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For whom the Peng Challenges

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Originally posted by Marlow:

Pardon my intrusion, but what is this “Challenge Ping” thread for anyway? For that matter, what is Peng, and how do you challenge one? Why does BTS allow this junk to pollute the front page of its forum anyway? Shouldn’t it be in the General forum where it can be properly ignored. Also, what is with the sheep, donkeys and gnomes? Shouldn’t you creeps take this stuff to the “alt.perverts” newsgroup, instead of wasting my time?

Personally, I think that this Pang stuff should be outlawed, since it probably caused the forum to shut down yesterday, and I couldn’t check up on the latest Tiger tank optics thread. Think about all the bandwidth and hard drive space this crappy thread takes up.

If it is going to stay here, can I join the club?

Thanks for your attention.

I've always rather liked Marlow.

Oh, all my experiences of him on the Outer Boards (especially that low and most loathsome site, the General Forum) lead me to believe he's a conservative religious nut, but I rather like him.

I imagine that irritates him considerably.

Doubtless we are both gratified and annoyed at the same time, and in much the same way.

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Originally posted by Malakovski:

Hark, fools, and observe conduct which shines above your vile deeds...

...for time has some for me to offer unworthy greetings and pledge loyal service to the noble Ladies of the Pool, whom I in humility am unfit to name.

Sigh. That was lovely. Couldn't have done it better meself. I feel like I could finally go have a bit of a lie down.

Very nice indeed, Squire. Hit a very good note on the whole 'blessed creatures willing to come in here and sully the shimmering samite of the hems of their gowns by associating with the Cess dwellers.'

A bit lacking in the 'Oh Truly Beauteous and Desirable Ones', but then, we've often had to severely curb and caution Squires who let their idjit 'naughty bits' speak before their brains. I thought you chose the wiser path of not giving offense while sounding properly worshipful.

The trick, of course, is to make every speech in favour of the Ladies of the 'Pool sound like it was a tribute to Mother Theresa, who's also a 'hottie', and that the awe they inspire in you overwhelms your mind with poetry, and (barely) keeps you from making animal noises, while leading you to an almost spiritual understanding of all woman-kind, but that you still like to think about girls before you fall asleep, and nothing wrong with that.

Don't worry, you'll have it down in time. And don't ever screw it up. Shame is a weight that crushes the spirit.

Also, I rather liked your poem. Some nice couplets (a bit doggerel, but not the worst, by any stretch). Subject material wore a bit thin in points, but this place will do that to you.

Oh, and Old Foul Joe, I'd forgotten your lovely 'Robert Service' delivery. A fine bit of extremely topical poesy.

Hey, Berli, you sod! Did you take Nestor to Squire? If not, you're a daft bugger, and no mistake.

Anyone got that prolific but useless lump Nidan1 to Squire?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Oh, goody, goody, goody! That means I get to throttle you a bit more, eh? That makes me as chipper as a parakeet on Dexadrine!

It's Dexedrine, you oaf, Dexedrine!

Christ on a crutch, and attempting to do the Dervish, get it right!

Only place I was ever able to even acquire that ****e was Ohio, where the doctors will write you a prescription for anything, if you can page through a PDR and come up with some sort of condition for which it might be applicable, no matter how discredited.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I hope they buried Jeffrey Farnol face down, because odds are he's throwing up right now.

Aaarrgh! "BilgeRat to the quarterdeck" this does bellow. Me muse 'as been malign'd by some twittering lubber whose bungled 'is way orf the broad highway and mumbles away in 'is squalor.
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Oh, and Happy Birthday to Hakko Ichiu!

Be a Hobbit, lad, and give us all a Birthday Present! A lovely bit of Grog Porn, eh?

It strikes me we've never had a game.

Let me know when it would be appropriate for me to taunt your useless, cat-owning Southern carcass for a bit of a barny.

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Originally posted by BilgeRat:

Aaarrgh! "BilgeRat to the quarterdeck" this does bellow. Me muse 'as been malign'd by some twittering lubber whose bungled 'is way orf the broad highway and mumbles away in 'is squalor.

Bugger. Thought you were dead.

Someday you're going to have to taunt someone to a game, you know.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I have an opening presently!

We know. It's otherwise referred to as your "pie hole" and it's existence on the likes of you is a bane to us all. I suppose it was inevitable you'd notice the thing. Got bored with the contents of your fingernails?


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Send us a setup, Lars.


