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Invitational Tourney (Part III)

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I don't want to steal Treeburst155's thunder, so I won't post the final score in the debacle vs. MickOZ. I will say, though, that I was so distraught earlier that I libeled the Hetzers for always missing. Not true. One of mine actually killed a Sherman and inflicted four infantry casualties before being clobbered by the Lafayette Poole of TDs. The other two did nothing.

Further minor good news is that I F-killed one of those M-8 HMCs. This might explain why it pulled out of sight after I dropped a 120mm mortar salvo on it. Pity I didn't kill it! Ditto two platoon HQs I reduced to one man per. Oh well.

I believe my evacuation under fire cost MickOZ the level of victory he expected. Nevertheless, he beat me worse than Fionn did in my first Invitational game. MickOZ kicked the whey out of my force. Casualties were close, but he still has a viable combat force. Mine was all but annihilated.


John Kettler

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Kettler: I see the tank now. It fired some smoke at my infantry on left. In the woods in the center my infantry sneaked right past enemy units, this "sneak" command didn't work right here. Should have stopped and fired at the enemy of course! On the right my reliable Priest terrorized your infantry once more, turned one unit running back and almost destroyed another. In the end a couple of artillery rounds dropped near the Priest, I see that you are really pissed off! :D

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The Sneak command worked perfectly. It's your understanding of it that's the problem. Sneak means the unit will move until fired upon, at which point it will then halt and return fire. If you want a unit to move from A to B theoretically regardless of fire, use Move instead.

The AFV in question screwed up, for it was supposed to shoot HE. The AI overrode the command. Be grateful! Yes, the Priest is a colossal pain. Please drop a live grenade into it soonest. I further suggest that your flamethrower team shoot straight into the air to see what happens. We already know what happens when it lands on my guys.


John Kettler

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

The Sneak command worked perfectly. It's your understanding of it that's the problem. Sneak means the unit will move until fired upon, at which point it will then halt and return fire. If you want a unit to move from A to B theoretically regardless of fire, use Move instead.

Yes, but I wanted it to move until it sees the enemy. I know that Sneak does not always do it, but neither does Move? Fortunately there is such a new command in CMBB... :D
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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

The standings will be updated within 23 hours.

It's nice to see two Finns at the top, but not so nice to be the third in the other end. Not the last though. My last fight with Kettler is important, because he and Dorosh still have a few battles left and can gain a position or two.
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BIG news from the front!!

Ari Maenpaa has trounced Michael Dorosh 97-3!! This will make Ari very difficult to catch. Congratulations, Ari Maenpaa!! The standings page has been updated.

Ari, I have Jarmo's purchases for your game with him. We are waiting on you.

Fight On!

Treeburst155 out.

[ February 03, 2002, 08:37 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Fuerte and I continue to exercise great creativity

in mauling each other, and everything seems up in the air because of it. This turn I destroyed his engineers and platoon HQ in the burning woods by small arms and close assault; fortunately, no spreading fire in CMBO, but have harried by fire reinforcements he sent in from a copse on the left to shore up his then crumbling position there in the woods which screen the whole front of both VLs.

Meanwhile, I've been pounded by that troublesome Priest, shot up by the M-10, machine gunned from the hill, had a base of fire smoked and have had showers of 60mm mortar fire droppped upon me. Have also taken lots of fire from his infantry in the trees behind the VLs.

This turn I dropped mortar fire on an HT and nearby infantry, effect unknown. The metal beast has moved up practically atop the left VL. Fuerte's bringing what looks like a platoon (more like platoon- given all the big treebursts) in from the woods on my right front.

Thus, I can guarantee that a hot fight is about to get even hotter.


John Kettler


Was somewhat depressed by the drop in my average, but I really feel for Michael Dorosh. Were his men tied to stakes at ground zero, then nuked? What sort of ground was it, and what hit him?

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Originally posted by John Kettler:


Was somewhat depressed by the drop in my average, but I really feel for Michael Dorosh. Were his men tied to stakes at ground zero, then nuked? What sort of ground was it, and what hit him?

No need for sympathy, John. I lose better at CM than anyone I know!

Particularly unskilled handling of my armour, as usual. I put them up the middle, Ari went for the flanks and quite skillfully made mincemeat of me. I did have an entire platoon at the end without a single casualty, but the rest of my force got chopped up piecemeal.

Apologies to the rest of the field who were counting on Ari to score slightly less than 97!

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Kettler: Right, he killed my last halftrack! I blame the AI, because it moved the halftrack forwards toward the enemy, because Kettler started dropping artillery at it. AI should have moved it backwards, or a bit forwards and then backwards to the safe place.

Now he has that assault gun and I have the Priest and TD. Still quite a few turns left.

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Whatever the explanation for the halftrack's minor advance which centered it in the gunner's reticle, I'm grateful, especially since it was a gun bus with two MGs mounted on it. I think the K-kill got the entire crew, but I'm not sure.

There isn't all that much time left. I just issued orders for turn 21 of 25 in a game in which both VLs are now in dispute. Lead continues to fill the air.


John Kettler

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Kettler: His StuH (late) advances near the victory flags, while I keep my Priest firing at his stubborn infantry at the other victory position. Of course that infantry unit was eliminated. He still has a couple of units near the other victory position. I counter his StuH with my TD...

