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Really Realistic Realism

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It's not until you play a truly realistic game that you realise how damn silly other RTS titles can be.

I used to think games like Command and Conquer were the ultimate refinement of the wargaming art, but only now do I realise my foolishness. CMBB is not only enjoyable to play, it also makes sense. In real life, you can't shoot a tank with a 5.56mm FMJ rifle until it explodes. In real life, people die when they get shot. In real life, 20-ton tanks don't go 70mph over hilly terrain. In real life, men panic and rout under fire.

A few weeks ago I bought Medieval : Total War, and was deeply disappointed by it. Soon after, my friend Dyvim Tvar (who frequents this forum) showed me a game he'd purchased, none other than CMBB. And it was good. So i bought it.

Seven hours in, I'm still having immense amounts of fun, and revelling in the cries of panicking Germans.

I'ts the way war was meant to be fought.

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Originally posted by Wretch:

just one question, though. Exactly who, or what, is Peng?

Don't ask that, unless you want to get your thread ruined. To make a long story short, whatever you do, DO NOT ENTER THE PENG THREAD. They don't want you there, they'll eat you alive and they'll spit out the icky bits. Stay in the nice outerboards and you'll be fine.
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I'd say something like ,"Oh, come on, they can't be that bad can they?", except I'm pretty sure the answer will be "Hell yes!".

Initial observations suggest PENG is possibly a group of hostile members (in two terms of the word) who hate everyone except themselves, post dumb threads and generally pose an irritation to junior members until they have proved themeselves in some way.

Am i close?

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Originally posted by Wretch:

I'd say something like ,"Oh, come on, they can't be that bad can they?", except I'm pretty sure the answer will be "Hell yes!".

Initial observations suggest PENG is possibly a group of hostile members (in two terms of the word) who hate everyone except themselves, post dumb threads and generally pose an irritation to junior members until they have proved themeselves in some way.

Am i close?

That's what most new members think. Don't take it too seriously though. Despite what they might say, Peng is really all in good fun...just grow some thick skin if you decide to venture in there
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It's not until you play a truly realistic game that you realise how damn silly other RTS titles can be.

The Closest thing I've found to CMBB is the older Steel Panthers and Close Combat series. Even then those games had their faults. Close Combat suffered from the "Slug Fest" problem (as does it's re-incarnation GI Combat) as combat was like that of 17th and 18th century Europe, just get your guys in a big line and blast away. Turn Based Games like Steel Panthers gave the player too many advantages, if you order a Platoon of tank to go down a road, you have to move them one at a time. If the lead tank gets ambushed you are able to save the other three by not moving them. In real life the platoon would of traveled as a group and they all would have been in danger.

As for RTS "War Games" don't get me started. The problem with 99% of RTS games out there is that in the end there are only two tactics you will ever need to use:

1. Zerg/Tank/Infantry Rush

2. Take out enemy units 1 by 1 with with long range Artillary/Snipers

I've always wanted a RTS game with turn based realisim. I had high hopes that GI Combat would fill the much needed "Realistic RTS" niche'. RTS blended with Grog level realisim? Be still my beating heart! Then I played the (Updated) demo and watched a Pz-IV gets it's tracks blown off by a .30 machine gun, the entire crew killed by small arms fire, and the AI lead the charge with a 57mm AT gun.

Ah well, maybe next time. Although "WWII RTS" by the same team that made IL2-Sturmovik looks like it will be a hit.

In the end, the CM series is pretty much the best "realistic" war game out there. Impressive in the details, but very simple to learn and play. What more could you ask for*?

(*Flashy Graphics and full movie playback not withstanding)

[ November 11, 2002, 02:50 AM: Message edited by: Nippy ]

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Wretch said:

It's not until you play a truly realistic game that you realise how damn silly other RTS titles can be.

Italics added

Oh come now, don't call CM an RTS. It's not realtime, at least not completely, and it has absolutely no strategic aspects at all. It's completely tactical in scope smile.gif

With that out of the way, welcome aboard!

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Originally posted by Wretch:

I'd say something like ,"Oh, come on, they can't be that bad can they?", except I'm pretty sure the answer will be "Hell yes!".

You can't imagine.

Well, try this: A dark, musty cellar with poisonous spiders lurking in the corners and under the larger objects. Rotting steps that give way when you tread on them. Worst of all, the malformed, mutated creatures that feast on living flesh and inhabit this dank hole of perdition with their unspeakable practices.

They have been cordoned off and confined in their blasphemous miasma of unregurgitated putrescence in order to make the outer boards safe for decent people like you and me. Know that if you venture there your very soul may be in jeopardy.

Aside from that, it's not so bad.


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Originally posted by arax3:

Welcome to many hours of gaming pleasure! I suggest you try TacOps, AA and Strategic Command as well. Just stay away from the Peng thread, truly nonsense and an enourmous waste of time for those with no life. A3

A3, are you sure you're not a IV-F???

The Peng Thread is, if nothing else, a refreshing stop in a land of creative verbal jousting... unless you count the posts by the Aussies... or the Pommies... or the Zoolanders... or the Canadians... or the gits from Minnesota (neo-Canadians you know)... or the Lawyers... or the Philosophers... or the Bankers... or..., well you get the picture.

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Originally posted by Bullethead:

Wretch said:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />It's not until you play a truly realistic game that you realise how damn silly other RTS titles can be.

Italics added

Oh come now, don't call CM an RTS. It's not realtime, at least not completely, and it has absolutely no strategic aspects at all. It's completely tactical in scope smile.gif


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Peng'rs are undesirables that have been cast from the outerboard into the pit that is pEnG. You wouldn't venture into a Turkish prison by choice, would you? So it is for the Peng thread. Be very careful or MadMatt will sentence all your future postings to pengdom come.

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