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In Memoriam CMBO ( or the funniest moments in CMBO )

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A Panther firing at a fast-moving Hellcat (on road) at 1900m+, hitting it with the first round.

A Hellcat (Sgt. Faller :rolleyes: ), after being fired at by a Panzerschreck team from less than 70m suddenly stops to fire on the AT team (still in LOS) and decides to target a panicked infantry squad (3 survivors) 1646m away...

´Schreck fires, Hellcat dead.

A platoon HQ down to one man close assaults a Sherman, knocking it out.

A 150mm inf gun firing at a HT, missing it and knocking out an M10 TD, a jeep towing a 57mm gun (the gun was knocked out, too), a Bazooka team and an 81mm FO. 200m behind the HT that was on a ridge... :D

Ah, sweet memories... :D

[ September 18, 2002, 08:47 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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I would say the time I played a buddy and his remaining tanks (Sherman) was out of HE. It was 2 turns until the QB was over each of us had a flag under our control with no hope of taking the others in 2 turns. Only chance was to take out his remaining tank and hope I get a edge on the points.

So I got 2 Shrek teams sneaking up (in scattered tress)to the Sherman. The Sherman is a good 100-120 meters from the trees with the shrek teams. So I decided to charge my shrek teams to within 20-30 meters for a good shot.

For the next turn and a half it consisted of 2 shrek teams chasing a reversing Sherman across a open field and never did get that damn Sherman, but it sure was funny.

[ September 19, 2002, 01:12 AM: Message edited by: Shatter ]

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A depleted German inf squad running behind to a buttoned-up Sherman, stopping, firing its Panzerfaust and knocking the tank out. Then legging it to a nearby woods, and fast ! (PBEM)

One, single Panther taking out two Shermans, immobilising one, and three Hellcats. (PBEM)

A comment by an opponent in a TCP/ME " I can't crack this nut ".

Two Hellcats destroying several Hetzers in a TCP fight. Includes one extreme closerange duel, where the Hetzer managed to miss the Hellcat two times at a distance of less than 50 meters ! :eek: :D

The first time to lay my hands upon the demo of CMBO... *sigh* smile.gif

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...killing a Panther A with the maingun of my M8 Greyhound, by a shot in the a** ...
An M8 of the 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop destroyed a Tiger tank in the St Vith area during the Bulge by "shooting him up the a**" from close range. You can cross check this by consulting the US Army Armour School paper entitled "The Battle of St Vith 17-23rd December 1944."

On a slightly different note once when playing Close Combat V I had the rifle armed infantryman 'brew up' a Sherman tank. Last time I played the game as well.

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Originally posted by scribble:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> ...killing a Panther A with the maingun of my M8 Greyhound, by a shot in the a** ...

An M8 of the 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop destroyed a Tiger tank in the St Vith area during the Bulge by "shooting him up the a**" from close range. You can cross check this by consulting the US Army Armour School paper entitled "The Battle of St Vith 17-23rd December 1944."

On a slightly different note once when playing Close Combat V I had the rifle armed infantryman 'brew up' a Sherman tank. Last time I played the game as well.</font>

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While playing the third Panzer Maier scenario as the Germans against the AI, I took four Panzers IV around the right flank through a few abandoned villages. When they arrived at the other side of the map in the back of the main objective all of a sudden 5 Sherman’s arrived as reinforcements, right in the path of my advancing Panzers. :eek: Within 30 seconds all 5 Sherman’s were lit as candles. Off course this is not much of a sport, but nevertheless it's probably the turn I have seen the most times of all turns I ever played. :D


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It was a loooong 22 days before purchased game arrived into my ofice at Moscow, Russia.

So i had to play demo, those two mission.

I've played them until i've started to achieve total victory giving maximum favor to the AI opponent (+200% e.t.c).

One time, as i was playing "The Valey of Trouble" as german, i've ordered my mortair to open fire at advancing Sherman. I just wanted to force him to button up. But - after the first shot - the Sherman went huge Kaaabooooom.

I've checked this moment in slowly motion, frame-by-frame, and realized what mortair shell hit directly into the opened hatch. Well, sometimes such things happening...

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The time I killed 17 AFV's with 4 Panthers in less than 10 rounds in TCP/IP ME.

The first time I crushed the same TCP/IP-opponent in an meeting engagement, practically routing all his troops.

Getting the first 70+points victory with Germans in Villers Bocage (man I would like to see that with CMBB-engine, cover arcs and all)

And the number one favourite moment: loading the "A Walk in Paris" into the scenario editor and adding 30+ Elite 300mm rocket spotters with added ammo. The ultimate Mr. Boom scenario.

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The good :

A Canadian platoon killing an entire (and I do mean entire, to the last man) German platoon without a single casualty to themselves.

The Nordic Wannabee Tourney (thank you Treeburst and all opponents).

The bad :

Getting my battered company run off the map by the AI in my last (= 4th) attempt at making it past June in Wreck's campaign.

The countless worthless slobs who quit PBEM's on me. At least 3/4 of all PBEM's started were never finished.

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The first time I played a TCP/IP battle, and my prearranged barrage of 105s landed right on top of a half dozen SPWs loaded with SS Grenadiers, that had just come into view. I had never played a game that showed as much intensity, it was awesome.

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Well, I was having small QB against the AI yesterday. In one of the battles, I was leading a 1000 points allied attack on a town. I got a pretty useful mixture of units, with two 81 mm mortar arty spotters, a Sherman 76 +, ando good infantry.

The attack was doing well, even after losing a full squad in less than 10 seconds in an ambush. When I reached the center of the town with my front units, clearing the way to the Sherm, I saw the most gamey thing that the AI has ever made in my computer:

He had bought a JagdTiger. Yes, that thing with a huge gun, heavy armour and low production....

Man, I had a really hard time. I laid tons of smoke with the mortars all around the village, moved in the Zooks and the Sherm trying to flank the monster...(hard time, hard time!!!). I lost 3 zooks, the Sherm (those guys in the Ronson should be court martialled: they blasted 3 rounds in the side armour of the JT without getting a penetration before the beast got them) and finally destroyed the damm thing with my last zook in a flank shot from 25 m. Wow.

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Hitting a HT TWICE (!!) with bazooka shots, and have the HT survive with "no serious damage'...only to kill both my bazooka teams on the next turn. :(

Having a Sherman chase a HT armed with a damaged 20 mm gun. Started Firing at 250 meters range as I raced towards the HT. Miss, Miss, Miss, Miss, Miss. 150 meters, 3 more misses (this was a veteran crew, too!). 100 meters down to 50 meters..3 more misses. AARGH!!! 25 meters--MISS!, 20 meters--MISS!!, 15 meters--MISS!! AND THE GAME ENDS!! AARGH!! :mad:

Adding 5000 pts of 105, 155, 8 inch, and 14 inch artillery to the Allied "Walk in Paris" scenario, and then watching EVERY building on the board get vaporized in ONE TURN!! It was so much fun to watch that I have permanently saved the scenario. :D

Having my green bazooka team fire at a Panther 188 meters away (and hull down) with 2 seconds left in the game...The team miraculously scores a hit as time expires, kills the Panther, and wins a minor victory by 1%!! :Dtongue.gif

My opponent was PISSED!

[ September 19, 2002, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: wbs ]

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