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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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* Trench tiles

* Rail tiles with train cars on track

* Landing Craft

* Fences

* Church towers that can be occupied

* Single track roads

* More crop types

* Ferries!

* Industrial type buildings

* Bridges that could be blown up by engineers

* Steel bridge with arch

* Star rounds

I could go on & on & on & on

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A.V.R.E.s with all the stuff that they actually had and made them useful. (bridges, ramps, carpets, broom up the exhaust to sweep up the mess)

Troops coming in on gliders/'chutes

Wasps able to fire on the move (they could you know)

Tanks leading a target.

Guns leading a target.

Flying turrets.

Seeing the aircraft fly past

small inset window for 'gun camera' view\

Where Jerry has panzerfausts and Ami's have rifle grenades, Brits have tea and Russki's have Vodka (doubles as a molatov)

Unprepared troops (i.e.) not sitting in foxholes waiting for the attack.

Capturing enemy guns and using them (esp 'fausts)

Separating ammo types (eg SMG ammo not used up when SAW fires)

More friendly fire, more likely to happen to certain troops (U.S. army? :D )


Effect of negative waves thereon

Greater strength of Mills grenades modelled

Building partially rubbled

Effect of serious arty between operation battles.

Et cetera


Ad. nauseum

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I'd LOVE to see a long dust trail behind a tank, as it travels across road/country.

Then depending on the wind direction, it would blow in that direction. Kind of like when you see a car coming down a country road, and all the dust from it's progress drifts across the fields behind it.

Heh heh

Can't wait for CMBB


P.S. Hi Madmatt! (I'm kind of a fan of yours) (Will you sign my skivvies?)

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Well of course a tank ditch-what is war without a ditch and trenchlines

Ability of infantry to build ad hoc road blocks (and take them apart)-engineers faster of course

Inclusion of a "staff" officer, ie the player

Better modeling of the various HQ's

Scenario where some or all of the points can be selected by the player

Completely Random QB (you don't know what your going to run into)

More eye candy of course concerning terrain

Some generic "rear area troops" (using infantry at conscript level is just not correct)

The dreaded horse drawn wagon etc

The ability to expend points for counter-battery fire to reduce enemy artillery

Same for aircover to reduce effectiveness/elim AC

More smoke and dust (interestingly my Uncle who fought in the war had that comment about the game, not enough noise, not enough smoke and too damn orderly)!

New leaders arising (especially among better trained troops)

Recce move, where the sighting ability is greater and the damn fools don't open fire when they see something

Much much better artillery controls and design

Maintenance option (x amount of stuff might break at the wrong moment)very very optional!

Pontoon bridges, better modeling of the engineer's war

booby trap/mine buildings

Stray shells, smoke noise etc

To see that awful gasous plume a diesel engine makes when it revs

Weak bridges for those heavy tanks

Not so frozen water

Assault boats and....river crossing ability for the infantry and the few amphib vehicles

A MG that can actually stop an infantry attack!


Japanese, Island assaults and modeling for the Malay/Imphal/China/ New Guinea areas of war

Korea and a 1950's Nato vs Warsaw Pact

Arabs vs Israel/Pakistan vs India battles expansion packs probably

Vietnam and other smaller war expansion packs

1960-1990 Nato vs Warsaw Pact

Desert Storm type (well that was more of a shooting gallery)

Tournament game and by that I mean a great deal of effort has gone into making the game "equal". Simply design a game that has sides with similar equipment so those guys can fight it out on the "even"

Great game, still playing virtually every night for 2 years now.......love that QB and scenario editor



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Originally posted by Madmatt:

I counted at least 25 things listed that ARE already in CMBB.



nope, I aint saying which...

i am guessing these:

2) Better machine guns

3) Better strategic AI from computer

4) Better TAC AI

8) More doodads to break up the open ground OR more detailed terrain modelling

9) More interactive environment

3. Convoy command (to make them armored waves easier to plan)

2) Model the Dud rate for all ammo (NOT every round always exploded as they do in CMBO)

1) Different explosion sizes depending on caliber.

