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Ok this is something about the game that really angers me...alright I have a Jagdtiger, holding a meadow right, then suddenly a Stuart pops up out of the side and the Jagdtiger rotates towards it...Fires its main gun...BLOOOIE!!!!!!! BIG, HUGE explosion, what a surprise the tank is disabled, it rolls slowly to a stop...then the crew pops out! (Angering me that any survived in the first place) THEN to really rub it in every one of the crew of the stuart survived not one incapacitated, injured or dead, what is that...128MM GUN, HITS ammo store on a tiny itty bitty tank, one would think a hole would have blown through the stuart (which really happend to shermans seen some really cool photos) and they survived AAAAAGGGGGGG come on, BTS do something!

-Field :mad:

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Simple. It went right through, like a bullet through a paper target, leaving a 5" hole clear through the tank. After which the engine does not exactly run, and began to burn, sure. But no one was along that 5" wide path. Nothing unbelievable about it at all.

You might think that since the energy of the round is so high, as it must be to penetrate so much armor, that the bitty tank must be knocked silly absorbing it all. But it simply doesn't absorb it all. The shell is still going on the other side. No mystery.

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Hi, JasonC, well now, was wonderin' if you have ever been inside a M5 Stuart? 'Cause, gee - whiz, I have and I can tell you there are damn few spaces over 3" availible, let alone 5", for a 128mm to pass on through! I'm 5'7 an 135# and it was still a tight squeeze, and this was a museum vehicle that was not combat loaded with ammo and gear stowed. I've heard of ap rounds goin in one side of a medium tank and out the other, or front through to rear penetrations, so I agree it is possible, just highly unlikely. Also, and I'm no munitions expert mind you, didn't german pzgr39 ap shot usually not travel in a straight line upon penetrating a target? Would it not ricochet around inside the vehicle several times before either exiting or touching off fuel / ammo stores? - Thus causing crew casualties along its' path. just some thought here to stir the pot. Welcome any other info you have, thank you, sir.


Eric smile.gif

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I BLEW THE DAMN THING TO PEICES there is no way any one but James Bond or Superman could find a way to survive that...I hit the frontal peice of armor I did a replay and slow mo..if it passed through the tank it would have passed right thrue the bloody crew. Come on, no way in hell could any of those guys in real life survive, the shrapnel should have had a number on the inside of the tank as well..it was out right bull plop


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nooooo, the worst is when u have a group of jeeps in a scenario like deanco's great race scenario or my dr strangelove one, and they get hit by a 500 lb bomb, makes a huge jeep explosion, and NO ONE gets killed, they all abandon from their personal, one use, super armor jeeps.

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A stuart is 7' 4" wide. Two are seated side by side in the hull. Last I checked, men aren't three and a half feet wide. So only about half the area is "occupied". A 5" hole is 1 part in 17.6 of the width of the tank. As for where it might go, how about right along the transmission shaft, front to back? Probably knock the engines out the backside of the tank - but needn't kill anybody.

People seem to have the quite incorrect notion that everybody in a penetrated tank instantly became hamburger. In fact, armor battalions typically lost total KIAs in the two digits for the whole war, about 1 per tank lost. With the tank losses mostly from 75mm AP penetrations, sometimes bigger stuff, sometimes AT mines or fausts.

I also rather wonder what the bleeding point is supposed to be. Your big anti-tank gun KOed the light tank, just as it is supposed to. Nothing further is militarily useful or required. Maybe some people have been playing too many splatter games, and have forgotten they are (macabre) fantasies, not realism.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JasonC:

I also rather wonder what the bleeding point is supposed to be. Your big anti-tank gun KOed the light tank, just as it is supposed to. Nothing further is militarily useful or required. Maybe some people have been playing too many splatter games, and have forgotten they are (macabre) fantasies, not realism.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Indeed. I am sure you and many others will join me in hoping that the day soon will come when Fieldmarshall grows up. Hopefully it is not too long away.

Some of this talk is quite disgusting, and this bloodthirstyness I find repugnant.

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Imature...childish...My orders according to the briefing were to kill as many of the enemy as possible before I would let them advance. That is the nature of war to kill. That crew still had pistols and a thompson. They could do damage, and if ,my orders are not only to destroy the tank, but to aswell destroy the infantry and crews. Not drive them back but kill as many as possible. So no I am not being unreasonable, he should have been killed in the tank, instead he had to be encircled and ripped to peices by a platoon of HMGs, a waste of ammo that could have been used on heavier targets, but he was suppressing a panzerschreck, there fore a risk that would not have occured if they had all been killed in the tank like they should have been.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Indeed. I am sure you and many others will join me in hoping that the day soon will come when Fieldmarshall grows up. Hopefully it is not too long away.

Some of this talk is quite disgusting, and this bloodthirstyness I find repugnant.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Here, here.

It's like everyday Fieldmarshall is bitching about something or posting some utterly ridiculous post or topic.

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Yeah, you people are right, I took this way out of proportion. It was a stupid post, and I should have never have made it...to much coffee I guess, well yeah pointless and the like, took it way to far, should just have accepted it, and the fact that its perfectly likely they could have survived, well any way it was dumb. Sorry all.

-Filedmarshall redface.gif

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Well, this is a moot post as I was sleeping when this conversation started (darn me for sleeping!)

FM, remember that what we're seeing is a representation of real life. The huge explosion we see in certain cases really just means "it went boom more than it ordinarily does," as opposed to the more common "klang" which means "the tank is now of zero military value but is more or less whole."

One of my tank books has a picture of a Tiger than was hit on the top of its turret by a 500lb bomb, reducing the vehicle to a pile of parts (most recognizable was the horseshoe-shaped turret side armor belt). I'm certain that this sort of case, in which the crew was certainly decimated, was not the norm.


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