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One Challenge in the Life of Peng, De Son of a Vich....

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mike:

Or maybe you prefer beans burned until they're black then ground up and dissolved into hot water with or without the same moo-juice that you berate for beign included in tea, and for which poncy shops chargge an arm and a leg to prepare for you with fisgusting sounding foreign names to conceal the ingredients???

Now, while I see no problem with you effeminate tea drinkers defending your drink, I'll not have you wastrels casting disparaging remarks at that wondrous elixir... Coffee</font>
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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mike:

<font size=-1>[ November 08, 2002, 07:57 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]</font>

That was "edited to add extra spelling mistakes", I take it?</font>
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Well, my inbox is empty thanks to all you slow-witted turn plodders, so I am reduced to writing updates.

Nidan has failed to send me a turn for hours. Hours, I tell you! We've hardly made contact and he's doing horribly, just horribly. Details to follow.

Panzer Leader is out of whupass. I think he saved it up for weeks to win that last battle. No matter, he's fresh out again and being blown to smithereens. He's yet to inflict a casualty.

Seanachai...do I even need to say it? Hasn't sent a turn.

Boo is still blaming MSN for his battlefield failures. What can I say but GET A REAL ISP. Maybe a Compuserve account would work better? Dust of that 1200 baud modem...

Berli...oh, I can't even describe it. Too horrible, all that death and ruin where his defenses used to be. Although I thought I saw a lone figure walking among the corpses last turn. Seemed to have bits of flaming brimstone in his beard. That's a little worrysome.

Abbot had the gall to turn up his nose at my setup. Unbalanced he said. Ha. Like I need any advantages to beat him into next week. I have accepted the gamey QB he sent in return.

Oh, and I sent a setup to some Swede who keeps coming in here.

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Abbot had the gall to turn up his nose at my setup. Unbalanced he said. Ha. Like I need any advantages to beat him into next week. I have accepted the gamey QB he sent in return.

Ah yes. Battle will soon be joined. Our auto-picked forces to meet on the field of battle once again.

Mal are you a lawyer by chance?

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I've noticed an unsettling trend here on the Thread of threads. Divisive. Partisan. With overtones of mob violence.

I'm talking about the recent series of posts concerning caffeinated beverages.

I shall put an end to this, now, before it goes beyond the raised pinky stage.

Gentlemen, I give you: WHISKEY!

There is nothing wrong with either coffee or tea that the proper application of some form of whiskey cannot amend.

Now, I've noticed that Persephone has been in here with the sniffles, embittered when she discovered that Gnomes are Scum.

Really, it's hard to believe this comes as a surprise, but there you have it. Some people will insist that, just because I'm 'the nice one', that that somehow precludes the fact that I am also a roight bastard.

I mean, really. I'm primarily 'the nice one' on the Peng Challenge Thread bell curve, where most cluster up in the center as 'stupid, vicious bastards that wouldn't eat your children simply because they've never bothered to learn how to cook'.

Now, all will rejoice to know that I am, in fact, starting to feel much better after my most recent bout of lung corruption. Mostly why I'm up so late, in fact. Well, that and the residual coughing, which I like to take into the main room of the apartment in order to share it with the largest number of the inhabitants of the building.

That does not, of course, mean that any of you got turns tonight. Oh, no. It might mean that you will get turns tomorrow. Perhaps.

Now, while I'm quite happy to see Bauhaus back (that doesn't sound natural, does it?), and glad to see he's been properly shamed into ordering the game, I still think a penance is in order.

Bauhaus, I, as an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread, and quite certain to be unanimously supported by the other sods, demand that you perform the following penance:

You shall write and post here in the Thread a 200 word paean to Berli, ennumerating all his special and most wonderful qualities, what you like most about him, and not failing to describe at least four (4) things about Berli that you find positively 'cuddly'.

Death, where is thy sting, eh, lad?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I've noticed .....


Gentlemen, I give you: WHISKEY!

SNIPPED again....

Death, where is thy sting, eh, lad?

dalem doesn't like whiskey...

BTW, are you offering your body to science anytime soon. I hear there is a real shortage of walking dead for them to study.


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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

I've noticed .....


Gentlemen, I give you: WHISKEY!

SNIPPED again....

Death, where is thy sting, eh, lad?

dalem doesn't like whiskey...

BTW, are you offering your body to science anytime soon. I hear there is a real shortage of walking dead for them to study.


