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Invitational Tourney (Part III)

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The next movie yielded a decidedly mixed bag. Several small parties of my men which had either already been captured or were at grave risk of same

instead died in combat, with the distinct possibility that friendly fire was involved. The sole survivor, a POW, of my HMG-42 was in the path of multiple infantry fires and an assaulting squad, said squad subsequently killed to the last man in close combat. Another squad from that same platoon was enfiladed and put to flight. This all took place in defense of the ridge behind the main VLs. The British formations involved are far from unscathed. Some bear considerable resemblance to Swiss cheese. I estimate substantial casualties to the company attacking me on the ridge.

The situation on my left continued to deteriorate as the British exploitation phase continued. It did, though, remove a regular Cromwell from the fray and possibly soiled the coveralls of a veteran Challenger's TC, as several AT projectiles missed the latter AFV by inches after the former was knocked out and the crew fled.

To my right, a patrol in front of the hill housing the small VL ran into an apparent sharpshooter and took considerable lumps.

No German support fires fell this turn, but British

direct fire from AFVs has been annoying my men.


John Kettler

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What a mess!

Support fires fell almost at random on and around British on the ridge, the firefight continued, as did galling tank fires. British troops swarmed into the woods on my extreme left, but not in time to prevent the demise of a Bren carrier to my reverse slope defense.

British infantry slipped into the woods to the left of my main VLs, and at least a platoon is on the verge of pouring up the forward slope of that vital hill. The entire central left section of the board seems to be festooned with roundels.

A hot fight will be much hotter shortly.


John Kettler

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The British are in the woods in force at the main VLs, in woods to the right of the VLs, and didn't seem all that bothered by my support fires on the ridge either. I have troops dealing with multiple problems, but mainly am hammering away at the flanks of the advance with all the fires I can bring to bear. The situation is definitely not pleasant, but I'm far from finished. Have discovered that the dead Cromwell was one of the CS versions. Glad it's dead!


John Kettler

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Well, Treeburst, I guess you scared him off.

I haven't heard back from John since Sunday - another computer outage perhaps? At any rate, British forces have the main VL under control, and now have the primary remaining German position surrounded on three sides and under assault.


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Treeburst155, TexasToast, et al.,

Not a meltdown, and no new computer so far! Basically, I got the computer back from the shop, and over the next few days, improved the browser, added new software, turned it off and went to bed, only to have no video the next morning. Tried usual drills and invented new curses, but failed utterly to get it running again.

Back to the shop, where the thing had the gall, after being dropped off, to work just fine for the tech. The computer was left running on the lab bench all weekend, during which an Extension glitch preventing RTFs from being read was fixed and the entire hard drive was backed up to CDs. Took computer home, where it again refused to run.

I just happened to notice that my SuperDisk Drive was plugged into the No. 4 port of my USB hub, leaving No. 3 vacant. Moving the plug to the No. 3

port mysteriously triggered the much sought system boot, leading me to suspect either a defective last port or some system conflict with the SuperDisk drive. I decided to simply disconnect the SuperDisk drive altogether and press on with using my iMac. After a trouble call to my ISP triggered by a wholly unexpected resetting of certain Control Panel settings (Ethernet, instead of PPP; vanished

domain number) which prevented recognition of the ISP's server, I got operational at last, just in time to watch murderous combat in the wooded hill behind the main VLs.

I dished out some pain, but my guys couldn't take withering crossfires, close assault and AFV direct main gun fires simultaneously. Several elements cracked and fled, but the fight for the woods is far from over. Bodies are all over the place. The main VLs also received some of my support fires this turn, to the discomfiture of the treeburst victims. Have launched an attack.

Again, sorry for the delays, but CM is simply impossible absent a working video display. Am reasonably confident that the computer is now sorted out.

Efforts are therefore being shifted to

getting a Mac powerful enough to run CMBB, especially since I've learned that there is no migration path for my multitudinous Messenger E-mail files if I shift from Mac to a PC. Thus, I'm looking at an E-lobotomy if I change platforms. Not good! Since others are involved, delicate negotiations remain. The Dell saturation ads aren't helping my new iMac lobbying either.

