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Invitational Tourney (Part III)

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The third movie revealed this battle for what it is--a meeting engagement. My men advancing rapidly

on my extreme left collided head-on with TexasToast's doing the same on his extreme right. Spirited fire's being exchanged, casualties are being taken, and troops are taking cover. I seem to be doing well in this firefight, one so close and nasty that our troops are intermingled.

The area in front of the left VL shows a few markers for British infantry and two unwelcome pieces of British armor, tanks methinks. In spite of having the left VL contested, I have maintained my victory level from the last turn.


John Kettler

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Ah, it's good to see action on the Invitational front. smile.gif

I have finally updated the standings. Shandorf can no longer win the tournament thanks to Jarmo, who is now in second place with all games completed. He scored one more point overall than Shandorf.

A strong performance by Ben Galanti in his final game could get him second place. It is even possible he or Jarmo could win, but Ari must have two bad games for that to happen.

Texas Toast needs 55 points in his final game against John Kettler to pull ahead of CapitalistDogInChina.

John Kettler needs to average 54 points in his three remaining games to pull ahead of Fuerte.

Michael Dorosh needs a BIG round of applause for his exemplary sportsmanship. Somebody should teach him how to choose a nice, gamey force for QBs. smile.gif

Treeburst155 out.

[ March 22, 2002, 10:44 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Treeburst155, TexasToast and troops,

I did get the missing file, but somehow we managed to mess up the turn numbering or I got a dupe. Sent it back to TexasToast hoping his brain's sharper presently than mine.

So, a mere 54 points per game average in each game

of my three remaining will beat Fuerte for third from the bottom, eh? With an average of 30.33 presently, that's not asking much, is it? Of course, if I start getting posiluck instead of the frighteningly common negaluck, I might be able to do this, particularly since one of the three games

is against the stalwart sportsman Michael Dorosh, whose endurance in the face of CM adversity is a marvel to behold.


John Kettler

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Think positive, John. Don't think third from the bottom, think seventh from the top. You're already in the top ten!! :D You need three very marginal victories to claim the seventh spot, thereby pushing Fuerte down to second to the last. smile.gif

editted because I'm still learning to edit.

Treeburst155 out.

[ March 23, 2002, 12:57 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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The firefight didn't go as well as hoped, costing me a squad and other unpleasantness, but I definitely dished out some hurt myself. TexasToast

appears to be making a major effort on my left, estimated company strength, for this turn saw the arrival of yet another tank in sector, making three, as well as unwelcome visitors to what was supposed to be my left VL, but is now British, thanks to a serious whupping an estimated platoon appearing out of nowhere put on one of my small elements in the woods by the flag. I console myself

with the fact that I solidly control both big VLs and the smaller right one. Will win big if I can hold them for 21 more turns!


John Kettler

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TexasToast was congratulating himself on his splendid progress, but that was before the movie

in which my fire support came crashing down on his armor and infantry near the now disputed left VL.

Quoth he of the event: "That was painful." His advance on my far left continues, though, much to the detriment of my infantry and aided by what appears to be a Challenger, the first I've seen since beginning to play CM. Casualties continue to mount, and he has lots of troops committed to the advance. Looks like echeloned platoons. The plan appears to be to shatter my flank and get to my rear. The next turn should prove anything but dull.


John Kettler

[ March 23, 2002, 07:49 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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I shifted fires in the last movie, putting my lighter stuff into the copse to the right of the disputed VL, a copse housing an estimated platoon

of infantry. The pattern wasn't great, but the guys in that copse probably aren't happy at all. They're positively ecstatic, though, compared to the recipients of my heavier stuff after I moved the aimpoint a bit back and to the left. Saw some spectacular treebursts and straddles right where they hurt the most.

In case anyone thinks this is one sided, I 'd note that my MGs on the ridge have been conducting losing duels with a Challenger and a Cromwell, though buttoning them up, and that a ferocious point blank firefight rages in the trees on my extreme left, a platoon on platoon fight which has cost me a unit and a bunch of casualties and chewed up TexasToast's men, who are benefiting from fires from a sibling platoon nearby and help from that armor. How they're avoiding own goals I know not.