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Originally posted by Malakovski:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Give em the Ivans in the "Sinkhole Serenade", battle that you gameily foisted on me.

I think he specifically requested to play his favorite, the Romanians.</font>
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Originally posted by Mike:

You, sir, are nothing more than a prefidious penile implant - occasionally useful in a darkened room when inflated by artificial pressures but normally limp and fit only for pissing through.

Sen me a set-up piss boy - I've almost finished my first PBEM game of the demo and have only tried one of hte BB scenarios so you have a full slate of choices to end up horribly embarrased from.

Ha! I laugh at your foolish attempts to bring me off balance before the fight. I was bullied at school and I take your smirk remarks as nothing but compliments. I used to wish that the other kids would see me fit to...uh..nevermind.

I see you made the misstake of letting me chose the fight. I therefore pick the brave Germans in the scenario "where our forfathers fought" ...I thought it would be best to pick a scenario I cant pronounce when drunk (or sober now when I think of it).

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Give me vodka!!!, ice cold, in a tall glass, it is pure heaven I tell you....well once your brain shuts down it is. And make it Stolichnaya every time, the Russkies can't build good tanks anymore, but they sure can make a good, hull down, upgunned, heavily armored vodka!!

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

I've noticed .....


Gentlemen, I give you: WHISKEY!

SNIPPED again....

Death, where is thy sting, eh, lad?

dalem doesn't like whiskey...

BTW, are you offering your body to science anytime soon. I hear there is a real shortage of walking dead for them to study.


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Guest PondScum

Gamey-Assed Updates, gamiest first:

Aussie-I'm-so-gamey-even-blowflies-can't-stand-the-smell-Jeff tried to palm off one of his "creations" on me, but instead I'm climbing Hill 312. No contact, other than a SODDING GREAT PILLBOX on top of the hill.

Go-the-emir-ate-my-email-anna has all his clanketty things over THERE, while all my clanketty things are over HERE. Also over THERE is a factory that is now blazing merrily, as a result of his latest infantry assault vs two of my boys who are having WAY too much fun with a flamethrower.

Sean-no-turns-till-the-end-times-achai has finally drawn a bead on one of my little popguns. Sadly, the little popgun is finding out that being able to punch innumerable holes in oncoming early-war clanketty things is worthless, since the shells just go in one side and out the other. Nevermind. If he hasn't got artillery, he's still losing.

No-my-name-is-too-short-to-hyphenate-ba is exchanging roughly two clanketty things of his for every gun of mine. At this rate I think the battlefield will be occupied solely by panicked crews in about 5 more turns. Sadly, he'll have twice as many crews as I do. Bugger.

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Bah and Feh...

Same ole same ole...

For those of you that think I have gone.. you are wrong. I keep up with the thread daily. Just can't post to it... which sucks like some sort of big sucky thing.

Gamey Updates.

Harv Is trying his best to reach the seelow heights. He has also decided to show his true gamey taste in bringing tanks that have guns as big as Berli's Ego. 100mm and 122mm is not just gamey and unamerican, it is canadian!

Mace.. Finally saw fit to mail me a turn to continue the totaly arse whooping he is giving me in CMBO. This Gamey bastage didn't even have the balls to assalt my defended positons from the front... no.. he has to use his gamey armor to drive around back, (like I was one of his sheep), and penetrate there.

Were also starting a CMBB battle, but since it is by Jefe... and Jefe and Mace are both beta bastards, and conspire against us mortals.... I'll lose that one too.

Hiram has taken to the gamey tactic of not buying any troops it seems. or maybe he has learned that the best way for him to increase his score is to march them all of the edge of the map before he surrenders.

Everyone else I'm playing is a non-pooler, thus there games have about as much meaning as a speck of fly ****e.

Lorak the loathed.

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Originally posted by Abbott:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Abbot had the gall to turn up his nose at my setup. Unbalanced he said. Ha. Like I need any advantages to beat him into next week. I have accepted the gamey QB he sent in return.

Ah yes. Battle will soon be joined. Our auto-picked forces to meet on the field of battle once again.


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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Give me vodka!!

Spoken like a true ssn. A true girly ssn. I'll bet you go to happy hours with that pillock Lars and order things like vodka and Godiva liquer with a dusting of cocoa powder on the rim, probably with some cute name like "choclatini," to fool yourself into thinking you're drinking grown-up booze. Cripes, you and that idiot Slapdragon probably sit around guzzling grenadine straight from the bottle and debating its historical accuracy, overlooking the fact that you're both drooling idjits who can't grasp that people didn't know how to mix a proper feckin' Martini until at least 1947.