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The carnage continues. Fuerte has used his reinforcements to mount an attack on my left flank

in the woods, inflicting some damage on the recipients. He has also moved his M-10 to a screened position behind his array of wrecked armor but commanding the road. The cursed Priest has been repositioned so I can't machine gun it but it can cover the VLs, which are partially blocked by his burning armor. It blasts away with its seemingly unlimited ammo supply. It's fired so much I'm surprised the gun hasn't jammed.

My StuH 42 came under a hail of bazooka rounds while carefully advancing, yet made it to cover. Meanwhile, what turned out to be a bazooka team was shot to death by a pincer consisting of a crew evacuating which blundered across it, and an infantry unit advancing to battle.

My infantry advanced in several places, giving me some options I haven't had in a while. Enfilading MG fires into the right flank of Fuerte's main body have eliminated a potentially devastating flamethrower team. This goes a long way toward making the combat equation more even.

I believe this battle will go down to the wire. Everything's still up in the air.


John Kettler

[ February 08, 2002, 11:43 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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Well, smile.gif it destroyed two halftracks, but fortunately my TD escaped in time, and Sherman didn't immobilize or anything (it was killed later though). My infantry didn't suffer any major losses, luckily. I think that Kettler aimed the biggest artillery at my vehicles.

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The clash in the forest intensifies, as do Fuerte's

increasingly desperate efforts to kill my StuH 42. I gave those making the attempt an exceedingly warm reception causing one team to eat dirt and the other to beat feet. Another squad moved from the

woods on the right to his center. MG fire added to the speed of the transfer. The Priest got an indirect kill by forcing a depleted squad to break, whereupon it was gunned down by Fuerte's infantry.

The barrage report made good reading. Fuerte, I'll want to swap passwords with you when this wild fight is over.

Still too close to call. Two turns left.


John Kettler

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In the woods on Kettler's side my green infantry units killed one unit but suffered heavy losses as well. Meanwhile the other infantry units continued firing at each other over the road and victory locations. Will we see a flag rush in the last turn? Will the StuH move?

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Well, from my end it looked like I finished off one of Fuerte's squads, put a second to flight, and I also took some lumps. We still have troops in contact, too. The Priest with an apparently unlimited onboard ammo supply blasted away at my base of fire on my left.

A little more to the center, Fuerte and I shot at each other from our respective patches of trees. Firing continued at a presumed bazooka team located to the right of center, putting it to flight and driving it to ground and out of LOS.

I've issued final orders for this amazing, bruising, murderous fight. I say murderous because the woods are full of dead men, ditto the VLs and immediate vicinity.

Now begins the wait for the ultimate outcome. As predicted, it's gone down to the wire. Both VLs are in dispute.


John Kettler

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Amid a hail of large and small hostile direct fire, my final assault went in, supported by every weapon I could bring to bear, and that includes from my HQs.

On the left, infantry and a Panzerschreck team advanced through a small copse, aided by the fires from a damaged but game base of fire platoon minus and HMG. The infantry was to deal with a cut up squad and brought same to bay. The AT team was intended to fork the Priest and the M-10, the latter also being close assaulted by infantry.

The firefight in the woods continued, with neither side yielding, while at the same time my infantry elements crossed the road and in spite of punishing fire from the Priest and at least a platoon of infantry, managed this time to occupy both VLs and still remained functional.

The same, alas, can't be said for my StuH 42, which, in spite of thorough terrain analysis from multiple angles and magnifications before issuing a carefully considered and planned hunt order, somehow was moved by the AI right into the sights of the Priest from hell. And blown there in a single catastrophic shot!

Fuerte did not move directly against the VLs, apparently believing that his enfilading Priest, much closer buttoned M-10, and considerable infantry in the treeline would be enough to shoot up any force of mine up so badly it wouldn't matter, or even offset any force which might get to the VLs and survive. He may well be right, especially factoring in the unexpected loss of the StuH 42. I figured that would be a big factor in control of the right side VL. I believe that the other factor in Fuerte's nonmovement against the VLs was the combination of heavy frontal infantry crossfire and enfilade fire into his force opposite the right VL by two HMGs under command.

All that flesh could do or try to do was done, but the outcome is still unknown.


John Kettler

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Fight with Galanti is over and ..uhm.. well.. nevermind.. he'll report...

On the other hand the beginning of my final fight, the one against the invincible Ari, has begun well. I've secured the flags and taken out a Panther. Lost one halftrack to an artillery strike with an enormous spread. We're talking 300m radius with Ari's own infantry inside the zone..

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The fight is over. The Priest was worth its weight in gold... it was so self-confident that it didn't even waste its one and only hollow ammo to the StuH, instead killed it with HE! :D Of course showing the left flank helped a lot, only 30 mm armor there. I had two bazooka teams near the StuH, and it was disturbed by one of them.

Perhaps a bit surprisingly both VLs were in dispute, even if he had infantry units in both of them. In the end I had a lot (about 50) more infantry in good condition. Kettler managed to shock my TD in the last turn, when I decided to unbutton it. It was unbuttoned for about two seconds. If the fight had lasted a turn longer, I probably would have got both VLs. I don't see his artillery spotters anywhere, he must have moved them out of the map (I never do that, perhaps I should).

The score: Draw. Axis - Allied: 35 - 38. My password: NiMN1uSO (random generated in PBEM Helper).

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