When I issued orders, my display showed that TexasToast had regained control of the left VL, hardly a surprise considering the Cromwell practically atop it. Next turn will be exceedingly busy.


John Kettler

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The meatgrinder continues. Like Bismarck's famous comment about the making of sausage, it definitely isn't pretty to watch. The two platoons are still slaughtering each other on the far left, and TexasToast shifted forces in time to avoid the next volley of light support fires. Happily, part of that force is pinned down by MG fires. The major development is that the platoon minus is squarely on my transverse ridge and is in a hot fight with my guys in the center of same. The platoon minus overran and captured one of my HMGs. Grr. Worse, there is another platoon in the woods behind the new arrivals. TexasToast is applying considerable pressure, but I have a few surprises of my own. I predict next turn will be multiply ugly.


John Kettler

[ March 25, 2002, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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Mother Nature has perhaps reentered the Invitational! The dread nonread CD problem (like the one apparently cured by the 4.6 quake near me last week) has returned, in time to prevent me from opening the last turn TexasToast sent me before retiring last night.

I never did do that disk imaging thing, for the problems all cleared up, but now I wish I had. TexasToast, I'm trying to get my iMac to cooperate

again. Please bear with me. Sorry for the delay.


John Kettler

[ March 25, 2002, 04:11 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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If my current equipment problems are indeed the harbinger of a coming quake, then I have bad news for somebody. This time the problem is so severe that not only won't the iMac read the CD, but when I invoke the three finger salute to restart with Extensions off, I don't get the Desktop rebuild query, hence can't even rebuild the Desktop and trash Finder Prefs to see if doing those things helps.

I have tried lots of restarts, cold boots, completely unplugging the iMac, etc. No joy.

TexasToast, hang in there. We'll finish our fight yet!


John Kettler

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Hmmmm......interesting problem. It almost sounds like a slowly dying power supply. If it were me I would check all connections inside the case. If those were good I would reinstall the Operating System. If the problem reared it's ugly head again I would replace the power supply. Actually, replacing the power supply would probably be less time consuming than reinstalling the OS. I would try that first if I had an extra one available.

You might want to chat with Schrullenhaft in the technical forum a bit. I don't know if he's an iMAC guru but he sure knows lots of PC stuff.

Treeburst155 out.

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There are three games left in the Invitational besides the J. Kettler/Texas Toast match. I'm not sure if the last three are in progress or not. I'll have to check that out as soon as I catch up on things here. I've been out of town for thirty hours and the email really piled up on me.

Treeburst155 out.

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Treeburst155, TexasToast and anyone else affected,

My computer is still performing marginally and is not reading the CD drive. If the problem is indeed tied to electromagnetic emissions from the crust, then I suspect the problem will clear shortly. Why?

People in the Pacific Northwest are reporting feeling ground movement, are having objects fall off the walls, and some are reporting seeing earthquake clouds in far greater numbers than were seen before the Nisqually 6.8. In short, there are multiple indicators that something's about to hit. There are further indicators that other areas are in play as well, notably Sacramento, California. A friend there reports all kinds of strange and destructive behavior, much like what the period chroniclers noted in Lisbon, Portugal before the great quake there in the 1680s. Both people and animals acted out in all sorts of ways before that one hit. This is because the EM frequencies and infrasound emitted as the plates grind together affect living things both neurally and physiologically.

I apologize again for delaying the Invitational, but believe me when I say no one is as dismayed by the situation as I am, especially with a movie waiting for me to view.


John Kettler

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That's very interesting, John. I'm not sure I believe in the theory, but it IS interesting. BTW, I have a sister in Sacratomato.

My problem with the theory is that there should be MANY computers acting up, not just yours. Wouldn't you agree? smile.gif

Treeburst155 out.

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Treeburst155,TexasToast and troops,

I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I can at least post again, albeit with a computer which gets suddenly twitchy and posts memory full messages followed shortly by crashing. Have lost several long posts, too.

The bad news is that I still don't have the CD drive's being read, the computer's out of even its extended warranty, and I don't presently have the money to take the beast in for repairs, let alone have the "seismic sensor" removed and replaced by a standard component. Good one, though!

I apologize again for the delays.


John Kettler

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