2) No mirroring as a shortcut for left/right sides of things. No more tanks numbered 808 and named ANNA.

4) Redundant file numbers and images for common objects. If you have five sets of identical church textures and five different sets of numbers, eventually it will get modded so that if you have a map with five churches, you'll have five different churches.

7) No annoying small but ever-present hard-coded weapons that can't be modded.

1) Beaten zones for MGs

2) Linear artillery concentrations

4) Harder spotting of AT guns and Infantry AT weapons

2) Ability to interchange maps between "operations" and "battles".

Individual sounds for every weapon.

Movies that cover an entire battle. Fully exchangable on the internet. Fully viewable once downloaded. Of course optional Axis FOW, Allied FOW or none.

recorded artillery targets (tenfold size of current TRP)

4) More building types. I know the EU like standardisation, but only five building types is silly I like the idea of the redundant textures too, as suggested above.

3) Why can't I load a map into a Quick Battle, or choose my units in a Scenario?

6) 'Hold fire' command for tanks (no, I don't want them to shot on a tank, 2000m away, while moving with full speed)

Randomize ALL command delay & LOS numbers.

3-D clutter (civilian cars, wagons, airplanes,train cars, etc.) than can be blowed-up real good.

- Better handling of building damage. The 'winds are a bit too nasty here.

- Smarter "finding cover" logic for infantry.

- AT teams that are far less likely to interrupt their sneaking to take an unrealistic frontal shot at a tank some 100m away. If they can estimate the hit/kill probabilities, they should try to behave sensibly regarding such. This is particularly galling

I'd like to have new sounds like:

Infantry squads that when routed don't run towards the enemy.

* Trench tiles

* Fences

* Church towers that can be occupied

* Industrial type buildings

Tanks leading a target.

Flying turrets.

Seeing the aircraft fly past

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Originally posted by Resyk:

* Trench Warfare.

Promised for CM:BB.

* Ability to Rally routed/broken troops.
Already in the game. Keep a higher echelon HQ (preferably with a morale bonus or double bonus) located in a safe place behind the lines. When your troops route, move the HQ over to where the broken troops will be within its command radius. They will rally faster.

* More hours in the day.
Agreed. Should be done immediately. BTS fix or do somefing.


[ April 04, 2002, 08:06 PM: Message edited by: Michael emrys ]

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Originally posted by SlowMotion:

A scenario designer could design the map and select some of the units for both sides and this way define the basic setting - but not all of it. For either side there could be some predefined number of points that players could purchase.

It is already possible to open a scenario and edit it in various ways, such as adding extra or subtracting units.


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* Creeks, gullies and ditches

* Better A/C graphics such as 3D planes, tracers, puffs of dust from bullet impacts, from the cockpit views, AA fire at planes.

* Level 1 only play option with supporting features to enhance level 1 play

* Better interiors of buildings such as interior walls doors, stairs, and windows

* The ability for players to draw map graphics that are overlaid on the game map

* Ability for scenario designers to name units by their actual unit name rather than by letters

. e.g. be able to name companies by letter and platoons by number...B Company 1st platoon.

* Graphical linking lines to company and Bn HQ's (e.g. if you click on a Platoon HQ you get

(In addition to lines to squads) a line to the Company HQ

(Perhaps of different color so as to distinguish from the lines to the subordinate units)

* Ability to make non square maps (to make edge following harder

* A "follow the leader" command for vehicles moving along roads

* A unit roster and/or a better unit indexing system that doesn't require having to hit the "+" and "-" keys a million times

* The ability to lock the camera position in the level 1 perceptive view to the exact actual position

of the viewer so what you see on the computer screen

is exactly what the unit can see --right now you can see things at level 1 on the computer screen

(even with the view "tab'ed" to a unit) that the unit cannot see (as can be verified by comparing the computer perspective view with the LOS tool)

* Sun angle shading of the terrain maps (note this is not quite the same true shadows..

