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"Two Steps of Death" -thread

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Originally posted by Sparky Rat:

I do not understand why anyone would be having trouble getting to my email adress. maybe they are useing .com instead of .net? i dont really know.

i will send an email within the hour to each of the oponents i have not yet heard from. then they should be able to just reply. I hope this solves the problem.

Great idea lad!!!

I hope these "small dilemmas" will clear out ASAP.

Remember that the "official launch" is 25th of July so we are ahead of schedule ;)

Keep on mailing/posting if things seem tangled. No fear, help is near...


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I have sent all the emails as previously stated, we should be able to get this worked out fairly soon.

I have received an email from jkvirtan@messi.uku.fi but not from that adress. i have replied to that adress as he requested.

i hope the other 2 opponents received my emails and are able to respond. if there is anything else i can do feel free to post here as i will be checking this thread regularly.

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Originally posted by Sparky Rat:

I have sent all the emails as previously stated, we should be able to get this worked out fairly soon.

I have received an email from jkvirtan@messi.uku.fi but not from that adress. i have replied to that adress as he requested.

i hope the other 2 opponents received my emails and are able to respond. if there is anything else i can do feel free to post here as i will be checking this thread regularly.

No worries lad.

I think it'll be okay. Just give 'em little time ;)


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Getting on lovely. Remember to stay in touch with your opponents (as you got the addresses) and if they are too fast/slow/impolite just tell them about it. If things won't improve mail me.

If you have ANY comments on the scenarios mail me in order to give and get feedback as I don't want people to post here any comments on the initial troops, reinforcements and set up areas for obvious reasons.

Once again IF you want to drop it and search greener pastures MAIL ME and we'll figure it out together. No fading to the oblivion please!

Use this topic to inform me and others about your progress, sentiments, availability etc. and post as often as you like. I usually have little news for you but post anyway :rolleyes:


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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

I'm up 'n running - all Allis in DK&C have got their setups, and a return has been received.

Most interesting scenarios - hope theyre as much fun to play as they were thinking about "WTF to do with this load of rubbish!!" lol

I've played the bunch of them managing desperation, highly contested success and had my face kicked in once even when playing the "likely to win" side. Less can be said about "Bushmen" as it is my handiwork. You poor troopers have no idea what you'll be put through...

That is the way I'd like it best. Hope you enjoy it too smile.gif


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Originally posted by 23 ItK 61:

Hi all,

just here to inform you that I am on the road until Sunday evening, so please be patient with me. I might reply to you from some other (more mobile) email address during this time but please send all mails ment for me to the earlier mentioned marko.m.honkanen@welho.com

Signing out,

Allied A2

You are not on the road, you are here :D

(and I don't mean the Battlefront)


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Sorry boys, I have been away. I am to busy right now to join, busy at work and busy with CM (have to finish several 100minutes battles and am participating in ROW2).

I was not aware I had enrolled by default (thanks anyway Mikko, I like to hear I am appreciated ;) ). I hope to be able to join next time.


[ July 19, 2002, 02:57 PM: Message edited by: Bertram ]

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Well the game is afoot. My dry mouthed and sweaty palmed Durham Light Infantrymen are doggedly plodding forward wondering to themselves how the OC got to be in charge when he has such fooking silly plans for an attack. They wince as they wait for the tearing roar of Reed Schaffer's MG42s to tear through their hapless ranks. War is hell. But not from where I'm sitting.

Toodle pip.

[ July 19, 2002, 03:07 PM: Message edited by: Determinant ]

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Originally posted by 86smopuim:

Umm, excuse me for being dumb, just wanted to confirm something...

I am to setup, as I am axis.

You will be emailing me the scenarios?

Wow, so you did not get them already???

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, I'll check it out.


P.S. Scenario files are in your box or the mail address I have is faulty. Did not bounce (did not do so the first time either) so I hope it was delivered properly this time.

[ July 20, 2002, 08:46 AM: Message edited by: Traject0ry ]

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Originally posted by Bertram:

Sorry boys, I have been away. I am to busy right now to join, busy at work and busy with CM (have to finish several 100minutes battles and am participating in ROW2).

I was not aware I had enrolled by default (thanks anyway Mikko, I like to hear I am appreciated ;) ). I hope to be able to join next time.


We'll miss you. :(

Replacement has been informed :rolleyes:

He sounds eager :D

I guess he'll reply in no time :cool:

You guys keep the show going meanwhile tongue.gif


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Originally posted by The Tanklord:

More thirsty than eager actually, thirsty for blood that is!!! :cool:

Seems I'll be replacing Bertram (AXIS Z)so send

me a pray for merc.. erhh a setup and lets get going smile.gif


Welcome Sir!

Having such a large and active reserve always pays off (two guys just notified that they are no longer available so I have none left. Don't drop out! :rolleyes: )

LFHB Allied heads up. Set ups to the newcomer at once!


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Dear Diary,

Nobody has any complaints :eek: . Time to call it a day. I'll pop in tomorrow and check the situation again. Remember to notify me via post/e-mail if somebody is not providing any kind of replies to your mails OR a mail address goes rotten and bounces off all attempts of communication.


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Welcome Sir!

Having such a large and active reserve always pays off (two guys just notified that they are no longer available so I have none left. Don't drop out! :rolleyes: )

LFHB Allied heads up. Set ups to the newcomer at once!


Thank you!

No worríes short of major disaster I'll finish my games.

So far I've gotten setups from A & B, I'll give the others until tomorrow before I start the email harasment smile.gif

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Originally posted by 86smopuim:

I hope I have this right:


Mechnaized Bushemn smope-v-jdejohn

April Fools smope-v-nigel

Dies Isomfink smope-v-ezp

Arch Enemies smope-v-desm

if so, all my setup are sent out.

Originally posted by Traj:

[*Snip*]smope@ponyshow.com (Axis Y1)[*Snip*]

[*Snip*]jdejohn@stny.rr.com (Allied A1)

nigel@heppenstalls.demon.co.uk (Allied B1)

ezp@mail.com (Allied C1)

DESIM8@aol.com (Allied D1)[*Snip*]

[*Snip*]Axis Y:

plays against Allied A "Mechanized Bushmen"

plays against Allied B "April's Fool"

plays against Allied C "Dius Irae"

plays against Allied D "Arch Enemies"[*Snip*]



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Originally posted by 23 ItK 61:

Hi all,

just here to inform you that I am on the road until Sunday evening, so please be patient with me. I might reply to you from some other (more mobile) email address during this time but please send all mails ment for me to the earlier mentioned marko.m.honkanen@welho.com

Signing out,

Allied A2

Wellwell, back on the Command Post. Shall deliver the files to all. ETA: 8 hours.

Allied A2

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