Pick something in a blizzard for him, Lard (that is, if you can keep yourself from falling into the lake for the next few minutes). The Gnome denies that he likes it, but really he does. Honest. And the man possesses such little else to bring a smile to his face, Lard.

Make the Gnome happy.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Yo! 'Water skiing across the lake by one arm because I've fallen off the damned boat while having a slash off the prow' fella!

Send us a setup, Lars.


Winging it’s way to you even as we speak.

I am the Godless Commies guarding the outhouses at Vipurii for the Motherland.

You are the {snicker, snicker}….UberFinns in desperate need of a slash.

And there is no snow to write your name in.

Not that you could muster up the pressure.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Anyone got that prolific but useless lump Nidan1 to Squire?

Yes, he seems to have followed me home earlier. I suspect I'll take him to Squire sometime soon.

Oh heck, no time like the present. Besides, taking a Squire whilst knowing that for a chance to have just one little old squire, young Mouse would give his left testi . . . wait, no, a bit late for that now isn't it?

Nidan1? NIDAN1 - We MUST work on that name, lad. Now, with the Justicar's permission, I take thee as Squire Nidan1, a proud new addition to the Ananias branch of House Bard.


P.S. Send a turn, Seanachai!

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Mr Spkr,

Did you get my turn? I think I fixed YOUR email problem.

If so, and you would rather not finish our CMBO battle, I can live with it as long as you surrender properly on this, The MBT.

The surrender should be no less than several hundred words attesting to my tactical prowess and/or your lack of same.

If you did NOT receive the turn I sent yesterday, you should still post your formal surrender here. This is because I will never believe you did not get the turn I sent.

Gird up thy loins for battle you geriatric gits (You're understandably excused from this Panzer Leader). It's time to quit writin' and do some fightin'. Pillocks

Treeburst155, Squire to His Gameyness, Senior Knight More-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Hey does anybody else feel like they're walking down the long dusty corridors of libraries long since sacked and burned when he speaks?

That was a rather good bit. Everything else was complete ****e, of course, but this one bit made me regret you a bit less.</font>
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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Mr Spkr,

Did you get my turn? I think I fixed YOUR email problem.

Oh yes, got it, spent fifteen minutes laughing at your pathetic manuevers, then sent a reply - 9:15ish p.m., 10/7/2002.

Originally posted by dalem:

always a bridesmaid, never a bride

Thank you for haunting me with a disturbing image of you in a full bridal dress. At least the bloody thing had a veil. If I drink heavily enough, I may, MAY mind you, get to sleep tonight.

Oh yeah, I sent your turn out 5 days ago. You lose it or somefink?

As of right now, everyone owes me turns. Get with it, you louts.

Nidan1, for your first assignment, six pages single spaced on the topic of Treeburst's Roxy: Gender confused or just confused?.


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As requested by "He Who Has Obviously Lost What Little Mind He Had", otherwise known as Old Foul Joe, or, when I need him to pick up more cheese dip before returning to Castle Shavian from his job welcoming customers to Wal-Mart, My Liege and Master, here is a play-by-play of the match decreed for myself and Maladjusted, new squire of the Gnome.

Map: Yet another d*mn blizzard

Turns: You guessed it, Joe has finally succumb to the effects of Alzheimer's. Two, count em, two turns. Fixed.

Forces: LOL. You call a platoon of infantry a force? Oh and by the way, Your Munificence, thanks a lot for granting me the use of the FREAKING elite flamethrower team in a two turn meeting engagement. I'll be sure to run the bastiches forward as fast as their little feet can carry them. Maybe with a little luck Maladjusted can ignite them just as they come within range of his troops and they can all go to visit Valhalla together.

Turn 1: I advance. What the h*ll else were you expecting me to do? Oh yeah, Maladjusted fired some infernal flame-belching contraption at me a few times. It made funny "popping" noises and set everything on fire. Like I'm going to have time to advance my flamethrower team across the map to combat that d*mn thing....

Turn 2: I stop and shoot. Since this IS the last turn of the game, what the h*ll else were you expecting me to do?

Outcome: I must have hit something, not that I'd know it, because after all, all this excitement is taking place in the middle of a g*d d*mn blizzard!. But I must have, because I ended up on the top end of a 55 - 45 draw.

Joe, I'm sure you've already sent your resume off to BFC to do scenario design for the next version of CM, but here's a friendly word of advice, pal.... DON'T QUIT THE JOB AT WAL-MART YET.

Oh yeah, I need some more crackers too.


[ October 10, 2002, 12:49 AM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]

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