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Invitational Tourney (Part III)

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In my final battle of this tourney TexasToast and i continue to trade punches in a tit for tat, eye for an eye exchange of AP shells.

Unfortunately he started with more AFV than me :(

Large Caliber British arty is falling all over the place. I have relieved TexasToast of 2 Fireflies, one Daimler and a Ram Kangaroo. The Brits have claimed 2 Panzer 1V's and 2 Stu assault guns in retaliation.

I hold both Flags on the 2 flanks, but he currently occupies both flags in the center.

The final 5 turns will be interesting.


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Kettler: I destroyed the remaining veteran SPW 250/9 with my TD. Sneaky yes! smile.gif I disturbed it first with my infantry units. Meanwhile his artillery destroyed another one of my halftracks. He is also advancing with his infantry in the woods near the victory point houses. I turned that one unit back, but he has several more in the woods.

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I hereby confirm that Fuerte is using stealth technology. The display shows the TD on the move, then a symbol, following which nothing is seen or heard until the 250/9 explodes. The veteran 250/9

sits there like a bump on a log until it's smashed with a single shot. Am starting to suspect Fuerte of certain supernatural deals with the nether regions.

Fuerte has brought up another halftrack, has infantry in one of the VL huts, and has popped up

with infantry to the woods on the right as well.

MickOZ and I are on hiatus. I hold much of the town, but he's moving in troops to contest, killed a Hetzer with a TD lucky to escape a mortaring, and has brought out armor on the left while smoking my right rear.


John Kettler

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While Fuerte quietly gloated over the evil things he was doing to my infantry and rained down artillery fire upon the woods in front of his positions, I gave him a special present. I blew up the right side VL stone hut while it was occupied. This so dismayed the former occupants that they fled to the rear at speed.

This turn, he advanced his M-10 on my extreme left, supported by infantry. Meanwhile, I delivered another present, this time to what appears to be a platoon of infantry in woods to the right of the demolished hut. Results? Large explosions and fleeing infantry.


John Kettler

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News from the front! Texas Toast beat CapitalistDogInChina 49-39. This brings the average of both players down some, and is good news for everybody else actually.

CapitalistDog has finished the tournament now. Can Ben Galanti catch him with four games yet to complete?

I will update the standings as soon as I get a chance. I'm tied up right now with the Wild Bill tourney at present. The rankings will not change, but Texas Toast and especially CDIC are now more accessible to the lower half.

Fight On!

Treeburst155 out.

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Slugfest with Galanti. Both sides are taking losses all the time, but there's no real progress evident anywhere. He keeps on holding the big hill, and keeps on receiving the complimentary arty that goes along with the juicy spot.

Looks like I'm the only one with tanks left, not surprising since I brought along about 3 times as many. I'm not getting much performance from the Shermans though, too short distances and the opposing Fallschirmjaegers are packing quite a few schrecks.

Ari, let me know when you're ready to receive a few solid punches under the belt. (Or above, if you'd like a restricted setup)

[ 01-25-2002: Message edited by: Jarmo ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Jarmo:

Ari, let me know when you're ready to receive a few solid punches under the belt. (Or above, if you'd like a restricted setup)<hr></blockquote>

yep, I'll let you know. Currently I'm playing my last game in the Nordic Tourney, and I want finish it before starting any new games. Also a game going with Michael Dorosh.


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Am back and was greeted with a movie from MickOZ and an order phase from Fuerte.

MickOZ is the antiarmor god and continues to stalk

and kill mine effortlessly. A Hetzer got hit with something (sharpshooter?) which whanged the TC, and while it was sorting itself out and angling its bow toward a bazooka team 100m or so away in the woods and advancing, got nailed by that cursed M-10 previously vilified. The village proper is heavily contested. I lost part of a squad to capture, but I liquidated one of his platoon HQs and did other damage as well. An estimated platoon is attacking my deep left flank.

Fuerte's infantry is in the same woods he has been so industriously shelling, and my infantry has run into some of his. His M-10 is advancing aganst my left flank while infantry in the woods hammers away on my right.


John Kettler

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Kettler: I killed one of his veteran engineer units in the woods by halftrack+tank+infantry, and forced another regular infantry to retreat by a flamethrower. This was perhaps the first time ever that I had any use for flamethrower units. Usually they just get killed before can fire even once.

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Originally posted by Fuerte:

Kettler: I killed one of his veteran engineer units in the woods by halftrack+tank+infantry, and forced another regular infantry to retreat by a flamethrower. This was perhaps the first time ever that I had any use for flamethrower units. Usually they just get killed before can fire even once.