TexasToast has been sent my new turn already.


John Kettler

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Okay, I thought I sent out the new turn. That little matter has now been corrected, resulting in another disturbing movie for me.

Can you say concentric attack? My position in the woods was hit from two more axes this turn (left flank and right quarter) resulting in more bodies and broken elements. Leutnant Schenck's observer team was forced to cease an active shoot and defend itself from infantry attack. It did so to such effect that the team took five Tommies with it before succumbing. Even massed MG fires into the flanks failed to stop the right quarter attack. I daresay things might've been otherwise under CMBB

MG rules, but I erred in buying an MG heavy force, especially without transport for same.

My counterattack is going forward, with each step taking it farther away from the main British body of troops, presently engaged in clearing the woods.

The next couple of turns will be critical.


John Kettler

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The woods have fallen to the Tommy hordes, but very few of my men went into the bag, preferring death to dishonor. My commanders personally led the desperate fights.

Recognizing the threat to the main VLs, TexasToast commenced a major move to reinforce the critical central hill, a move my MGs harried at every turn from the flanks and rear.

The infantry assault went in, with mixed results. I hurt him, and destroyed a PIAT team by fire, but my

lead elements got badly eaten up for their pains. My aborted artillery shoot is costing me casualties I wouldn't otherwise be taking. Let's say the defenders are in better shape than I initially planned for when launching my counterattack.

Am hoping to gut some of his troops as they charge to the rescue up the central hill.


John Kettler

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Sigh. The counterattack has failed, and the survivors are in awful shape. Concentrated MG fires put a lot of Brits facedown who would otherwise be reinforcing the defenders, but that's the only real bright spot. A juicy target has emerged in front of my remaining VL (Company HQ?) and has been taken under fire.

Since this is a tourney based on points, I have made it my business to evacuate certain specialists and command units. This will provide a cadre for later unit rebuilding while denying TexasToast the double points for captured troops.

There's still time for him to surrender, but I'm not holding my breath.


John Kettler

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Well directed infantry fires scythed down fully half of a British company HQ last turn, but that is the only good news. My MG teams were systematically brutalized by tank main gun fires and are in various states of disrepair. A Chinese horde of Tommies passed through enfilade MG fires and is astride the approaches to my last stubbornly defended VL hill. Amazingly, in spite of ghastly casualties, my men fight on!


John Kettler


Who's next on my Invitational dance card? I believe that two foes yet remain. This battle will be over soonest, one way or another.

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

Who's next on my Invitational dance card? I believe that two foes yet remain. This battle will be over soonest, one way or another.

That could be me, although I had hoped my match against Ben would be over until this. But most likely it won't, so prepare for a slow paced start. And even at best I want to keep my playing time limited during summertime. Summer is just too short here in the Nordic countries :(


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Now that, Ari, I can understand. Soak up the sun while you can. I think even I would leave the house in the summer if I lived that far north. Here in Arkansas, we run inside and turn on the air conditioning in the summer. I won't go outside again until October. LOL! It's hot and humid all summer. I can make coffee out of the tap water from June-September. Winters are great here!

Treeburst155 out.

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Hostilities are concluded with TexasToast. The gory

details have been sent to Treeburst155. Bodies everywhere!

Have received initial proposal from Ari and am NOT in panic completion mode concerning that game, especially with two RoW II games to already launch.


John Kettler

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News from the front! You read right. Another Invitational game has actually been completed! :D

Congratulations, Texas Toast, on your 77-23 victory over John! I believe you are finished with the tourney at this point. I will update the standings page as soon as I figure out how to do that again. LOL!! BTW, how many points were players allowed for purchases. Was it 1,500?

Treeburst155 out.

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Am about to respond to Ari's initial proposal, but I wanted to let you know that I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by the six games in my queue and am looking for some guidance. Details are in the RoW II thread. Ari's desires may help reduce the load, or at least the tempo of operations!


John Kettler

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