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From Canadian Army Training Memorandum Number 23, Feb 1943:

a) Will we see something similar in CMBB

B) Who will mod it

c) Which 'Pooler will volunteer to pose for the modder

d) Will Pawbroon finally get lucky with his now famous line "just pop your clothes off and sit on the stool, I'm doing a mod for CM"?


The following is an extract from an intelligence summary published during the East African campaign: -

"Forward troops at Keren report that information has been laid to the effect that enemy troops are dressing in baboon skins and photographing our positions from the hilltops. Orders have been issued that all baboons found carrying cameras will be arrested and sent to Headquarters for interrogation. If there is any doubt whether captured photographers are baboons or Italian soldiers, they should be inspected, from the rear.

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I'm reminded of a story an old digger I used to work with, who'd served in Korea liked to tell. Was the winter of 1950-51 and bitterly cold. Colder than anything any of the diggers had ever experienced. While their clothing was adequate, they obviously wanted to be warm. Out in no-man's land was a listening post, protected by wire on which tin cans were hung as an alarm.

Apparently, they would observe occasionally a sole Chinese soldier, in a fur coat, who'd approach the wire at night and grab it and rattle it. They'd tried to kill him but never seemed to hit him and he'd scurry back to his lines everytime.

One night, this happened and the digger on duty in the listening post decided it was decidely unfair that this Chinese fellow had a fur coat and he didn't. So he jumped out of the listening post and tried to wrestle the coat off the Chinese soldier.

Problem was, the Chinese soldier turned out to be a large, angry, bear! The intrepid digger found his courage deserted him and he flew up the slope to the main position very quickly, indeed, screaming at the top of his lungs.

The bear once more escaped back to the Chinese lines. It seems they'd trained this bear to shake the wire in an effort to get the Australians to reveal their positions! Finally the bear was bagged after it got its leg caught in a specially prepared trap of cat wire (low lying barbed wire entaglement which is about 6 inches off the ground) and was dispatched when it became light enough to shoot it.

So, one wonders how BTS will model that, in CMPYRB (Combat Mission: Pusan to the Yellow River and Back)? :D

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

a) Will we see something similar in CMBB

Doubt It

B) Who will mod it


c) Which 'Pooler will volunteer to pose for the modder


d) Will Pawbroon finally get lucky with his now famous line "just pop your clothes off and sit on the stool, I'm doing a mod for CM"?

He Already Did

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You've lost it. First bad toy train puns and now this. Do they still have in-patient psychiatric facilities in Canada? Is there one at the hospital you work at? You might want to consider heading down the hall and checking yourseld into a nice padded room with a view.

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Originally posted by Gyrene:

A Korean War CM would be great, but would probably never fly.

Not enough German tanks in Korea to hold most wargamers' interest.


I suspect CMBB will be perfect for Korea, Gyrene.

Russian and American vehicles. I'd use Russians for the DPRK/Chinese and Germans and Axis allies for the US/ROK/UN forces. As its supposed to be possible for each side to use captured vehicles, the "Axis" Americans/UN forces can use what were originally Russian lend-lease AFV's. Won't be too many M26's though, just M4's.

So, if anybody is interested in doing uniform mods for Korea, they'd better get cracking. :D

I presume you'd want to recreated Chosin? ;)

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Originally posted by Brian:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gyrene:

A Korean War CM would be great, but would probably never fly.

Not enough German tanks in Korea to hold most wargamers' interest.


I suspect CMBB will be perfect for Korea, Gyrene.

Russian and American vehicles. I'd use Russians for the DPRK/Chinese and Germans and Axis allies for the US/ROK/UN forces. As its supposed to be possible for each side to use captured vehicles, the "Axis" Americans/UN forces can use what were originally Russian lend-lease AFV's. Won't be too many M26's though, just M4's.

So, if anybody is interested in doing uniform mods for Korea, they'd better get cracking. :D

I presume you'd want to recreated Chosin? ;) </font>

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Brian, Chosin, Inchon or Seoul would do, or any of the "fire brigade" actions around the Pusan Perimeter. ;)

US equipment in Korea was virtually identical to late WWII stuff, with Easy 8's, M26's & M24's being very common. German forces could *maybe* work for US and CW units, while PPsh toting Russians are a great stand-in for NKPA & Chinese troops.

Michael - I wonder how weird "duck hunter" camo pattern would look on a German helmet ;)


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Originally posted by Gyrene:

Brian, Chosin, Inchon or Seoul would do, or any of the "fire brigade" actions around the Pusan Perimeter. ;)

US equipment in Korea was virtually identical to late WWII stuff, with Easy 8's, M26's & M24's being very common.

My understanding was that it was, to start with M24s, then M4s (of various marques, including e8's but not exclusively so) and then later, towards the end, some M26s and M46/45s. There were also Churchills, Cromwells and Centurions for the Commonwealth Brigade. On the otherside it was mainly Su-76s, some T34/85s and the rumour of a few JS-II's (never confirmed but claimed by the Russians in a recent book I got on the JS-II's development/employment).

German forces could *maybe* work for US and CW units, while PPsh toting Russians are a great stand-in for NKPA & Chinese troops.

The Axis would work very well for US/CW/UN forces IMO. You'd have to perhaps use mid-war to represent the lower overall firepower available to them compared to the latewar Germans though. While the Russians, with their human wave attacks would be excellent for the NKPA and Chi-Com forces.

Michael - I wonder how weird "duck hunter" camo pattern would look on a German helmet ;)


Would look good IMO. Will have to look good but an Italian helmet might be a better pick. :D
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If the title of this thread refers to me in any way, I'll promise to God to send you a wine bottle cork!




WINE, noun: Fermented grape-juice known to the Women's Christian Union as "liquor," sometimes as "rum." Wine, Madam, is God's next best gift to man.

-- Ambrose Bierce (Entry in The Devil's Dictionary, 1911)

[ March 20, 2002, 02:55 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

And I keep getting you confused with that other "Charl Theron":

Is a wine cork from you anything like getting underwear in the mail from her???

[asked in all innocence]

Do you have experience of recieving her underwear in the mail, Michael, to compare the experience?

[/asked in all innocence]


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