I just emptied an entire flamethrower onto Ben Galanti's on-rushing Fallschirmjaegers. Unfortunately, I think they enjoyed it. Time to unleash the 60mm mortars, I guess.


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The plan was to shoot his flamethrower team, but its protectors did their jobs far better than expected. Fuerte has started a forest fire in damp woods after hosing flame all over the place, in the process hitting my men.

MickOZ has developed enormous combat momentum and is applying pressure everywhere at once. Am bleeding him at every opportunity.

Have sent turns to both of them.


John Kettler

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

MickOZ has developed enormous combat momentum and is applying pressure everywhere at once. Am bleeding him at every opportunity.


I can cheerfully report that those opportunities should be few and far between. The remnants of John's Axis vet security platoons are about to be over-run in the four-flag village by a company of gung-ho Ami grunts. He has no armour left. (If they had survived, the battle would have been much tougher for the valiant allies).. He has no arty left. ..probably. Another of my platoons is behind his lines ferreting out Jerry stragglers... they captured an MG team last turn and continue to encircle the doomed German forces. My TD, having survived a massive arty strike early on, has accounted for three hetzers, a 250/9, an AA vehicle and numerous infantry. I did lose a Sherman at the start of the game. But I still have my TD and two M-8's supporting my men.. And I may have even conserved a bit of arty....

My guys will accept nothing less than TOTAL VICTORY this time... their Commander has paid the price of numerous small margin wins..which would have been great in ladder play but won't win any vino here!

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I've driven Galanti off the hill with heavy mortar fire, hopefully permanently. Meanwhile on the low ground, the bloodbath continues. I lost another Sherman to the damn schrecks. Only two tanks left and galanti has quite a bit more jaegers than I have plain british infantry. Outcome is still uncertain.

I already got the map for the fight against Ari M , but don't yet have Ari's decision of which side I should purchase for.

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I just watched the movie from Fuerte, during which I was astounded to see his galling Sherman explode. I initially assumed that he'd dropped a short round directly upon the hapless tank, but replay showed that it was belated revenge for what his TD did earlier to my SP. One shot kill and wholly unexpected. Wunderbar!

The battle against MickOZ, if you can even call this martial abortion that, continues to deteriorate. Am in a blizzard of indirect and direct fire, quite a bit of it from his should've died armor.

MickOZ has chosen and played well, but luck has been decidedly in his corner throughout most of the game. In direct fire antiarmor gunnery he consistently has hit and killed, while my veteran Hetzers have consistently missed. Their small size availed them nothing. Similarly, my Wirbelwind suffered an early, frustrating and embarrassing gun kill from artillery, leaving me with a very pricey SP MG-34. The loss of combat power was disastrous

to my battle plan and the survival of my force. Naturally, the Hetzers died after my infantry was fully committed.

No one likes losing, but this alleged battle has more nearly resembled a shooting gallery--with me as sitting duck! MickOZ seems to be fighting a battle almost devoid of Clausewitzian friction, but I have so much that almost nothing has worked, and that's with veteran troops. Grr!


John Kettler

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

I just watched the movie from Fuerte, during which I was astounded to see his galling Sherman explode. I initially assumed that he'd dropped a short round directly upon the hapless tank, but replay showed that it was belated revenge for what his TD did earlier to my SP. One shot kill and wholly unexpected. Wunderbar!

Right. Totally unexpected. Still I'm not sure what hit it, I thought that you put some panzerschreck team in the woods after it, but I'm not sure anymore. 89 mm front turret, not bad with the first shot.

Meanwhile I turned some of your infantry units in your left running back. You tried to kill my TD with panzerschreck there as well but fortunately missed.

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This turn should answer your question. Am still wondering about the dead halftrack which appeared out of nowhere behind and to the right of the immolated Sherman. Still, if an AFV's going to appear for your side, better that it arrive dead!

The battle against MickOZ should've ended by autosurrender, for my morale's way below that value. Apparently, I have fanatic troops. Fanatic troops who don't fight well and break quickly.

This turn a platoon HQ died heroically while trying to hold off an American platoon whose drive was aimed straight at the company HQ. The sacrifice was not in vain, for the company HQ got out intact and the defending HQ racked up quite a few victims. Several vehicle crews also got out, as did all my FOs. My troops near the VLs were mostly gunned down, reducing the POW count when autosurrender does occur. The fanaticism will probably increase MickOZ's point total by artificially prolonging an already doomed game.


John Kettler

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