(for the none mathematically challenged. --though perhaps English challenged) the sun angle shading is a modulation of brightness of the terrain surface as a function of its slope in relation with the terrain’s angle

with the sun (which in expressed in mathematical terms would be the dot product of the unit vector that is normal to the terrain surface with a unit vector pointing toward the sun). This can be pre-computed for any given maps and thus would not take up processor time . It would make for more realistic looking terrain and also enhance the over all beauty of the scenery

* True shadowing (BTW, this would require a lot more calculations than sun angle shading and couldn’t be pre-computed since shadow producing entities such as vehicles can move

* interface with an operational level game

* amphibious vehicles!!!!!

* landing craft

* direct fire naval gunfire against tanks (as occurred both Normandy and Sicily (or Selarno (sp?))

* 10 meter grid spacing (for narrower streets in towns/cities, streams, etc

* non "boxy" looking cities (to create the winding look of European towns).

* trains, armored trains, partisans that can blow up blow bridges, and trains wrecks that run off track

and falls into river (industrial strength eye candy)

* telephone poles and signs

* farm animals (live and dead)

* stick on decals to units (mod appliqué)

* better textures for water (e.g. pseudo reflections == true reflections would be incredibly hard-- or 3D waves by adding wave doodads)

* flares, armored trains, partisans that can blow up blow bridges, and trains wrecks that

run off track and falls into river (industrial strength eye candy)

* telephone poles and signs

* farm animals (live and dead)

* stick on decals to units (mod applique)

* better water textures (pseudo reflective or wave doodads)

* flares

and also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* a spell checker and grammar checker and bigger font size for creating post on the forum so that you don't have to go type your post in MS word smile.gif

However, there probably is no hope for old guys that have spent too much of their adult life making PowerPoint Charts for a living and having long since fried their brains, destroyed or permanently marred their to communicate in a natural language and are thus probably forever doomed to communicate in a brogue bullet chart style totally devoid of any grace or style ... Such is life!

[ April 06, 2002, 12:35 AM: Message edited by: Midnight Warrior ]

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Originally posted by Phantom Rocker:

Michael, it's unwritten law not to blame people because there English isn't perfect. This is an international forum, and not everyones mother tongue is English. :rolleyes:

What makes you think I am talking about foreigners? I think they do just fine, much better than I would in their languages I'm sure.

I mean those who have spoken and read English all their lives but still can't seem to do it with any kind skill or grace. This is communication we are talking about here, and people who cannot communicate without making one cringe in horror already have a strike against them. They seem oblivious to the harm they do themselves, like someone who has taken up whitlling and doesn't realize that it is his finger that he is carving.


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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Phantom Rocker:

Michael, it's unwritten law not to blame people because there English isn't perfect. This is an international forum, and not everyones mother tongue is English. :rolleyes:

What makes you think I am talking about foreigners? I think they do just fine, much better than I would in their languages I'm sure.

I mean those who have spoken and read English all their lives but still can't seem to do it with any kind skill or grace. This is communication we are talking about here, and people who cannot communicate without making one cringe in horror already have a strike against them. They seem oblivious to the harm they do themselves, like someone who has taken up whitlling and doesn't realize that it is his finger that he is carving.

BTW, 'their' is not spelled 'there'. Just for future reference, you understand.


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How about a truly interactive mode? Lets say a 12 volt battery strapped to the bottom of your seat linked through the game so when your unit buys it you get to "feel" its pain. It would make for some interesting cringe moments with your sphincter closing up as that AT gun locks onto your AFV. Of course it would have multiple jolt levels just to seperate the men from the boys, so to speak.

ps I like to see these posts with full FOG enabled (Fog of Grammar). Adds to the realism IMO.

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