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Invitational Tourney (Part III)

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I think I should get a medal for not pulling out and keeping myself open to the constant humiliation....anyone else want to boost their average?

Pity; my recent PBEMs using Germanboy's Byte Battles (not in the competition) has gone swimmingly, and I am undefeated in my last five games (though 2 were draws)...

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It's probably not your tactics, Michael. You are probably getting beaten in the force selection phase.

The standings have been updated and it is VERY tight for second place. We only have five games left to complete. If John Kettler would get his computer running.... :D

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Well, I obvously can't say anything about his other battles, but in our battle, Michael had some rotten luck to start out with. He lost one AFV to an arty round on turn two or three, and a second one from a first shot kill at 1 km plus when I hadn't even meant for my tank to get LOS. That quickly put him at a 4-1 AFV disadvantage on a fairly open map on which direct HE dominated.

That, and one of the large flags (out of 4 total) that was on his side caught on fire early in the game too (they were all in large heavy buildings). A second large building that he was attacking from to try and take some ground back burst into flames as well. This made my defense of the village a lot easier...

If this was any indication of the luck he's been having, I think he deserves something to for sticking with it :D


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First of all, in light of Ben's dramatic rise to challenge for the top spot, I'll say I guess I was fortunate to get a draw against him (I did, didn't I?). Second, Michael's luck clearly rivals mine. Third, my iMac essentially autocleared, of which more shortly, allowing me to finally buy my troops and send the buy to Treeburst155. TexasToast, it's cybercombat time!

Now to return to the strange tale of the seismically stuck/broken/perverse/demonically infested computer. In today's episode I tried to get it to read the CD. Wonder of wonders, it worked. Sort of. The game opened just far enough to kick up a partial error screen, one I know means

the game can't find Apple Sprockets. My error message box was empty, though. I closed the screen, closed the game and tried again. Same outcome. I turned the computer completely off, rebooted with the CD out, let the computer finish startup, then inserted the CD. Worked!

I've been fooled before, so I next clicked the game icon. Behold! The game opened complete with sound. When I exited to the main panel, all four buttons were there, not the dread two, allowing me to actually open the scenario generator and buy troops for the first time in weeks.

There was a fairly interesting development which occurred between by last cybersob here and what I describe above. The development? A magnitude 4.6 earthquake at roughly my latitude and about 70 miles away between two of the Channel Islands. This is spitting distance compared to the apparent problems I had before the Seattle quake. Today's 4.6 is the largest quake California's had in months. The crustal grinding as the tectonic stresses built up prior to the 1:33 p.m. PST quake may thus well account for the cybernetic horrors I've related here.

I'm back!!!


John Kettler

[ March 16, 2002, 07:31 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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So you did have an earthquake!! Let me know the next time your computer gets weird on you. I'm recording these events to determine the reliability of OUR earthquake prediction technology. I'm sure WE can make some money off this eventually. I will be your manager and PR guy. You need to get that computer insured for at least $250,000 right now!

Keep me informed. We need to determine the reliability of OUR technology before we sell it to the US government for a ridiculously high price. ;)

Treeburst155 out.

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I'm not Jarmo, but I think this is what he's suggesting...

You should have a copy of a program "disk copy" floating around on your harddrive somewhere. It probably came with your machine and with an OS updates you've installed.

Run it, and one of the menu options will be 'Make Image From Disk' (or something similar) Select that, then select the CM CD from the window that pops up. Then hit save in the next file dialog. This will create a file with a .img ending. It will be a fairly large file, 350 MB or so, so make sure you have lots of Harddrive space.

After you have this file, you can just double click on it, and it will act like it is the CM CD (It will show up on your desktop and everything). You won't even need your CM CD anymore. That way if your CD-ROM ever goes on the fritz again, you can still play CM.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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I think I noticed awhile back on an old thread that you use my rather unusual terrain mod for CM. That means there are probably two of us using it. tongue.gif What are we going to do when CMBB comes out? How will we see the humps and bumps in the terrain? We'll be handicapped like everybody else! We might even have to start using the lower views again!! :eek: I'll probably have to do it all over again. :(

Editted for incorrect smiley spelling.

Treeburst155 out.

[ March 17, 2002, 04:17 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Okay, I have good news and bad news.

The good news is that my iMac is now apparently in full working order, even deigning to boot with the CM CD inserted. I'm pleased and grateful.