Vodka. Flavorless swill for sorority girls and hopeless corners of continetal Europe. For all their faults and poor grooming, at least the Pommies managed to get Gin right.



Joe Shaw and I have come to the end of our second battle in a row in which he's had to attack with one-third my infantry strength. Scenario designers don't seem to like Joe, either. Plus he's incompetent at supporting good infantry with heavy armor and artillery against superior numbers of poor infantry. Actually, strike everything in the previous sentence from 'at' onward. We're going to look for another scenario that's more "balanced" (read: so ridiculously in his favor that he might manage a draw if I subcontract out playing it to a roomful of Crodastic monkeys with mice (as in the rodents--giving them actual computer mice would doubtless be too much of an advantage)).

Agua Perdido

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

{snipped massive amounts of drivel that ignorned the main point that coffee is good and tea is bad}



Joe Shaw and I have come to the end of our second battle in a row in which he's had to attack with one-third my infantry strength. Scenario designers don't seem to like Joe, either. Plus he's incompetent at supporting good infantry with heavy armor and artillery against superior numbers of poor infantry. Actually, strike everything in the previous sentence from 'at' onward. We're going to look for another scenario that's more "balanced" (read: so ridiculously in his favor that he might manage a draw if I subcontract out playing it to a roomful of Crodastic monkeys with mice (as in the rodents--giving them actual computer mice would doubtless be too much of an advantage)).

Agua Perdido

My first instinct upon reading the above was, obviously, anger. Anger at the young Squire who I had raised to Knighthood but who, like young people everywhere, don't appreciate the work their elders did until it's too late. Young people who will, mark my words, one day shed bitter tears of recrimination that they never said even a simple "thank you" for the hours spent supervising the scrubbing of the stones in the stable, the tedious, over and over and over repitition until they finally got it right of "Sod OFF Then" and the weekly allowance of an entire quarter for them to spend however they liked, never mind that I would have to do without my mint that day.

But then I grew sad, sad in the realization that it was truly I who had failed HIM. I who had not managed, despite my best efforts, to instill in him the humanness ... s ... that MARKS a true member of the Shavian House.

This was followed by bewilderment, apathy and flatulence but we needn't go into that further.

The point is that Agua Perdido, that most loyal and trustworthy of Squires ... is correct! I lost the match. I didn't win and he did. That I had a single platoon of infantry to his COMPANY ... dug in, trenches, barbed wire and roadblocks with GUNS no less ... but I digress.

Agua Perdido, I am angry at you no longer, you're still a likely lad and the most loyal and trustworthy of Squires ... not like that wasted, lieabout, bone idle Papa Khann who ...


p.s. I DO so hope that the above wasn't too much of an "inside joke" and didn't make too many references that might be considered "old boy club" for the outerboarders to GET. They might think they're not welcome here.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Baetis:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

They will now smile.gif </font>
Like I'm going to pay any attention to a stupid mayfly ... and not even an Ephemerella at that.


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Usted, Boo, es un idiota mudo cuando viene al juego santificado y saintly de los gentlemans del grillo. El grillo no está desemejante del pozo negro, con sus leyes y tradiciones pintorescos. Usted haría bien para aprender a algunos de ellos. Como, qué a hacer cuando le cargan con rodar ningunas bolas. O el etiquette de sledging. O la pierna antes de leyes del wicket.

Toda la materia que clava que alguien de alta sofisticación tal como se encontraría fácil asimilar. Mitad dada de un cerebro, por supuesto.

Su Némesis completo y completo,

Sir Flamin' Aussiejeff

Beso me butt-o, frijole face.
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Originally posted by Malakovski:

Boo is still blaming MSN for his battlefield failures. What can I say but GET A REAL ISP. Maybe a Compuserve account would work better? Dust of that 1200 baud modem...

S' funny. I count the number of tanks that are still moving on our little battlefield, and it looks like most are mine. Funny, that.

Still having ISP problems. There is some type of software issue now, it seems. I can get on the net through a roundabout method, but now I can't access my e-mail. And I still have until next July before I can jettison this stupid MSN account.

"Everyday's a Monday,

When Berli comes to town."

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