelinek,

Note that you are already on the player list. I will need a confirmation email from you.

Treeburst155 out.

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