The bad news is that I went to take a look at my recently arrived map for my battle against TexasToast, only to discover upon opening it that the dread flat Earth problem has returned and that I'm playing on the steppes, not Northwest Europe.

Treeburst155, please do whatever it is you've done in the past to get me a map file with terrain relief in it. Thanks!


John Kettler

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I'm not Jarmo, but I think this is what he's suggesting...
Dead on. smile.gif

Fighting with Ari continues, and keeps on looking good. Took out another "Panther?" with my second hidden AT gun. That should leave the southside tank free.

We'll see if I can kill all his infantry or not. The remaining tanks are out of my reach.

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:


I think I noticed awhile back on an old thread that you use my rather unusual terrain mod for CM. That means there are probably two of us using it. tongue.gif What are we going to do when CMBB comes out? How will we see the humps and bumps in the terrain? We'll be handicapped like everybody else! We might even have to start using the lower views again!! :eek: I'll probably have to do it all over again. :(

Editted for incorrect smiley spelling.

Treeburst155 out.


You mean this? home.cablelynx.com/~Mikeman/Ugly.jpeg

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:


I think I noticed awhile back on an old thread that you use my rather unusual terrain mod for CM. That means there are probably two of us using it. tongue.gif What are we going to do when CMBB comes out? How will we see the humps and bumps in the terrain? We'll be handicapped like everybody else! We might even have to start using the lower views again!! :eek: I'll probably have to do it all over again. :(

Well, if you don't port it over, I'm going to :D

It's very much like that picture, but I always have the trees turned off, and I've simplified the buildings (or are these your buildings, Treeburst? I can't remember...) Anyway, here's how I see the world...



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Oooh! It's so beutiful!!

The stunning photorealistic quality of that mod

leaves little to be desired.

On the other end of the spectrum, I'm using

Normandy mod without treebases because it looks

pretty. I cant see the edges of wooded areas,

but it looks pretty...

[ March 18, 2002, 03:01 AM: Message edited by: Jarmo ]

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That's EXACTLY how I play. Trees get in my way. I only turn them on when I need to determine woods from tall pines. Too bad the bases for the two are the same .bmp. My buildings are stock CM. I have no time for fancy stuff. I'm trying to fight a battle here. :D Those don't look like stock buildings in your pic. Congrats on your mod! It is very ugly. You should be proud. :D

In snow scenarios you'll notice that all trees display the "scattered trees" base. This is because visibility in winter through woods is greatly increased, more like scattered trees. Again, you'll have to turn on the trees to find the tall pines. There is just enough snow around (brush) to remind you you're playing in snow.


Great idea! Having the option to toggle between ugly functionality and photo-realistic beauty would be great!


I think I just zipped the file last time and it worked. File on the way.

Treeburst155 out.

[ March 18, 2002, 04:22 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Big News from the front! Jarmo has defeated Ari Maenpaa on the infamous map A with a score of 68-32. Jarmo was the Allies. This will tighten up the standings even more with Ari losing a few points off his average. I will update the page within 24 hours.

Congratulations, Jarmo, on a big win!!

Treeburst155 out.

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I believe my win was more due to force optimization than the map. Although, my side had one better position to put guns in. Ari immediately saw this, BTW, and hammered the place with arty. Sheer luck that my guns werent knocked out by turn 2.

It was a wooded map and I spent most of my points on British paratroops. (We agreed beforehand that allied side gets to use paras.) Ari had a more combined force with 4 Panthers and heavier arty. Tanks were not of much use in this map. After knocking out all my vehicles they could do little to my infantry in the middle of woods.

I could basically field 2 to 1 infantry odds all around the map, quickly overpowering the german footmen.

Took me two defeats in this tourney to hammer in that infantry rules wooded maps. smile.gif

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Battle's joined on Treeburst155's fine map. Support fires are falling, my infantry's advancing, and

TexasToast's men have been spotted. The field of battle basically consists of a transverse ridge at either end, quite a few trees, and three major eminences, with small VLs on the left and right ones, plus two major VLs on a big hill in the center. There are no roads, but there are multiple

avenues for maneuver, quite a bit of terrain elevation change, and multiple covered routes.

Things seem to be going well. I have no idea what

TexasToast has by way of a force, other than that he has some infantry. Time will tell.

Have seen two movies and just issued orders after viewing the second one.


John Kettler

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